The 5 members who kept Caitlin Clark off of Team USA

Don’t think the Carter girl is even jealous of Clark. Apparently she has a history of being crazy . Kicked off one of her teams for beating up a teammate .
We all know that. I made a simple comment with a laughing emoji man. You seem totally obsessed with everyone here seeing it your way on CC. It doesn't work that way.
CC CLEARLY one of if not teh best player on the court today. Scoring, finding open players/setting them up, etc.

The haters are f'd. They'll have to waddle away as she is the main attraction for YEARS to come.
I'll bite!
Do you remember Jackie Styles? She scored a lot and was the all time scorer until Kelsey Plum passed her.
What about Kelsey Mitchell who currently plays with Clark. She is the current 3rd all time leading scorer in NCAA. Is Mitchell one of the 20 best women playing right now? She's not the first white girl to outscore everyone who's ever done it.(She being Clark)

Uconn and Tennessee always loaded their schedules with the best teams in the country. It's goofy to say Geno's reign is over when he just took 7 players to the final 4 and probably should have played in the final. Geno's best teams beat the past 10 women's NCAA champions.

The whole point is she is not better than any of the guards that are on the USA squad so she isn't on the squad. One of the guards on the squad hasn't played a game this season yet so maybe CC will get her slot. But their are other guards that could get the slot as well.

Clark finishes with 23 points, 9 assists and 8 rebounds as her team beats Reece and Carter's team.

She was EASILY the best player on the floor. Find somethiing you're good at. This isn't it.
Which lady who has been commited to the Team USA program and played for the last 3 years do you want to kick off? They’re all deserving, it’s just bad timing for Caitlin Clark.

I never said she should be on the Olympic team and in this thread. I'm talking about the players in her league bullying her and am glad she is driving them nuts by a) not responding and b) trending up.

Oh and welcome "new" poster..... :rolleyes:
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Clark finishes with 23 points, 9 assists and 8 rebounds as her team beats Reece and Carter's team.

She was EASILY the best player on the floor. Find somethiing you're good at. This isn't it.
You were really waiting for that. Still doesn't deserve an Olympic spot over the guards in front of her. Give me her numbers vs those other guards genius.
Are you one of those guys that though Rhonda Rousey could beat up Floyd Mayweather?
LOL, Loser Reece try's to take CC's head off.

Flagarant, follow through to the head.
Then to say some players received special treatment because she was assessed a technical for taking Clarks head off is a joke. Listen I am not really a CC fan and would rather watch non stop concert footage of Morgan Wallen as to watch a women's basketball game, unless my daughter was playing in it. With that said having a wife who works in an industry that is primarily women it doesn't shock me that jealousy has caused them to not see the big picture of what she has done for their sport. They would rather their sport wallow in obscurity than to see her succeed. It's like Cal used to say when the tide rises all the ships rise with it.
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Then to say some players received special treatment because she was assessed a technical for taking Clarks head off is a joke. Listen I am not really a CC fan and would rather watch non stop concert footage of Morgan Wallen as to watch a women's basketball game, unless my daughter was playing in it. With that said having a wife who works in an industry that is primarily women it doesn't shock me that jealousy has caused them to not see the big picture of what she has done for their sport. They would rather their sport wallow in obscurity than to see her succeed. It's like Cal used to say when the tide rises all the ships rise with it.
Ageee. I’m not really a fan either but I hate bullies.
You were really waiting for that. Still doesn't deserve an Olympic spot over the guards in front of her. Give me her numbers vs those other guards genius.
Are you one of those guys that though Rhonda Rousey could beat up Floyd Mayweather?
Describe what deserve means? Can anyone name those other guards without Google? Combined, do you you believe these 12 will pull in as much merch revenue as Clark would have by herself? This is ultimately entertainment . Ppl would show up by the thousands more just because she's on it. The women and their foolish liberal followers show their complete lack of economic understanding.

Life isn't about what you deserve or being fair. She brings interest, revenue, and more fans to the game than any other female athlete will or would. Other women are petty about that
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"foolish liberal followers"

Saw a recent article where Clark urged people online to stop using her name and this thing as a jumping off point to push your own agenda, which usually seems to be political in nature. You may disagree with the decision but I don't understand pushing a liberal/conservative thing constantly. It's just quite a leap to think and then post "liberal" or "conservative" when talking about a player who didn't make a team. I usually joke about this but I think about 40% of the country would get online and blame politics if they accidently burnt their popcorn.
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I honestly have to wonder if Angel Reese isn't just purposely playing into the "heel" persona, because she knows it's going to draw massive viewers just so people can watch the villain.

