Vanderbilt to Draft

You typed a whole bunch of words and didn't even come close to answering my question.

Again, why is something that every kid should do suddenly this huge deal that has you guys so upset? What does it hurt to get feedback?

By the way, you said yourself he has major injury history. Why wouldn't you try to get paid as soon as possible when your body could give out on you at any time?

I explained my opinion really clearly. If you don’t comprehend it that’s on you. No real shocker. If he’s just testing the waters in a strategic manner for the future that’s great. I’ll admit that if it turns out to be true. My point is that he’s a HUGE risk and in no way ready to go. Like 50% of this board I’m a UK fan first and hope the players kick ass when their time comes. His time has in NO WAY come. We’ll have to wait and see if he’s being smart or taking the slow boat to China. He may be doing the right thing but he’s not a proven commodity by any means and I’d like to see him help UK in the future..... not some bottom dweller NBA team. Just my opinion and I’m entitled to it.
If next years tournament run ends like this season or worse cal will be out. No way do our fan base put up with the turnover and no championships. It’s lose lose for us the fan and honestly we are the only thing that matters. We fill rupp, we are responsible for Tv revenues, BBN is the program. UK makes coaches great not vice versa and our fanbase is what makes our program great our history of expectations. It won’t matter what cal did 5 years ago his system is broke and if he is as stubborn as he looks right now he will have 2 years left tops.

With that said maybe all those guys return. In that case the situation changes but I’ll tell you right now there are some important people to the program who are very skeptic right now.
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Yeah, it's quite comical. They will get what they want sometime soon and be crying about not being able to ever make a Final Four again like before.
If that's the case then we are not the top program like we say we are. All it takes is the right coach being the right fit. We made two bad hires after Pitino that set us back but we were doing quite well under Prick. Even Joe B and Eddie Sutton did pretty well for the most part besides when the bottom fell out on Sutton. You all act like we were bottom feeders before Cal.
How many of you would forego the last 3 yrs of college, if there was this job fair with all the top companies in your field, CEO, vice president, heads of human resources. If invited you get to show your ability within said industry, how well you fit in their culture, and don't need a mastery of the info but show a grasp of the knowledge but also show that you have the potential for mastery. After attending, you get an honest review where you stand, what are your strengths, what weaknesses that you need to work on. Ect. ,If you don't like what you here you can return no problems...actually your mentor thinks it's a great idea to go to show you how ' measure up' to industry Norms...would you attend or not?
Apply this to any field hypothetically, if med schools did this, law schools, business schools etc, I know that it doesn't exist, use imagination
Guys, get a life! If you get upset because some basketball player is not going to come back to UK, after his Freshmen year, you've got a problem, much bigger then anyone on this site can cure. I guarantee you that UK will put a team on the floor next year, and they will probably do as well, or better then the team did last year.
I think it's hilarious how some of you get so upset over basketball.

You just created, injured, and tossed out seven hypothetical players *and* determined that their performance would result in a first round loss.

Here's a scenario for why it's a good precedent:

The most talented kid in the country gets hurt the summer he's a rising senior. He tells teams his timetable for a return is the following August but that he may miss the out of conference schedule.

They ask for a more definitive timeline, he turns them away. He sees Cal's history of handling guys properly and commits to Kentucky.

He's healthy by August and he and the other six top 30 players win a championship for the Cats.

My hypothetical could pretain to our team now. It could be a reality as PJ and Vandy are hurt. This is a fine line we cannot win with if we end on the wrong side of decisions.
Guys, get a life! If you get upset because some basketball player is not going to come back to UK, after his Freshmen year, you've got a problem, much bigger then anyone on this site can cure. I guarantee you that UK will put a team on the floor next year, and they will probably do as well, or better then the team did last year.
I think it's hilarious how some of you get so upset over basketball.


I don’t base my identity on a game either but it’s equally pitiful how upset some get at anyone criticizing something. There’s far more people upset about someone not being a sunshine pumper 24/7 as opposed to people upset with the system.

Life doesn’t change one iota except increase or decrease interest and time.
Sometimes we get a liiiiiiiiiittle to riled up about what a teenager most of us will never meet does.

