At Least it Didn’t Cost $34 Million


Mar 17, 2007
I hope I’m wrong but I don’t have a good feeling about Mitch getting a good candidate here this time around. There aren’t really any good candidates that are realistic save maybe Oats.

Outside of that we wind up with Drew, Pearl, or Shaka? Yuck. But at least we’re out of that lifetime contract and can try again in a few years…
I have a feeling it's going to be Drew, unfortunately. I'm holding out hope for Donovan though. Whatever we wind up with will be better than what Cal was going to bring to the table next year.
Judging from the way the winds are blowing, I think it’s probably gonna be Drew.

That may not be our dream scenario, but it’s still better than being tied to Cal and his “anchor around our neck” contract. And if a dude can win a national championship at a Baptist school in Waco then he surely should be able to to do it at a blueblood like UK.