Vanderbilt to Draft

I look for all 3 players coming back UK. Vanderbilt, Washington & Gabriel. Only 60 players are invited to the NBA Combine each season, and that’s not even including overseas players that are high on draft boards many we do not know about. We all need to just relax.
How about arguably the most successful run in school history with multiple FF’s, a title and a runner up along with more tournament wins than any other program?

Hey, remember before Cal got here and we had 3 titles in over half a century ?

Remember when Cal has more / as many FF’s in 9 years here than we had the previous several decades combined?

Is that enough to hang our hats on?
Look, I’m frustrated too but let’s not diminish the AMAZING run and success we’ve had the last 9 years
Frank, I like Cal also. However, we can't have a new roster every year. If so, we'll never get to another final four, much less win a championship
All in the first half of his tenure came cals success. You will always down play the value to the community the team plays. Fans are willing to sacrifice turnover for titles but when it’s turnover and mediocre teams it’s not going to last I’m sorry but you know it.

Another fallacy.

In the last 5 seasons Cal’s teams have been to a title game, a final four with a 38-1 record, Round of 32, Elite Eight beaten by a buzzer beater and cheating ref and the S16.

Yeah Cal is definitely on the hot seat. Only you and a bunch of UL fans hope this is true.
Frank, I like Cal also. However, we can't have a new roster every year. If so, we'll never get to another final four, much less win a championship

That is probably true. But why are you so tore up over players testing the waters without an agent?

Do you know something we don’t?

If they all leave you will have many of us agreeing with you, but let the process work itself out.

I’m still pissed Hami left and we all knew he would.
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All in the first half of his tenure came cals success. You will always down play the value to the community the team plays. Fans are willing to sacrifice turnover for titles but when it’s turnover and mediocre teams it’s not going to last I’m sorry but you know it.

Dude, wtf are you talking about ? Only success is in the “first half” of Cals tenure ?

You mean except the last 5 years that include an EE, a FF with a 38-1 team and a title runner up? Not to mention several SEC championships?

That’s in the last 5 years.... he’s been here 9, so... not sure what you mean
If next years tournament run ends like this season or worse cal will be out. No way do our fan base put up with the turnover and no championships. It’s lose lose for us the fan and honestly we are the only thing that matters. We fill rupp, we are responsible for Tv revenues, BBN is the program. UK makes coaches great not vice versa and our fanbase is what makes our program great our history of expectations. It won’t matter what cal did 5 years ago his system is broke and if he is as stubborn as he looks right now he will have 2 years left tops.

With that said maybe all those guys return. In that case the situation changes but I’ll tell you right now there are some important people to the program who are very skeptic right now.

I'll be damn.....remarkable...
If next years tournament run ends like this season or worse cal will be out. No way do our fan base put up with the turnover and no championships. It’s lose lose for us the fan and honestly we are the only thing that matters. We fill rupp, we are responsible for Tv revenues, BBN is the program. UK makes coaches great not vice versa and our fanbase is what makes our program great our history of expectations. It won’t matter what cal did 5 years ago his system is broke and if he is as stubborn as he looks right now he will have 2 years left tops.

With that said maybe all those guys return. In that case the situation changes but I’ll tell you right now there are some important people to the program who are very skeptic right now.

I’m still waiting on the names of these very important people....?
It’s always been about money. No out of state kid ever fantasized about being a great Kentucky player. Even then it was “what can the University do for me?”

Fantasizing about being great and being great are a different realm of reality. I wanted to be Batman growing up. I was good at being Batman as a kid but try as I did, even my kids will tell you I am no superhero...still like remembering those times....I guess I still fantasize...I hope I never long as I'm still realistic about it...
Name ONE important person to the program skeptical of Cal.

Just one.

As I have stated before, assuming you are a fan, you may be one of the least informed posters here.

And now you want us to believe that you have contacts with “some very important people to the program”?

Again provide names, if they are so important im sure that have no idea who you are.

Give us the names and I can promise you that I can confirm or deny with them what you have stated.

