Arch Manning to Louisville!?


Gold Member
Dec 7, 2015
Bear Brohm getting all the recruits! Saban fears Brohm. Kirby prays that Louisville doesn’t come near his program. They’re all afraid!!!

Don’t shoot the messenger but I heard from a really good source earlier today that Cooper Manning met with Jeff Brohm this past weekend.

Not sure if it means anything but just thought I would throw that out there. Arch isn’t in the portal but it’s definitely something to watch.
Geeze that's duuuuuuumb. Arch moved up to Texas #2 qb during this season, passing Malich Murphy. Murphy is in the portal now, not Arch. Arch seems fine with the slow learning build, sitting behind Ewers, not at all in a hurry to he a starter somewhere.
Would make no sense. With Shough coming in there’s no guarantee that Arch starts which would be the same at Texas with Ewers. Texas football and Louisville football is Apple to oranges in just about ever category.
Would make no sense. With Shough coming in there’s no guarantee that Arch starts which would be the same at Texas with Ewers. Texas football and Louisville football is Apple to oranges in just about ever category.
Arch Manning isn’t going to Louisville. He isn’t going to compete with Shough. They’d bench him and beg Manning to come in. He’s never consider ruining the Manning brand to go there unless he was just a terrible player and didn’t have any other options.
Arch Manning to Louisville. And rumor has it that Jon Gruden wants to be UL's OC just so he can get a chance to coach him. I'm also hearing that UL is considering hiring Milt Wagner as QB coach. Why? I have no idea. But it sounds about as likely as all those other things. LMAO.
I’ve heard from a reliable source that Peyton Manning has been seriously shopping for a horsesh!t farm in the Louisville area.

Apparently the whole damn family is tired of New Orleans, and is looking at Louisville, for both it’s weather and cuisine advantages over their current locale.
Would make no sense. With Shough coming in there’s no guarantee that Arch starts which would be the same at Texas with Ewers. Texas football and Louisville football is Apple to oranges in just about ever category.
I can say pretty much everyone in that thread is in the “I will believe it when I see it” group. I do know they took a shot at Cam Ward but that didn’t work out.
I can say pretty much everyone in that thread is in the “I will believe it when I see it” group. I do know they took a shot at Cam Ward but that didn’t work out.
Even if Manning left, his family isn't going to choose Louisville. The only way he'd be there is if he was a super bust on a Zeke Pike level and if he was that bad....Brohm wouldn't be bringing him in to start anyways.

They're Manning's and they'll choose a SEC program....100k fans and such. NIL doesn't matter as much. They want to prepare him for the pros and playing in the ACC isn't it. But they picked Texas for a reason...that's where he's going to play.
Bear Brohm getting all the recruits! Saban fears Brohm. Kirby prays that Louisville doesn’t come near his program. They’re all afraid!!!

Don’t shoot the messenger but I heard from a really good source earlier today that Cooper Manning met with Jeff Brohm this past weekend.

Not sure if it means anything but just thought I would throw that out there. Arch isn’t in the portal but it’s definitely something to watch.

The UL obsession on this board is weak.

Grandpaw Arch was spotted at a local Piggly-Wiggly!!

This might have some legs to it!
Come on Hack....I don't know if you're being funny or real. YOur fan base has made it hard to make a distinction.
YOur fan base has made it hard to make a distinction.
I thought you were a part of my “fan base.”

And a reference to Peyton looking for a “horsesh!t” farm, an allusion to Louisville having better food than the New Orleans, and a millionaire shopping at a Redneck store that hasn’t existed for 40 years . . . .

Ah, never mind. . . . .
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I thought you were a part of my “fan base.”

And a reference to Peyton looking for a “horsesh!t” farm, an allusion to Louisville having better food than the New Orleans, and a millionaire shopping at a Redneck store that hasn’t existed for 40 years . . . .

Ah, never mind. . . . .
OH my bad. There was a poster named CardHack a remembered. Thought that was the account I was responding to lol. My mistake.
I love ridiculing U of L.

Sure, I love ridiculing UT, but we have a bit more leverage on U of L at the moment.

Drop U of L and most mention of them
will go away.

As long as they are an annual opponent with a trophy awarded to the winner, they are more than fair game!
We have multiple annual opponents. The obsession with UL on this board is weak.
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I make a thread and you come in here complaining about it.

The site is CALLED RIVALS. These boards were made for trash talk. If it's too much then get offline.

LOL that you actually think you can tell other posters what to do or where to post. Unbelievable. If you want to obsess with UL, knock yourself out. But the post was dumb.
LOL that you actually think you can tell other posters what to do or where to post.

Irony at it’s finest!!

Now Rembrandt, in the very tradition of your policing of the recruiting threads, this discussion you have started is a deviation and a distraction from the original subject of Roasting the Dirty Birds . . . the Felons from Floyd Street . . . the L & N Losers . . . the Jailbirds of Jefferson County!!!

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LOL that you actually think you can tell other posters what to do or where to post. Unbelievable. If you want to obsess with UL, knock yourself out. But the post was dumb.
A lot of low T in that post. Did your husband not eat the dinner you made for him last night?
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A lot of low T in that post. Did your husband not eat the dinner you made for him last night?
All you negative nancies immediately turn to adolescent personal insults as soon as you run out of sensible things to post. You are telling on yourself.
True colors.

You’re in the Swing now . . . true colors of Blue and White, not that disgusting red worn by those 65 miles to the West . . . the Commuter School of Jefferson County . . . the Jay Birds (relatively near Jaytown) . . . the bottom feeders of the All Clueless Conference . . . .
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Remember watching my mom iron shirts while watching it everyday
I’m saying the break off age on Peyton Place is like 58 years of age. I’m just passed it, and my Mom watched like when I was 6 years old.

About the same era as Dark Shadows, a horror daytime Soap Opera filmed live in the 60’s. I loved Dark Shadows! The main cat was a middle-aged, average looking vampire named Barnaby, IIRC. He got all the ass on the show, and was kind of a vampire you could identify with . . . he punched way above his weight class with the ladies, much to their eventual chagrin.
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You are telling on yourself.
Actually, I’m “telling on” U of L, aka, the University of Losers, 7’s Down Forever for those otherwise known as U6 in one major federal investigation, the very intellectual hollow on South Third and Fourth Streets . . . .

I like Jefferson County!
I’m saying the break off age on Peyton Place is like 58 years of age. I’m just passed it, and my Mom watched like when I was 6 years old.

About the same era as Dark Shadows, a horror daytime Soap Opera filmed live in the 60’s. I loved Dark Shadows! The main cat was a middle-aged, average looking vampire named Barnaby, IIRC. He got all the ass on the show, and was kind of a vampire you could identify with . . . he punched way above his weight class with the ladies, much to their eventual chagrin.
Heard ole Barney had really big fangs and the ladies loved him for it!!
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