What conspiracy theory would you like to know the real answer to?

There a way too many conspiracies to list but just a few of the famous ones off the top of my head.

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1. William J. Smith
2. No
3. No
4. Lee Harvey Oswald
5. Yes

Those are child's play.

One that will never be cracked: Who headed the syndicate that paid off the Rooferee before the 2017 Regional Finals between Kentucky and North Carolina?
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1) “DB Cooper” was Richard McCoy, Jr (the father of Richard McCoy III who the FBI arrested & later released). Yes RMjr survived the jump and proceeded to pull off yet another skyjacking about 4 months later. He was arrested for the 2nd skyjacking, spent 2 years in prison & was shot by police during an escape attempt.

2) Yes.

3) No. No. No.

4) CIA with some assistance from the mob.

5) Yes.

Need some help on this one though…

6) Which mod erased the OG Covid Thread? And why were they allowed to get away with it unscathed? Are all of the mods in on the coverup or just the top brass?

Name names!!!
I’m torn between ufo’s and jfk. I almost feel it’s more of a mystery of the jfk assassination than the ufo’s now tho, what with Grusch and Col Karl Knell testimonies/whistleblowers.
I’m torn between ufo’s and jfk. I almost feel it’s more of a mystery of the jfk assassination than the ufo’s now tho, what with Grusch and Col Karl Knell testimonies/whistleblowers.
It’s not ufos it’s ufo in Roswell. I’ll take a pass because that still won’t answer the question. Going with jfk even though I’m fairly certain db cooper killed him as he flew by
The CIA killed JFK. An anti-castro team of Cubans trained by the CIA under codename JM/WAVE. Were taught a plan called operation valkyrie. Or as the CIA called it PATHFINDER. A plan the German's tried to use on Hitler. Where they would shoot Hitler when he was riding open top in a parade. With a high powered rifle. And blame it on a lone nut. The CIA taught these Cubans this plan to kill Castro. When JFK promised an ''umbrella of american air support'' during the bay of pigs. But backed out causing hundreds of these Cuban's friends to get slaughtered. It enraged both the CIA and the Cubans. They used the plan for Castro and used it on JFK. This is why the umbrella man pops the umbrella up right before they shoot JFK. William Harvey ran this team out of a station in Miami. And had a fierce hatred of the Kennedy brothers.

Here's the JM/WAVE team on 11/22/64. Notice the black umbrella.

Anybody who believe's Oswald killed JFK is hilarious.


The umbrella is a not so subtle hint at the source of their rage on the one year anniversary. Brigade 2506 was promised an umbrella of American air cover during the invasion. Kennedy’s scaling down of the air cover, mid-invasion, doomed the exile army. They fought valiantly, but were out numbered 10 to 1.
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Who really killed Phillip Marshall, his kids, and dog after he wrote 9/11:The big bamboozle?

Some say he found the planes used on 9/11 sitting intact in an Arizona boneyard and was killed before he could write another book.

Spooky shit.
I'll tell you who is an utter effing moron -- Annie Jacobsen. She wrote Area 51 and she's supposed to be super connected in intelligence circles.

Her claim about Roswell is that Stalin saw the panic created by the War of the Worlds radio broadcast and decided Mother Russia would try something similar. So, according to that idiot Jacobsen, Uncle Joe put out an order to surgically modify kids and midgets to look like aliens, stuck them in mock-up flying saucer, towed the things behind a bomber into America's most protected airspace and let it loose to scare the mainland.

An actual flying saucer crash is somehow actually more plausible than that pure malarkey.
Phillip Marshall killed Phillip Marshall.

Unfortunately, as is often the case, he didn't START with himself...
Phillip Marshall killed Phillip Marshall.

Unfortunately, as is often the case, he didn't START with himself...
Question number 1 should be, why was Marshall right inside the door to the home? His children were found on the sofa in the living room, both shot in the head, allegedly by their father. The dog was in a bedroom. In any scenario, there are issues with the scene that makes little or no sense. Marshall's body is found right inside the door would indicate that either he was shot right inside the door, or that he pondered leaving the home and then shot himself.

Question number 2 should be the entry wound on Marshall. Marshall, known to be right-handed, was alleged by the Calaveras County Sheriff to have shot himself in the left side of his head. The natural preclusion by an experienced shooter, a right-handed experienced shooter, would be to pick up the gun in your right hand and shoot yourself. The entry wound on the left side of his head is extremely irregular. While I'm not an expert, I have been on several gunshot-related calls with experienced officers and trainers.

Question number 3 is absolutely pivotal. Would his children, had he shot them, have simply let it happen. At the time of his death, Alex was 17 years old and sitting there with his kid sister. While dad may have overpowered them, the police never reported finding defensive wounds on the kids, and Alex at 17 would be unlikely not to have tried to stop his father, giving his sister time to flee. This would make shooting them both in the head difficult to do without more attention being brought to the residence.

The 9/11 shit always freaks me out. It's still ''fresh''.

