Wow! Check out the new floor!

Tough crowd lol
He's been chastised, brow beaten, verbally abused, and ridiculed, yet here we are again.
Imagine if he actually had a good point and we all missed it...
Have you considered learning how to use the internet?
I know how to use the internet very well. I saw videos. I ask if anyone had actually saw one. Have you ever considered learning some manners. You are one of the people on here that are very rude and just want to cause trouble
If the glass floor is twice as elastic as a wood floor, does that mean that the ball bounces higher and players jump higher? How would that affect players moving from this floor to another teams floor?
It's just for BBM. The original floor will be back.
The first thing RP said when he got here was the Kentucky at either end of the court was to small. He said make it in BIG letters.. and they did. The Kentucky at either end of the court is to small again.
The Sphere in Las Vegas is a sight to behold. You should check it out if you’re in that area, it’s amazing.
We went to Vegas last December and our hotel room window had a great view of the Sphere
Was a lot of fun to watch