How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Where did Cal encourage a name change for Rupp Arena? All I saw was him say he knew all the old UK people and it would be news to him if Rupp was racist, but his ears were open (if they could change his mind), which is 100% what anyone would say if they never even met the man. Did he say something more after that????
Maybe I mis-stated his “encouragement”, but he sure didn’t defend Rupp either IMO. This whole thing is bullish!t.... having a prove a dead man is not a racist.... revisionist history at work....
And this is how nations are destroyed. If you have a corrupt press, which America has, truth is stomped in the ground. Add that to a corrupt FBI and CIA and left wing politicians and you have a repeat of the fall of the Roman Empire.

Our only hope is to re-elect Trump and let him clean house. The FBI and CIA leaders have to go and both should be investigated for criminal activity. I know Gina Haspel is a big UK fan and a woman but she too is a never Trumper who agrees with the Obama foreign relations philosophy. She testified before congress that Iran was not trying to build nuclear weapons. Really? Send her back to Kentucky President Trump.
NO! We don't want her here.
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Cotto seems legit.

I’ve come to trust @pollwatch2020, Trafalgar, Larry Schweikart, and the People’s Pundit.

Cotto is right in there with those guys and their mutual love fest for one another.

What they are doing right now (this AM), is a little too rapid for me.

I’d rather see numbers at the end of the day (or a week) and not get caught up in the emotions of the hour by hour.

I don’t know if I can take 15 straight election nights, which is basically what these guys are setting up at this point.

All that said, I do enjoy hearing about voter turnout, and especially new voter registration. The polls can’t really capture the latter, and those numbers are trending favorably R here late in the game in battle ground states.
Trafalgar and the people’s pundit are true pollsters who value their craft. Pundit is definitely a conservative - but cares more about his polling accuracy than showing what he wants.

Cotto - have seen some good, some bad. Seems a bit too excitable at unnecessary times.

Larry guy - huge homer, but has some intelligent points.

Following a couple others right now - but I’d have to see them get something right before recommending- too new to me.
His mind is opened to be convinced that Rupp was racist, but he doesn't think he is based on the people he knows that knew him. What the hell else can he say? Some people, and I'm not saying you, are pouting because they think Cal cost them a championship that they've somehow, ridiculously convinced themselves that they deserve for logging so many hours on the Lazy Boy watching games and they are using politics to deepen their hatred for him. Pathetic and sad, IMO, but it's their deep-rooted, immature problem, not mine.

While I care about championships I NEVER measured Cal by championships. What I care about is the embracing of blm as a legitimate cause. It is not. Had Cal not gone forward embracing that crap I had no issue. Knowing the cause of blm and it's anti-American message anyone who joins them disgusts me. As simple as that.

To go into it just a little more to hopefully clarify. America first!

Many of these "movements" are to change America as it was founded. The dirty little secret is, after that change is made (Pick a change) Do you think blm or whoever will stop? NOPE, they will go to whatever money-making or anti-American scheme they can get ANYONE to fund and start the process again.... and again... Yeah that is how that works.

I am of the firm belief now that a whole bunch of Cal's and Stoops salaries come from China... No reason doing what they've done if that wasn't the case...(I will stop...)
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While I care about championships I NEVER measured Cal by championships. What I care about is the embracing of blm as a legitimate cause. It is not. Had Cal not gone forward embracing that crap I had no issue. Knowing the cause of blm and it's anti-American message anyone who joins them disgusts me. As simple as that.

To go into it just a little more to hopefully clarify. America first!

Many of these "movements" are to change America as it was founded. The dirty little secret is, after that change is made (Pick a change) Do you think blm or whoever will stop? NOPE, they will go to whatever money-making or anti-American scheme they can get ANYONE to fund... Yeah that is how that works.

I am of the firm belief now that a whole bunch of Cal's and Stoops salaries come from China... No reason doing what they've done if that wasn't the case...(I will stop...)

If you think Cal and Stoops are paid by China, you can't be helped. Cal and Stoops embraced that a black person's life matters, they didn't embrace an organization that loots and burns. Period.
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This is a real article.

A New York Times piece infers that John James (R) is close in Michigan because he is black, and Peters (D) is white, and this is confusing to voters.

It’s all been a bit disorienting for some voters.
Charles Gaba, a health policy analyst and Democrat from the Detroit suburb of Bloomfield Township, said that his friends who weren’t as politically tuned in were not sure which candidate was the Republican and which was the Democrat. Compounding the issue, Mr. Gaba said, is the fact that Mr. James is Black, which probably makes some people assume that he is a Democrat. Mr. Peters, a middle-aged white man, fits the stereotypical image of a Republican.

“Some people are confused,” Mr. Gaba, 50, said, which could contribute to the tightness in the polls.
If you think Cal and Stoops are paid by China, you can't be helped. Cal and Stoops embraced that a black person's life matters, they didn't embrace an organization that loots and burns. Period.

