Terrence Shannon’s accuser lying for money?

And it’s only becoming more common. Reminds me of a story from a few years ago. A guy attending USC had sex with this girl. From a bar. She went and told the cops the day after she was raped. If it hadn’t been for hotel CCTV footage he would have been convicted.

If I was a single man I’d have a contract drawn up for random encounters now honestly.
Let me get this straight...Everyone is now certain this guy is not only innocent but was framed by a woman out for extortion based on....Whatever that random Illinois fan blog says? And she was going to profit off this how?

I don't know if he is guilty or not. But common sense tells me that an experienced prosecutor doesn't pursue this all the way to the point of seating a jury and preparing for the trial, which I understand is to start Monday, because he or she was duped by some college girl trying to make a score.

Let's see how the trial plays out. But a prosecutor who thinks he has a weak case would have pled this out to a misdemeanor charge , figured out a way to drop the charges in a face saving way, or otherwise gotten out from under it before taking it to a jury, where an expensive, and no doubt experienced defense attorney can use any means necessary to shred his case.

By the way, the latest stories on this trial suggests the defense will not claim nothing happened to the girl. Shannon's lawyers are apparently going for the "SODDI" defense -- some other dude did it. (It WAS Lawrence. Maybe a KU basketball player was near by?)

If the trial goes off as scheduled, we'll know soon enough. If a jury which includes men, women, blacks and whites finds there is not enough evidence to say he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then it is fair to question the prosecutor, the girl and the system. But that hasn't happened yet.
Read the evidence for probable cause, it was weak as hell. There are examples of crooked DA’s all across this country. Crooked judges too. A DA would prosecute this case just to get their name in the paper or think it would help for a mayoral campaign one day. Not everyone in law has your best interests at heart or protect the rights of people, most are there to make money and that’s it.
I freely admit I don't know if he's guilty. I'm glad he has the resources to defend himself and I hope justice is done. But the percentage of cases in America that get all the way to a jury trial is far lower than the percent of cases in which someone is actually guilty. Even when that is the case, many, many people are allowed to plead out just because it is tough to prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt.

It does catch my eye that in all the stories about this two things are clear: 1. He had expensive, experienced and aggressive lawyers defending him. 2. Their defense has never claimed nothing happened. Taking the "mistaken identity" approach strikes me as the least attractive road to go down, if you had another choice.
Exactly they plead out, so the state wins even against innocent people because they don’t wanna risk a long jail term. That is just as sick and most can’t afford a defense all the way to trail.
3rd wave feminist are satanic. Why this country continues to straddle both sides of this fence is disturbing. A time will come when entertaining this evil will have to be confronted. Still will never understand how the greats produced a generation that’s brought all of this into reality. It makes no sense.
Because those in power have ruined people and this country, it’s been going on decades and they are winning.
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What is utterly devastating here is how it affects women who truly are victims of sexual assault, assuming this women only accused for the money
They’ll be afraid to come forward and no justice will be done
Exactly, which is why false accusers should face harse penalties, it not only affects the innocent person they accused but infinitely hurts those who actually experienced it.
I was looking for a basketball chat board, but walked into an incel circle J. Need a shower.
I don't think you know what an Incel is. I see you're one of the types where any honest social commentary. On women is frowned upon. We can never say anything about women in your eyes.
If I was a single man I’d have a contract drawn up for random encounters now honestly.
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If a person is found to have falsely accused someone of rape, they should face prison time. Same with fake racist attacks. That’s the only way these things, than can legitimately ruin someone’s life, will stop.
I stumbled across this while following some links on the case. The only amendment Your position is appealing in some respects, except that just as the state had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he had raped and/or sexually abused her, in order for her to be convicted and face the same potential penalties the state should have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she falsely accused him. Otherwise, there would be too much of a chilling effect for victims to come forward.
I stumbled across this while following some links on the case. The only amendment Your position is appealing in some respects, except that just as the state had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he had raped and/or sexually abused her, in order for her to be convicted and face the same potential penalties the state should have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she falsely accused him. Otherwise, there would be too much of a chilling effect for victims to come forward.
There are two types of victims in a scenario like this. If the horrific act occurred the victim would be obvious. If the act did not occur, the person whose reputation and perhaps career are tarnished forever would also constitute being a victim. The previous poster had a fair take, that false accusations should be weighed with the same severity as the barbaric act. If you narrow yourself to a word association game where victim means only one thing, you end up with a culture in need of serious reform.
It all started when the KGB infiltrated our colleges in the 1950s. The kids of the greatest generation stood no chance.