Because to commit a pretty hard flagrant on Clark (this is like her 4th incident targeting her), and then go on the podium and claim Clark gets special treatment, implying she gets all the calls.. is next level delusion.
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I honestly have to wonder if Angel Reese isn't just purposely playing into the "heel" persona, because she knows it's going to draw massive viewers just so people can watch the villain.

Because to commit a pretty hard flagrant on Clark (this is like her 4th incident targeting her), and then go on the podium and claim Clark gets special treatment, implying she gets all the calls.. is next level delusion.
Angel Reese has had a questionable attitude for quite a while now. This is just her. She's not likeable and perceived as low-class, and she seems to be proud of it. Former UK player Cam'Ron Fletcher dodged a bullet when they broke up.

“Yeah, I’m single,” she said during an Instagram live. “I don’t got no man. Don’t attach me to no man. That’s all I’mma say. That’s it.”:

She wasn't eligible for the top award in WNCAAB:

Racial undertones didn't start in the WNBA:

More "dogwhistling" despite her taunting of other players:

Nobody knows why she was suspended, although an "attitude adjustment" was suspected:
Heh, I'm just trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. I wish she would be just leaning into the heel, where this is mostly just an act and shes not a bad person. But I'm afraid shes just a jealous POS.
I'm not buying into race honestly. Just women being petty

I don't think the WNBA "stars" respect CC's game. Like they recognize she's good, but not good enough to warrant all the attention. And it's pissing them off. Problem is, CC is probably the real deal and she is definitely creating more revenue for the league. so they should STFU and get in line.
Describe what deserve means? Can anyone name those other guards without Google? Combined, do you you believe these 12 will pull in as much merch revenue as Clark would have by herself? This is ultimately entertainment . Ppl would show up by the thousands more just because she's on it. The women and their foolish liberal followers show their complete lack of economic understanding.

Life isn't about what you deserve or being fair. She brings interest, revenue, and more fans to the game than any other female athlete will or would. Other women are petty about that
This is the Olympics. The only goal is gold medal. They don't know who Clark is in Paris where the Olympics will be taking place. There are probably 50 sports that will have more attention than women's basketball and that is being generous.
This is the Olympics. The only goal is gold medal. They don't know who Clark is in Paris where the Olympics will be taking place. There are probably 50 sports that will have more attention than women's basketball and that is being generous.

This think Paris, the networks covering the Olympics, and women’s basketball fans throughout Europe wish Clark was on the team.
This is the Olympics. The only goal is gold medal. They don't know who Clark is in Paris where the Olympics will be taking place. There are probably 50 sports that will have more attention than women's basketball and that is being generous.
Do you even watch sports bro?

Where and when do you think the NBA took off with international players? 1992 started it. If you don't think girls who play basketball in France don't know who CC is? Foreign players are flocking here and dominating now. Revenues are doing great and huge chunks of that income from euro and China. All because of Olympic exposure. The women had that chance here.

I swear I think you libtards cant come up with a thought on your own. You are doing nothing but quoting the talking heads that spew ignorant bs that is printed like a script for them to read to ignorant audience members who wouldnt know a basketball from a football.

These athletes use the Olympics as a way to showcase their skills but as a way to market themselves with future endorsements. None of those girls are recognizable to the majority of sports fans. CC is and she would have moved that needle more than these others combined.for the benefit of the wnba and future wnba revenues that the whole league would be positively impacted.

The fact that you and your minions still think this is about the best 12 best players is comical. Hell most of those girls were kneeling for the anthem and calling this country racist.

When was the last time the men had the 12 best players on their squad?
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It could be debatable whether or not she is one of the top 12, but she was and is the greatest financial and marketable resource they have had, will currently have and they shit their pants BECAUSE WOMEN ARE PETTY.

You want to say this about the Olympics and not the league. I happen to know more guys than I would like to admit who have actually kept up this and watch her games when nothing else sports related has their time. They would have absolutely watched the girls play to see her. But now nope. I won't know a single soul that could tell you how the women's team performed in the Olympics. None. And I promise that same sentiment is across the country. Not cause they are angry or racist. They just needed a reason to watch. 12 players most all of us have never heard of isn't going to that.

60 million. That is the estimated financial impact they are going to suffer. A gold medal that they were going to win anyway worth 60 million? Is that worth it
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Do you even watch sports bro?

Where and when do you think the NBA took off with international players? 1992 started it. If you don't think girls who play basketball in France don't know who CC is? Foreign players are flocking here and dominating now. Revenues are doing great and huge chunks of that income from euro and China. All because of Olympic exposure. The women had that chance here.

