Trump guilty or acquitted?

What will the jury’s decision be this week?

  • Guilty

    Votes: 12 37.5%
  • Acquittal/mistrial

    Votes: 20 62.5%

  • Total voters
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Sep 16, 2017
Or mistrial due to hung jury. By wed at the latest we ll know whether we have the first former president convicted of a felony. Your prediction???
I've not been following the trial, but I've got two cousins who are lawyers (and neither like President Trump that much) and they think he's going to avoid conviction.
These people are out to interfere in the election. Anybody who thinks they came this far to not get him are very naive.

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He's goiing to be found guilty as the jury a) has been told to do their civic duty by Bubba at the Memorial Day BBQ this weekend since all the other cases are blown up and this is their only chance and b) nobody on the jury wants their life ruined by sicko Liberals by being the one to let him off, so they'll all take the eazy way out and tell themselves that it's no biggie as it will get overturned by appeal.

The POS Judge won't let the jury know the facts (that hush money payments are not an election campaign violation) and the goal is to get any kind.of conviction possible as many have said they won't vote for him if he's convicted of a crime.

Dershowitz is a Liberal that despises Trump and even he said this is the most pathetic, one-sided case in his 60 years of law.
"sicko Liberals"
"POS Judge"
"most pathetic, one-sided case"

Welp, there ya go. The poster who yesterday insinuated that a golfer who actually committed suicide really might've died from a booster shot has spoken.

The personal, raw emotion and anger put into politics is pretty wild. The Judge is a POS and the jury is corrupt huh...
If he's aquitted, what's the over/under the jury gets doxxed by the press?

Remember that time a forklift driver made a slurred speech meme of Nancy Pelosi amd tye press showed up at his job then quickly got quiet when they found out he wasn't white? Lol

I think the press is getting more worried about George washington flags with pine trees on it now or something as a crisis.
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"These people"

And then saying anyone who doesn't believe what I believe is naive.

I love social media lol.

I dunno, I'll say guilty and he'll pay a fine or whatever and both sides will still be equally angry at "they" and "those people."

I'll say hung jury. That jury pool is too biased to not some automatic guilty votes but when cnn legal analyst are talking about how weak the case is.... I'd say a couple people just can't pull the trigger on guilty.
Guilty, but tossed in a fortnight.

All of it is for naught. It will more than likely drive up his poll numbers (as it should)
I take a different view on your last sentence. I tend to think if guilty verdicts start attaching themselves to Trump, people will not automatically jump to his side. Have his numbers occasionally improved a little during various "attacks"? Sure. But there's a continued talking point from the right that if Trump is found guilty in any court of law, then by god that helps him! How exactly and would you say this about any other person in America? We all need to realize people in general do not like these two old bastards and people aren't going to suddenly be hyped to vote one of them back in. If Hunter Biden is found guilty, voters won't suddenly jump to Biden's side and claim Hunter was a misguided victim of the swamp. So why does Trump get that same talking point? And the answer is not "because it's all a lie and the swamp and blah blah blah." The media didn't like Bush II yet he hasn't found himself in and out of courtrooms since his presidency ended. I don't know what this verdict will be but I do know if Trump is sitting at say, 40% right now in some poll, a guilty verdict is not going to drive that number north to say, 45%+.
If it was a legitimate case, with actual evidence, I would agree with you. But, in this case it, you know, ISN'T.

And I've researched the case, the testimony, and the charges. But hey, I welcome your input on the case. Maybe I'm wrong (very rarely happens, but it's not IMPOSSIBLE)
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If it was a legitimate case, with actual evidence, I would agree with you. But, in this case it, you know, ISN'T.
Alright. I mean, that's your opinion. You also predicted around the holidays in another thread that you feared it wouldn't be long before Americans would be outlawed from saying 'Merry Christmas.' Sometimes your takes are a little off. You also didn't really answer my question. How does a guilty verdict actually help Trump and would you say this about any other American? To me it's clearly a built-in excuse but there's no actual reasoning behind it. You can't just say "It'S nOt LeGiTiMaTe" point blank period and think I'm going to take that seriously. In your mind, the trial is bunk, Trump is innocent, he's going to be found guilty anyway, that verdict will get tossed, and his numbers will rise. That's one rosy picture you just painted.
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The only question is: are the charges legitimate crimes, or political operations? I think it's very clearly the latter. But hey, I would love to hear your legal opinions on the matter. Enlighten me.

