How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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It's been a struggle with oppression. But I am a success story. If I, an African American, can make it.

Anyone can make it. Never give up on your dreams, folks.

So, you WERE born a poor black child....

It's been a struggle with oppression. But I am a success story. If I, an African American, can make it.

Anyone can make it. Never give up on your dreams, folks.
I will never give up and I may be able to claim some blackness in my family. I have the oppression part nailed down. But my grandfather worked in those Pike County coal mines and every day he went into the mines white but came out blacker than John Henry the steel driving man. So there it is in my blood, through his lungs. I will make it, yes I will.

I still care about UK FB and have watched most of the games so far. I have essentially stopped watching pro sports altogether. As for UK BB, I would usually start paying attention to it about the time of Midnight Madness. I honestly don’t even know the names of any of new incoming players.

I won’t guarantee that I’ll faithfully boycott UK BB with 100% compliance but I won’t go out of my way to watch it either like I used to.

I watched baseball. They limited their BLM nonsense to the first weekend.

I turned on UK football week 1 and was pleased to see that Espn/sec network has not turned the games into a BLM rally.

I did not watch the NBA. It’s sounding like the league knows they blew it (even if they still use jargon to explain away their problems).

I doubt I watch UK basketball. CBB is a low quality product now anyway, and my interest has been waning for years. This summer/fall just gave me actual reasons to dislike the coach and players.
I still care about UK FB and have watched most of the games so far. I have essentially stopped watching pro sports altogether. As for UK BB, I would usually start paying attention to it about the time of Midnight Madness. I honestly don’t even know the names of any of new incoming players.

I won’t guarantee that I’ll faithfully boycott UK BB with 100% compliance but I won’t go out of my way to watch it either like I used to.
People that choose to continue to watch and support are fine. Each person has to choose their path on things, don’t mean one is right or wrong. I chose my path for my own reasons, because mainly I hate being lied to and manipulated. There is no systemic racism in this country and white cops are not out hunting down and shooting black men.
FYI: I mask up where required... and I have tested positive for it.

I'm entering the last 4 days of my 14 day quarantine. My symptoms were basically like seasonal allergies: runny nose, sore throat, was REALLY tired last Wed (and slept 14 hours)... and I completely lost my sense of smell (can't even smell Vick's Vapor Rub!).

Other than not working (from home) last Wed, it hasn't affected me one bit.

For the record, I am a healthy, active (I play bball/gym 6 days a week) 5'9', 175 lb male... no medications... other than zinc and vita D currently.

I had virtually the same experience with it
People that choose to continue to watch and support are fine. Each person has to choose their path on things, don’t mean one is right or wrong. I chose my path for my own reasons, because mainly I hate being lied to and manipulated. There is no systemic racism in this country and white cops are not out hunting down and shooting black men.
Thanks I respect your viewpoint as well. To me, I totally understand why Stoops joined his players in a BLM march, even if I don’t agree with it. I haven’t seen him get too overboard with the whole BLM thing other than that.

Coach Cal OTOH, seems to have doubled and tripled down on this whole thing,including lectures on white privilege etc. Plus, he seems to be encouraging a name change of Rupe Arena, because if that happens I will be completely done with UK BB.
It's been a struggle with oppression. But I am a success story. If I, an African American, can make it.

Anyone can make it. Never give up on your dreams, folks.
I am white but raised very poor, although I never went hungry mainly because we raised most of what we ate. Dad had a 3rd grade education, Mom an 8th grade education and I got a high school education. I chose not to be like that as an adult, so I took it upon myself to apply myself with hard work. I had many different jobs early in my life and took it upon myself to learn that job and other jobs around me to improve my skills. I have made a pretty good living, not rich by any means, but enough to have the things I wanted. I managed to retired from a good company with a decent retirement plan, coupled with social security, I am still doing well. Everything that happens in your life is what you let happen, you can apply yourself or blame your miseries on someone else. Only you can choose how your life turns out.
I will never give up and I may be able to claim some blackness in my family. I have the oppression part nailed down. But my grandfather worked in those Pike County coal mines and every day he went into the mines white but came out blacker than John Henry the steel driving man. So there it is in my blood, through his lungs. I will make it, yes I will.