Sorry guy but I have sources on this one. I can’t put their names out and don’t have to. I don’t think my uncle say who has a large stake in a major Lexington area horse farm would be too thrilled with seeing his name out there. I don’t have to divulge names bc Robbie Poe needs them. My family is very well connected and we have some bigtime donors and lots of money from the horse business to banking. That’s all I have to tell you. The conversations aren’t favorable toward what’s being done right now. You can bag on me all you want say “this guy don’t know anyone” wuestin my fandom whatever. That won’t change the reality which isn’t as rosey as you paint.

Additionally; a lot of the establishment was skeptical of cal coming in. You cannot deny that. You can defend defend defend the practices but as you repeated a thousand times about freshmen not leaving for second rd picks your defense has grown stale. You should know from that alone you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s new territory. But you continue to pound the table with your defense instead of realizing that your benchmark or whatever you have used to defend the OAD well that defense is over. Diallo will be a second rounder if Vanderbilt stays as I feel he may go undrafted. You come out like you know the staff and have all these great stats that are dwindeling but you refuse to recognize that there is a growing part of the fan base who are losing faith in the OAD.

If it’s status quo in two years and cals leaving I will expect an apology from you
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Damn Rondo, 5 Years?

We are also one year from a last second buzzer beater from going to our 5th FF.

If we haven’t been to a FF in the next 5 years I agree we need to change things up.

Trends buddy trends. Most already don’t like the OAD and tolerate it for championship caliber teams and ideally more championships than we have under cal. I don’t think you get this That U.K. fans tolerate OAD for nattys. If no nattys are involved you honestly think fans are going to be happy much longer??

bTw tubby also had an almost final four those don’t seem to count. And what happened the first half of cals tenure it’s not happening now.
Why are you here? You sound like you couldn't care less, Real fans give a crap about the team.
If you don't think it's a joke that players that aren't projected to go in the first round are leaving, then you're not a fan. Get off your high horse and keep rooting for that God Awful NBA.
Who is in the high horse.
I understand your frustration, but this post is so hypocritical
Trends buddy trends. Most already don’t like the OAD and tolerate it for championship caliber teams and ideally more championships than we have under cal. I don’t think you get this That U.K. fans tolerate OAD for nattys. If no nattys are involved you honestly think fans are going to be happy much longer??

bTw tubby also had an almost final four those don’t seem to count. And what happened the first half of cals tenure it’s not happening now.
You seem really uptight...
BrianPoe had said many times that there should be another title in Cal's tenure.
But that can be said of many...
FCRP should have had back to back.
K should have at at least one or two more with his talent.
Self....nuff said.
But our fans think it is their birthright to win nattys (BTW, who in the hell calls it nattys?)
Spoiled brats
Sorry guy but I have sources on this one. I can’t put their names out and don’t have to. I don’t think my uncle say who has a large stake in a major Lexington area horse farm would be too thrilled with seeing his name out there. I don’t have to divulge names bc Robbie Poe needs them. My family is very well connected and we have some bigtime donors and lots of money from the horse business to banking. That’s all I have to tell you. The conversations aren’t favorable toward what’s being done right now. You can bag on me all you want say “this guy don’t know anyone” wuestin my fandom whatever. That won’t change the reality which isn’t as rosey as you paint.

Additionally; a lot of the establishment was skeptical of cal coming in. You cannot deny that. You can defend defend defend the practices but as you repeated a thousand times about freshmen not leaving for second rd picks your defense has grown stale. You should know from that alone you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s new territory. But you continue to pound the table with your defense instead of realizing that your benchmark or whatever you have used to defend the OAD well that defense is over. Diallo will be a second rounder if Vanderbilt stays as I feel he may go undrafted. You come out like you know the staff and have all these great stats that are dwindeling but you refuse to recognize that there is a growing part of the fan base who are losing faith in the OAD.