Otherwise, find someone else to obsess over. You're kind of creepy.
Alright. I mean, that's your opinion. You also predicted around the holidays in another thread that you feared it wouldn't be long before Americans would be outlawed from saying 'Merry Christmas.' Sometimes your takes are a little off. You also didn't really answer my question. How does a guilty verdict actually help Trump and would you say this about any other American? To me it's clearly a built-in excuse but there's no actual reasoning behind it. You can't just say "It'S nOt LeGiTiMaTe" point blank period and think I'm going to take that seriously. In your mind, the trial is bunk, Trump is innocent, he's going to be found guilty anyway, that verdict will get tossed, and his numbers will rise. That's one rosy picture you just painted.
I know you don't do any actual research into any opinion you have on here but.... Even CNN legal experts are commenting on how weak this case was.

These are people that want Trump in jail right now.

And also.... The crime is a misdemeanor that got up charged without the prosecution explaining the crime that allowed them to up charge this case. Cohen committed a worse crime in this case than what they are accusing Trump of and they aren't even charging Cohen of anything.

And also... Dershowitz isn't a Trump supporter and gives this..

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All of that aside, I'm pretty sure Nightwish has printed off copies of my posts, going back years, pinned them up on the wall of his den, with string running between them and photos, to try and "find the pattern" 😄😄😄😄

What an oddball...

Keeping my pets inside, and the guns loaded.
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The only question is: are the charges legitimate crimes, or political operations? I think it's very clearly the latter. But hey, I would love to hear your legal opinions on the matter. Enlighten me.

Otherwise, find someone else to obsess over. You're kind of creepy.
I'm guessing like everyone else. Maybe he's found innocent. What I take issue with is creating a scenario where Trump is always the winner no matter what. If he's found innocent, he wins. If he's found guilty, guess what? He wins again! That...doesn't make sense and we don't use that line of thinking for any other American.

As for your second point and an entire new post you just wrote, that's pretty weak and the trolling from the political thread is rubbing off on ya. If you can't handle a conversation where someone pushes back on something you said, just admit it. That seems to be a trend by a few of you. You don't want an actual back and forth about the subject so you go personal and troll, which is an odd reaction because I'm pretty sure you, like most here, are older than me. Figured trolling and ducking out of a conversation would be beneath someone middle aged.
All of that aside, I'm pretty sure Nightwish has printed off copies of my posts, going back years, pinned up on the wall of his den, with string running between them and photos, to try and "find the pattern" 😄😄😄😄

What an oddball...
I'm pretty sure I remember his asking why Disney laying workers for 2 years in a row was bad, but Elon laying off workers immediately after taking over twitter was good... LOL I didn't even respond because of how absolutely moronic that question was. Like... what level of economic education did he get? LOL.
If anyone followed the case closely, there was a damning paper trail that led back to Trump's signatures before witnesses Stormy & Cohen, (I like this name as a law firm), were called to the stand.
As for conviction, there is enough evidence to get one, but it's a jury, so who knows?
I'm guessing like everyone else. Maybe he's found innocent. What I take issue with is creating a scenario where Trump is always the winner no matter what. If he's found innocent, he wins. If he's found guilty, guess what? He wins again! That...doesn't make sense and we don't use that line of thinking for any other American.

As for your second point and an entire new post you just wrote, that's pretty weak and the trolling from the political thread is rubbing off on ya. If you can't handle a conversation where someone pushes back on something you said, just admit it. That seems to be a trend by a few of you. You don't want an actual back and forth about the subject so you go personal and troll, which is an odd reaction because I'm pretty sure you, like most here, are older than me. Figured trolling and ducking out of a conversation would be beneath someone middle aged.
Pushing back in good faith is fine but you just push back from a completely ignorant basis of any facts about an issue. I will bet you haven't followed this trial for 1 second.
If anyone followed the case closely, there was a damning paper trail that led back to Trump's signatures before witnesses Stormy & Cohen, (I like this name as a law firm), were called to the stand.
As for conviction, there is enough evidence to get one, but it's a jury, so who knows?
LOL. No there isn't. The big problem with this case is that they are saying its a campaign contribution because he wanted to keep it out of the campaign... but he didn't need to disclose it until after the election. This case comes down to whether you believe Cohen on everything else. Several legal experts are arguing the Judge should bench rule innocent based on lack of evidence. The whole case is on a convicted felon with a vengeance pact against Trump.

