SNL John Cena sketch of Alabama football players and academics

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I would love to have a dozen student-athletes like that at Kentucky. Go Stoops Troups!
Another example of why Trump won: Libs once more attacking flyover. They never get it.

I agree with this stance politically but I don't think this is just making fun of flyover states. It's making fun of football players and Alabama is no doubt filled with this type of athlete just passed on due to the fact that they play football.

It could be about most college football programs but Alabama is just used as the example.
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I agree with this stance politically but I don't think this is just making fun of flyover states. It's making fun of football players and Alabama is no doubt filled with this type of athlete just passed on due to the fact that they play football.

It could be about most college football programs but Alabama is just used as the example.
It wasn't a random pick. They could have used other flyover schools like GT, TX, NW, or even a more local school like PSU, but they needed to get their political digs in.
It wasn't a random pick. They could have used other flyover schools like GT, TX, NW, or even a more local school like PSU, but they needed to get their political digs in.

Yeah because those programs are more relevant than Alabama football. Why would the joke be funny if it was Georgia Tech? Everyone knows Alabama is obsessed with football and has been the best team for a decade. That helps make the joke.

The only political dig you could make is the race used but it's not news that most athletes in college are pretty stupid and everyone looks the other way.
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Yeah because those programs are more relevant than Alabama football. Why would the joke be funny if it was Georgia Tech? Everyone knows Alabama is obsessed with football and has been the best team for a decade. That helps make the joke.

The only political dig you could make is the race used but it's not news that most athletes in college are pretty stupid and everyone looks the other way.

Football players are not stupid. Teachers are the ones who are stupid, because they have different criteria for athletes, then for the students. When I was in college in 57 through 62, I had some classes with football players, and they never showed up for class, but they always had the answers for the test. They got the answers just before taking the test.
Were not doing them any favors by letting them slip by. It usually starts in grade school, and continues through college. I had a guy working for me at one of my car washes, who had graduated from high school, and could not read or write. He is from here in Louisville, and went to one of the public schools in Louisville. My wife taught him to read.

Football players are not stupid. Teachers are the ones who are stupid, because they have different criteria for athletes, then for the students. When I was in college in 57 through 62, I had some classes with football players, and they never showed up for class, but they always had the answers for the test. They got the answers just before taking the test.
Were not doing them any favors by letting them slip by. It usually starts in grade school, and continues through college. I had a guy working for me at one of my car washes, who had graduated from high school, and could not read or write. He is from here in Louisville, and went to one of the public schools in Louisville. My wife taught him to read.


We've had NFL players with college degrees that couldn't read. How crazy is it that teachers from K-all the way through senior year of college, chose to just pass them along simply to get their football talent and not bother with them?

Anyways, regardless, the sketch is pretty funny. Cena cracked me up.
So, I went looking for some football talk, and once again, found the Rush Limbaugh Show instead. Yay!
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