How will they rule ??!

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There is no such thing as a "covid vaccine". It was an experiment. That was the ONLY thing "science" related to it. Masks ... no. Mandatory ... no. Stay inside ... no. Masking up and staying home were the 2 worst things we could have done. Scientific fact.

I'm still waiting for you guys to name a long term study on the efficacy of the experimental gene therapy... maybe in 7 years.
The stay at home mandates were meant to slow the spread in order to keep our healthcare system from being overwhelmed like it was in China and Italy.
Lives were saved, your memory is very selective and science is why many are alive today.

So why all the hate for non violent people?
Why hold up non-diverse lily white crowds for their being non violent? That is clearly a dog-whistle that black folks hear as....go to a rap concert event and there will be fights, gun violence etc... That is what you are saying. Shame on you. Black and Latinx folks can be just as peaceful as wealthy white folks.
Thank Big Bad Brandon for your big ole 401K....
Should we thank him for the trickle down concentration of wealth in the top 1%? How many inner-city moms have a 401K? Biden is playing to his base, the wealthy elites who have investments.
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final: 46/7

don’t hear a lot about this in the news

this is just stupid crazy. and scary to know this kind of carnage goes on in cities in our country.

CBS Chicago
9 killed, 62 others hurt in Chicago weekend shootings, including two mass shootings in an hour

Yes you can.

four patties per pound. 80/20 ground beef (never buy lean/angus burgers etc., they're terrible)

MIx the ground beef up with a generous amount of Worcestershire sauce (1 Tbsp), garlic powder (1 teaspoon), and a teaspoon of Dijon mustard) per pound of beef. Never add salt, or sprinkle anything else on, while you're grilling them

Put some effort into forming the burgers. with a 1/4 lb of meat, your burger shouldn't be any thicker than 3/8's of an inch (probaby thinner) IOW, about 4 inches in diameter (at least)

Direct heat (not blazing hot, like steaks, but charcoal that is pretty much ALL ashed over) and as soon as you see some smoke coming out of the vent, take the spatula, and slide/move them a little, so they don't stick.

Most of the cooking is done before you flip them. So like a 2 to 1 ratio (first side down, and then flip) time wise. When you crease them a little with the spatula, and the juice still has a little pink to it, but mostly clear, leave them on the grill, but move them off of the direct heat and adjust the vents way down (less air), and then, after about 5 mintues, put the cheese on, cover, and leave for 2 or so minutes.

Another thing that's good, is to add a half pound of ground Italian sausage per pound of ground beef (still making four burgers per pound of beef, they'll just be a little larger after adding 8 ounces of sausage)

People usually don't thin the patties out consistently, and use too much charcoal/too hot of a fire.
Be cautious when you incorporate the Worchestershire. If you do it too far in advance it will break down the fats and your burgers will fall apart.

To get the grill marks you give the burger time to sear, then give a 1/4 turn. Gets the diamond hatching look. Works on steak too. Try to flip just once.

I ALWAYS have a temp probe and use it to determine when I flip or remove.
It's for the photo. He isn't actually cooking them like that. He isn't actually cooking at all.

How did the hot dogs get cooked? Why is a burner on? Are you claiming having a raw patty on a grill not cooking said burger? What sorcery is this? Meat over open cooking, communist.

This is absurd you try and gaslight what out eyes see, Mr. 2+2=5.
Only Dion would try and defend this ridiculous shit.

Another idiot leftist with no life skills.
Both of them, Dsus and Sambo are like leftist spam bots. They are NPCs. If there is any ANY post that is critical of the left they are programmed to reply and spin with an almost AI flare.

Had he said that the meat was from Biden's uncle Bozie where they were reenacting his demise at the hands of cannibals...I could respect that explanation.
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Be cautious when you incorporate the Worchestershire. If you do it too far in advance it will break down the fats and your burgers will fall apart.

To get the grill marks you give the burger time to sear, then give a 1/4 turn. Gets the diamond hatching look. Works on steak too. Try to flip just once.

I ALWAYS have a temp probe and use it to determine when I flip or remove.
Grill marks are just for appearance, not flavor. Flash, not substance. Predictable, coming from you.
How did the hot dogs get cooked? Why is a burner on? Are you claiming having a raw patty on a grill not cooking said burger? What sorcery is this? Meat over open cooking, communist.

This is absurd you try and gaslight what out eyes see, Mr. 2+2=5.
It's a staged photo. Look at the grill marks on the dogs, they're all straight. They weren't moved at all. He isn't cooking, he's staging a photo. You're dumb lol.
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Looks like old school. I like to use lump charcoal when I grill gasless. I get such a good outcome on the Blackstone and with the large cooking surface I can knock out sooooo many burgers at I can caramelize onions, get some char on the buns, cook brats or dogs.... at the same time. A lot less work than getting the lump up to temp.
If I'm doing steaks/something that needs higher heat, I'll use lump. Most everything else (including burgers), I use Kingsford. You don't get as much heat, but, IMO it's more consistent and longer burning.

