What does your name on here mean?

Got it from the way my dad says Directly, I've used it for years, he's pretty southern sounding so it sounds exactly like Dreklie lol

Didn't have to explain that Drek, I grew up hearing that from my family in Bracken CO. We even spelled it the same way that you did, lol.
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Didn't have to explain that Drek, I grew up hearing that from my family in Bracken CO. We even spelled it the same way that you did, lol.

Lol, you'd be surprised how many people are absolutely clueless on my name. I sound the same, I just don't type that way.
I play harmonica in a band and every time the band leader would introduce the band members to the crowd he would say "and on harmonica the blues cat....and then my name.

There were so many bluescat signed up that 92 was the next available number. I wanted to be 39 forever.
Poe's Pool Hall, my grandpa

Mom wrung the neck of Dad's Banty when it spurred her as she walked out the house back door while pregnant with me. My Mammaw informed her that was due to the fact that she was pregnant with a boy child. Hence, most of my relatives called me Rooster before I was born. My family remains proud of my animal name. Today my sister boasts that she has a brother named Rooster and a rooster named Billy. Cock-a-Doodle Do, Go Big Blue!
