Terrence Shannon’s accuser lying for money?

She should immediately be tried and sentenced as if she were the rapist. This is attempted murder using the judicial system.

There is currently no deterrent for women doing this crap.
If a person is found to have falsely accused someone of rape, they should face prison time. Same with fake racist attacks. That’s the only way these things, than can legitimately ruin someone’s life, will stop.
She should immediately be tried and sentenced as if she were the rapist. This is attempted murder using the judicial system.

There is currently no deterrent for women doing this crap.
And it’s only becoming more common. Reminds me of a story from a few years ago. A guy attending USC had sex with this girl. From a bar. She went and told the cops the day after she was raped. If it hadn’t been for hotel CCTV footage he would have been convicted.

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She should immediately be tried and sentenced as if she were the rapist. This is attempted murder using the judicial system.

There is currently no deterrent for women doing this crap.
We live in a nearly zero accountability society for women in regards to the majority of domestic legal issues.

Should happen, but it won’t. And the grounds for sentencing should be if it’s something provable like data forensics. Bc I wouldn’t want man or woman going to jail just bc I’m aware that not being able to prove it in court doesn’t mean something didn’t happen in a he said she said case….but if it’s provable then stringem up
You all should go back and read the thread about this from during the season. A ton of people on this board were ready to convict him and ruin his life. They were all adamant he was likely guilty and should not play in the tournament.

This is why innocent until proven guilty should still be a thing.
Not me. I'm sick of women doing this and sadly, I automatically doubt an accuser these days until real evidence is presented.
This is the lazy element of human nature. Lie and steal money someone worked for, so you don't have to. Zero regard for destroying someone's life and potentially getting them killed. This is theft, it's evil, it's self-centered laziness, and it's dangerous. These people need to thrown in jail. If some POS tried this on me or a loved one, I cannot guarantee how morally grounded I'd react.
Not me. I'm sick of women doing this and sadly, I automatically doubt an accuser these days until real evidence is presented.
That’s actually the way it’s supposed to work and there is nothing sad about it. The burden of proof falls on the accuser…always…as it should. There should always be doubt on accusations until the proof shows “beyond reasonable doubt”.

There’s that doubt word again…

The believe all women BS flies in the face of how we’ve always done things.
Let me get this straight...Everyone is now certain this guy is not only innocent but was framed by a woman out for extortion based on....Whatever that random Illinois fan blog says? And she was going to profit off this how?

I don't know if he is guilty or not. But common sense tells me that an experienced prosecutor doesn't pursue this all the way to the point of seating a jury and preparing for the trial, which I understand is to start Monday, because he or she was duped by some college girl trying to make a score.

Let's see how the trial plays out. But a prosecutor who thinks he has a weak case would have pled this out to a misdemeanor charge , figured out a way to drop the charges in a face saving way, or otherwise gotten out from under it before taking it to a jury, where an expensive, and no doubt experienced defense attorney can use any means necessary to shred his case.

By the way, the latest stories on this trial suggests the defense will not claim nothing happened to the girl. Shannon's lawyers are apparently going for the "SODDI" defense -- some other dude did it. (It WAS Lawrence. Maybe a KU basketball player was near by?)

If the trial goes off as scheduled, we'll know soon enough. If a jury which includes men, women, blacks and whites finds there is not enough evidence to say he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then it is fair to question the prosecutor, the girl and the system. But that hasn't happened yet.
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Let me get this straight...Everyone is now certain this guy is not only innocent but was framed by a woman out for extortion based on....Whatever that random Illinois fan blog says? And she was going to profit off this how?

I don't know if he is guilty or not. But common sense tells me that an experienced prosecutor doesn't pursue this all the way to the point of seating a jury and preparing for the trial, which I understand is to start Monday, because he or she was duped by some college girl trying to make a score.

Let's see how the trial plays out. But a prosecutor who thinks he has a weak case would have pled this out to a misdemeanor charge , figured out a way to drop the charges in a face saving way, or otherwise gotten out from under it before taking it to a jury, where an expensive, and no doubt experienced defense attorney can use any means necessary to shred his case.

If the trial goes off as scheduled, we'll now soon enough. If a jury which includes men, women, blacks and whites finds there is not enough evidence to say he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then it is fair to question the prosecutor, the girl and the system. But that hasn't happened yet.
Fair point. But it's equally feasible to assume the prosecutor hired isn't exactly a seasoned high powdered competent lawyer. They possibly didn't know about these texts and jumped the gun. Your point is valid, but it's also possible this is an incompetent lawyer, looking for their big day, and put the cart before the horse. As you said, I guess we'll see.
Let me get this straight...Everyone is now certain this guy is not only innocent but was framed by a woman out for extortion based on....Whatever that random Illinois fan blog says? And she was going to profit off this how?

