Arkansas will find out why he’s there if true

I'll let you in on another hot rumor: Cal tried using the talk w/ Tyson/Arky to leverage Barnhart for more control over NIL and was met w/ "You've been talking to Arky w/out first informing us? That's breach of contract; you're fired". So it wasn't so much that Cal left, as he was kicked to the curb. I wasn't privy to this meeting, so can't vouch for the veracity, but that is the rumor. Cal overplayed his hand and mitch called his bluff.
Simply not true.
Players improve by going up against better competition in practice. There is no benefit to scrimmaging against washed up Euro guys.
You’re drinking the Kool Aid already and just regurgitating some Cal-speak.

This. Grad assistants aren’t going to do shit for you. If they were any good at all they’d still be playing somewhere for more money than what they’ll make as a grad assistant. Cal has lost his mind if that’s really his plan.
The propaganda machine at its finest . No coach would ever leave the great Kentucky on his own ! Fact is the fans did want to fire him and wanted him to go into broadcasting , retire or at least to another conference . Cal just beat yall to it and you cant stand it .
LUL some important people outside the forums have in fact verified it wasn’t Cal’s choice. You will believe what you want. You have 5 pages of people telling you what’s up and a good 7 years of film to watch and verify what everyone has told you. You need some examples of games he’s scared or implodes just ask. If you insist on continuing coming to a UK forum and insisting your happy Cal “screwed us” it says more about you and your ability to read the room than it does us. I remember back in the 90s when your team didn’t suck. It’s a shame you guys went all in on Cal but sometimes you gotta learn the hard way.
It’s some of the dumbest crap I’ve ever heard. Jerry jones doesn’t give a rats ass about Arkansas.

Whats funny is I realize you idiots are having a good time feeling important and having your name linked to UK, eating it up thinking you finally arrived. But you didn’t. Cal doesn’t want to be there, he f’d up bad and we ran his ass out. It means less than nothing and you won’t win sht. Nobody. And I mean nobody, gives a damn about Arkansas including John Calipari. It’ll be a small little window of having your name attached in a small way to UK and its former coach and it’s over, but let me tell you why this is really bad for you. Kentucky is Kentucky, cal couldn’t kill the program and he loves programs he leaves sucking without him. He will never let Arkansas breath, they’re too small of a program and name to survive his methods. You will be worse in the end than you were before he got there. Think Memphis, and how they never recovered. That’s your future. I was there in the flesh when he flushed Memphis I’ve followed the guy for decades. Yall just don’t know it.

Now when this happens do not run off, you come back here and admit it. Arkansas has been trying to get UK and the brand to rub off on your program for years. You make up a fake rivalry with UK and nobody at UK has ever cared, nobody nationally considers it. you’ve hired our former players and coaches, nobody cares. Arkansas is just an average every day whatever program but Calipari is gonna bury you in the end. Trust me, he will not want Arkansas to win past his time. He’s a psychopathic lunatic and you have no idea what you’ve done lol.

Get outa here this is the blue blood table. We kicked his ass down there to you, enjoy our scraps. The way your fans are so delighted to be linked to UK (and not really in a good way) is showing. Imagine a fan base being happy that they hired a UK coach at the end of his career who was essentially fired and doesn’t win. That’s how bad Arkansas wants relevance. Sorry man it’s a meaningless program in both sports. I do appreciate one thing though, Calipari is beyond embarrassed to be there and it’s so obvious it’s barely amusing, but I’ve enjoyed watching him be thrown to the trash bin he finally got what’s been coming to him for decades. I will always and do appreciate that. You have our thanks for that, this has been what he’s deserved for years.
After that super awkward video with Barnhart saying Cal would be back next year you knew CAL wanted out asap .Fortunately a job came open that had more resources than the great Kentucky . You should be sending Arkansas Christmas cards for saving Kentucky 30 million . Good Luck with Pope who has the same tournament record last year as the Coach who just left yall . And yes thankyou for the talent Cal is taking with him . We cant wait to watch Big Z , Wagner and Thiero in Razorback jerseys next year .
Why would we care or be upset if Calipari beat us to it, if it saved us $30M in the process? Think about what you are saying.
They were in context to the post i was replying to but you actually seem to have self awareness about the situation and use logical thinking .
They were in context to the post i was replying to but you actually seem to have self awareness about the situation and use logical thinking .
Did a little research and this is mostly why i'm excited about Cal. He's got a winning record vs every current coach in the SEC not named Lamont Paris and Rick Barnes, Barnes is a push and that will change this year.

