Stoops is the worst

I this point I don't care how many we win. I am going to keep watching anyway because I want to complain. :)
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Sorry guys, come out of the woodwork all you want, glad for the victory, but stoops is underachieving with the talent he has. Georgia ain't that good and we got smoked by frigging USC. This season has a long way before it can be considered a success. Focus needs to be on beating Vanderbilt, won't be easy.
Sorry guys, come out of the woodwork all you want, glad for the victory, but stoops is underachieving with the talent he has. Georgia ain't that good and we got smoked by frigging USC. This season has a long way before it can be considered a success. Focus needs to be on beating Vanderbilt, won't be easy.
Our best talent is still bottom half of the conference. No idea why some of you folks fail to realize how hard it is to climb the ladder in the SEC.
You made a dumbass comment. You then doubled down on your dumbass comment and dared me to bring it back up. So I did.

Moral of the story - don’t make dumbass comments.

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Sorry guys, come out of the woodwork all you want, glad for the victory, but stoops is underachieving with the talent he has. Georgia ain't that good and we got smoked by frigging USC. This season has a long way before it can be considered a success. Focus needs to be on beating Vanderbilt, won't be easy.
You do know that UGA and ole miss are supposed to have way more talent than KY. Seems to me stoops is overachieving. Maybe I'm just dumb though
Sorry guys, come out of the woodwork all you want, glad for the victory, but stoops is underachieving with the talent he has. Georgia ain't that good and we got smoked by frigging USC. This season has a long way before it can be considered a success. Focus needs to be on beating Vanderbilt, won't be easy.
Georgia is still pretty damn good. Does this team have a lot of talent? Yes. But relative to most big schools in the SEC our overall talent is lacking so it’s pretty amazing how far we have come.
Doesn’t matter if we win by 150-0. End of half management under stoops has been an issue for 12 years straight. Doesn’t get you beat against the ohios of the world but can certainly be the difference between beating a team that matters or coming up short as we have all too often seen.
Very excited, thrilled , that we won yesterday, but Stoops lost 10 seconds at the 1 minute mark by failing to quickly call a TO .. that’s 2 plays to get into FG range that he left on the table . 12 years in and he doesn’t get the basics of click management.. not even the basics .
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Sorry guys, come out of the woodwork all you want, glad for the victory, but stoops is underachieving with the talent he has. Georgia ain't that good and we got smoked by frigging USC. This season has a long way before it can be considered a success. Focus needs to be on beating Vanderbilt, won't be easy.
Georgia ain't that good?? They were up on the road at Bama with a few ticks of the clock left. Georgia is very good.
We got smoked by USC because we had QB playing his very first full game against an SEC opponent under a brand new OC. He is getting better every game.
I didn’t. I simply said your post saying to mark it down that we would only beat Vandy and Murray aged poorly which it did. If you hadn’t posted something so effing dumb you wouldn’t be getting blasted this morning. Take the L and eat the crow that you deserve.
Some fans are part of the fellowship of the miserable club. They can't ever taste crow. They just come here to bash and trash with every post.
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I didn’t. I simply said your post saying to mark it down that we would only beat Vandy and Murray aged poorly which it did. If you hadn’t posted something so effing dumb you wouldn’t be getting blasted this morning. Take the L and eat the crow that you deserve.

I was wrong about this game and will happily eat crow!!! 😁😁😁

Now, the big picture, the whole season, we will see who eats crow at the end.
I’ll be here at the end of the season when we get our Music City Bowl birth sad about a mediocre season and some of our fans will be still jumping up and down over this victory.

Maybe we can get some t shirts made and Stoops pic on some popcorn boxes and celebrate this win for years to come??
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Good at what?? 😂 I’m getting called out because we finally beat a team with a pulse. That doesn’t get Stoops off the hot seat. Sorry but it doesn’t. Real fans aren’t happy with the current state of our football program.
We beat #6 on the road and gave UGA all it could handle. The SCjr game was an outlier. I'd say most fans are happy with where we're at right now.
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What real fans are we talking about that aren't happy with the highest ranked road win in 50 years?

Guess I haven't met them. Cheer up brother could be a fun season.
We beat #6 on the road and gave UGA all it could handle. The SCjr game was an outlier. I'd say most fans are happy with where we're at right now.

Most can be happy with whatever they want, they are the reason our football program is terrible. They’ve accepted bad results from Stoops for years.

I’m a part of the small portion of the fanvase that actually contributes money to our University by donations, therefore I can complain about being below average for the past 12 years if I want.
I was wrong about this game and will happily eat crow!!! 😁😁😁

Now, the big picture, the whole season, we will see who eats crow at the end.
You should be cooking it now in preparation. He (Stoops) only needs to win 2 out of the next 8 for you to have lost the "mark it down" challenge. Chances are...just saying.
Most can be happy with whatever they want, they are the reason our football program is terrible. They’ve accepted bad results from Stoops for years.

I’m a part of the small portion of the fanvase that actually contributes money to our University by donations, therefore I can complain about being below average for the past 12 years if I want.
I’m definitely not a big stoops guy but not sure this is the time to keep beating the stoops sucks drum after a big win on the road. Like you, I thought after the USCjr debacle we were in for a long year but have been pleasantly surprised with how well the team has responded. Yes stoops made a boneheaded decision to punt on 4th down against GA but he redeemed himself yesterday and I honestly thought punting was the better option there (glad I was wrong). Will be cautiously optimistic on how the rest of the season plays out. 3 winnable games coming up, would love to be 6-2 going into Knoxville. Will see!!!!
You should be cooking it now in preparation. He (Stoops) only needs to win 2 out of the next 8 for you to have lost the "mark it down" challenge. Chances are...just saying.

I don’t care about losing silly childish challenges, I care about winning at a high level, of which we haven’t done in any of Stoops 12 years as coach.

Top 10 paid coach in the country and it’s a miracle when we crack the top 25 rankings. That’s nothing to hang your hat on!
Oh, I am calm. I picked that one as my stupid underdog pick. Did I think it was going to happen? No, but I will take it.

We shouldn’t be an underdog in that game tho. Kiffen and Stoops are paid the same amount of money, we should be that team ranked #6, not the underdog.
Most can be happy with whatever they want, they are the reason our football program is terrible. They’ve accepted bad results from Stoops for years.

I’m a part of the small portion of the fanvase that actually contributes money to our University by donations, therefore I can complain about being below average for the past 12 years if I want.
Just because you have money to donate doesn't mean you have any more rights than anyone else. Elitist attitude by someone who clearly doesn't understand college football recruiting and talent levels. So go be miserable by yourself and stop trying to bring everyone else down
Just because you have money to donate doesn't mean you have any more rights than anyone else. Elitist attitude by someone who clearly doesn't understand college football recruiting and talent levels. So go be miserable by yourself and stop trying to bring everyone else down

What I’m saying is, my opinion is just as valuable as the people who are happy with the football program. I have money invested, y’all do not.