A majority of Kentuckians support full legalization of marijuana...


Sep 23, 2007
And 9 out of 10 support legalization of medical marijuana.

Why is it we vote for politicians who don’t follow beliefs of people?

Majority of Americans also think we are taxed incredibly too much but yet every cycle we pay more

It’s almost like the people aren’t being represented
While true, there is a big difference. All politics are local and and *we* have exponentially more influence over how our state is governed.
Where does marijuana legal use stand in Kentucky? Obviously, there's a whole mix of levels of legality among states. We currently have to go across border into Massachusets to buy, and Vermont you can have/smoke legally, just not purchase. NY is supposedly on track to sell before the end of 2021.
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It is totally illegal in Kentucky. Illinois is the closest place to buy it legally. And Kentucky is busting down on Delta 8. I can get Delta in Indiana where I live (or just online).
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Don’t want to get into left right bullshit and if you’re a Republican... so be it. It seems like an obvious political calculation for a Republican candidate to support legalization on top of any other platform. The population has become the bitch of the establishment in this state... and there’s no reason for these people to change when the masses vote for them regardless. And we can hate on Cali, and there’s a lot to pick on there, but at least the people take control through measures like recalls and legitimate democratic measures at grass roots. That’s my rant.
Don’t want to get into left right bullshit and if you’re a Republican... so be it. It seems like an obvious political calculation for a Republican candidate to support legalization on top of any other platform. The population has become the bitch of the establishment in this state... and there’s no reason for these people to change when the masses vote for them regardless. And we can hate on Cali, and there’s a lot to pick on there, but at least the people take control through measures like recalls and legitimate democratic measures at grass roots. That’s my rant.
Bypass the politicians altogether and put it on the ballot. It will pass overwhelmingly.
Bypass the politicians altogether and put it on the ballot. It will pass overwhelmingly.

This is the downfall of the commonwealth style of government. Our state constitution stipulates measures such as legal cannabis must be passed by the state legislature rather than through ballot initiatives like other states have.

If left to a vote of the people, legal MJ would pass overwhelmingly. But instead we elect politicians who are beholden to opponents of legal cannabis, mainly big pharma and the bourbon industry because legal pot could greatly curtail profits for both.
#1 - polls usually mean very little. While I'm sure that there is a large population of Ky residents that would support legalization, I feel very confident that it is NOT 90%.

#2 - As far as voting is concerned. While I support legalization and I am a stock investor, this issue is down the list of items on a candidate's platform. I imagine others feel the same.

#3 - It will be legal at some point.......and I agree with 80 Proof that I think they'll legalize it federally before Ky changes.

#4 - The longer it takes to legalize at the federal or state levels, the more time I have to invest more.
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What’s the difference vs nonmedical varieties?
Medical grade in legal states is highly regulated and labeled with information such as percentage of THC, percentage of CBD, etc. Legit medical tends to be a little stronger than what is sold legally in the recreational market.
Recreational cannabis is also regulated and labeled by potency and strain.

Black market leaves the user at the discretion of their dealer. They could be getting recreational/medical grade dank nugs or brown dirt weed from Mexico that’s been sprayed with pesticides. Because there’s no legal market in a lot of areas, including Kentucky, there’s no way to know exactly what’s in that bag.
What’s the difference vs nonmedical varieties?
Usually more potent. Higher CBDs and usually they lean more to the sativia side than indica. Less high........more of a numbing effect. The Director makes tincture. I use it on my they give me the blues the most.......while I can't tell you what percentages of CBD/THC it is........... I can tell you that it gives me relief from the pain..........doesn't do anything for the swelling and stiffness though......
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Serious question. And skip any morality aspects of any answers please.

I have never smoked pot nor have I sampled any illegal drug. Therefore I know nothing about what any of their effects on me would be. I am nearly 78 years old and I was an adult before drugs became a thing.

Pot usage and making it legal seems to be a pretty important issue with a lot of people. And clearly for the vast majority of users it has nothing to do with medical issues.

Here is the serious question. What have I missed or what am I missing by not using pot?
Serious question. And skip any morality aspects of any answers please.

I have never smoked pot nor have I sampled any illegal drug. Therefore I know nothing about what any of their effects on me would be. I am nearly 78 years old and I was an adult before drugs became a thing.

Pot usage and making it legal seems to be a pretty important issue with a lot of people. And clearly for the vast majority of users it has nothing to do with medical issues.

Here is the serious question. What have I missed or what am I missing by not using pot?
Very mellow buzz, very relaxing, more so than beer IMO

OTOH, I quit decades ago because it is terrible for your lungs, and if you smoke it semi regularly I felt I was not as sharp mentally
Serious question. And skip any morality aspects of any answers please.

I have never smoked pot nor have I sampled any illegal drug. Therefore I know nothing about what any of their effects on me would be. I am nearly 78 years old and I was an adult before drugs became a thing.

Pot usage and making it legal seems to be a pretty important issue with a lot of people. And clearly for the vast majority of users it has nothing to do with medical issues.

Here is the serious question. What have I missed or what am I missing by not using pot?
Long story short. Dad had cancer. Doc told me to get him the real stuff. Dad started feeling better and was able to eat. Dad was laughing and smiling the last days of his life. Cancer killed my dad but cannabis made it bearable. Should be legal.
Very mellow buzz, very relaxing, more so than beer IMO

OTOH, I quit decades ago because it is terrible for your lungs, and if you smoke it semi regularly I felt I was not as sharp mentally
I never was very sharp mentally anyway, so that isn't a big deal. Good comparison with beer/alcohol though. I've never had anyone smoking weed want to fight me or go on a crying binge.
Just my opinion but Republicans resistance to this and gambling is why you are stuck with Andy Beshear right now.
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I like the idea of weed more than the drug itself. It’s way overhyped, imo. The term “stoned” is a perfect description of how I feel when using it, and it’s usually not much fun. Still think it should be legal and realize that others enjoy it more than me.
Long story short. Dad had cancer. Doc told me to get him the real stuff. Dad started feeling better and was able to eat. Dad was laughing and smiling the last days of his life. Cancer killed my dad but cannabis made it bearable. Should be legal.

I acknowledge the medical benefit of cannabis. But the desire of most for legalization of pot, I suspect, is basically for recreational use. Thus my question is (since I have never felt any desire to be "stoned" or "high") "What am I missing?"
I acknowledge the medical benefit of cannabis. But the desire of most for legalization of pot, I suspect, is basically for recreational use. Thus my question is (since I have never felt any desire to be "stoned" or "high") "What am I missing?"
I think you’re underselling the demand for medical. As of right now, 36 states have legalized medical. Only 18 have legalized recreation. I don’t know the demand is much more for one than the other.
I acknowledge the medical benefit of cannabis. But the desire of most for legalization of pot, I suspect, is basically for recreational use. Thus my question is (since I have never felt any desire to be "stoned" or "high") "What am I missing?"
Do you like to drink? Pot’s similar. It enhances your mood. For example if you’re hanging with some friends (or even alone) listening to music around a fire, it seems to make that more enjoyable. Eating foods you enjoy is even better. I like to laugh so a stand up comedian is something else. I only partake on the weekends just as I would use alcohol. Are you missing anything? No. But it can be fun.
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I don’t smoke pot fwiw. I do edibles though in very small amounts. Like a tiny bit on a Saturday morning and then I exercise or take dog on long walk... good way to detach and decompress after work week... and why is that illegal? Makes no sense.

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