walking dead

well I mean when the hot little blonde with an annoying kid that you fancied and wanted to plow dies because she and her whole family were stupid dipshits, ya gotta go to the next available, easiest thing. Carl's a man. He's got needs. A dude in the apocalypse can only spank his pud so much thinking about old Playboys that don't exist anymore before he gets that primal urge to get his pecker wet and suck a titty. I don't blame him. Maybe she'll give it to him on the regular and he'll chill the **** out.
Carl would be closer to working on his own piece if he would quit pissing her off. Michone has gained hotness as the show has went on. No way Rick slams the speechless, sweaty, Andrea lesbian loving Michone from her first appearance. Girl has come a long way.
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You dipped a chip. You took a bite. And you dipped again.


That's like putting your whole mouth right in the dip. From now on, when you take a chip, just take one dip and end it.
Myth busters said busted on that one. Unless you swish the salsa in your mouth and spit it back in the more bacteria from double dipping than dip and quit.
That was one of the funniest episodes they ever did. I enjoyed it. Unusual one but a funny one tonight.
The characters on this show are morons. You find a truckload of food and supplies and you proceed to stop to look for sodas at a gas station instead of just getting those supplies that could save lives back to town. Then you let a guy steal your keys and truck of supplies. They run after the truck with no clue how far away the truck is going. They luck into the truck getting a flat and instead of taking Jesus out or tying him up and taking him with them, they loosely tie him up so he can escape.

Who didn't see it coming that he would end up on the truck, since they didn't even look back to see if he was still there before taking off? They realize he is on the truck and they slam on the brakes and he goes flying. You either shoot the dumbass or leave him there and get back to town. What do they do? They proceed to get out of the truck again leaving it open for Jesus to try and take it a second time. Then they allow the truck to roll into the lake. If the zombie apocalypse were real, I have no doubts that these characters would have died long ago.

The stupidity of the characters ruined this episode for me. I was actually alright with the filler in this episode (hate it most of the time) if they would have just drove the supplies back to town. If they wanted to introduce the Jesus character they could have had him sneak onto the back of the truck when they first found it and he would have ended up at Alexandria where he could have snuck off and checked things out or introduced himself to them right at the gate.
Yeah, carl getting shot twice and surviving is bad enough but to have a Vet and nursing student save him is really hard to get past.

Somebody needs to check that fat nurse for a food stash.
I've seen 2 posts referring to her as a nurse. I though they said she was a doctor in the show but was hesitant because she was psychiatrist.
I've seen 2 posts referring to her as a nurse. I though they said she was a doctor in the show but was hesitant because she was psychiatrist.
You're probably correct but the point was that Carl had been shot twice and saved by a Vet and a non surgeon.
Well, I've enjoyed the last two episodes. Both showed many different sides of Rick's personality and were good episodes in general. Didn't like seeing Sam or Jessie go. All the people out there saying that they're happy that Sam's gone are twisted. He may have had problems, but he was just a 11 or 12 year old kid who was scared to death by the world he was forced to live in. Not to mention that he was scarred by the stuff Carol said to him. She had unwittingly sealed his fate with her senseless and unnecessary threat. Whether you like him or not, saying you're happy that a kid was brutally killed in front of his mother is psycho talk - whether it was a tv show or not. Also, people are ridiculing the Jessie character for not letting go!?!? That was her baby and she was witnessing his death in one of the most brutal ways possible. Forgive her if she happens to go into shock or forgets to let go of his hand while he's screaming for her to help him while walkers chomp onto his neck and head. Had she let go, it would've been far less realistic than what actually happened on the show. No parent who loves their child would just let go and walk away, no matter what the situation.
Yea as soon as they found that mother load of supplies and Rick said let's head back another way, I knew that truck would never make it to Alexandria. You found the golden goose of supplies you TOUCHING IDIOT!! Get it back to Alexandria immediately. Show full of idiots.

As predicted by many, best show of all time followed by worst one of all time.
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The running down the highway after the truck still kills me. Even if the truck was only going 30-35 mph, it would have been able to go several miles in minutes. So, Rick and Darryl are going to run it down? Even if they were Marathoners, they couldn't have hoped to catch the truck. They had no way of knowing it would have a flat.

