Thought Experiment


Aug 3, 2006
Interested in what members of the board will say. Here is the situation:

Your son is a guard/forward in the class of '24, he is a Top 25 player and a 5-star and has been offered by all major programs.

You are a UK fan (I assume since you are here).

Let's assume that Reeves, Dillingham, Wagner, Edwards, and Bradshaw are all gone.

In this scenario, no matter what happens over the next 5 years, Cal will be the coach at UK.

Where are you trying to send your kid? If it is UK, why? If not UK, why?
I think Cal is a good man. I'd not worry about my son being under his care. As a coach, making him better and rewarding him for his efforts? Hell no. I wouldn't want my kid getting the Derek Willis treatment.
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I think Cal is a good man. I'd not worry about my son being under his care. As a coach, making him better and rewarding him for his efforts? Hell no. I wouldn't want my kid getting the Derek Willis treatment.
Derek Willis wasn't a 5 star. Your kid in this scenario is.
It's all about the paper. If my son is top25, then we're starting to think about NBA money. I'm picking Cal, for the good reasons and the ones we hate as Kentucky fans: He gets his players to the league, and it appears, he caters to this notion.
That's why I said "trying" . Yes, their choice, but what are you advising?
Depends on the kid. My choice is irrelevant. It would be to better themselves on what the kid wants to do. Personally, I would have no problem for my kid playing for Cal at UK. I do see how the fans react to some kids and that would be a big factor in my advisement to them.

Not a top 25 kid, but been through this before with my oldest when they decided to go to college to play a sport. Came down to 4 schools. I preferred 2 of them. My kid made chose a school that I didn't prefer. It was the best decision. They were happy and had a great experience. That was all that mattered. Lots of factors went into the decision other than ball to. Lots of factors.

But i get it. With top 25 you would think pretty much throw school out the window and play ball with the NBA in the window. Been a cat fan my entire life. We fans are the worst. I would hate to not invite my kid to Thanksgiving or Christmas because they sucked out on the court for Kentucky.
If he is a 5-star OAD freshman, then I'm advocating for Calipari and UK. I don't think anybody does a better job of getting those guys set up for the draft. Plus, I would feel like there wouldn't be much danger that he wouldn't play and he would probably even start - although depending on how far his skill level development still has to go, that might actually be a negative in regard to the draft.
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A meeting with the staff and Cal would be the first order of business. A full evaluation of what we hear would come next. It would be a hard sell for Cal because I don't trust his handling of the program over the past few years, by the same token some players leave before they should. Cal would have to say more than his canned one liners. As much as I would want to have a kid(grandkid in my case) put on the UK uniform I would be comfortable only if the kid was 100% sold on UK and Cal
That's why I said "trying" . Yes, their choice, but what are you advising?
I'm advising my kid on what I believe are the pros and cons of the programs he is looking at and I'm supporting him in whatever decision he makes. I'm answering questions, providing information but staying as neutral as possible because it's his future.
Interested in what members of the board will say. Here is the situation:

Your son is a guard/forward in the class of '24, he is a Top 25 player and a 5-star and has been offered by all major programs.

You are a UK fan (I assume since you are here).

Let's assume that Reeves, Dillingham, Wagner, Edwards, and Bradshaw are all gone.

In this scenario, no matter what happens over the next 5 years, Cal will be the coach at UK.

Where are you trying to send your kid? If it is UK, why? If not UK, why?
Taking my Kentucky tinted glasses off, I would send my kid to the best spot for his position. Selfishly I would want them to go to Kentucky, but if my kid were a good guard but not not overly athletic and was a really good shooter I would want them at a school with a offensive minded coach
Interested in what members of the board will say. Here is the situation:

Your son is a guard/forward in the class of '24, he is a Top 25 player and a 5-star and has been offered by all major programs.

You are a UK fan (I assume since you are here).

Let's assume that Reeves, Dillingham, Wagner, Edwards, and Bradshaw are all gone.

In this scenario, no matter what happens over the next 5 years, Cal will be the coach at UK.

Where are you trying to send your kid? If it is UK, why? If not UK, why?
UK to team up with Reed, Hart, Cyril, and Thiero. There should be a good nucleus to build around for the future so long as guys stay.
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If my kid wanted to go to UK and Cal was the coach I'd tell him this.

You may start year 1 and then be recruited over. However, if you stick it out for years 3-4 there's a good chance with your talent you'd be the missing piece to a National Title team and be a UK legend.

Or my kid is one n done and like most bounce to the NBA. But I'm not entirely poor so I'd make sure he goes when he feels ready not out of desperation to feed our family
I'd hope my son would want to go to Kentucky, but I'm not pushing him in any direction. I'll help him gather all the information he needs to make a decision that fits him the best. I would tell him, however, that in my family, our word is our bond. This decision, unless there is a coaching change, is set in stone and you finish what you start. In this case where. I don't believe in this mercenary nonsense.
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Interested in what members of the board will say. Here is the situation:

Your son is a guard/forward in the class of '24, he is a Top 25 player and a 5-star and has been offered by all major programs.

You are a UK fan (I assume since you are here).

Let's assume that Reeves, Dillingham, Wagner, Edwards, and Bradshaw are all gone.

In this scenario, no matter what happens over the next 5 years, Cal will be the coach at UK.

Where are you trying to send your kid? If it is UK, why? If not UK, why?

So are you Jeff Shepard?
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If he doesn't feel like UK is the place for him, then I'm good. Just as long as he doesn't sign with any of our immediate rivals. Son or no son, I can't see any scenario where I would wear Duke or Louisville or any of a few more teams gear and cheer them to victory.
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Interested in what members of the board will say. Here is the situation:

Your son is a guard/forward in the class of '24, he is a Top 25 player and a 5-star and has been offered by all major programs.

You are a UK fan (I assume since you are here).

Let's assume that Reeves, Dillingham, Wagner, Edwards, and Bradshaw are all gone.

In this scenario, no matter what happens over the next 5 years, Cal will be the coach at UK.

Where are you trying to send your kid? If it is UK, why? If not UK, why?
First I'm sending him to UK if I have the choice. And I'm damn sure hoping Cal is his coach. But even if Tubby were coaching I would want my sone at UK.

But you cannot assume this site is full of UK fans. I see more Arkansas, Alabama, St John's and UConn fans here than UK fans. Posting anyway.
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If my kid was good enough to be offered by all the major programs then I would want him to go somewhere with a chance to compete for a NC and play in the Final Four. That’s not happening under Cal anymore.
Today my choices would be for him to play at Kansas or UCONN.
Interested in what members of the board will say. Here is the situation:

Your son is a guard/forward in the class of '24, he is a Top 25 player and a 5-star and has been offered by all major programs.

You are a UK fan (I assume since you are here).

Let's assume that Reeves, Dillingham, Wagner, Edwards, and Bradshaw are all gone.

In this scenario, no matter what happens over the next 5 years, Cal will be the coach at UK.

Where are you trying to send your kid? If it is UK, why? If not UK, why?
My son would never play for CCC.
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