Cohen admitted to stealing $60K from Trump and wasn't dragged out in handcuffs.... Think about that.
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Glad I showed ignored content for this gem…

What I take issue with is creating a scenario where Trump is always the winner no matter what. If he's found innocent, he wins. If he's found guilty, guess what? He wins again! That...doesn't make sense and we don't use that line of thinking for any other American.

These peoples brains are broken. No, he’s not blaming the Biden admin and DOJ for corruptly targeting their top political opponent with unprecedented lawfare in a way no person has ever been targeted.

He’s actually upset at the people who see the corruption for what it is, and are siding with Trump, knowing the verdicts in the corruption don’t matter.

Remember, we’re talking about a bump in the polls. Meaning people who weren’t previously Trump voters are now becoming Trump voters as they start to see through the corruption.

It doesn’t matter if Trump is found guilty or acquitted at this point, because everyone knows it’s a corrupt show trial. If you didn’t want a scenario where Trump got a bump in the polls, you should have never supported the corruption targeting him in a way no American has ever been targeted.
If anyone followed the case closely, there was a damning paper trail that led back to Trump's signatures before witnesses Stormy & Cohen, (I like this name as a law firm), were called to the stand.
As for conviction, there is enough evidence to get one, but it's a jury, so who knows?
You must not be watching coverage of the case. The “damning” paper trail you mention is not illegal. One they have not proved the payments were not for legal fees. Two, hush money payments are legal. Three, the very paper that was supposedly the bombshell for the paper trail was discovered to be evidence (along with his admission) that Michael cohen falsified the numbers to steal money from trump. What’s your evidence to get a conviction?
LOL. No there isn't. The big problem with this case is that they are saying its a campaign contribution because he wanted to keep it out of the campaign... but he didn't need to disclose it until after the election. This case comes down to whether you believe Cohen on everything else. Several legal experts are arguing the Judge should bench rule innocent based on lack of evidence. The whole case is on a convicted felon with a vengeance pact against Trump.

Cohen admitted to stealing $60K from Trump and wasn't dragged out in handcuffs.... Think about that.
Yes, if judge was legitimate, he would agree with CNN that has repeatedly said there is no evidence and even they are confused about case being brought. Then judge would rule innocent to protect jury and not put them in a bad spot to decide the case.
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I'm guessing like everyone else. Maybe he's found innocent. What I take issue with is creating a scenario where Trump is always the winner no matter what. If he's found innocent, he wins. If he's found guilty, guess what? He wins again! That...doesn't make sense and we don't use that line of thinking for any other American.

As for your second point and an entire new post you just wrote, that's pretty weak and the trolling from the political thread is rubbing off on ya. If you can't handle a conversation where someone pushes back on something you said, just admit it. That seems to be a trend by a few of you. You don't want an actual back and forth about the subject so you go personal and troll, which is an odd reaction because I'm pretty sure you, like most here, are older than me. Figured trolling and ducking out of a conversation would be beneath someone middle aged.
This right here is the problem. As it stands right now, he is innocent. Anyone with an ounce of respect for the justice system would agree. Isn’t the whole concept, “innocent until proven guilty”? President Trump should never be “found innocent”.
It's impressive how the right wing political brothers in arms support each other, agree with each other, and like each other's posts. It's almost like this is a personal war for them and it's being fought on CI.