As long as we are in a position to win the SEC and get a top three seed, you're doing pretty good IMO.

3-0 vs Chris Jans
2-0 vs Chris Beard
1-0 vs Mark Pope
3-1 vs Todd Golden
12-5 vs Mike White
4-2 vs Buzz Williams
13-7 vs Bruce Pearl
5-3 vs Nate Oats
11-11 vs Rick Barnes
1-1 vs Matt McMahon
1-1 vs Dennis Gates
0-2 vs Lamont Paris
0-0 vs Mark Byington (Vandy's new hire)
I know per my sources you are wrong and I really don’t care to argue it. If you feel better saying it repeatedly go ahead, doesn’t make what you say true. And if your excited about Cal after doing research all your doing is proving my point this reflects on you as a person not Cal.

It’s incredible how Arkansas fans can’t see the problem with this strategy. Teams improve throughout a season from scrimmaging against each other. There is no benefit in having assistants fill out practice squads.
Plus, I don’t think you’re familiar with how Cal and his staff handle player injuries, but you will be soon.
I remember back when that was his pitch here. ‘Come here and get better by who you face in practice everyday more than what you see in games’. This is more of his trivial announcements of revelations on the state of basketball these days. Include in there from this season ‘that’s how teams play now’ regarding shooting 3’s and ‘everybody is old now’ regarding roster structure as though he was informing us and making us aware of it. Yeah bud it’s been this way for many seasons we’re glad you noticed we were starting to think you didn’t even realize it.
I remember back when that was his pitch here. ‘Come here and get better by who you face in practice everyday more than what you see in games’. This is more of his trivial announcements of revelations on the state of basketball these days. Include in there from this season ‘that’s how teams play now’ regarding shooting 3’s and ‘everybody is old now’ regarding roster structure as though he was informing us and making us aware of it. Yeah bud it’s been this way for many seasons we’re glad you noticed we were starting to think you didn’t even realize it.
I miss the days when your underclassman players got better by competing and learning from the older guys and were ready to take the reins in the following season
Okie Dokie Artichokie.

BTW- I'm not here for any credibility. i don't care at the end of the day what Cal did. He's a Hog now. That's it. That's the bottom line. Sorry if that bothers you.
No actually I am very glad he is hog as long as he rolled in manure here. On a serious note just keep the talk realistic and it’ll be better for everyone.
Good lord yall jump on everything and spin it how you like . He addressed that and IMO its a much better way to distribute NIL money to maximize your roster financially . He will be adding Wagner and more than likely Pryor in the next few days and be done . That roster doesn't look like someone who couldn't get players he wanted .lol

He also added that he would like for his graduate assistants to have recent experience playing at the college or professional level.

"I want those guys to have played in Europe or just got done playing and can still play," Calipari said. "We can use them in practice.
I can understand you coming here, what with there being zero activity on the pork board.
I am not totally disagreeing on that point and am open to the reality that it could not be the best idea . I just makes sense to me at this stage of college basketball (he is not the only coach talking about this same concept either )
I also am not oblivious to what Cal brings to the table coaching wise( I honestly wanted Chris Beard ) although i think he is a better coach than what most Cat fans think.
How can he be a better coach than what most Cat fans think? His numbers speak for themselves and are not in dispute. He lost to OAKLAND.
After that super awkward video with Barnhart saying Cal would be back next year you knew CAL wanted out asap .Fortunately a job came open that had more resources than the great Kentucky . You should be sending Arkansas Christmas cards for saving Kentucky 30 million . Good Luck with Pope who has the same tournament record last year as the Coach who just left yall . And yes thankyou for the talent Cal is taking with him . We cant wait to watch Big Z , Wagner and Thiero in Razorback jerseys next year .
I like when a fan base that hasn't been relevant since the Clinton Administration talks smack.

Reminds me of when an old guy in the nursing home reminisces about his glory days, confusing the names of his wife with his second grade teacher. I just let the guy talk as he maniacally spins his wheel chair down the hall, foaming at the mouth and hideously belching chunks of his leftover lunch all over their upper shirt.