The Blackstone gets 3 times as much use as my grill. Chicken and vegetable stir fry on that thing is a breeze. Smash burgers are great. Hell, it makes a grilled cheese 10x better than anything else (I keep a soup can of ghee up in the corner with a basting brush in it "waffle house style". Getting up early on a Saturday morning, rolling a spliff, and cooking a big breakfast on that thing (hash browns, eggs, griddle toast, bacon, etc.) is sublime...
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How did the hot dogs get cooked? Why is a burner on? Are you claiming having a raw patty on a grill not cooking said burger? What sorcery is this? Meat over open cooking, communist.

This is absurd you try and gaslight what out eyes see, Mr. 2+2=5.
That is uncanny. LOL
They're way overpriced, and not good for cooking for large numbers of people, but for smoking, and indirect heat, they're phenomenal. Bonus. That entire "capsule" is removable, so you can take it tailgating etc. It will set level on a couple of bricks.
So you grind up some bacon with the brisket in your 50-50? Interesting. How many slices do you use? That certainly would increase your fat content.

I used the point and probably a half pound of bacon. I cut the point and bacon into pieces that would fit my grinder (I used the KitchenAid attachment) I also put the meat into freezer for about 15 minutes before grinding.

Burgers were great. Bubba 33's is where I got this idea, that's how they make their burgers.
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Tony Fauci won’t even stand behind the tyrannical Covid measures, yet here sambowieshin is still missing the memo that you can’t even pretend they were effective anymore.
They were necessary initially but went on longer than they should have in retrospect.
Everything is easy to judge based on hindsight.
I am grill poor, weber smokey mountain smoker, weber gas, weber kettle on a cart, Traeger pellet, and Blackstone four burner. I use kingsford and sometimes chunks for charcoal. I bought those kingsford charcoal containers to store my wood chunks, and three types of pellets. I'm really grill poor!
what brand? Pellets?
I wish i knew... it was given to me by my FIL.

Used 3 small hickory blocks of wood, a can of water (only half evaporated, 200F for about 6 hours... worked ALMOST perfectly.

The 4lb brisket was SLIGHTLY dry... but tasted fantastic. My first effort... I'm satisfied.
We do not have a democracy. You "believed" the big lie.

See previous comment

Why shouldn't Biden have "a chance at winning"? Because he sucks at his job? What about all that winning crap you post? Oh ... you're admitting you know it is bullshit. Got it.

It is pretty comical he talks non stop about how great Biden is, yet thinks we don't notice when he also admits he really isn't, amd he is strutting like an idiot pigeon knocking over chess pieces.

He is an absolute fool.

And the fact he was an 'educator' is America's shame we let him around children.
And I'm an astronaut.

You obviously didn't read the article. It cites facts about billionaires and their tax rates. You probably just saw "Vox" and blew a tonsil.


Cosby does absolutely know what he is talking about with tax stuff. 🤔

There is a huge difference between billionaires and the top 1% wage earners, which is 400k+ a year or so.

Huge differences.
Beef is fine for Jews to eat, provided it's butchered and prepared according to Jewish Kosher Laws. Pork is the big no-no (also forbidden for Muslims, interestingly enough).
You're talking about orthodox Jews. The vast majority of American Jews do not keep kosher and eat whatever. Those who keep kosher can certainly eat beef (pastrami, corned beef, brisket, etc. DUH) but not beef with dairy (cheeseburger, for example).
Said numerous times I don't like either candidate. Donated to Christie and Hailey. But if the choice is between an old man that will be guided by people that will not trash our democracy or an old man who listens to nobody but the insane voices in his head....gimme the drooling, blind old bassett hound over the frothing, rabid old shi* bull.
And y'all wonder why....

'Victory or Death'

Calling for executions in meetings....NUTS!!!!!!!

If I was your boss, I'm sure I would inquire in a meeting if it was feasible. 😇
Thank Big Bad Brandon for your big ole 401K....

Thank his inflation that the 401k hasn't kept pace with, idiot.
It's a staged photo. Look at the grill marks on the dogs, they're all straight. They weren't moved at all. He isn't cooking, he's staging a photo. You're dumb lol.

Is a burner on under the meat, or is that CGI?

Do you understand the chemistry of heat on meat?

How stupid are you?

I dgaf if they took all that meat or plastic pieces meant to look like meat off that grill amd threw them.away right after that photo, meat is on a grill over an open flame, it IS COOKING, YOU IDIOT.
It's a staged photo. Look at the grill marks on the dogs, they're all straight. They weren't moved at all. He isn't cooking, he's staging a photo. You're dumb lol.

Shall I grill some dogs with straight grill marks on them to show its not sorcery, and actually how they usually look, unless you're hunter Biden jacked up on Crack cooking them?
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They were necessary initially but went on longer than they should have in retrospect.
Everything is easy to judge based on hindsight.

They were never necessary. Never based on science. And the only reason there isn’t a better record of everyone saying that contemporaneously is because the tyrants you support we’re forcing social media companies to censor people presenting actual science, and people like the Catpaw mods intentionally delete the records.