I swear I think you libtards cant come up with a thought on your own. You are doing nothing but quoting the talking heads that spew ignorant bs that is printed like a script for them to read to ignorant audience members who wouldnt know a basketball from a football.

These athletes use the Olympics as a way to showcase their skills but as a way to market themselves with future endorsements. None of those girls are recognizable to the majority of sports fans. CC is and she would have moved that needle more than these others combined.for the benefit of the wnba and future wnba revenues that the whole league would be positively impacted.

The fact that you and your minions still think this is about the best 12 best players is comical. Hell most of those girls were kneeling for the anthem and calling this country racist.

When was the last time the men had the 12 best players on their squad?
Do you even know how poorly the Olympics are covered in the United States? NBC owns all rights in America to Olympic coverage and they do a terrible job at it. Don't cover whole events and they always try and tell the feel good story, when most want to just watch athletes do their thing. Most of it is going to be tape delayed because we are 6 hours behind.

You went off the deep end because my thoughts don't line up with yours. I don't know wtf you are talking about minions and whatever else nonsense you rapping. The fact still remains that womens basketball is not one of the top sports in the Olympics.
Do you even know how poorly the Olympics are covered in the United States? NBC owns all rights in America to Olympic coverage and they do a terrible job at it. Don't cover whole events and they always try and tell the feel good story, when most want to just watch athletes do their thing. Most of it is going to be tape delayed because we are 6 hours behind.

You went off the deep end because my thoughts don't line up with yours. I don't know wtf you are talking about minions and whatever else nonsense you rapping. The fact still remains that womens basketball is not one of the top sports in the Olympics.
I know economics and sports together are hard for your kind. You are not going to understand if I drew you pictures in a coloring book.
It could be debatable whether or not she is one of the top 12, but she was and is the greatest financial and marketable resource they have had, will currently have and they shit their pants BECAUSE WOMEN ARE PETTY.

You want to say this about the Olympics and not the league. I happen to know more guys than I would like to admit who have actually kept up this and watch her games when nothing else sports related has their time. They would have absolutely watched the girls play to see her. But now nope. I won't know a single soul that could tell you how the women's team performed in the Olympics. None. And I promise that same sentiment is across the country. Not cause they are angry or racist. They just needed a reason to watch. 12 players most all of us have never heard of isn't going to that.

60 million. That is the estimated financial impact they are going to suffer. A gold medal that they were going to win anyway worth 60 million? Is that worth it
The smartest move would have been to add CC, Reese and the chick avg'ing 26 ppg and just call them alternates in case of injury. Let them get international experience... Don't create a shitstorm of negative press when you are losing $50 million/year... Create more buzz for wnba this summer and especially heading into the future.

Unfortunately, we have a bunch of economic idiots in charge of stuff now and the idea of making money and turning a profit is seen as a bad thing by some of these people.
The smartest move would have been to add CC, Reese and the chick avg'ing 26 ppg and just call them alternates in case of injury. Let them get international experience... Don't create a shitstorm of negative press when you are losing $50 million/year... Create more buzz for wnba this summer and especially heading into the future.

Unfortunately, we have a bunch of economic idiots in charge of stuff now and the idea of making money and turning a profit is seen as a bad thing by some of these people.
I agree with your point, but Reese isn't even a top 5 rookie. There's a reason she was picked 7th.
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She's not in the top 50 of best women's players of all time. Her game has major flaws, There are 20 women who played for UConn better than her
What are her major flaws? I watched her game against Chicago and she was clearly the best player on the court. They couldn’t take her out of the game because things went awry when she was out. As a rookie after like 14 games, she’s 17th in the league in scoring and 4th in assists. She’s still adapting to the tougher competition, but it’s pretty obvious that she will pretty easily establish herself as the best player in the league very soon. Most skilled player in the league. Women can’t play her position like her.
CC CLEARLY one of if not teh best player on the court today. Scoring, finding open players/setting them up, etc.

