No offense, but you kinda just proved my point. On most issues, I'm conservative but not on ALL issues and certainly not reactionary right on all issues. And that is the problem. There is no middle ground for many people anymore. You're either 100% in agreement with me or you're my enemy (depending on the individual's viewpoint that means you're a fascist or a RINO). That ensures that 50% of the American people will be the 'enemy' for the party/philosophy in power. That's a horrible way to govern. Yes, the Dems have been more guilty of 'my way or the highway' thinking than the Pubs in my opinion. But, there is a small (hopefully) percentage of Far Right thinkers that are just as dangerous as the Far Left. Governing for either extreme is bad for the country. Yes, we've started down a bad road with open borders, out of control spending, identity politics, normalizing mental illness and sexual perversion, etc. But 'the sky is falling unless we eradicate these apostates' is not any better, imo.