How will they rule ??!

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As has been pointed out many times the early calls for no masks were because there was a shortage for first responders. Regardless, if you do something one way and learn a better way, do you change your behavior or just keep doing the same way?
There is a strong consensus in the medical and scientific communities to mask up. There will always be a few kooks go the other way.
Tell me the last time you saw or heard any first responder, especially any medical personnel not masking?
If they said one thing in March, learned they were wrong in March and changed their should continue to follow the old guidelines? How dumb can you be?

Masks have been declared basically useless against viruses for years. This situation is all about control whether you will admit it or not. They have used their tactics to instill irrational fear into the masses and use useless masks as their control mechanism. If they want to allow you to do "x", then wear your mask and it's ok.

That "strong consensus" that you speak of is based on absolutely nothing. You stating it is equally baseless. They haven't learned that masks have the capability to stop the transmission of a virus. It does give dictators the ability to selectively tell you what you can and cannot do. Everyone do as I say and I'll let you have a little of your freedom back.

People need to wake up and say enough is enough.

Edit: After I replied I've read other (good) replies to this. I probably should get caught up reading the board before I reply sometimes. On the other hand, with all of our replies I guess we now have "strong consensus" that rq's post is nonsense.
See how that works rq. Our opinions have become fact.
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As has been pointed out many times the early calls for no masks were because there was a shortage for first responders. Regardless, if you do something one way and learn a better way, do you change your behavior or just keep doing the same way?
There is a strong consensus in the medical and scientific communities to mask up. There will always be a few kooks go the other way.
Tell me the last time you saw or heard any first responder, especially any medical personnel not masking?
If they said one thing in March, learned they were wrong in March and changed their should continue to follow the old guidelines? How dumb can you be?
Study done in July and reported by the CDC shows that 85% of the covid cases wore masks all or most of the time.

Masks are a fraud.
Joe and Hunter have been doing this stuff for 20-25 years

These polls just dont make sense when you see all of these parades, etc. And 10 ppl show up for a biden rally. It just doesnt make sense.

I dont remember the last time a GOP candidate went to Cali this late in the game. Does GOP have some internal polling saying its in play?

Also, Biden calling it quits doesnt make any sense either. If Trump did that, the WHOLE media narrative would be "he is not up to the job".

When comparing what i see to the polls, something doesnt seem right. Which makes me really wonder if the Dims are cheating in unbelievabe ways.
The polls are designed for one thing. If Trump wins the Dims can say Trump cheated, look at the polls. If they can cheat enough and Trump complains, the Dims can say no way, look at the polls. The deep state is very deep with Dims, Repub rhinos, media, Silicon Valley, social media, scholastic institutions, and Iran, China.
The polls are designed for one thing. If Trump wins the Dims can say Trump cheated, look at the polls. If they can cheat enough and Trump complains, the Dims can say no way, look at the polls. The deep state is very deep with Dims, Repub rhinos, media, Silicon Valley, social media, scholastic institutions, and Iran, China.
This is right on the money. When Trump won is 2016 it was easy for Hillary and her left wing media friends to say Russia brought Trump victory. Why, because all of the polls were way off. How could Trump win when the polls say he was losing. It was Russia, Russia, Russia

See how it works.
All I know is if or when Trump wins re-election he better go scorched earth on a bunch of POS like Wray and many others and start making better decisions regarding the people he is putting in these very powerful positions. I am at the point where Barr is entering that list as well. He needs to quit listening to political insiders on his staff and start making more out of the box hires for these positions with people who are not compromised and can clean these extremely corrupt institutions up. People like Richard Grenell who will do their job and not BS around to cover up for others they are buddies with.
You need to answer the question. Youve had a week. You must either be 12 (and you snuck on your phone) or just really stupid. You realize that you add NOTHING to a conversation, right?

Since you cannot answer my question about Hunter, Burisma, laptop, corruption connections, then why dont you try to add to the conversation? For example, either make a grown-up comment about the trump rallies that we all see, or why you think Biden is calling a lid for the week (mostly). Is he physically unable? Overconfident?

BTW, you will not answer the question about Hunter because 1. You agree and know this is really bad. 2. The moron media is not covering it, so you havent gotten your talking points yet. Which is it?