- HK talked himself into thinking whatever happens will be a win for Trump. When he was questioned about that odd line of thinking, he went to name calling and trolling. Alright...good chat I guess.
- Stout loves conspiracies and thinks everyone who dies young died from a covid booster and then rants here about a judge he doesn't know and "sicko" liberals. Alright...we can take him seriously.
- hmt follows me from thread to thread and quotes nearly every post of mine unless it's a wrestling post. Alright, enjoy reading my takes I guess.
- Bill Cosby disrupted shot and booster threads from day one with scare tactics and then posted that he wished the intruder who tried to kill Pelosi's husband would've finished the job and killed him. Alright, so he's stable and politics hasn't had a negative effect on him lol.

^ know who you're talking to. One thing reading GYERO for decades taught me...remember the absurd posts of certain people and occasionally point them out. Doing so usually freaks them out. I did the same with another one who said he wished he could shoot liberals in the streets. Eventually he admitted politics got the better of him and he actually apologized.

Whatever happens will be spun as a win for Donald and spinning that much for one man isn't normal. He's not a savior and he isn't going to hug you. Attacking the judge, other posters, or the system because of one man's personal tactics that's landed him in courtrooms isn't normal. The hold that dude has on people's personalities is some freaky shit.
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This right here is the problem. As it stands right now, he is innocent. Anyone with an ounce of respect for the justice system would agree. Isn’t the whole concept, “innocent until proven guilty”? President Trump should never be “found innocent”.
Correct. I meant to say not guilty. Odd that you consider a single phrase in a post such a problem and you wanted to highlight that...but you've stayed away from other opinions here, such as the judge being a POS and other hysterical partisan takes. You can tell from this one thread that others see me as the problem lol. I was even called out in multiple trolling posts in the political thread when I hadn't even posted. Some choose to log in, pick out a person, and fight fight fight. For a handful, they've picked me. It's why I've had to put some on ignore.

My mistake on that phrasing though. Just seems weird to pick that out in a thread full of oddball takes and make that phrase "the problem."
Accusing Bill of “scare tactics” about Covid….lol the entire *thing* was a scare tactic.

Good grief man.
From day one, he urged folks here not to take the shot and lied about millions dying from it. Wayne started the thread for people who had taken it or were planning to take it. Let's stop pretending he didn't have an agenda. Posters called him out and repeatedly said alright, you're not taking it, cool. But stop trolling and saying shit like millions have already died from it when the rollout was just beginning.

Defending a troll (noticed you stayed away from the time he said he wished a politician's husband would've been killed) is sometimes not the best look.
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@Nightwish84 appreciate the efforts but you're fighting a no-win battle. This is a message board full of white, straight, Christian, mostly 50+ year old men from Kentucky. This message board is basically their last bastion for a safe space where they can drop the f word homosexual slur, the r word, talk about African Americans as "thugs" and "them," and openly despise and think less of trans people and do it with somewhat relative anonymity. And they literally believe a guy who died over 2,000 years ago is going to come back to Earth, smite all the non-believers, and whisk them away any day now (or will it be another 1,000 years, no one knows!!), so why worry about the future of the planet? They haven't changed an opinion on any political issue in decades. Good f'n luck trying to change their minds about anything lol.
Most likely guilty but it makes no difference. He can't win a general election in the fall. Trump is the only candidate Biden can beat so the republicans are going to run him. The democrats made the same mistake in 2016 with Hillary, she was the only candidate Trump could beat then
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For those that have followed. If Trump is found guilty, what crime would he have been guilty of committing?
@Nightwish84 appreciate the efforts but you're fighting a no-win battle. This is a message board full of white, straight, Christian, mostly 50+ year old men from Kentucky. This message board is basically their last bastion for a safe space where they can drop the f word homosexual slur, the r word, talk about African Americans as "thugs" and "them," and openly despise and think less of trans people and do it with somewhat relative anonymity. And they literally believe a guy who died over 2,000 years ago is going to come back to Earth, smite all the non-believers, and whisk them away any day now (or will it be another 1,000 years, no one knows!!), so why worry about the future of the planet? They haven't changed an opinion on any political issue in decades. Good f'n luck trying to change their minds about anything lol.
I don't see any of that in the political thread. I just see Liberal stupidity exposed.

The irony is that you're trying to paint old white men as angry when the only angry one I see when I look at you is...... you. lol. Have fun tapping strangers on the shoulder and saying "hey, I'm an atheist, just thought I'd let you know." lmao
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