RIP Pat Robertson

Probably my least favorite SNL character.

All the hate for someone just because he didn't believe what they do. If it's done for "religion", then it'll be done for anything else. Proof is in the pudding. Such enlightenment on here.
D+ for the attempted guilt trip. Robertson repeatedly said dumb, hateful things in the name of God. He blamed gays for 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina and said the reason an earthquake struck Haiti (killing 250k) was because Haitians made a pact with the devil. While UK was raising money for Haiti in 2010, this dipshit was blaming the people who just went through the tragedy.

Defend actual devout folks, not charlatans who spread hate while hiding behind a bible. I mean, you actually tried to guilt trip the thread into showing proper respect to Pat effin' Robertson? My god, man.
D+ for the attempted guilt trip. Robertson repeatedly said dumb, hateful things in the name of God. He blamed gays for 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina and said the reason an earthquake struck Haiti (killing 250k) was because Haitians made a pact with the devil. While UK was raising money for Haiti in 2010, this dipshit was blaming the people who just went through the tragedy.

Defend actual devout folks, not charlatans who spread hate while hiding behind a bible. I mean, you actually tried to guilt trip the thread into showing proper respect to Pat effin' Robertson? My god, man.
We all say dumb things. Nobody is immune. You got some on here wishing he were in hell. Some things just get taken a bit too far. I never really was defending him either. I put religion in quotes because religion is the furthest thing from God but those who don't know him think that's how it is. I don't wish nobody dead or in hell no matter what anyone believes.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg probably kickin’ it in Heaven with a bunch of black fetuses. Man she loved dead babies!
We all say dumb things. Nobody is immune. You got some on here wishing he were in hell. Some things just get taken a bit too far. I never really was defending him either. I put religion in quotes because religion is the furthest thing from God but those who don't know him think that's how it is. I don't wish nobody dead or in hell no matter what anyone believes.
Shaming others for not being sad an old man who blamed natural disasters and terrorist attacks on the gays is one hell of a hill you've chosen to die on. I didn't weep for Fred Phelps either. Guess I'm an awful person. You are a strange one.
D+ for the attempted guilt trip. Robertson repeatedly said dumb, hateful things in the name of God. He blamed gays for 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina and said the reason an earthquake struck Haiti (killing 250k) was because Haitians made a pact with the devil. While UK was raising money for Haiti in 2010, this dipshit was blaming the people who just went through the tragedy.

Defend actual devout folks, not charlatans who spread hate while hiding behind a bible. I mean, you actually tried to guilt trip the thread into showing proper respect to Pat effin' Robertson? My god, man.
Reminds me of the folks who attribute deadly natural disasters to sin, and it’s Gods punishment on evildoers. Yeah..lots of evil-doing in Rogers, Oklahoma.
I’ll say this…if there’s a hell, he’s in it. Swindled people out of billions of dollars over his lifetime by telling lies, bearing false witness, etc etc. Use a false background of religion to spread hate and division all over the world. A snake oil salesman, a traveling vagabond from the circus. A book will come out in less that 2 years, detailing his hidden life as a homosexual and a pedophile.
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Reminds me of the folks who attribute deadly natural disasters to sin, and it’s Gods punishment on evildoers. Yeah..lots of evil-doing in Rogers, Oklahoma.
Honestly, I forgot the guy existed until he'd say something offensive and absurd every few years. It's ashame because he had a platform and his 700 Club thing. It may sound silly, but he could've been a religious Mr. Rogers type and used his status for good. Instead, he was just a slightly less abrasive Fred Phelps.

When I was a kid, we had a pastor that'd occasionally show up at our church who made the service fun and energetic. Guy did a lot of work in Africa and you could tell he loved life and loved what he did. We need more people like that and less bitter old fools like Robertson and Falwell.
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All the hate for someone just because he didn't believe what they do. If it's done for "religion", then it'll be done for anything else. Proof is in the pudding. Such enlightenment on here.

I don’t like bigots. I usually like it when they die. F him. If hell is real, ole dude is warm today.

Grifter, fraud, bigot. I’m sure the families of 9/11 victims are comforted by knowing Pat thought their deaths were the result of God’s wrath for the gays and feminists.
I don’t like bigots. I usually like it when they die. F him. If hell is real, ole dude is warm today.

Grifter, fraud, bigot. I’m sure the families of 9/11 victims are comforted by knowing Pat thought their deaths were the result of God’s wrath for the gays and feminists.
Yep and next up is Al Sharpton and the Rev Jessie Jackson, what a celebration it will be 🍺
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All he ever did was con elderly, gullible people out of their money by playing on their insecurities and weaknesses. The world is a better place now that he’s gone. Hopefully the end is near for Copeland, Osteen, White and all the other snake oil salesmen.
Religious frauds will never go away. There is too much money to be made off stupid people. It's the grift that keeps on giving
All he ever did was con elderly, gullible people out of their money by playing on their insecurities and weaknesses. The world is a better place now that he’s gone. Hopefully the end is near for Copeland, Osteen, White and all the other snake oil salesmen.
Yep. To hell with all those assholes!