How will they rule ??!

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FoxNews said Ghouliani tried to shop the Hunter story to them first and he wouldn't let them vet any of the info so they told him to **** off. The journalist that wrote the NYP article refused to put his name on it. They found some new hire to sign their name onit. Yea, that hit job will go real far.
False. Your ignorance is mind numbing.
wait a minute. you are either in or very close to Silicon Valley itself - the mecca of tech and innovation in the 21st century - and you're forced to endure dial-up speeds?

Seattle (Microsoft) was the worst place I was ever at for internet connectivity. Maybe it's changed...
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All of our lives we’ve watched politicians give politically correct answers while we yell at the tv to just tell the truth. Trump finally gives us the guy that tells it like it is and it’s a big part of the reason he is appealing to voters. We see someone more like us than them, not afraid to scorch some ass that needs it. I’m sick of politicians and media, it’s time somebody started dishing out some ass whippings to those bad characters.

Conversely that turns off those that confuse political correctness as being humble, which it is not. It’s a self serving maneuver deployed so they might get the same benefit for their crimes down the road. There’s nothing noble, honorable, humble or admirable about it. Everybody gets a trophy is temporarily suspended.

Everybody gets a trophy culture originated from Christian sports like upward basketball. Another reason to laugh at religion.
Anyone know Guy Benson? Just read a column of his, the headline caught my eye. It was something like "are pollster missing a key detail which will benefit Trump?" The piece starts out by focusing on new voter registrations, and that Rs are doing well on that count, and how that might signal something broader going on in the electorate. But after making that point, the column went where I wasn't expecting. He says he thinks there are 3 possibilities:

1. Trump "threads the needs" and eeks out an electoral college win
2. A bloodbath, a huge Biden win which goes down ticket and obliterates R standing in the Senate, the House and further down.
3. A narrow Biden win which doesn't decimate the right, basically the most feasible kind of loss possible.

Anyway, he thinks Trump repeating what he did in 2016 is too hard to believe, can't catch lightning in a bottle twice kind of thing. He thinks either 2 or 3 is the most likely scenario.

Now, you can find all sorts of doomsday articles out there for Trump based on polling. What made this one stand out was, again, he started with the very point in Trump's favor that some on the right are pointing to, the increase in registrations. I'm not really aware of Guy Benson......
I seriously doubt that if Biden wins that Dims won't also take Senate.
All I know is if or when Trump wins re-election he better go scorched earth on a bunch of POS like Wray and many others and start making better decisions regarding the people he is putting in these very powerful positions. I am at the point where Barr is entering that list as well. He needs to quit listening to political insiders on his staff and start making more out of the box hires for these positions with people who are not compromised and can clean these extremely corrupt institutions up. People like Richard Grenell who will do their job and not BS around to cover up for others they are buddies with.
THis right here.....I want some serious perps walks and people going to jail....time for these swamp rats to get their due....I want accountability
I seriously doubt that if Biden wins that Dims won't also take Senate.
Neck and neck race in Michigan. If the dems lose that seat, I don't see how they take the senate. R is currently +3, add in the Alabama seat currently held by the dems will go back to the GOP. Michigan would make it five seats needed to make it 50-50 in the senate. CO, ME, AZ, NC all close but where is #5 IA maybe.I also think the sex scandal will cost the dems the NC pickup opportunity.
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UK is playing games now? JK. I am not watching any UK sports till they stop the wokeness and BLM bull shit. I still care and will always be a fan, I just can’t support that bull shit. I may be many things, but family and country come before sports. You simply can’t call me a racist off the cuff and expect me to do nothing about it. Integrity means a lot to me. Stoops and Cal have none.
Just look the ratings report for the NBA playoffs and Finals. Viewership dropped 70%, People do not want politics in any form in with their sports. Just play the games. If the players and teams want to protest and involve politics, have at it. Just don't force fans to be sibject to it during the games. I don't care who Cal and Stoops vote for. I didn't want to know.
They made this choice and want fans to go along without question. That's not going to happen. Bad move and it would be a good idea for them to let it just fade away. If they keep bringing it up and pushing into the face of the fans, they won't like the repsonse. Apathy kills a program.
Since the FBI reports to DOJ (I think) I'm sure Trump has talked with Barr about the Biden laptop deal.
Trump went to lengths (IMO) in his talk at Prescott to praise Barr. Makes me wonder why, and if Barr told him some things that very few are privy to.
These elites want to lecture you and I about systemic racism. Without whites people like Oprah would still be in Mississippi looking for a job. The vast majority of her viewers and people who bought her book are white.

If America is a racist nation we sure are striking out because some of the richest are not white.

I can tell you for an assurity, I don't give a millisecond of care wondering what these poeple think or say. I cannot care any less than I do right now.
I called it on Oprah years and years ago to my wife and mother. I told them then, she's a complete fraud who is seducing people into her lie. They didn't believe me for years, but they finally saw it for themselves.
I have roku and Klaud TV. OANN and Newmax are on this. Also Blaze and others. Pretty much covers conservative news and THE TRUTH

It is live feed. They have a repeat channel if you miss it. It is called OANEncore
Do they have SEC & ESPN & Fox Sports?
Hahahahah. Watching trump acolytes bitch constantly about fake news while at the same time searching frantically for the most right wing biased entertainment networks they can find is hilarious. Predictable, but hilarious.
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You think that's a doctored picture of Jane? I know she's getting up there age wise, but she's also had a bit of plastic surgery over the years I think.....but man, that picture looks rough.
yeah, saw her last week (maybe here?) someone posted a video of her saying Covid was God's gift to the US - meaning, as a means of getting rid of Trump. She didn't look like that....
I can tell you for an assurity, I don't give a millisecond of care wondering what these poeple think or say. I cannot care any less than I do right now.
I called it on Oprah years and years ago to my wife and mother. I told them then, she's a complete fraud who is seducing people into her lie. They didn't believe me for years, but they finally saw it for themselves.

Assurity isn’t a word, Einstein.