Oh for sure. What gets me is you’d think the greats would have done an abrupt halt when their boomer kids came home on spring break.

1965 great generation parent - “ well, what have you learned at the college I was never able to attend?”

Boomer “ that you’re a sexist pos and you’ve fought wars to oppress and colonize. I’m also now an atheist and hate God”

Great generation parent - “well I’m glad for you to go back there”

It just blows my mind
Oh for sure. What gets me is you’d think the greats would have done an abrupt halt when their boomer kids came home on spring break.

1965 great generation parent - “ well, what have you learned at the college I was never able to attend?”

Boomer “ that you’re a sexist pos and you’ve fought wars to oppress and colonize. I’m also now an atheist and hate God”

Great generation parent - “well I’m glad for you to go back there”

It just blows my mind
Half the country is Marxist. We're in a scary place.
Oh for sure. What gets me is you’d think the greats would have done an abrupt halt when their boomer kids came home on spring break.

1965 great generation parent - “ well, what have you learned at the college I was never able to attend?”

Boomer “ that you’re a sexist pos and you’ve fought wars to oppress and colonize. I’m also now an atheist and hate God”

Great generation parent - “well I’m glad for you to go back there”

It just blows my mind
It was not as open back them, slowly radicalizing decade after decade, now it’s open to everything.
Half the country is Marxist. We're in a scary place.

the end result is to destroy the male population so we’re easier to conquer. And it’s working more and more each year.

3rd wave feminism is what happens when we don’t allow a win to be a win. They made their gains but had to continue the grievance so they moved into new territory. Now we’re moving into child gender mutilation.

The Bible has clearly stated this was to come. We now identify evil as morality and morality as evil. There will be a lot of people held accountable that have no idea they were doing wrong. The Bible is clear there too.

Seeing parents encouraging their children to be immoral has to be the saddest sight I’ve ever seen as a parent with young kids and I hope those that promote this meet a swift demise. When you begin to brainwash children and target kids for your own sexual deviancy that’s probably the line where God moves in. The Bible is also clear about children.

Guess we’ll be hung to a cross for promoting decency and morality soon.
Sad thing is the only thing he was guilty of was talking to her in a crowded bar.
She should be arrested immediately for destroying his life over a lie. He's as innocent as the word itself. What's sad about this is a few people will assume he did.
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so you are saying that if he is innocent then we should punish the innocent
When he is proven innocent, which he was, then life continues and he should be able to countersue.

Suspending a kid pending an investigation doesn’t mean they are guilty. It just means everything stops until the trial is over.

This is common practice.
You all should go back and read the thread about this from during the season. A ton of people on this board were ready to convict him and ruin his life. They were all adamant he was likely guilty and should not play in the tournament.

This is why innocent until proven guilty should still be a thing.
I'm curious how you would know this, since, you know, you've only been here since May 9......
When he is proven innocent, which he was, then life continues and he should be able to countersue.

Suspending a kid pending an investigation doesn’t mean they are guilty. It just means everything stops until the trial is over.

This is common practice.
Countersue for what exactly? Is his accuser about to become the millionaire? She was after his money because she presumably doesn't have much of her own, if any.
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When he is proven innocent, which he was, then life continues and he should be able to countersue.

Suspending a kid pending an investigation doesn’t mean they are guilty. It just means everything stops until the trial is over.

This is common practice.