I don't know if he is guilty or not. But common sense tells me that an experienced prosecutor doesn't pursue this all the way to the point of seating a jury and preparing for the trial, which I understand is to start Monday, because he or she was duped by some college girl trying to make a score.

Let's see how the trial plays out. But a prosecutor who thinks he has a weak case would have pled this out to a misdemeanor charge , figured out a way to drop the charges in a face saving way, or otherwise gotten out from under it before taking it to a jury, where an expensive, and no doubt experienced defense attorney can use any means necessary to shred his case.

If the trial goes off as scheduled, we'll now soon enough. If a jury which includes men, women, blacks and whites finds there is not enough evidence to say he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then it is fair to question the prosecutor, the girl and the system. But that hasn't happened yet.
If you read the police report and look at some of the evidence in forms of conversations involving the accuser after the alleged act, she sure doesn't appear to be a victim of sexual assault.

Shannon, by all accounts, has multiple people going to bat for him, while the lady has text messages amongst her friends talking about getting his ass and insinuating a potential payout.

While this is far from an exoneration for Shannon, it certainly raises major doubts about the lady's statements and accusations at this point.

Also, if the prosecutor was lied to and has enough pressure to act, they will often pursue charges that aren't as ironclad as you would think. This being a high profile case would certainly cause that type of public pressure.
it’s to the point where you have to doubt every accuser. It’s the only logical answer now.

It’s time for court rooms to create mandatory minimums for rape accusers to do stiff prison sentences when found to be lying. This country better start trying to protect their sons and not just their daughters. 3rd wave Feminism is a plague and it’s destroying everything in its path.

Let me get this straight...Everyone is now certain this guy is not only innocent but was framed by a woman out for extortion based on....Whatever that random Illinois fan blog says? And she was going to profit off this how?

I don't know if he is guilty or not. But common sense tells me that an experienced prosecutor doesn't pursue this all the way to the point of seating a jury and preparing for the trial, which I understand is to start Monday, because he or she was duped by some college girl trying to make a score.

Let's see how the trial plays out. But a prosecutor who thinks he has a weak case would have pled this out to a misdemeanor charge , figured out a way to drop the charges in a face saving way, or otherwise gotten out from under it before taking it to a jury, where an expensive, and no doubt experienced defense attorney can use any means necessary to shred his case.

By the way, the latest stories on this trial suggests the defense will not claim nothing happened to the girl. Shannon's lawyers are apparently going for the "SODDI" defense -- some other dude did it. (It WAS Lawrence. Maybe a KU basketball player was near by?)

If the trial goes off as scheduled, we'll now soon enough. If a jury which includes men, women, blacks and whites finds there is not enough evidence to say he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then it is fair to question the prosecutor, the girl and the system. But that hasn't happened yet.

Did you just essentially say prosecutors will not pursue bunk charges or a weak case? Have you been living under a rock for the last 50 years? Lawyers have ripped this country to pieces and lie without regard. Is this your world view? Wow. I shouldn’t be surprised after your world view also couldn’t identity the unethical madman that Calipari was.

Good grief log off and let people that have some sense communicate.
Let me get this straight...Everyone is now certain this guy is not only innocent but was framed by a woman out for extortion based on....Whatever that random Illinois fan blog says? And she was going to profit off this how?

I don't know if he is guilty or not. But common sense tells me that an experienced prosecutor doesn't pursue this all the way to the point of seating a jury and preparing for the trial, which I understand is to start Monday, because he or she was duped by some college girl trying to make a score.

Let's see how the trial plays out. But a prosecutor who thinks he has a weak case would have pled this out to a misdemeanor charge , figured out a way to drop the charges in a face saving way, or otherwise gotten out from under it before taking it to a jury, where an expensive, and no doubt experienced defense attorney can use any means necessary to shred his case.

By the way, the latest stories on this trial suggests the defense will not claim nothing happened to the girl. Shannon's lawyers are apparently going for the "SODDI" defense -- some other dude did it. (It WAS Lawrence. Maybe a KU basketball player was near by?)

If the trial goes off as scheduled, we'll now soon enough. If a jury which includes men, women, blacks and whites finds there is not enough evidence to say he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then it is fair to question the prosecutor, the girl and the system. But that hasn't happened yet.

No, the text was submitted at the trial and reported by local media in Lawrence.
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Did you just essentially say prosecutors will not pursue bunk charges or a weak case? Have you been living under a rock for the last 50 years? Lawyers have ripped this country to pieces and lie without regard. Is this your world view? Wow. I shouldn’t be surprised after your world view also couldn’t identity the unethical madman that Calipari was.