If it’s status quo in two years and cals leaving I will expect an apology from you

You have this many sources ——> 0 <——-
Yeah but I doubt Cal never wins another title while at UK with the way things are going and UK fans are all about national championships not sec champs. I don’t think Cal will be fired, but he will see the writing on the wall and eventually step down if he’s no longer successful.
I think he steps away when the fans are so unreasonable, that they can not accept being in the conversation for one of the top teams and only accept Nick Saban or John Wooden results.
Sorry guy but I have sources on this one. I can’t put their names out and don’t have to. I don’t think my uncle say who has a large stake in a major Lexington area horse farm would be too thrilled with seeing his name out there. I don’t have to divulge names bc Robbie Poe needs them. My family is very well connected and we have some bigtime donors and lots of money from the horse business to banking. That’s all I have to tell you. The conversations aren’t favorable toward what’s being done right now. You can bag on me all you want say “this guy don’t know anyone” wuestin my fandom whatever. That won’t change the reality which isn’t as rosey as you paint.

Additionally; a lot of the establishment was skeptical of cal coming in. You cannot deny that. You can defend defend defend the practices but as you repeated a thousand times about freshmen not leaving for second rd picks your defense has grown stale. You should know from that alone you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s new territory. But you continue to pound the table with your defense instead of realizing that your benchmark or whatever you have used to defend the OAD well that defense is over. Diallo will be a second rounder if Vanderbilt stays as I feel he may go undrafted. You come out like you know the staff and have all these great stats that are dwindeling but you refuse to recognize that there is a growing part of the fan base who are losing faith in the OAD.

If it’s status quo in two years and cals leaving I will expect an apology from you

Ok thanks.

You are a liar and an idiot. Enough said.
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You seem really uptight...
BrianPoe had said many times that there should be another title in Cal's tenure.
But that can be said of many...
FCRP should have had back to back.
K should have at at least one or two more with his talent.
Self....nuff said.
But our fans think it is their birthright to win nattys (BTW, who in the hell calls it nattys?)
Spoiled brats

Actually... I have said 2.

We should have won at least one more out of 2010, 2011, 2014, or 2015.....
Actually... I have said 2.

We should have won at least one more out of 2010, 2011, 2014, or 2015.....

See I knew you would come up the personal attack bc that’s what you do when you’re backed in a corner. You want to tell me the names of people you are friends with our family members who have a connection to the community?? I think not.

Just put me on ignore dude and I’ll do the same for you. We many not just me don’t see things the same as you. So just ignore me
Trends buddy trends. Most already don’t like the OAD and tolerate it for championship caliber teams and ideally more championships than we have under cal. I don’t think you get this That U.K. fans tolerate OAD for nattys. If no nattys are involved you honestly think fans are going to be happy much longer??

bTw tubby also had an almost final four those don’t seem to count. And what happened the first half of cals tenure it’s not happening now.

I think overall your problem is You honestly seem like you’d be ok with us firing Cal right now, and that’s just absurd
See I knew you would come up the personal attack bc that’s what you do when you’re backed in a corner. You want to tell me the names of people you are friends with our family members who have a connection to the community?? I think not.

Just put me on ignore dude and I’ll do the same for you. We many not just me don’t see things the same as you. So just ignore me

Ignoring is for quitters.
See I knew you would come up the personal attack bc that’s what you do when you’re backed in a corner. You want to tell me the names of people you are friends with our family members who have a connection to the community?? I think not.

Just put me on ignore dude and I’ll do the same for you. We many not just me don’t see things the same as you. So just ignore me

You said “very important people close to the program”

You are insinuating you have family that is very close together the program?

I laugh when folks start talking about “horse people”, lol, this isn’t the 70’s and 80’s any longer.

If you are going to act like you know important people then name them.

If they are that big it won’t make any difference.

I think you are lying, it’s not like you are giving up a source. You are just stating their opinion, why is that such a secret?

Names or it didn’t happen and you will be branded not only uninformed but also untrustworthy.
You said “very important people close to the program”

You are insinuating you have family that is very close together the program?

I laugh when folks start talking about “horse people”, lol, this isn’t the 70’s and 80’s any longer.

If you are going to act like you know important people then name them.

If they are that big it won’t make any difference.

I think you are lying, it’s not like you are giving up a source. You are just stating their opinion, why is that such a secret?

Names or it didn’t happen and you will be branded not only uninformed but also untrustworthy.

