How will they rule ??!

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These elites want to lecture you and I about systemic racism. Without whites people like Oprah would still be in Mississippi looking for a job. The vast majority of her viewers and people who bought her book are white.

If America is a racist nation we sure are striking out because some of the richest are not white.

I was out all weekend here in Lex....3 restaurants, grocery, church, the mall.....people were probably 99% mask compliant. So....tell me Gov. Andy.....where in the hell are all of these cases coming from that you harp on daily? Outside of the LTC facilities and schools/colleges, then what is your theory.....because people are wearing their masks and they aren't helping a damn thing judging by the numbers.

You have hit on the key point.

Mask mandates go into place. People comply.

Cases go down, and masks are given the lion’s share of the credit, even though lockdowns and distancing have also been in place.

More people are wearing masks than ever, and the CDC Director says to wear them for 6, 8, 10, 12 weeks to knock this thing out.

One month later, mask “compliance” remains high, but cases are rising (as expected, because it’s fall).

So, people scream about wearing masks. (You literally have mask wearing, pro mask zealots get covid and then immediately scream that their covid case is evidence of why you should wear a mask).

Guess what?!? They are wearing them.

They don’t work. And now, the masks are helping to spread colds, strep and soon, the flu.

Congratulations sheep.
Trump is traveling all across the country after quickly kicking Covid's ass...Biden will be in his basement until Thursday.

How and why could anyone support a person like Joe Biden for President. It is obvious he is just a shell. The people behind the scenes are the ones who will be president if he wins.

Joe Biden may not know where he is half of the time. Afterall, half of the time he is running for the senate.
1. Cotton masks most people wear don’t do shit against this virus.
2. Look for even more hyperbole from the media stating the virus is “ out of control”. This thing is entirely political at this point. You will only hear about cases, not deaths.
Andrew Cuomo is on a GD book promotion tour about his "leadership" right now while most of his State is still shut down. And getting softball questions from the media. Nothing we see is real.
Masks don't work. The science shows it (globule size) and the results show it.

We are a few weeks behind the EU, who is now experiencing another surge. They were in lockdown and now increasing lockdown.

We know for a fact, based on results if nothing else, that neither lockdown nor masks work. This almost surely means this virus spreads in a way that "experts" still don't understand. Perhaps if they'd accept collaboration rather than censor and cancel it, we could figure out what's going on.

Till then it's doing the same thing, or more of the same, and expecting a different result. Some "experts".
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These elites want to lecture you and I about systemic racism. Without whites people like Oprah would still be in Mississippi looking for a job. The vast majority of her viewers and people who bought her book are white.

If America is a racist nation we sure are striking out because some of the richest are not white.

@Gassy_Knowls needs to be up there. What he has overcome as a person of color on catpaw should not be dismissed.
Masks don't work. The science shows it (globule size) and the results show it.

We are a few weeks behind the EU, who is now experiencing another surge. They were in lockdown and now increasing lockdown.

We know for a fact, based on results if nothing else, that neither lockdown nor masks work. This almost surely means this virus spreads in a way that "experts" still don't understand. Perhaps if they'd accept collaboration rather than censor and cancel it, we could figure out what's going on.

Till then it's doing the same thing, or more of the same, and expecting a different result. Some "experts".

Oh, I think “experts” understand how it spreads.

While perhaps more contagious than some other viruses, its spreads similarly to the flu, a cold, etc.

They used this virus to control the population and destroy the economy, as opposed to allowing it to run its natural course and allowing humans to take the same natural steps to avoid illness that they have throughout modern history.
I was out all weekend here in Lex....3 restaurants, grocery, church, the mall.....people were probably 99% mask compliant. So....tell me Gov. Andy.....where in the hell are all of these cases coming from that you harp on daily? Outside of the LTC facilities and schools/colleges, then what is your theory.....because people are wearing their masks and they aren't helping a damn thing judging by the numbers.

Which spun the brand new narrative: sma gatherings at people's homes are causing the spread. Of course. Because it can't be the experts are clueless.

Also how convenient that it's coming up on the holidays.
Masks don't work. The science shows it (globule size) and the results show it.