One last thing, i asked a question about commie Cali. I would not think it is in play. It was explained, he was going to NV, but you must be too stupid to understand that. But show me a time when Biden supporters do something similar, say in TX. And antifa protests do not count.
That trolling bastard never answers question, all he does is ask stupid question. I put that sum biotch on ignore.
I know Gina Haspel is a big UK fan and a woman but she too is a never Trumper who agrees with the Obama foreign relations philosophy. She testified before congress that Iran was not trying to build nuclear weapons. Really? Send her back to Kentucky President Trump.
As with flag kneeling and this BLM for me is much, much more important than UK sports.
Dude, they don’t PREVENT transmission, they REDUCE transmission.

By exactly how much? If you have real scientific proof of this statement, then you should have some data that has been repeatedly verified.

What if all the money spent on masks had been put toward research for a cure for a disease like Parkinson's or Alzheimer's? How many lives could have truly benefited from that?
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As with flag kneeling and this BLM for me is much, much more important than UK sports.
UK is playing games now? JK. I am not watching any UK sports till they stop the wokeness and BLM bull shit. I still care and will always be a fan, I just can’t support that bull shit. I may be many things, but family and country come before sports. You simply can’t call me a racist off the cuff and expect me to do nothing about it. Integrity means a lot to me. Stoops and Cal have none.
As has been pointed out many times the early calls for no masks were because there was a shortage for first responders. Regardless, if you do something one way and learn a better way, do you change your behavior or just keep doing the same way?
There is a strong consensus in the medical and scientific communities to mask up. There will always be a few kooks go the other way.
Tell me the last time you saw or heard any first responder, especially any medical personnel not masking?
If they said one thing in March, learned they were wrong in March and changed their should continue to follow the old guidelines? How dumb can you be?


The early calls were accompanied by medical experts citing that masks did not work.

Nothing has changed, other than the narrative (aka “lies”).
UK is playing games now? JK. I am not watching any UK sports till they stop the wokeness and BLM bull shit. I still care and will always be a fan, I just can’t support that bull shit. I may be many things, but family and country come before sports. You simply can’t call me a racist off the cuff and expect me to do nothing about it. Integrity means a lot to me. Stoops and Cal have none.
Unfortunately the main goal of the University of Kentucky is to end "systemic racism" . Not educating the young people of Kentucky. No these young skulls full of mush have to be brain washed over something that is a fantasy in the minds of the elite.

I am with you, I don't have time for that.
Masks are funny. The side the swears by them is actually just increasing confidence for people to get out and about and putting them in harms way - likely increasing spread due to increased populations gathering.

The side that would love for everything to be opened up, economy, argues against masks bc science for 100 years has shown they do not effectively work. BUT, I believe the masks actually get people out.

Masks comfort and security has probably gotten some people killed who otherwise would’ve stayed home. I’d rather just be honest about them - but oh well, they got some people out and about, spending $.
I’m surprised there hasn’t been a cry for boycott of overhead door co.
True story....after that Talladega deal I put in a new garage door here at the house. I've never done it before.....but this door has a rope 'noose' proudly attached to the door (even though, being kind of tall I don't need it and the Mrs will never use it)
Masks are funny. The side the swears by them is actually just increasing confidence for people to get out and about and putting them in harms way - likely increasing spread due to increased populations gathering.

The side that would love for everything to be opened up, economy, argues against masks bc science for 100 years has shown they do not effectively work. BUT, I believe the masks actually get people out.

Masks comfort and security has probably gotten some people killed who otherwise would’ve stayed home. I’d rather just be honest about them - but oh well, they got some people out and about, spending $.

I was out all weekend here in Lex....3 restaurants, grocery, church, the mall.....people were probably 99% mask compliant. So....tell me Gov. Andy.....where in the hell are all of these cases coming from that you harp on daily? Outside of the LTC facilities and schools/colleges, then what is your theory.....because people are wearing their masks and they aren't helping a damn thing judging by the numbers.
This is all the information you need to know about the early handling of COVID-19. Don't forget this.


Is it a tremendous display of ignorance or something VERY nefarious? Not saying one way or the other, but could be innocent ignorance stimulated by TDS, people who unknowingly are doing the work of satan or people who have become evil to the point of actually wanting to see the spread of this virus so that it can be used to benefit them politically.

I don't know what each one thought, and I'm not going to say any of them wanted to see the spread of the virus, but I do believe there was an opportunity that has been taken advantage of and used politically.