AD signs biggest NBA contract extension ever

It's not in the players' hands though, its in the owners'. Owners could choose to reduce their prices and accept less revenue and less profit. Since salaries are based on a percentage of team revenue, the player salaries would go down. Everyone always looks at this and points at the players. But it's the billionaire owner who is setting the prices at the level they think will maximize how much MORE wealth they can add to their hoard.
I really wasn't putting it on the players. The greedy owners have got this whole thing going from the start. But, we as fans with our insane interest in sports, have driven the whole thing too. The more we desire it the more prices have gone up. Without the fans, there would be no high demand for their product.
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If only there were a system where the government determines how much money people make instead of the free market and we wouldn’t have to see these disgusting salaries paid to basketball players.
Can you point to an instance where such a system was attempted and worked for the good of the people it served?