This is trump worthy. You feel black oppression because you pappy came out of the mines black. Where do you get this stuff.
I've always been interested/fascinated by polls. Studied them in a couple courses in business school.
I can't find if Cotto/Gottfried is a polling firm or not. I don't think so 'cause if so they would have a website and tout it. So I think they are 'number crunchers'. @CatsFanGG24 and @UKUGA ... you both seem to pay a lot of attention to polls etc....if familiar with Cotto, what do you think?
Their twitter account is almost a running, real time account of what's going on. Especially this morning on EV in Florida.
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Thanks I respect your viewpoint as well. To me, I totally understand why Stoops joined his players in a BLM march, even if I don’t agree with it. I haven’t seen him get too overboard with the whole BLM thing other than that.

Coach Cal OTOH, seems to have doubled and tripled down on this whole thing,including lectures on white privilege etc. Plus, he seems to be encouraging a name change of Rupe Arena, because if that happens I will be completely done with UK BB.

Where did Cal encourage a name change for Rupp Arena? All I saw was him say he knew all the old UK people and it would be news to him if Rupp was racist, but his ears were open (if they could change his mind), which is 100% what anyone would say if they never even met the man. Did he say something more after that????
Masks are funny. The side the swears by them is actually just increasing confidence for people to get out and about and putting them in harms way - likely increasing spread due to increased populations gathering.

The side that would love for everything to be opened up, economy, argues against masks bc science for 100 years has shown they do not effectively work. BUT, I believe the masks actually get people out.

Masks comfort and security has probably gotten some people killed who otherwise would’ve stayed home. I’d rather just be honest about them - but oh well, they got some people out and about, spending $.
The mask debate is fomenting hate. Maskers yelling at and assaulting non maskers in public. Vice versa. People at each others' throats over an overblown scare tactic.
Cal would not recruit you then. [laughing]
Joe Hall and Eddie Sutton had their chances as I was on campus from 81-86.

Spent MANY nights at Seaton and Alumni; I'll never forget George Adams rolling into Alumni, after his first year with the Giants, driving a new Jag, wearing sweats under a full length mink coat (he was a GREAT bball player also).
Bill Clinton's former Secretary of Labor and a MSNBC host believe we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission if Biden wins...


Scary. That dudes last name is pretty ironic.
"Comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefullness"

So a Hug and cuddle team for all the people who's feelings he hurt?

Have yet to find anybody who can tell me how they are worse off under Trump than they were before.
Where did Cal encourage a name change for Rupp Arena? All I saw was him say he knew all the old UK people and it would be news to him if Rupp was racist, but his ears were open (if they could change his mind), which is 100% what anyone would say if they never even met the man. Did he say something more after that????

I just wonder how long it will take Cal to determine if his mind can be changed on the subject? Sorry no open-ended mind changing subjects allowed... That is a diversion...
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I just wonder how long it will take Cal to determine if his mind can be changed on the subject? Sorry no open-ended mind changing subjects allowed... That is a diversion...

Who knows. I guess if a person's mind is 100% closed to a subject, they really don't have much of a right to tell someone else that they aren't open-minded to the same subject, lol.
Who knows. I guess if a person's mind is 100% closed to a subject, they really don't have much of a right to tell someone else that they aren't open-minded to the same subject, lol.

I guess, not exactly sure what that means to what I stated but okay.
I've always been interested/fascinated by polls. Studied them in a couple courses in business school.
I can't find if Cotto/Gottfried is a polling firm or not. I don't think so 'cause if so they would have a website and tout it. So I think they are 'number crunchers'. @CatsFanGG24 and @UKUGA ... you both seem to pay a lot of attention to polls etc....if familiar with Cotto, what do you think?
Their twitter account is almost a running, real time account of what's going on. Especially this morning on EV in Florida.

Cotto seems legit.

I’ve come to trust @pollwatch2020, Trafalgar, Larry Schweikart, and the People’s Pundit.

Cotto is right in there with those guys and their mutual love fest for one another.

What they are doing right now (this AM), is a little too rapid for me.

I’d rather see numbers at the end of the day (or a week) and not get caught up in the emotions of the hour by hour.

I don’t know if I can take 15 straight election nights, which is basically what these guys are setting up at this point.

All that said, I do enjoy hearing about voter turnout, and especially new voter registration. The polls can’t really capture the latter, and those numbers are trending favorably R here late in the game in battle ground states.
I guess, not exactly sure what that means to what I stated but okay.

His mind is opened to be convinced that Rupp was racist, but he doesn't think he is based on the people he knows that knew him. What the hell else can he say? Some people, and I'm not saying you, are pouting because they think Cal cost them a championship or two that they've somehow, ridiculously, convinced themselves that they deserve for logging so many hours on the Lazy Boy watching games and they are using politics to deepen their hatred for him. Pathetic and sad, IMO, but it's their deep-rooted, immature problem, not mine.
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