Won't be the first. Almost comical...almost.
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Sorry guy but I have sources on this one. I can’t put their names out and don’t have to. I don’t think my uncle say who has a large stake in a major Lexington area horse farm would be too thrilled with seeing his name out there. I don’t have to divulge names bc Robbie Poe needs them. My family is very well connected and we have some bigtime donors and lots of money from the horse business to banking. That’s all I have to tell you. The conversations aren’t favorable toward what’s being done right now. You can bag on me all you want say “this guy don’t know anyone” wuestin my fandom whatever. That won’t change the reality which isn’t as rosey as you paint.

Additionally; a lot of the establishment was skeptical of cal coming in. You cannot deny that. You can defend defend defend the practices but as you repeated a thousand times about freshmen not leaving for second rd picks your defense has grown stale. You should know from that alone you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s new territory. But you continue to pound the table with your defense instead of realizing that your benchmark or whatever you have used to defend the OAD well that defense is over. Diallo will be a second rounder if Vanderbilt stays as I feel he may go undrafted. You come out like you know the staff and have all these great stats that are dwindeling but you refuse to recognize that there is a growing part of the fan base who are losing faith in the OAD.

If it’s status quo in two years and cals leaving I will expect an apology from you

I read a post like that two words come to mind.

Bull shit.
You said “very important people close to the program”

You are insinuating you have family that is very close together the program?

I laugh when folks start talking about “horse people”, lol, this isn’t the 70’s and 80’s any longer.

If you are going to act like you know important people then name them.

If they are that big it won’t make any difference.

I think you are lying, it’s not like you are giving up a source. You are just stating their opinion, why is that such a secret?

Names or it didn’t happen and you will be branded not only uninformed but also untrustworthy.

I never said “close to the program” boss I said “but I’ll tell you right now there are some important people to the program who are very skeptic right now”. donors buddy, not people close rather people who help fund craft center renovations to rupp, commonwealth etc No when i talk to friends and family I do so with confidentiality. I’m not going to compromise those relationships to appease you. When the president of a Lexington bank a good friend of mine tells me “man a lot of people aren’t happy with the way things went this season”. WTH does that mean? You can believe it or not but it’s true. I mean you didn’t even quote me properly yet I’m the liar.

You have others on here saying the same thing as my close college buddy. To you it’s more personal than it is getting at the facts. You hear people aren’t happy and you race to get all your talking point out. I have no idea what connections you have but if we lose say 3 out of the 4 up in the air this offfseason, then have another season next year where we have to start from scratch and end up sweet sixteen, then lose more players how will you feel??? I didn’t say these folks or myself are throwing in the towel I’m simple stating what I think will happen IF this doesn’t play out favorably for U.K. basketball there is trend a direction things are going your ego just won’t allow you to believe it. Put it out there give me the names of important people you know who are satisfied???
in two years or two days you can have the same expectation .... that’s to kiss my ass.

You lying, entitled, basement dwelling prick live in a fantasy world where you actually think you’re important and your opinion matters.

Wait a min. Yours and brianpoes matter right???

Ahh that ignore button is a beautiful thing. Got like 7 on there now who can’t handle arguing without personal attacks. 7 message board people. Tomorrow I get to do some scuba diving in my backyard. Life is good.

I suppose that’s a lie too?? Doesn’t matter bc I won’t see the response! Yee haw!!
Last edited:
I never said “close to the program” boss I said “but I’ll tell you right now there are some important people to the program who are very skeptic right now”. donors buddy, not people close rather people who help fund craft center renovations to rupp, commonwealth etc No when i talk to friends and family I do so with confidentiality. I’m not going to compromise those relationships to appease you. When the president of a Lexington bank a good friend of mine tells me “man a lot of people aren’t happy with the way things went this season”. WTH does that mean? You can believe it or not but it’s true. I mean you didn’t even quote me properly yet I’m the liar.

You have others on here saying the same thing as my close college buddy. To you it’s more personal than it is getting at the facts. You hear people aren’t happy and you race to get all your talking point out. I have no idea what connections you have but if we lose say 3 out of the 4 up in the air this offfseason, then have another season next year where we have to start from scratch and end up sweet sixteen, then lose more players how will you feel??? I didn’t say these folks or myself are throwing in the towel I’m simple stating what I think will happen IF this doesn’t play out favorably for U.K. basketball there is trend a direction things are going your ego just won’t allow you to believe it. Put it out there give me the names of important people you know who are satisfied???

