What is your vertical leap?

Oh yeah, palming the ball, forgot that. 5'7", can palm a bball, not just jr or female ball. Can't/couldn't dunk it, but that matters, not to the point of the question, but to bball and current players. Remember Jordan holding the ball away from defenders, or how his reach and hand size allowed for dunks otherwise not doable.
Not very good right now...about 30 inches. I lost about 5 from when I was 19 and could dunk. That was 40 pounds ago...
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At age 79 about six inches:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I'm the guy that you have to be able to outrun if a bear is chasing you, no vertical anymore, bad knees from the army days:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Mine was still good until about 25 years ago when I came close to breaking my ankle sliding into what I thought was a break-away base. Since then I've had no spring in my jump and instead of a 40" vertical leap it's now a 72" horizontal lay. I'm only 5'9' but could touch the bottom of the rim when I was in high school.
Now...heck...I'm old. I'd do well to clear a cabbage plant if I ran across a rattle snake. In my younger years at Mason County, I was 5-08 3/4. Could barely dunk a volley ball on a good day. Whatever that works out to...High 30s?
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Standing probably 6-8", running probably 8-12", in the adrenaline of a pickup game probably 14-18".

But even at 47 I can still probably throw a fastball harder than most half my age.
4 months ago I was at 30 at the gym. Lost 50 lbs since than but have not measured probably around 33-34
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My vertical is shot. 14 years of competitive basketball and a couple motorcycle injuries done it in. Can still touch the rim but I'm not getting up any more.
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In my late 30s now and 6 feet tall - can maybe grab net. Back in my early 20s when I used to work out a lot could barely grab rim - have pretty much always had an awful vertical.
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