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My answers are obviously semi-tongue in cheek, but having actually worked in a TS/SCI environment, I can absolutely tell you this: The most obvious answer is the truth, in the vast majority of "Federal conspiracy theory" type jazz.

Because, if I learned nothing else, it's that the Federal Government is absolutely incapable of mass coverups. They are just not that intelligent. And people, sooner or later, will ultimately spill the beans. It's axiomatic...
My answers are obviously semi-tongue in cheek, but having actually worked in a TS/SCI environment, I can absolutely tell you this: The most obvious answer is the truth, in the vast majority of "Federal conspiricy theory" type jazz.

Because, if I learned nothing else, it's that the Federal Government is absolutely incapable of mass coverups. They are just not that intelligent. And people, sooner or later, will ultimately spill the beans. It's axiomatic...
I'd believe you if operation northwoods didn't exist.
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Who really killed Phillip Marshall, his kids, and dog after he wrote 9/11:The big bamboozle?

Some say he found the planes used on 9/11 sitting intact in an Arizona boneyard and was killed before he could write another book.

Spooky shit.
I had a personal friend on American Airlines Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon, and I was at the Pentagon on 9/11 when it happened, and saw the aircraft debris myself, along with many of the injured and killed. So I can promise you at least one of the planes is not "sitting intact in an Arizona boneyard." And I'm pretty sure the husband of the woman who was on the plane, who I still know, as well as many mutual friends, are not hiding her somewhere.
I had a personal friend on American Airlines Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon, and I was at the Pentagon on 9/11 when it happened, and saw the aircraft debris myself, along with many of the injured and killed. So I can promise you at least one of the planes is not "sitting intact in an Arizona boneyard." And I'm pretty sure the husband of the woman who was on the plane, who I still know, as well as many mutual friends, are not hiding her somewhere.
I never said I believed it. Just what people say. Some of those theories are bone chilling. And I don't think he was saying those people weren't on the planes. It could be the flight numbers were switched. It could have been flight 24 instead of 11 for example. I doubt he was saying all the passengers were really alive.
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My question on the 9-11 stuff is why isn't there any video footage of anything flying into or near the pentagon. The most secure building of the most powerful military on earth and not one camera caught a glimpse of something of that magnitude flying into it?
My question on the 9-11 stuff is why isn't there any video footage of anything flying into or near the pentagon. The most secure building of the most powerful military on earth and not one camera caught a glimpse of something of that magnitude flying into it?
Lot's of things dont add up on 9/11 when you look into it. I suspect in about 50 years the tide will turn. Most americans think JFK was killed by the CIA/MOB/LBJ. That wasn't really the case until Oliver Stone's movie. 9/11 is still too recent in our memories.
Lot's of things dont add up on 9/11 when you look into it. I suspect in about 50 years the tide will turn. Most americans think JFK was killed by the CIA/MOB/LBJ. That wasn't really the case until Oliver Stone's movie. 9/11 is still too recent in our memories.
Yea I'm not really debating this one from a conspiracy theory or anything. Just not one video showing anything flying into or towards it? Doesn't make for a convincing argument and leaves the door open for a ton of speculation.
Yea I'm not really debating this one from a conspiracy theory or anything. Just not one video showing anything flying into or towards it? Doesn't make for a convincing argument and leaves the door open for a ton of speculation.
The one that always gets me is they found hijackers passports laying on the ground. I think one flew down near an FBI agent? People's bodies were instantly turned to ash, fused with concrete. But these guys passports and visas survived and flew down to the street level to be picked up by an FBI agent nearby? Just bizzare.
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Considering what we’ve seen from government agencies over the last 8 years,
I’m willing to consider anything at this point.
I remember in the 2000s when people speculated the government was spying on us. With the patriot act. People called them kookie, idiots, crazy. Then Snowden came out and said yeah they're spying on all of us, and they have everything backdoored to get access. And half the country calls that guy a traitor.
Considering what we’ve seen from government agencies over the last 8 years,
I’m willing to consider anything at this point.

To be fair; what we've "seen" is, as I said, their inability to keep something secret. Which is diametrically opposed to conspiracy theories.
Yea I would love to know the whole story how it really went down and all the key players involved. Like reading a history book of actual events and what their purpose was. And not being killed for finding out lol. Lots of things had to happen to pull that off. More than just Osama and some saudies. But I don't want to be murdered for knowing the truth lol.
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Yea I would love to know the whole story how it really went down and all the key players involved. Like reading a history book of actual events and what their purpose was. And not being killed for finding out lol. Lots of things had to happen to pull that off. More than just Osama and some saudies. But I don't want to be murdered for knowing the truth lol.
Here's this guy on 9/11 who knew how the towers came down months before the 9/11 commission report. He also calls the towers ''ground zero'' months before the term was coined. How does he know the fires are too intense? Amazing. Weird muscle guy in a suit watching behind him too. Who said he can't say what his role is. Again, spooky.

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