Strange Lexington


Apr 10, 2008
Free Mash
Just a thread to celebrate some weird parts of Lexington.

Can't go a few days without passing by the "Tiny Pool" house on Lane Allen, so eloquently and obessively detailed in this thread from days past.

Another fun house on Wilson Downing. Either the owner died or the neighborhood one. Either way, it's not bright pink anymore.


rode past this house on the way to Southern Middle School for three years, it was pink forever, did they change it?
Another fun house on Wilson Downing. Either the owner died or the neighborhood one. Either way, it's not bright pink anymore.

“one”? Really?

Lived just around the corner on Lansdowne, walked past that house every day going to school at Southern Elem. or JHS.
i believe the owner of the pink house was single and a take your job way too serious "professional" avon distributor lady or something like that.

does anyone remember that on that same street was someone who owned a Scooby Doo Mystery Machine van. don't think it ran, just sat there in the driveway.
That lady work in Frankfort ?
The Tower/Silo on The Lane. I never got too close to it as a young'n but did drive near it when I first got my license. According to southwest Lexington lore, it was either a place for satanic rituals and/or just bangin' chicks. Either way, I didn't try to go in. It's private property now.


I lived right across Mason-Headley from this silo and it always freaked me out when I used to take bide rides past it. Always heard it was a meetup place for devil worshippers and crackheads.
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Another fun house on Wilson Downing. Either the owner died or the neighborhood one. Either way, it's not bright pink anymore.

Got referred to the old lady that lived there for alterations. Weird vibe, word was she had a pretty active lifestyle.

What happened to the guy that wandered downtown with the penis looking knot on his head?
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Got referred to the old lady that lived there for alterations. Weird vibe, word was she had a pretty active lifestyle.

What happened to the guy that wandered downtown with the penis looking knot on his head?
That dude ... He didn’t freak me out personally, but the thought of how that would feel on your head or if you got a cut or something on it ... hives me the chills.

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