Vanderbilt to Draft

The college game lost nothing by Lebron going pro out of high school. College basketball was great when players stuck around for 3-4 years. The myth that these guys skipping college would ruin the game is overplayed and stupid. I'm ready for the sport to get back to being about the university and not the individual. Let them go. Then we can stop with this nonsense about paying players in college.
Amen, brother.
Well, I guess. I was asking for a friend. He don't understand why Cal would tell them to go there when he knows 100% they wont be drafted????
Cal has told his whole team it is a good idea to enter the draft to get feedback on what they need to work on even if they don't get drafted. Brad may be next.
Well, I guess. I was asking for a friend. He don't understand why Cal would tell them to go there when he knows 100% they wont be drafted????

Because they hope to be drafted in the future and want to hear from the horse’s mouth what they need to work on?

And maybe Cal is not so insecure that he’s afraid for his players to hear from other experts?

Doesn’t actually seem all that complicated.
It's still the case. The goal is to be the school that best provides what elite players want. Sixty years ago it might have been that we were on TV once a year or that we had the best dorms or whatever.

Now it's the NBA and preparation for professional basketball. That's what the best players want.
No, I agree
My father in law is close to about 2 dozen Lexington horse farms

He also knows horse people in Versailles.


Imma hit him up and find out some info about Cal and how hot is seat is.

I’ll let you guys know!
I am connected to the horse industry.
I used to deliver pizzas to the horse farms and Keeneland, during college... btw jockey dorm jockeys don't tip. Jockeys in hotels do... Oh, I think it was D Wayne that tipped $100 for a $100 order... but, I digress.

So since I am connected to the horse industry; I think Cal is doing good... he could be better... I'll still give the thumbs up, for now.
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Because it is the off season and we are all waiting to see who goes and who stays, so we come here and fuss at one another.

It’s just hard for me to understand the basis of the fussing. Seems like this thread should have been less than a page. Should’ve gone something like this:

Announcement: Jarred Vanderbilt to test NBA draft. Will not sign with agent.

All rational UK fans: “Well that makes sense. He’s a gifted five-star prospect with an intriguing skill set, so he should hear what the scouts are saying, especially as there is no downside to doing so. It doesn’t look like he’s on any draft boards, though. I sure hope he comes back instead of settling for a low draw.”

*Fans shuffle off to talk about other things*

Thread ends.
It’s just hard for me to understand the basis of the fussing. Seems like this thread should have been less than a page. Should’ve gone something like this:

Announcement: Jarred Vanderbilt to test NBA draft. Will not sign with agent.

All rational UK fans: “Well that makes sense. He’s a gifted five-star prospect with an intriguing skill set, so he should hear what the scouts are saying, especially as there is no downside to doing so. It doesn’t look like he’s on any draft boards, though. I sure hope he comes back instead of settling for a low draw.”

*Fans shuffle off to talk about other things*

Thread ends.

You're probably right. However we have 2 kids who apparently need surgery (PJ & Vanderbilt) in the offseason for injuries.
A. Wouldn't it be beneficial to both the kids and to UK for them to have these surgeries asap and rehab them during this time?
B. What positive feedback do these kids expect if they are going thru the draft process at maybe 75%? I think it's more likely they're hoping some team might overlook their injuries and guarantee them they'll take a flyer on them late in the first or early second. I'm not sure it's about being "evaluated" and told what they need to work on at all.
Last - Where does players first end and some semblance of regard for the program begin?
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All rational UK fans
And that is where you lose your argument! What you are saying is that everyone that thinks having 6-8 guys every year declare for the draft just to get evaluated when there is no chance they will get drafted is total bullshit, you think they are irrational. Hence this thread is now 10 pages.

Some people do not accept things as they are, some people actually ask why? Diallo went thru it last year and got evaluated and came back and is the same player now as he was then, and now he is declaring with an agent. I suppose that makes sense to you, but for others here, it does not.

The sooner some of you stop with this labeling of other fans for disagreeing with you with words like, irrational, troll, not a true fan, go root for another team,idiot,etc, then threads like this won't last 10 pages.
And that is where you lose your argument! What you are saying is that everyone that thinks having 6-8 guys every year declare for the draft just to get evaluated when there is no chance they will get drafted is total bullshit, you think they are irrational. Hence this thread is now 10 pages.

Some people do not accept things as they are, some people actually ask why? Diallo went thru it last year and got evaluated and came back and is the same player now as he was then, and now he is declaring with an agent. I suppose that makes sense to you, but for others here, it does not.

The sooner some of you stop with this labeling of other fans for disagreeing with you with words like, irrational, troll, not a true fan, go root for another team,idiot,etc, then threads like this won't last 10 pages.