Good grief log off and let people that have some sense communicate.
It’s because, for some people, something as fundamental as innocence until proven guilt will face scrutiny to reinforce a thinly veiled ideological axe to grind that has very little basis in reality. A concept as basic as this should not have detractors — no one benefits from making a simple concept so complex.
Let me get this straight...Everyone is now certain this guy is not only innocent but was framed by a woman out for extortion based on....Whatever that random Illinois fan blog says? And she was going to profit off this how?

I don't know if he is guilty or not. But common sense tells me that an experienced prosecutor doesn't pursue this all the way to the point of seating a jury and preparing for the trial, which I understand is to start Monday, because he or she was duped by some college girl trying to make a score.

Let's see how the trial plays out. But a prosecutor who thinks he has a weak case would have pled this out to a misdemeanor charge , figured out a way to drop the charges in a face saving way, or otherwise gotten out from under it before taking it to a jury, where an expensive, and no doubt experienced defense attorney can use any means necessary to shred his case.

By the way, the latest stories on this trial suggests the defense will not claim nothing happened to the girl. Shannon's lawyers are apparently going for the "SODDI" defense -- some other dude did it. (It WAS Lawrence. Maybe a KU basketball player was near by?)

If the trial goes off as scheduled, we'll now soon enough. If a jury which includes men, women, blacks and whites finds there is not enough evidence to say he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then it is fair to question the prosecutor, the girl and the system. But that hasn't happened yet.
This. I think most people were out of sorts because a player who was under investigation for raping a girl was allowed to continue to play.

He should have been suspended until the trial was over. That sucks but that should have been the case.

If he ends up being innocent and the whole situation was a fabrication, then he should be able to counter sue. But until a conclusion is reached, he should not have been playing.
This. I think most people were out of sorts because a player who was under investigation for raping a girl was allowed to continue to play.

He should have been suspended until the trial was over. That sucks but that should have been the case.

If he ends up being innocent and the whole situation was a fabrication, then he should be able to counter sue. But until a conclusion is reached, he should not have been playing.
Why? What danger is there in him continuing to play basketball against men while the court proceedings play out?

Why should he be forced to put his life on hold and jeopardize his opportunity to play in the tournament, his opportunity to increase his draft potential, and his overall liberty due to an accusation? And where does that end? Should people not be allowed to work or continue their lives anytime someone brings forth an allegation of wrongdoing?
He should have been suspended until the trial was over.
He was. At least that was how Illinois tried to handle it.

He was allowed to play only because he brought a civil action against his own school and got a judge to issue an injunction forcing UI to lift the suspension. He then went out and played awesome all season for the same school he’d just sued. What a weird situation that was.
it’s to the point where you have to doubt every accuser. It’s the only logical answer now.

It’s time for court rooms to create mandatory minimums for rape accusers to do stiff prison sentences when found to be lying. This country better start trying to protect their sons and not just their daughters. 3rd wave Feminism is a plague and it’s destroying everything in its path.

Feminists are hilarious. They talk about the ''patriarchy'' and how they hate it. But love it when war time comes.
Feminists are hilarious. They talk about the ''patriarchy'' and how they hate it. But love it when war time comes.

3rd wave feminist are satanic. Why this country continues to straddle both sides of this fence is disturbing. A time will come when entertaining this evil will have to be confronted. Still will never understand how the greats produced a generation that’s brought all of this into reality. It makes no sense.
He should have been suspended until the trial was over. That sucks but that should have been the case.

If he ends up being innocent and the whole situation was a fabrication, then he should be able to counter sue. But until a conclusion is reached, he should not have been playing.
Sounds like a great way to influence the the already questionable integrity of sports betting. If the mob is threatening your family, then you won't care about being countersued.
3rd wave feminist are satanic. Why this country continues to straddle both sides of this fence is disturbing. A time will come when entertaining this evil will have to be confronted. Still will never understand how the greats produced a generation that’s brought all of this into reality. It makes no sense.
It all started when the KGB infiltrated our colleges in the 1950s. The kids of the greatest generation stood no chance.
This. I think most people were out of sorts because a player who was under investigation for raping a girl was allowed to continue to play.

He should have been suspended until the trial was over. That sucks but that should have been the case.

If he ends up being innocent and the whole situation was a fabrication, then he should be able to counter sue. But until a conclusion is reached, he should not have been playing.
so you are saying that if he is innocent then we should punish the innocent
Pretty simple, I wouldn't judge the accuser or the defendant until this all plays out.

If he raped her, he should go to prison. If she falsely accused him of rape, she should be locked away for 5 years.

Texting a friend "got his a%%" does not mean she was or wasn't raped.
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Suspend until the trial is over ? That is the complete opposite of innocent until proven guilty. How would Shannon have gotten back his lost season and chance to earn income ? He couldn't.
Plus, the whole thing about counter-suing a false accuser? You won't get back what you lost in most situations. And if the person doesn't have any money at all, then what?