So you’re okay with a woman being in close proximity to you (your son?) at work in an office or in a store away from cameras, going to the police saying you sexually assaulted her (when in fact you might not have even been near her), and your work suspending you or your son father (whatever), making it known to everyone who knows you you’re suspended for potential sexual assault. You’re really okay with that? Would you actually encourage this?

I think these things in theory make some sense but I highly doubt you’d be okay with that happening to you or someone you love. Contrary to popular opinion women do lie about sexual assault and we have trouble even defining it today. I wouldn’t want that for you or your family anymore than this guy.

The world isn’t perfect but to protect the innocent sometimes the guilty get by. One innocent persons reputation and life being ruined over false allegations is too much. It’s why I’m against the death penalty and always have been, if you can’t guarantee an innocent man won’t die then it needs to be done away with.

I actually worked with a guy in Tennessee that was the “believe all women” type and a woman lied about sexual assault in his office ( total BS he would never). We all knew it we’d BS but he was suspended to investigate and he went absolutely insane over it. He was scared out of his mind for two weeks. I told him what I’m saying now, he encouraged that type of thing until it was him who was under the gun. I work in mental health and see this kind of thing from time to time. Lots of women cry sexual assault when nothing at all happened. I will not close my door with a woman inside my office for this reason. If my work has a problem with it they’ve been told everywhere I’ve been to let me go.
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I'm curious how you would know this, since, you know, you've only been here since May 9......
You do realize you don't actually need an account to view the site and read the content, right?

You also realize you can view old threads anytime as well, right?
You do realize you don't actually need an account to view the site and read the content, right?

You also realize you can view old threads anytime as well, right?
Yep, I also realize that you are absolutely FoS if you claim that either applies to you.

For the record, I'm not arguing the points you made about his innocence, as I actually agree. Just tired of all these "new" posters who are obviously retreads, particularly the ones who can't seem to help themselves when it comes to attacking UK fans.
Yep, I also realize that you are absolutely FoS if you claim that either applies to you.

For the record, I'm not arguing the points you made about his innocence, as I actually agree. Just tired of all these "new" posters who are obviously retreads, particularly the ones who can't seem to help themselves when it comes to attacking UK fans.
Lol, whatever you need to tell yourself, bud.

Who was attacked?
This. I think most people were out of sorts because a player who was under investigation for raping a girl was allowed to continue to play.

He should have been suspended until the trial was over. That sucks but that should have been the case.

If he ends up being innocent and the whole situation was a fabrication, then he should be able to counter sue. But until a conclusion is reached, he should not have been playing.
If he was proven innocent, then she lied and intentionally tried to ruin his life.
She needs to do jail time. What a horrible person. Willing to destroy someone's life in order gain some money? Terrible person
You all should go back and read the thread about this from during the season. A ton of people on this board were ready to convict him and ruin his life. They were all adamant he was likely guilty and should not play in the tournament.

This is why innocent until proven guilty should still be a thing.

Because they've been brainwashed by the me2 movement that if a woman makes an "accusation" then it's 100% true no matter what. That is DANGEROUS people! Innocent until PROVEN guilty is an important part of our justice system.
And not to mention, the weaponization of allegations against star athletes to impact the outcomes of sports.
This ×1000, but really with anything. Sports, politics, business and any form of leader or public figure.

Aside from that, can someone explain how suspending him from basketball activities, where he competes against other males, has any bearing on the safety of the alleged victim or other females?
It's dumbfounding to read about what happened in the Duke lacrosse case (almost 20 years ago now).

Investigation and resolution of the case sparked public discussion of racism, sexual violence, media bias, and due process on campuses. The former lead prosecutor, Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong, ultimately resigned in disgrace, and was disbarred and briefly imprisoned for violating ethics standards.

My now-Ex-wife knew the defense counsel of that case (a few years after the case) when she worked for the lawyer association he was a top member of, so yeah I heard a few stories about that case, as well as John Edwards showing up to their convention with his mistress before it became public that he was ....

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