As far as the fan base not tolerating this....lmao. running off a HOF coach for finishing sweet 16 with no JUNIORS, much less seniors is a stretch even for us as a fan base.
Another arrogant, condescending, little prick comment from you that means nothing. I guess you're thrilled with another new roster again. How about not being a blowhard 100% of the time? Maybe just be one 95% of the time. You have zero credibility if you think everything's great all the time. Grow some testicles.
How dare Cal win 4 consecutive SEC tournaments with a new roster every year.
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If next years tournament run ends like this season or worse cal will be out. No way do our fan base put up with the turnover and no championships. It’s lose lose for us the fan and honestly we are the only thing that matters. We fill rupp, we are responsible for Tv revenues, BBN is the program. UK makes coaches great not vice versa and our fanbase is what makes our program great our history of expectations. It won’t matter what cal did 5 years ago his system is broke and if he is as stubborn as he looks right now he will have 2 years left tops.

With that said maybe all those guys return. In that case the situation changes but I’ll tell you right now there are some important people to the program who are very skeptic right now.

I bet you $100 that if we only make it to the S16 next year Cal will NOT be fired.

Venmo or Paypal
If next years tournament run ends like this season or worse cal will be out. No way do our fan base put up with the turnover and no championships. It’s lose lose for us the fan and honestly we are the only thing that matters. We fill rupp, we are responsible for Tv revenues, BBN is the program. UK makes coaches great not vice versa and our fanbase is what makes our program great our history of expectations. It won’t matter what cal did 5 years ago his system is broke and if he is as stubborn as he looks right now he will have 2 years left tops.

With that said maybe all those guys return. In that case the situation changes but I’ll tell you right now there are some important people to the program who are very skeptic right now.
How dare Cal win 4 SEC tournament championships in a row with all these one and dones. Let's see there are 13 other SEC teams and some of them with no one and dones. Our fans will never put up with winning SEC championships with a new roster every year or beating Louisville 90% of the time. This must stop.
Why are you here? You sound like you couldn't care less, Real fans give a crap about the team.
If you don't think it's a joke that players that aren't projected to go in the first round are leaving, then you're not a fan. Get off your high horse and keep rooting for that God Awful NBA.
We’ve only had two lottery picks leave. Getting ahead of yourself.
Yes yes that's right sorry, but NOW it's because UK=NBA$$$$$$
THEN UK= because it was the best school.
You said it perfectly, back then it was like smart kids going to Harvard. It made sense for kids to come here because K E N T U C K Y was the Harvard of Basketball for those that were gifted and talented in Basketball.

But you know that's not the case NOW right?
It’s always been about money. No out of state kid ever fantasized about being a great Kentucky player. Even then it was “what can the University do for me?”
1 Question...... How is he going to work out on an bad foot ? Can he run, make cuts, jump ?
How dare Cal win 4 SEC tournament championships in a row with all these one and dones. Let's see there are 13 other SEC teams and some of them with no one and dones. Our fans will never put up with winning SEC championships with a new roster every year or beating Louisville 90% of the time. This must stop.
Yeah but I doubt Cal never wins another title while at UK with the way things are going and UK fans are all about national championships not sec champs. I don’t think Cal will be fired, but he will see the writing on the wall and eventually step down if he’s no longer successful.
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Yeah but I doubt Cal never wins another title while at UK with the way things are going and UK fans are all about national championships not sec champs. I don’t think Cal will be fired, but he will see the writing on the wall and eventually step down if he’s no longer successful.
No longer successful. He has done more at UK than any other coach in the last 40 years.
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SEC tournaments? Really? That's what you're hanging your hat on? Wow. You've convinced me we're worse off than I thought.

How about arguably the most successful run in school history with multiple FF’s, a title and a runner up along with more tournament wins than any other program?

Hey, remember before Cal got here and we had 3 titles in over half a century ?

Remember when Cal has more / as many FF’s in 9 years here than we had the previous several decades combined?

Is that enough to hang our hats on?
Look, I’m frustrated too but let’s not diminish the AMAZING run and success we’ve had the last 9 years
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Yeah but I doubt Cal never wins another title while at UK with the way things are going and UK fans are all about national championships not sec champs. I don’t think Cal will be fired, but he will see the writing on the wall and eventually step down if he’s no longer successful.

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I am at a loss with our fans sometimes. It is a free opportunity to get feedback. Why wouldn't he take advantage of this? Now if he gets told no shot and still leaves then that is the problem.