And I agree, why not take the mother lode of supplies back asap? And why chase Jesus the 2nd time?
Well, I've enjoyed the last two episodes. Both showed many different sides of Rick's personality and were good episodes in general. Didn't like seeing Sam or Jessie go. All the people out there saying that they're happy that Sam's gone are twisted. He may have had problems, but he was just a 11 or 12 year old kid who was scared to death by the world he was forced to live in. Not to mention that he was scarred by the stuff Carol said to him. She had unwittingly sealed his fate with her senseless and unnecessary threat. Whether you like him or not, saying you're happy that a kid was brutally killed in front of his mother is psycho talk - whether it was a tv show or not. Also, people are ridiculing the Jessie character for not letting go!?!? That was her baby and she was witnessing his death in one of the most brutal ways possible. Forgive her if she happens to go into shock or forgets to let go of his hand while he's screaming for her to help him while walkers chomp onto his neck and head. Had she let go, it would've been far less realistic than what actually happened on the show. No parent who loves their child would just let go and walk away, no matter what the situation.
Chill bro, it's just a TV show. Not like anyone is saying they are glad to see a kid get eaten by zombies in real life.
Well, I've enjoyed the last two episodes. Both showed many different sides of Rick's personality and were good episodes in general. Didn't like seeing Sam or Jessie go. All the people out there saying that they're happy that Sam's gone are twisted. He may have had problems, but he was just a 11 or 12 year old kid who was scared to death by the world he was forced to live in. Not to mention that he was scarred by the stuff Carol said to him. She had unwittingly sealed his fate with her senseless and unnecessary threat. Whether you like him or not, saying you're happy that a kid was brutally killed in front of his mother is psycho talk - whether it was a tv show or not. Also, people are ridiculing the Jessie character for not letting go!?!? That was her baby and she was witnessing his death in one of the most brutal ways possible. Forgive her if she happens to go into shock or forgets to let go of his hand while he's screaming for her to help him while walkers chomp onto his neck and head. Had she let go, it would've been far less realistic than what actually happened on the show. No parent who loves their child would just let go and walk away, no matter what the situation.

I really enjoyed the Sam kill scene, I believe this show needs more child deaths but I'm only really interested if the mother or father witness the killing.
Amazing to me how many folks are pointing out plot holes and story flaws in a show set in post zombie apocalypse.

If you can find a way to suspend your disbelief long enough to buy into the zombie story, can't you suspend your disbelief enough to buy into anything else that may happen in said zombie story? And if you can't, isn't the biggest, most obvious story flaw all those dead people staggering around and chopping on living people?
Amazing to me how many folks are pointing out plot holes and story flaws in a show set in post zombie apocalypse.

If you can find a way to suspend your disbelief long enough to buy into the zombie story, can't you suspend your disbelief enough to buy into anything else that may happen in said zombie story? And if you can't, isn't the biggest, most obvious story flaw all those dead people staggering around and chopping on living people?
We are fans of the show. What would you have us discuss about it?
That Sam kid was too mentally weak to survive in The Walking Dead world. Needed to die, damn near got the rest of the group out there killed because he was soft. At that kid's age, if you aren't helping people live then you're helping people die.
I too think last nights episode was full of dumb moves by what are supposed to be their leaders.

I haven't read anyone talk about the Jesus character before. Is the show taking a turn and including super powers now? No way he got untied and on top of that truck before they left. Same could be said of his second escape. The only way to explain it would be if he has a twin and they're working together.
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I too think last nights episode was full of dumb moves by what are supposed to be their leaders.

I haven't read anyone talk about the Jesus character before. Is the show taking a turn and including super powers now? No way he got untied and on top of that truck before they left. Same could be said of his second escape. The only way to explain it would be if he has a twin and they're working together.

The entire series is based upon dumb moves being made by what are supposed to be their leaders.

You know, like coming up with a moronic plan to turn lose a giant zombie horde out of a quarry and walk them 20 miles down a country road and let them wander off. While what really happens is they get inside your safe zone, kill half of everyone and you wind up corralling them all and burning/killing them with a tanker load of gasoline. You know what would have been a better place than your little community to corral and kill and bunch of zombies with a tanker load of gasoline? A quarry.

The only people who are dumber than Rick are the characters on the show who do what he says and the fans who think he isn't the biggest dumba$$ of any fictional character in history.
The entire series is based upon dumb moves being made by what are supposed to be their leaders.

You know, like coming up with a moronic plan to turn lose a giant zombie horde out of a quarry and walk them 20 miles down a country road and let them wander off. While what really happens is they get inside your safe zone, kill half of everyone and you wind up corralling them all and burning/killing them with a tanker load of gasoline. You know what would have been a better place than your little community to corral and kill and bunch of zombies with a tanker load of gasoline? A quarry.