The haters are f'd. They'll have to waddle away as she is the main attraction for YEARS to come.
She was involved in virtually every basket between setting people up and scoring. The difference between the WNBA and college is she has a couple giants that can take the pressure off her.
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What are her major flaws? I watched her game against Chicago and she was clearly the best player on the court. They couldn’t take her out of the game because things went awry when she was out. As a rookie after like 14 games, she’s 17th in the league in scoring and 4th in assists. She’s still adapting to the tougher competition, but it’s pretty obvious that she will pretty easily establish herself as the best player in the league very soon. Most skilled player in the league. Women can’t play her position like her.
If she goes right it's either all the way to the basket or she's looking for the assist. When she's going left she is looking for the step back jumper. She still has to work that out. I suggest you watch Brittany Stewart who is currently the best player in the league. Whenever Elena Dell Donna decides to play she is top 2. Aja Wilson for the Aces is 3.
Clark killing the Chicago Sky who is a bad team isn't a reason to crown her. She is not more talented than Kelsey Plum or Sabrina Ionescu. The Notre Dame guards are all flat out better than her. Clark however has the quickest release in the WNBA and if she can be smarter about some of the shots she takes her scoring numbers will get better.
I agree with your point, but Reese isn't even a top 5 rookie. There's a reason she was picked 7th.
Yep. But we are talking about selling the league. She's getting more eyeballs than many other in the league... Probably for the wrong reasons... but maybe letting them gel together over the summer could end up helping the league in general.

Plenty of girls have already said they don't take the 12 best anyway. They were saying it's political anyway so they might as well try to make some money with their selectivity.
@Jamal Sunburn said people don't like Reece or competing and that it's "wierd". Funny how he left out the part where she was sitting on the bench, not competing, and jumped up and cheered a blatant cheap shot........showing her complete lack of character. Dom't let the Jamal Sumburn's of the world gaslight you.
Doesn't the men's team try to take in a couple rookies or at least young guys to keep the continuity?
If she goes right it's either all the way to the basket or she's looking for the assist. When she's going left she is looking for the step back jumper. She still has to work that out. I suggest you watch Brittany Stewart who is currently the best player in the league. Whenever Elena Dell Donna decides to play she is top 2. Aja Wilson for the Aces is 3.
Clark killing the Chicago Sky who is a bad team isn't a reason to crown her. She is not more talented than Kelsey Plum or Sabrina Ionescu. The Notre Dame guards are all flat out better than her. Clark however has the quickest release in the WNBA and if she can be smarter about some of the shots she takes her scoring numbers will get better.
She’s played all of 15 games. She’s 22. The others you named all have 5+ years in the league and have all gotten way better over time. Her rookie year scoring stats are on a level with most of them. Some are obviously more pure scorers or more athletic than her. But her vision, awareness, passing is better than probably any girl I’ve ever watched. She can take over games without even scoring and that’s why she’s transcendent. Not to mention doing so with so much hatred for her on the other side.
She’s played all of 15 games. She’s 22. The others you named all have 5+ years in the league and have all gotten way better over time. Her rookie year scoring stats are on a level with most of them. Some are obviously more pure scorers or more athletic than her. But her vision, awareness, passing is better than probably any girl I’ve ever watched. She can take over games without even scoring and that’s why she’s transcendent. Not to mention doing so with so much hatred for her on the other side.
She is definitely hated on. Sabrina is the best passer of the ball in the WNBA and has been for her few years in the league. If people just say they had no interest in the WNBA before Clark than that is ok. Lindsey Whalen is my favorite player to ever play in the WNBA. Look her up as she is retired now but she was probably the best floor general to lace them up.
She’s played all of 15 games. She’s 22. The others you named all have 5+ years in the league and have all gotten way better over time. Her rookie year scoring stats are on a level with most of them. Some are obviously more pure scorers or more athletic than her. But her vision, awareness, passing is better than probably any girl I’ve ever watched. She can take over games without even scoring and that’s why she’s transcendent. Not to mention doing so with so much hatred for her on the other side.

Good post. Anybody with a brain can see how good she is without even the shooting part of it. Keep in mind that you are talking to someone who a) has no clue what he's talking about. and b) has already made his mind up based on stuff he knows nothing about.

In short? Clownshow.
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If she goes right it's either all the way to the basket or she's looking for the assist. When she's going left she is looking for the step back jumper. She still has to work that out. I suggest you watch Brittany Stewart who is currently the best player in the league. Whenever Elena Dell Donna decides to play she is top 2. Aja Wilson for the Aces is 3.
Clark killing the Chicago Sky who is a bad team isn't a reason to crown her. She is not more talented than Kelsey Plum or Sabrina Ionescu. The Notre Dame guards are all flat out better than her. Clark however has the quickest release in the WNBA and if she can be smarter about some of the shots she takes her scoring numbers will get better.
She also doesn’t have the cover those players’ teams provide them. She is the sole threat to create for the rest of the team. When her teammates get more assertive or she gets better teammates her game will open up more. Curry would be Dame Lillard if he was surrounded by scrubs.

There is a lot less pressure when your team has talent to dilute the defenses’ efforts.

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