When Reese hit Clark upside her head yesterday

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Jan 9, 2009
Everyone said "basketball play."

To try and take race out of this discussion, I will compare Reese to a white player. That looked an awful lot like a Bill Laimbeer "basketball play."

I know Laimbeer coached in the WNBA for a number of years. Is this his influence?
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Who cares?

It's the pro league and it's women. Surely this belongs on the off topic forum somewhere.
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Everyone said "basketball play."

To try and take race out of this discussion, I will compare Reese to a white player. That looked an awful lot like a Bill Laimbeer "basketball play."

I know Laimbeer coached in the WNBA for a number of years. Is this his influence?
It wasn’t anything malicious for sure but the fact they all act so jelly of her plays into it not to mention the media race baiting like always.
Unfortunately race will always take over in any Clark and Reese discussion at this point.

I felt like she went for the ball and missed which happens a lot in basketball . Flagrant 1 was the right call . Of course this will be the topic the next couple days instead of praising Clark for the good game that she had .
I think the WNBA has been inept in how they have handled the Caitlin Clark situation. It doesn't matter if she is the 50th best player in the league, ride her coattails to grow your brand/become more profitable.

That being said.....this was 100% a nothing burger and it was a basketball play. It is only being scrutinized because of the other stuff that has happened to Clark. It is similar to the Rodman Effect. Something that is no big deal at all became a big deal when Rodman did it.
Unfortunately race will always take over in any Clark and Reese discussion at this point.

I felt like she went for the ball and missed which happens a lot in basketball . Flagrant 1 was the right call . Of course this will be the topic the next couple days instead of praising Clark for the good game that she had .
Shaudy ... I agree with what you wrote, and I have respected your posts over several years now, so I'll ask your opinion: Whose fault is it that "this will be the topic the next couple days instead of praising Clark for the good game that she had ..." ??? And why does it have to be that way ?
And, whatever ... Go 'Cats ! ! !
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She made a hard basketball play. Meaning, she went for the ball AND for solid contact. There is time and place for that type of play. Veteran players know how and when that type of play/foul is used. But, she just wants more attention. Beginning to think there may be some underlying mental health aspect to Reese.
Shaudy ... I agree with what you wrote, and I have respected your posts over several years now, so I'll ask your opinion: Whose fault is it that "this will be the topic the next couple days instead of praising Clark for the good game that she had ..." ??? And why does it have to be that way ?
And, whatever ... Go 'Cats ! ! !
Appreciate it.

It’s the medias fault and both sides of the coin(reese/Clark fans). The problem at this point is both sides refuse to give an objective opinion and already know which side they will take no matter the situation. It’s basically the ESPN First Take way of arguing when it comes to these two .

I’ve been on both sides . I do feel like Clark has handled the situation great media wise unlike Reese.
I agree it was a basketball play, but I bet Reece didn't mind a bit that she smacked Clark upside the head.
Not sure I’ve seen many block attempts where they wildly swing their whole arm. Coming from behind as she were should have made that an easier block attempt but she appeared to be going all out for a Kenny walker block on detlef schrempf from back in the day. I’m not entirely sure she hit her in the head intentionally but I am positive she didn’t mind that she did. The jealousy and envy Reese has for Clark is all too apparent.
Be glad when the dog crap wnba goes on olympic break and when they resume it will be football season and we don't have to read about this nonsense n the media and hopefully on here anymore rest of 2024.
I mean it’s no different than reading the nba threads that are started on here. This was clearly a WNBA thread you could have ignored (like I do most nba threads) but you chose to participate.
"It was a basketball play" to me is a copout, just like many of the fouls Laimbeer used to have in his career.

Just like the fastball that comes awfully close to the batter's head. Or the tackle that knocks an unsuspecting player out of the game.
I mean it’s no different than reading the nba threads that are started on here. This was clearly a WNBA thread you could have ignored (like I do most nba threads) but you chose to participate.

The NBA actually has a profit and a legit following. The wnba is a dog crap product and loses tens of millions a year and has to create fake outrage to even get the pathetic increased ratings it has this season with Clark.

I've commented plenty on these threads but they are getting a bit old at this point. It's the same boring topic over and over on here.

I liked the poster in the other thread mentioning how the wnba should replace all ugly players with hot chick's and play topless. Now that'd a ratings solution and bonanza.
I was playing with my buddy Luke the other day and accidentally caught him on the chin attempting a steal. A bit later he caught me on my ear trying to block a layup. Neither one of us called a foul, just said my bad and kept playing. That’s why we like playing each other, it’s competitive and fair, nobody bitches about it. Some of y’all never laced them up and it really really shows.
Everyone said "basketball play."