We are a few weeks behind the EU, who is now experiencing another surge. They were in lockdown and now increasing lockdown.

We know for a fact, based on results if nothing else, that neither lockdown nor masks work. This almost surely means this virus spreads in a way that "experts" still don't understand. Perhaps if they'd accept collaboration rather than censor and cancel it, we could figure out what's going on.

Till then it's doing the same thing, or more of the same, and expecting a different result. Some "experts".
Thankfully, the areas hammered by the first wave are very low in case #s round two (implies immunity)...also, while deaths are rising, they are still 5-10x below the first wave, while the cases are 5x-10x greater.
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Saw on RR Cal had a video talking about Hero and Bam. I refuse to watch it. His voice now makes me sick to my stomach. I do t want to see his face or hear his voice.
I still care about UK FB and have watched most of the games so far. I have essentially stopped watching pro sports altogether. As for UK BB, I would usually start paying attention to it about the time of Midnight Madness. I honestly don’t even know the names of any of new incoming players.

I won’t guarantee that I’ll faithfully boycott UK BB with 100% compliance but I won’t go out of my way to watch it either like I used to.
Sports rank about 900 spots above politics for me, and boycotts are about the stupidest form of protest imaginable since they are almost universally hypocritical.
I still care about UK FB and have watched most of the games so far. I have essentially stopped watching pro sports altogether. As for UK BB, I would usually start paying attention to it about the time of Midnight Madness. I honestly don’t even know the names of any of new incoming players.

I won’t guarantee that I’ll faithfully boycott UK BB with 100% compliance but I won’t go out of my way to watch it either like I used to.

Feel about the same, NO PRO SPORTS EVER
I at one time I canceled most anything if a UK game was on ..Not any more
As well I cannot for the first time in many many years name the players on BB team
With what Cal and Stoops show support and gladly display, my interest level has dropped a bunch
I doubt I ever go to anymore games FB or BB...will watch on tv if there is nothing better to watch
FYI: I mask up where required... and I have tested positive for it.

I'm entering the last 4 days of my 14 day quarantine. My symptoms were basically like seasonal allergies: runny nose, sore throat, was REALLY tired last Wed (and slept 14 hours)... and I completely lost my sense of smell (can't even smell Vick's Vapor Rub!).

Other than not working (from home) last Wed, it hasn't affected me one bit.

For the record, I am a healthy, active (I play bball/gym 6 days a week) 5'9', 175 lb male... no medications... other than zinc and vita D currently.

Edit: I was told by the testing agency that this particular test is 96-98% accurate. TIFWIW.
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As has been pointed out many times the early calls for no masks were because there was a shortage for first responders. Regardless, if you do something one way and learn a better way, do you change your behavior or just keep doing the same way?
There is a strong consensus in the medical and scientific communities to mask up. There will always be a few kooks go the other way.
Tell me the last time you saw or heard any first responder, especially any medical personnel not masking?
If they said one thing in March, learned they were wrong in March and changed their should continue to follow the old guidelines? How dumb can you be?

One thing that bares out over the course of the history of developed society is that medical and science communities can be wrong, and are continually disproven.

That's the whole point of science. It continually changes, improves, disproves itself. Some of the biggest most respected names in both science and medicine were once thought to be "kooks"...

Dumb is relative.

Do I always wear a mask? No. Have I shut down entire industries, set the economy back, put millions of people in the poor house because old folks and people with co-morbidities were more overwhelmingly affected by something than most others? No.

Did I close down college campuses and send kids back to their home towns where they would be forced to live in close proximity with their older parents and even grandparents in a lot of cases? No.

Did I shut down gyms and parks where people can go to walk, run, work out, stay healthy, boost their immune system, and increase their ability to fight off things such as viruses? No.

Did I allow 4-5 months of non-stop mass "gatherings" in cities that at times looked like Woodstock because so many people were packed in on top of one another? No.

Did I shut down other areas of medicine for a while which created a backlog of folks who needed help with other health problems? No.

Have I taken national and even global attention away from things that will have and will continue to affect and kill more people than Covid? No.

If all testing is accurate, and every covid case has indeed been covid, then 40 million worldwide as of right now. 1 million deaths give or take.