You have that same feel when you post.
Did a little research and this is mostly why i'm excited about Cal. He's got a winning record vs every current coach in the SEC not named Lamont Paris and Rick Barnes, Barnes is a push and that will change this year.

As long as we are in a position to win the SEC and get a top three seed, you're doing pretty good IMO.

3-0 vs Chris Jans
2-0 vs Chris Beard
1-0 vs Mark Pope
3-1 vs Todd Golden
12-5 vs Mike White
4-2 vs Buzz Williams
13-7 vs Bruce Pearl
5-3 vs Nate Oats
11-11 vs Rick Barnes
1-1 vs Matt McMahon
1-1 vs Dennis Gates
0-2 vs Lamont Paris
0-0 vs Mark Byington (Vandy's new hire)
This post has all the feel of a man who is dating a woman with every red flag in the book: arm-sleeve tattoos; nose ring; Instagram page with bikini pics; an ex that she still talks to "occasionally."

You're attempting to validate why you're bringing her home to mom, and I get it. I used to look for stats like the ones you're providing after every inevitable tournament loss to an inferior opponent.

But you'll see soon enough. The "girls night out" will turn into "we were just kissing; it was nothing" will turn into "I was drunk; I wasn't even attracted to him."

Cal will let you down. It's what he does. You'll have some wonderful rollercoaster highs, followed by moments when the rollercoaster breaks down and two or three people come crashing down to the earth below, their faces mangled in blood and horror.

Then you'll tell yourself it was okay, that the ride was worth the miserable end. But deep down, you'll learn through that slow burn that gives you a discomforting unshakable pause right before your mind shuts down in a nighttime sleep, just like BBN did.

You're in the "white knight" stage of the Calipari relationship. Soon, you'll just be another cuckold from which he can whore your program out. You'll find yourself staying up late, wondering what's happening, waiting for some sign of faithfulness, but you'll never find it.
This post has all the feel of a man who is dating a woman with every red flag in the book: arm-sleeve tattoos; nose ring; Instagram page with bikini pics; an ex that she still talks to "occasionally."

You're attempting to validate why you're bringing her home to mom, and I get it. I used to look for stats like the ones you're providing after every inevitable tournament loss to an inferior opponent.

But you'll see soon enough. The "girls night out" will turn into "we were just kissing; it was nothing" will turn into "I was drunk; I wasn't even attracted to him."

Cal will let you down. It's what he does. You'll have some wonderful rollercoaster highs, followed by moments when the rollercoaster breaks down and two or three people come crashing down to the earth below, their faces mangled in blood and horror.

Then you'll tell yourself it was okay, that the ride was worth the miserable end. But deep down, you'll learn through that slow burn that gives you a discomforting unshakable pause right before your mind shuts down in a nighttime sleep, just like BBN did.

You're in the "white knight" stage of the Calipari relationship. Soon, you'll just be another cuckold from which he can whore your program out. You'll find yourself staying up late, wondering what's happening, waiting for some sign of faithfulness, but you'll never find it.
Saul, my man, no chance in hell I’m reading all of that drivel.

Good luck to the Cats!!
How can he be a better coach than what most Cat fans think? His numbers speak for themselves and are not in dispute. He lost to OAKLAND.
Last 3 years Cal had yall as a 2,3 and 6 seed in the Tournament . It takes coaching to put yourself in a position to have those seeds . So by your logic Cal cant coach cause he lost to Oakland then what does that say about Pope ?

Your savior lost to Duquesne as a 6 seed but I'm sure that's different . LOL
Did a little research and this is mostly why i'm excited about Cal. He's got a winning record vs every current coach in the SEC not named Lamont Paris and Rick Barnes, Barnes is a push and that will change this year.

As long as we are in a position to win the SEC and get a top three seed, you're doing pretty good IMO.

3-0 vs Chris Jans
2-0 vs Chris Beard
1-0 vs Mark Pope
3-1 vs Todd Golden
12-5 vs Mike White
4-2 vs Buzz Williams
13-7 vs Bruce Pearl
5-3 vs Nate Oats
11-11 vs Rick Barnes
1-1 vs Matt McMahon
1-1 vs Dennis Gates
0-2 vs Lamont Paris
0-0 vs Mark Byington (Vandy's new hire)
Remember this graphic. Cal's record vs other coaches was getting worse at Kentucky. If he is the same Cal he has been for 5 or 6 years it will be even worse at Arkansas.
Last 3 years Cal had yall as a 2,3 and 6 seed in the Tournament . It takes coaching to put yourself in a position to have those seeds . So by your logic Cal cant coach cause he lost to Oakland then what does that say about Pope ?