To try and take race out of this discussion, I will compare Reese to a white player. That looked an awful lot like a Bill Laimbeer "basketball play."

I know Laimbeer coached in the WNBA for a number of years. Is this his influence?

Foul. OP should be fined! Laimbeer defamed !!!
Does intent even matter if she hit her in the head? Isn't it flagrant regardless?
Right it’s just a flagrant 1, happens all the time. But there’s a dude in this thread saying it means she might have a mental health problem. That’s absolutely nuts and it’s racially motivated rhetoric and I’m tired of people expecting me to pretend it isn’t.
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"It was a basketball play" to me is a copout, just like many of the fouls Laimbeer used to have in his career.

Just like the fastball that comes awfully close to the batter's head. Or the tackle that knocks an unsuspecting player out of the game.

Get the Great Bill Laimbeer outcha mouth!! I think you mean Larry Bird.
I was playing with my buddy Luke the other day and accidentally caught him on the chin attempting a steal. A bit later he caught me on my ear trying to block a layup. Neither one of us called a foul, just said my bad and kept playing. That’s why we like playing each other, it’s competitive and fair, nobody bitches about it. Some of y’all never laced them up and it really really shows.
Yea, because those were unintentional. Angel’s was intentional because she is jealous that a white woman is more successful at “her” sport.
Yea, because those were unintentional. Angel’s was intentional because she is jealous that a white woman is more successful at “her” sport.
Take up knitting, you are too weak minded to be watching sports. More successful? Who has the ring Poindexter?
Unfortunately race will always take over in any Clark and Reese discussion at this point.

I felt like she went for the ball and missed which happens a lot in basketball . Flagrant 1 was the right call . Of course this will be the topic the next couple days instead of praising Clark for the good game that she had .
Then you have Steven A Smith’s rant about it. Just crazy stuff like man why do you all push this crap. Just talk about the game and the play.
I was playing with my buddy Luke the other day and accidentally caught him on the chin attempting a steal. A bit later he caught me on my ear trying to block a layup. Neither one of us called a foul, just said my bad and kept playing. That’s why we like playing each other, it’s competitive and fair, nobody bitches about it. Some of y’all never laced them up and it really really shows.
There was nothing dirty about it for sure, it wasn’t like Carter when she just pushed her down after the play.
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The NBA actually has a profit and a legit following. The wnba is a dog crap product and loses tens of millions a year and has to create fake outrage to even get the pathetic increased ratings it has this season with Clark.

I've commented plenty on these threads but they are getting a bit old at this point. It's the same boring topic over and over on here.

I liked the poster in the other thread mentioning how the wnba should replace all ugly players with hot chick's and play topless. Now that'd a ratings solution and bonanza.
You wanna see a media uproar lol yet at the same time they would be praising them making money that way too.
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I was playing with my buddy Luke the other day and accidentally caught him on the chin attempting a steal. A bit later he caught me on my ear trying to block a layup. Neither one of us called a foul, just said my bad and kept playing. That’s why we like playing each other, it’s competitive and fair, nobody bitches about it. Some of y’all never laced them up and it really really shows.

I play rough and dirty. Play ball like I play in bed, always have. Yet to find many who can keep hittin through my contact. Was a nose guard in football playin dirty just comes with it. Probably had 50 balls thrown at my head through the years.
Right it’s just a flagrant 1, happens all the time. But there’s a dude in this thread saying it means she might have a mental health problem. That’s absolutely nuts and it’s racially motivated rhetoric and I’m tired of people expecting me to pretend it isn’t.
Woah there. I said the mental health thing after after I said it was a hard basketball play. My point was she went for the block, but absolutely didn't care what amount of contact she made. And the anecdotal mental health part was, looking at her actions since anyone knew who was was, is geared toward an abnormal need for attention. I didn't say "this chick is a mental health danger to herself or others". Her need for attention and her obvious jealously certainly isn't healthy, IMO. To even hint my comment is racially motivated is apauling. Be better.
Right it’s just a flagrant 1, happens all the time. But there’s a dude in this thread saying it means she might have a mental health problem. That’s absolutely nuts and it’s racially motivated rhetoric and I’m tired of people expecting me to pretend it isn’t.
I get that. I'm just not sure how she disagrees with the call. She did hit her in the head pretty good. There's a reason it's a rule.
Typically I’d say a player in this scenario was going for the head but Reese is severely uncoordinated and likely can’t chew gum and walk at the same time. Could’ve very easily been trying for a block and just missed that bad. I mean, have you watched her play? Like a bull in a china shop.

But….she does absolutely hate CC and I wouldn’t put it it past her.
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