How can you tell that Diallo is the same now as he was a year ago? Did you get a chance to watch him a year ago?
It’s just hard for me to understand the basis of the fussing. Seems like this thread should have been less than a page. Should’ve gone something like this:

Announcement: Jarred Vanderbilt to test NBA draft. Will not sign with agent.

All rational UK fans: “Well that makes sense. He’s a gifted five-star prospect with an intriguing skill set, so he should hear what the scouts are saying, especially as there is no downside to doing so. It doesn’t look like he’s on any draft boards, though. I sure hope he comes back instead of settling for a low draw.”

*Fans shuffle off to talk about other things*

Thread ends.
Watch him put off surgery so he can’t go thru all this combine crap, then decide to have surgery afterwards causing him to miss the first couple months of our season. Won’t surprise me a damn bit if that happens. All for some meaningless evaluations that he could get without even going to the combine.
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Part of the issue is players who dont contribute much to the success of the program going places that are not the first round of the NBA draft. Its a new world and no one likes change .
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How can you tell that Diallo is the same now as he was a year ago? Did you get a chance to watch him a year ago?
Well, I watched him all year, and it is plain to see that he is not NBA ready at this point. What gave you been watching?
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You are not required to be a Ky fan. Go be a Louisville fan. You fit right in with that group. Dean Smith was at North Carolina 36 years with the best talent in america. He only won 2 titles in 36 years. You have no idea how hard it is to win a title. You probably never played High School or College basketball or you would understand how hard it is to win a title. Did you win a state title in high school or a conference championship in college. I bet not.
So the requirement to chime in on a message board is that you have to had won a state title in high school or a conference title in college [roll]......gotcha kid. Dean Smith didn't have the horses that Cal has year in and year out...period (Smith had 25 first rounders...Cal has 25 freshmen leave to be first rounders). I love Cal and think he is a hell of a coach and wouldn't trade him for anyone. I am just tired of fringe first rounders thinking they have to go pro the very first chance they get because Cal himself has created the atmosphere that if you aren't a one and done then you've failed. Him pushing kids out when they wanted to come back and ripping up scholarships has made these kids believe that they HAVE TO go after one year. I think we are seeing him change his philosophy considering he pitched Knox to come back, but we are still seeing the negatives from the perception created over the last 8-9 years. I've been a UK fan probably longer than you've been alive kid. Good job with googling Dean Smith to find out how long he was at UNC.
King Of Sleaze, Zaytoven, and Elijah are all UL trolls posing as UK fans. Check their post history. You all are being played by taking their trolling seriously. Just keep reporting their posts and eventually they'll be banned, just like Cut Nets and 3rex were.
Well, I watched him all year, and it is plain to see that he is not NBA ready at this point. What gave you been watching?

That’s not what you said. You said he was the same player now as he was when he went through the process last spring. I don’t see how you could possibly know that.

You don’t think he might have become more skilled in any aspect while practicing virtually around the clock for the past 12 months?
That’s not what you said. You said he was the same player now as he was when he went through the process last spring. I don’t see how you could possibly know that.

You don’t think he might have become more skilled in any aspect while practicing virtually around the clock for the past 12 months?
Nope. Nor does anyone in the NBA
So the requirement to chime in on a message board is that you have to had won a state title in high school or a conference title in college [roll]......gotcha kid. Dean Smith didn't have the horses that Cal has year in and year out...period (Smith had 25 first rounders...Cal has 25 freshmen leave to be first rounders). I love Cal and think he is a hell of a coach and wouldn't trade him for anyone. I am just tired of fringe first rounders thinking they have to go pro the very first chance they get because Cal himself has created the atmosphere that if you aren't a one and done then you've failed. Him pushing kids out when they wanted to come back and ripping up scholarships has made these kids believe that they HAVE TO go after one year. I think we are seeing him change his philosophy considering he pitched Knox to come back, but we are still seeing the negatives from the perception created over the last 8-9 years. I've been a UK fan probably longer than you've been alive kid. Good job with googling Dean Smith to find out how long he was at UNC.
I guess you are disappointed that Quade Green is returning. I thought Cal was pushing these kids out the door.
I guess you are disappointed that Quade Green is returning. I thought Cal was pushing these kids out the door.
The fact that every comment you make is as laughable as the last tells me you're an immature kid. Love that Green is returning. He didn't have a choice of going pro. It was either stay and have a chance next year or leave and sit out a year. He chose to stick it out and I am glad. Cal recently isn't pushing them out per say, but the culture created the last 9 years has pushed kids out the door too early some times. Hopefully Cal's change in attitude will change the perception of coming back a second year as not being such a bad thing to these kids.
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