Him not going to see what NBA scouts tell him would be stupid. It is for this reason the NCAA made it more friendly for kids to get the feedback. Now nobody can control if they still do something stupid but at least it is an informed stupid decision.

Most of these idiots are not real fans.. and the ones that are just aren't very smart. Every player in the world should apply for the draft to see where they stand. It's free and they risk nothing. I'm sure our "fans" wouldn't want their kid to apply though.. They're Kentucky boys right? They'd only play for the glory of the casual fans not for their families futures,...
Yeah but I doubt Cal never wins another title while at UK with the way things are going and UK fans are all about national championships not sec champs. I don’t think Cal will be fired, but he will see the writing on the wall and eventually step down if he’s no longer successful.

The NBA will eventually change the the rule, he'll adapt like the other coaches and the OAD debate will be over.
No longer successful. He has done more at UK than any other coach in the last 40 years.
It’s already been 3 years since a final four. If he fails to reach another one in four to five years, fans are going to want him gone, and he will eventually step down like tubby did. Not saying that will happen or that I want it to happen, but a 7 year drought with no final fours would not sit well with fans.
If next years tournament run ends like this season or worse cal will be out. No way do our fan base put up with the turnover and no championships. It’s lose lose for us the fan and honestly we are the only thing that matters. We fill rupp, we are responsible for Tv revenues, BBN is the program. UK makes coaches great not vice versa and our fanbase is what makes our program great our history of expectations. It won’t matter what cal did 5 years ago his system is broke and if he is as stubborn as he looks right now he will have 2 years left tops.

With that said maybe all those guys return. In that case the situation changes but I’ll tell you right now there are some important people to the program who are very skeptic right now.

Name ONE important person to the program skeptical of Cal.

Just one.

As I have stated before, assuming you are a fan, you may be one of the least informed posters here.

And now you want us to believe that you have contacts with “some very important people to the program”?

Again provide names, if they are so important im sure that have no idea who you are.

Give us the names and I can promise you that I can confirm or deny with them what you have stated.
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It’s already been 3 years since a final four. If he fails to reach another one in four to five years, fans are going to want him gone, and he will eventually step down like tubby did. Not saying that will happen or that I want it to happen, but a 7 year drought with no final fours would not sit well with fans.

Before Cal got here we hadn’t been to a FF in almost 15 years ... 3 titles in half a century ...

Now 3 years removed from a 38-0/ FF team is “to long?”
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Name ONE important person to the program skeptical of Cal.

Just one.

As I have stated before, assuming you are a fan, you may be one of the least informed posters here.

And now you want us to believe that you have contacts with “some very important people to the program”?

Again provide names, if they are so important im sure that gave no idea who you are.

Give us the names and I can promise you that I can confirm or deny with them what you have stated.

@Wildcats1st is channeling UL fans when they promised to “go to the right people in the NCAA about Cals cheating”
It’s already been 3 years since a final four. If he fails to reach another one in four to five years, fans are going to want him gone, and he will eventually step down like tubby did. Not saying that will happen or that I want it to happen, but a 7 year drought with no final fours would not sit well with fans.

Damn Rondo, 5 Years?

We are also one year from a last second buzzer beater from going to our 5th FF.

If we haven’t been to a FF in the next 5 years I agree we need to change things up.
Before Cal got here we hadn’t been to a FF in almost 15 years ... 3 titles in half a century ...

Now 3 years removed from a 38-0/ FF team is “to long?”
I’m saying if he goes another 4 or 5 years without a final four, fans will get pissed. That would be 7 to 8 years without a final four. His seat would be boiling hot.
Damn Rondo, 5 Years?

We are also one year from a last second buzzer beater from going to our 5th FF.

If we haven’t been to a FF in the next 5 years I agree we need to change things up.
That’s what I’m saying. 4 or 5 more years without a final four would be time to change things up. It’s really hard to win big with an all freshman team, so somethings gotta change here in the next couple of years.
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Joe B:

13 Years

1 Title, 1 Runner Up, 3 Final Fours


9 Years

1 Title, 1 Runner Up, 4 Final Fours

All in the first half of his tenure came cals success. You will always down play the value to the community the team plays. Fans are willing to sacrifice turnover for titles but when it’s turnover and mediocre teams it’s not going to last I’m sorry but you know it.
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