If you say so, blm is blm is blm... Wear the shirt support the cause you cannot support part of the cause... Agree to disagree...LeBron may even disagree. Be Good
UK is playing games now? JK. I am not watching any UK sports till they stop the wokeness and BLM bull shit. I still care and will always be a fan, I just can’t support that bull shit. I may be many things, but family and country come before sports. You simply can’t call me a racist off the cuff and expect me to do nothing about it. Integrity means a lot to me. Stoops and Cal have none.
I can't speak for what the University has done, but if you watch a game, I've watched all four" there has literally be no mention of the SJW/BLM stuff during the games and even with the four studio guys. It's pretty much all football talk. Stoops isn't wearing a BLM mask or T-shirt on the sidelines, they aren't going out of their way to point out any messages or names or anything the players might have on their uniforms (nothings been apparent) There might be a nauseating commercial here and there, but otherwise it just seems like they are focused on the business of football.
I was out all weekend here in Lex....3 restaurants, grocery, church, the mall.....people were probably 99% mask compliant. So....tell me Gov. Andy.....where in the hell are all of these cases coming from that you harp on daily? Outside of the LTC facilities and schools/colleges, then what is your theory.....because people are wearing their masks and they aren't helping a damn thing judging by the numbers.
Was in several stores this weekend. saw a total of 3 people not masked up inside the stores. one was an old dude, one a younger dude with his wife who was masked, and one chick who had that look that if anyone said anything she would punch a hole in their chest and rip out their still beating heart.
I can't speak for what the University has done, but if you watch a game, I've watched all four" there has literally be no mention of the SJW/BLM stuff during the games and even with the four studio guys. It's pretty much all football talk. Stoops isn't wearing a BLM mask or T-shirt on the sidelines, they aren't going out of their way to point out any messages or names or anything the players might have on their uniforms (nothings been apparent) There might be a nauseating commercial here and there, but otherwise it just seems like they are focused on the business of football.

Let them miss a fun Football team to watch and always-entertaining basketball. The funny thing? Most of them are watching but have to play tough guy here like they aren’t.
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So, you WERE born a poor black child....

Well, I think from reading his posts - he has figured out what his special purpose is for.
While I care about championships I NEVER measured Cal by championships. What I care about is the embracing of blm as a legitimate cause. It is not. Had Cal not gone forward embracing that crap I had no issue. Knowing the cause of blm and it's anti-American message anyone who joins them disgusts me. As simple as that.

To go into it just a little more to hopefully clarify. America first!

Many of these "movements" are to change America as it was founded. The dirty little secret is, after that change is made (Pick a change) Do you think blm or whoever will stop? NOPE, they will go to whatever money-making or anti-American scheme they can get ANYONE to fund and start the process again.... and again... Yeah that is how that works.

I am of the firm belief now that a whole bunch of Cal's and Stoops salaries come from China... No reason doing what they've done if that wasn't the case...(I will stop...)
Nike = China .
I can't speak for what the University has done, but if you watch a game, I've watched all four" there has literally be no mention of the SJW/BLM stuff during the games and even with the four studio guys. It's pretty much all football talk. Stoops isn't wearing a BLM mask or T-shirt on the sidelines, they aren't going out of their way to point out any messages or names or anything the players might have on their uniforms (nothings been apparent) There might be a nauseating commercial here and there, but otherwise it just seems like they are focused on the business of football.

Hell....they come out of the tunnel WAVING THE AMERICAN FLAG.
Let them miss a fun Football team to watch and always-entertaining basketball. The funny thing? Most of them are watching but have to play tough guy here like they aren’t.

i will not be watching Kentucky basketball if it even happens which I doubt. If it does it'll be like 100 people allowed in rupp by the scumbag governor wow how exciting
I can't speak for what the University has done, but if you watch a game, I've watched all four" there has literally be no mention of the SJW/BLM stuff during the games and even with the four studio guys. It's pretty much all football talk. Stoops isn't wearing a BLM mask or T-shirt on the sidelines, they aren't going out of their way to point out any messages or names or anything the players might have on their uniforms (nothings been apparent) There might be a nauseating commercial here and there, but otherwise it just seems like they are focused on the business of football.
Well that is good news. But I am committed to not watching UK football or basketball this year due to Stoops and Cal pandering to a terrorist organization. Have to wait and see about next year. While I am thrilled UK finally beat UT, I saw the scores crawl across my tv, thought it was a mis-print, so got online to check it out.
While I care about championships I NEVER measured Cal by championships. What I care about is the embracing of blm as a legitimate cause. It is not. Had Cal not gone forward embracing that crap I had no issue. Knowing the cause of blm and it's anti-American message anyone who joins them disgusts me. As simple as that.

To go into it just a little more to hopefully clarify. America first!

Many of these "movements" are to change America as it was founded. The dirty little secret is, after that change is made (Pick a change) Do you think blm or whoever will stop? NOPE, they will go to whatever money-making or anti-American scheme they can get ANYONE to fund and start the process again.... and again... Yeah that is how that works.

I am of the firm belief now that a whole bunch of Cal's and Stoops salaries come from China... No reason doing what they've done if that wasn't the case...(I will stop...)
Well, do t they both get some $$$from Nike? We all know Nike uses Chinese slave labor to make their shit. I threw away everything I owned with a swoosh on it.
Was in several stores this weekend. saw a total of 3 people not masked up inside the stores. one was an old dude, one a younger dude with his wife who was masked, and one chick who had that look that if anyone said anything she would punch a hole in their chest and rip out their still beating heart.
I stopped wearing one unless the store is adamant I wear one.
Dead. On.

Nope, but inadvertantly correct choice of words.. they embraced the idiotic neoMarxist idea that people who aren't black automatically think their lives don't matter, which is BS.

Their lives matter, because all lives matter, not your idiotic, racist, and divisive notion that all lives can't matter until black lives matter. Some idiot going into his car to fetch a knife to wield at the police or another idiot who decides he's going to taze cops to avoid a DUI has absolutely zero to do with their lives not mattering because they're black.

This idiocy you fools are propogating needs to be challenged at every step, it doesn't matter if your heros spew the lies or whatever.