Your savior lost to Duquesne as a 6 seed but I'm sure that's different . LOL
Statistically speaking, talent wins games throughout a season. A season doesn't hinge on a bad home loss or even 3 in a row. That bad loss in the NCAA tournament sends you home and it may have come from a team that you beat 4/5 times if you had the opportunity.

Talent plus coaching is what it takes to be elite.
I like when a fan base that hasn't been relevant since the Clinton Administration talks smack.

Reminds me of when an old guy in the nursing home reminisces about his glory days, confusing the names of his wife with his second grade teacher. I just let the guy talk as he maniacally spins his wheel chair down the hall, foaming at the mouth and hideously belching chunks of his leftover lunch all over their upper shirt.

You have that same feel when you post.
Relevant enough that your coach just walked out the door and took who he wanted with him LOL .
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Statistically speaking, talent wins games throughout a season. A season doesn't hinge on a bad home loss or even 3 in a row. That bad loss in the NCAA tournament sends you home and it may have come from a team that you beat 4/5 times if you had the opportunity.

Talent plus coaching is what it takes to be elite.
So what does that say about Pope ? He was a 6 seed that lost to Duquesne . Did Duquesne have superior talent ?
David Connelly of Sports Grid put IU as having the best portal transfer class, AR second and UK third. How could Davis, Aidoo and Thiero be better than what we have so far?
Good lord yall jump on everything and spin it how you like . He addressed that and IMO its a much better way to distribute NIL money to maximize your roster financially . He will be adding Wagner and more than likely Pryor in the next few days and be done . That roster doesn't look like someone who couldn't get players he wanted .lol

He also added that he would like for his graduate assistants to have recent experience playing at the college or professional level.

"I want those guys to have played in Europe or just got done playing and can still play," Calipari said. "We can use them in practice.
Wow, you sure do know more about his roster than the one we are trying to put together here. Are you sure your still True Blue and Hope for Pope? Or leaning towards Fayetteville? I can give you directions if needed to Fayetteville. And by all means, please tell me you still bleed blue.
He was kicked out the door for trying to leverage an offer with a lesser school (you).
Lets see ... He had a 33 million dollar buyout and if he talked to another School without informing Barnhart that contract is void . He is making less money at Arkansas than he was at Kentucky . I wonder how that leverage play went ?

I know i just voided my contract by speaking to another school and they offered me less money BUT here are my demands or i am out the door .

John Calipari's Attorney Shoots Down False Report About Kentucky​

Earlier Tuesday morning, longtime Kentucky Wildcats broadcaster Dick Gabriel suggested that John Calipari told Kentucky what he was offered at Arkansas to see if the school wanted to match it and keep him as head coach.

Kentucky allegedly declined, allowing Calipari to take his services elsewhere. "Calipari, as I'm told, said, here's what it's going to take to keep me and UK said, I don't think so," Gabriel said.

Just a few hours after Gabriel's report started making headlines, Calipari's attorney, Tom Mars, shot down the report. "That’s odd. Dick’s reporting doesn’t seem to align with the text message I received as Coach Cal’s lawyer from KY Athletics at 1:22 pm ET," Mars said.

He showed text messages with someone within the Kentucky athletic department that indicated there was no counter offer made.

"Anything new? We're hearing Cal made us a counter offer? That was never received by Mitch or I," the person said in the text - referencing Kentucky athletic director Mitch Barnhart.

"Counteroffer to what?" Mars responded.

"Exactly! Sheesh," the person replied.

Mars then suggested the reporter should have spoken with Barnhart, who would have denied the story in the first place.

"Needless to say, any sportswriter could reach out to KY AD Mitch Barnhart, who would confirm that this story was totally false," Mars said.

In the end Calipari and Kentucky are parting ways and it might be best for both.

Related video: Coach Calipari's Impact on Rebuilding Arkansas Basketball (Dailymotion)

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