The only people who are dumber than Rick are the characters on the show who do what he says and the fans who think he isn't the biggest dumba$$ of any fictional character in history.

They didn't have the tanker full of gas then though. I suppose they could have searched for one, hoping each day that they'd find one. The fact remains that was not present and available so your plan wouldn't have got very far.
The entire series is based upon dumb moves being made by what are supposed to be their leaders.

You know, like coming up with a moronic plan to turn lose a giant zombie horde out of a quarry and walk them 20 miles down a country road and let them wander off. While what really happens is they get inside your safe zone, kill half of everyone and you wind up corralling them all and burning/killing them with a tanker load of gasoline. You know what would have been a better place than your little community to corral and kill and bunch of zombies with a tanker load of gasoline? A quarry.

The only people who are dumber than Rick are the characters on the show who do what he says and the fans who think he isn't the biggest dumba$$ of any fictional character in history.

You should probably go back and watch the series again. They didn't turn them lose from the quarry, the walkers broke out and they did the best the could to deal with them. They were thinking about doing that and were in the process of coming up with a good plan on how to pull it off when they suddenly broke out.

They also didn't have a rocket launcher or gas truck handy that day either. Again, they dealt with a situation they had no control over the best they could when they had to.

How stupid does a person have to be to go a rant that doesn't reflect the tv series or what was being discussed? We are going to discuss the tv show in this thread and give our thoughts on what we liked, and we what we didn't. It is what the thread is about. We are not seeking the dumbest person, or holding a contest to prove who is. The last episode had more dumb actions by the cast than normal, or more than I liked for my entertainment purposes, that's my opinion on that episode. Feel free to join us in sharing your opinions of each episode as well.
The time they wasted putting cars along the road and building blockades should have been used to shore up the quarry instead of funneling thousands of walkers toward their town. They also had access to construction equipment so they probably had dynamite available. Once the quarry was secure, they could have planted dynamite and tried to bring the sides of the quarry down on top of the herd. Of course it would have changed the whole storyline, but it would have made more sense.
The introduction of the Hilltop Colony is one of the most exciting developments in the TV series. We're entering arguably the most exciting story arc of the entire comic book series. Shit is going to hit the fan when Negan debuts, can't wait for next week's episode!
Anyone else think Jesus' beard looks fake?

On The Talking Dead the actor that plays Jesus said that he only had like a week from when he got the part until he started shooting and the beard was fake. He said he couldn't grow it that big in a week. It is real now though.

The leader of the Hilltop group is an idiot. I was hoping he got killed when he was stabbed. I'd be surprised if Rick doesn't kill him sometime in the future. I haven't read the comics to know for sure, but I don't trust Jesus and I have a feeling he is really working for Negan in some way. Maybe he turns on Rick and his group when they encounter Negan and it leads to what I heard happens to Glenn. I am hoping they mix things up and replace Glenn with someone else to surprise the viewers. They already hinted at how someone was going to die with the way they said the 16 year old character bought it. Hopefully they don't stretch out the storyline to make this go a number of episodes before encountering Negan.
Didn't really care for this ep.

Plenty of foreshadowing that Glenn doesn't fare so well in the upcoming battle with Negan's group, though. Especially Maggie telling Rick that there would be a "cost" associated with going after Negan.

Gregory is completely unlikeable. Sgt. Slaughter (Abraham) got creepy.
On The Talking Dead the actor that plays Jesus said that he only had like a week from when he got the part until he started shooting and the beard was fake. He said he couldn't grow it that big in a week. It is real now though.

The leader of the Hilltop group is an idiot. I was hoping he got killed when he was stabbed. I'd be surprised if Rick doesn't kill him sometime in the future. I haven't read the comics to know for sure, but I don't trust Jesus and I have a feeling he is really working for Negan in some way. Maybe he turns on Rick and his group when they encounter Negan and it leads to what I heard happens to Glenn. I am hoping they mix things up and replace Glenn with someone else to surprise the viewers. They already hinted at how someone was going to die with the way they said the 16 year old character bought it. Hopefully they don't stretch out the storyline to make this go a number of episodes before encountering Negan.
Yeah, I'm hoping they change it from Glenn to some other not so popular character. I know that will piss of the comic book people but too bad for them.
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