Heart disease will kill near 18 million people by end of the year. Maybe less than that because inevitably a lot of them will probably have contracted covid and that will be what is listed on the official COD...overweight, bad ticker, probably diabetic...but covid...

18 million annually...but let's stay inside, remain immobile unemployed, order fast food, binge/stress eat because all you see on the news are covid case and death rates...
What you’ve quoted is actually fairly old news. I remember reading about it on Washington Free Beacon a year or so ago. Pretty tame compared to what’s come out (and hopefully will come out) in the past week and the weeks to come.....

Yeah it was from a 2008 NYT's article...interesting how the media now covers everything about Hunter as a smear campaign/disinformation from the right, but some of those same media outlets were writing articles years ago about how the Obama administration was concerned about things Joe and Hunter were up to.
@Gassy_Knowls needs to be up there. What he has overcome as a person of color on catpaw should not be dismissed.
gassy is the richest man on any message board. A UK message board is blessed to have someone who pulled himself up by the boot straps to a lofty position in society and expert on all things good.

He is a role model for all. I am thankful he is my friend.
I still care about UK FB and have watched most of the games so far. I have essentially stopped watching pro sports altogether. As for UK BB, I would usually start paying attention to it about the time of Midnight Madness. I honestly don’t even know the names of any of new incoming players.

I won’t guarantee that I’ll faithfully boycott UK BB with 100% compliance but I won’t go out of my way to watch it either like I used to.

The guy you are responding to has been a Cal hater since wayyyyy before this year, so he's simply using fake outrage to further his agenda.
FYI: I mask up where required... and I have tested positive for it.

I'm entering the last 4 days of my 14 day quarantine. My symptoms were basically like seasonal allergies: runny nose, sore throat, was REALLY tired last Wed (and slept 14 hours)... and I completely lost my sense of smell (can't even smell Vick's Vapor Rub!).

Other than not working (from home) last Wed, it hasn't affected me one bit.

For the record, I am a healthy, active (I play bball/gym 6 days a week) 5'9', 175 lb male... no medications... other than zinc and vita D currently.

Can you dunk? askin for a friend
FYI: I mask up where required... and I have tested positive for it.

I'm entering the last 4 days of my 14 day quarantine. My symptoms were basically like seasonal allergies: runny nose, sore throat, was REALLY tired last Wed (and slept 14 hours)... and I completely lost my sense of smell (can't even smell Vick's Vapor Rub!).

Other than not working (from home) last Wed, it hasn't affected me one bit.

For the record, I am a healthy, active (I play bball/gym 6 days a week) 5'9', 175 lb male... no medications... other than zinc and vita D currently.

Eventually we will all get it and those of us who are otherwise old and already sick might die. That’s the long and short of it.

Glad you’re not feeling too bad.
Someone (Ohio Colonel maybe) posted last week about a month long study at a hospital in England on the positive covid tests that were retested and came back negative at a 44% rate. Last week I saw where flu cases have fallen dramatically and that at this point in time there were only about 5% as many flu cases as should be expected.

With those two facts(?) out there let me tell you something else that I know that is being done differently than before. Back early on (before they started begging people to get tested) if you went to the doctor with flu like symptoms, you would be given a strep and a flu test before you could get a Covid test. Now if you go to the doctor with flu like symptoms you are given a Covid test without being given a strep or flu test.

The point I am trying to make is that if that is now the testing procedure(I know this factually at least for one place here in ky) and there are that many false positive tests with Covid, therefore there are probably a lot of people out there who are sick and think they have Covid when in reality they could have the flu because of a misdiagnosis.
gassy is the richest man on any message board. A UK message board is blessed to have someone who pulled himself up by the boot straps to a lofty position in society and expert on all things good.

He is a role model for all. I am thankful he is my friend.

It's been a struggle with oppression. But I am a success story. If I, an African American, can make it.

Anyone can make it. Never give up on your dreams, folks.
When China was leaking (now obviously) bullshit videos of people falling dead in the street you were a crazy conspiracy theorist for talking about masks. Now that the data demonstrates its not that big a deal, you are an idiot for not wearing a mask. Must be nice to be a goldfish.