It is so obvious that you are making shit up as you go.... this is almost comical.
Wait a min. Yours and brianpoes matter right???

Ahh that ignore button is a beautiful thing. Got like 7 on there now who can’t handle arguing without personal attacks. 7 message board people. Tomorrow I get to do some scuba diving in my backyard. Life is good.

I suppose that’s a lie too?? Doesn’t matter bc I won’t see the response! Yee haw!!

“Scuba diving”

lolz ...
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Sorry guy but I have sources on this one. I can’t put their names out and don’t have to. I don’t think my uncle say who has a large stake in a major Lexington area horse farm would be too thrilled with seeing his name out there. I don’t have to divulge names bc Robbie Poe needs them. My family is very well connected and we have some bigtime donors and lots of money from the horse business to banking. That’s all I have to tell you. The conversations aren’t favorable toward what’s being done right now. You can bag on me all you want say “this guy don’t know anyone” wuestin my fandom whatever. That won’t change the reality which isn’t as rosey as you paint.

Additionally; a lot of the establishment was skeptical of cal coming in. You cannot deny that. You can defend defend defend the practices but as you repeated a thousand times about freshmen not leaving for second rd picks your defense has grown stale. You should know from that alone you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s new territory. But you continue to pound the table with your defense instead of realizing that your benchmark or whatever you have used to defend the OAD well that defense is over. Diallo will be a second rounder if Vanderbilt stays as I feel he may go undrafted. You come out like you know the staff and have all these great stats that are dwindeling but you refuse to recognize that there is a growing part of the fan base who are losing faith in the OAD.

If it’s status quo in two years and cals leaving I will expect an apology from you
Are you being serious? And besides I thought all of the horse money went with Pitino when he took the UL job. I am not a fan of the OAD but any group that think they can run Cal off with his record need to breed a few more horses. They are out of their league. Cal is the coach and will be until he decides to go.
My father in law is close to about 2 dozen Lexington horse farms

He also knows horse people in Versailles.


Imma hit him up and find out some info about Cal and how hot is seat is.

I’ll let you guys know!
I can't wait for you to get back on that one. My daughter lives in Ocala, Florida and is on a horse farm this morning riding horses. I will get her to ask if the Ocala horse people are interested in bringing Cal on board to their Gators if the Lexington horse people kick him to the curb. Maybe the horse people can swap Mike White for Coach Cal. That will show everybody how powerful they are. LOL
Someone fill me on in why this is the death of the program and not totally expected and logical.

The death of UK? Try the death of college basketball. I think we have reached a point where the college game has been locked out of the natural progression of the professional basketball player:

High School --> Minor Leagues --> NBA

In this system, there is no need for college basketball, perhaps not even any room for college basketball. We will all be present for the demise of what we know as college ball. Prepare for the game to be sad, pathetic version of college baseball. Currently, the blue-blood programs are flailing, turning themselves inside-out in an attempt to keep winning. I will always be a UK fan, even when college ball looses all of its panache, but the silliness of renting players for a year is grating on the soul. Just end one and done and get it over with.
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Are you being serious? And besides I thought all of the horse money went with Pitino when he took the UL job. I am not a fan of the OAD but any group that think they can run Cal off with his record need to breed with horses or goats. They are out of their league. Cal is the coach and will be until he decides to go.

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The death of UK? Try the death of college basketball. I think we have reached a point where the college game has been locked out of the natural progression of the professional basketball player:

High School --> Minor Leagues --> NBA

In this system, there is no need for college basketball, perhaps not even any room for college basketball. We will all be present for the demise of what we know as college ball. Prepare for the game to be sad, pathetic version of college baseball. Currently, the blue-blood programs are flailing, turning themselves inside-out in an attempt to keep winning. I will always be a UK fan, even when college ball looses all of its panache, but the silliness of renting players for a year is grating on the soul. Just end one and done and get it over with.

So every single high school basketball player is going to go to the G league?