How will they rule ??!

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Bill Clinton's former Secretary of Labor and a MSNBC host believe we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission if Biden wins...


These polls just dont make sense when you see all of these parades, etc. And 10 ppl show up for a biden rally. It just doesnt make sense.

I dont remember the last time a GOP candidate went to Cali this late in the game. Does GOP have some internal polling saying its in play?

Also, Biden calling it quits doesnt make any sense either. If Trump did that, the WHOLE media narrative would be "he is not up to the job".

When comparing what i see to the polls, something doesnt seem right. Which makes me really wonder if the Dims are cheating in unbelievabe ways.
California in play. Lol you guys are challenged
California in play. Lol you guys are challenged
You need to answer the question. Youve had a week. You must either be 12 (and you snuck on your phone) or just really stupid. You realize that you add NOTHING to a conversation, right?

Since you cannot answer my question about Hunter, Burisma, laptop, corruption connections, then why dont you try to add to the conversation? For example, either make a grown-up comment about the trump rallies that we all see, or why you think Biden is calling a lid for the week (mostly). Is he physically unable? Overconfident?

BTW, you will not answer the question about Hunter because 1. You agree and know this is really bad. 2. The moron media is not covering it, so you havent gotten your talking points yet. Which is it?

One last thing, i asked a question about commie Cali. I would not think it is in play. It was explained, he was going to NV, but you must be too stupid to understand that. But show me a time when Biden supporters do something similar, say in TX. And antifa protests do not count.
Why would you post something so stupid. I swear this thread is what is wrong with the world. You people are sick.
Why wouldnt he? Are you afraid of the truth, or at least a simple discussion? You have raked Trump through the fire the past 4 years, calling him everything in the book. FTR, ALL of which has been PROVEN false.

Do you not care whether Biden sold out for cash? Do you think he isn't corrupt? Really?
Oh yeah..that would have gone over well..."Americans abroad are not welcome back in"...

Public Health has not been unified or consistent.

Close all gyms...keep fast-food chains, liquor stores/cigarettes outlets open..

Don't go buy masks they don't help...on second thought maybe go buy some it's coming out, once again, that perhaps masks aren't really doing a whole lot.

ACB nomination was a super spreader event...march on Washington to protest ACB...not so much...

Don't go to school, don't go to church, don't go to work, don't go vote in person...go riot...

The scientific and medical communities cannot even come to a consensus on everything...some are calling for apocalyptic walking dead scenarios...some are saying wait a minute we're not seeing what's being portrayed in media...
As has been pointed out many times the early calls for no masks were because there was a shortage for first responders. Regardless, if you do something one way and learn a better way, do you change your behavior or just keep doing the same way?
There is a strong consensus in the medical and scientific communities to mask up. There will always be a few kooks go the other way.
Tell me the last time you saw or heard any first responder, especially any medical personnel not masking?
If they said one thing in March, learned they were wrong in March and changed their should continue to follow the old guidelines? How dumb can you be?
As has been pointed out many times the early calls for no masks were because there was a shortage for first responders. Regardless, if you do something one way and learn a better way, do you change your behavior or just keep doing the same way?
There is a strong consensus in the medical and scientific communities to mask up. There will always be a few kooks go the other way.
Tell me the last time you saw or heard any first responder, especially any medical personnel not masking?
If they said one thing in March, learned they were wrong in March and changed their should continue to follow the old guidelines? How dumb can you be?
I believe the WHO has a study now showing masks aren't effective. Now maybe, because other countries are making them and China is losing sales, IDK. Who would have to come out and say masks arent effective b4 you believe? Just curious. BTW, i wear them when i have to. Not bc i believe in them at all, but bc i know weak ppl need to "feel" safe.
As has been pointed out many times the early calls for no masks were because there was a shortage for first responders. Regardless, if you do something one way and learn a better way, do you change your behavior or just keep doing the same way?
There is a strong consensus in the medical and scientific communities to mask up. There will always be a few kooks go the other way.
Tell me the last time you saw or heard any first responder, especially any medical personnel not masking?
If they said one thing in March, learned they were wrong in March and changed their should continue to follow the old guidelines? How dumb can you be?

The most recent and prolific study on masks and Covid just concluded

Masks don't work.

I really don't care what your opinion is. I'll listen to science
As has been pointed out many times the early calls for no masks were because there was a shortage for first responders. Regardless, if you do something one way and learn a better way, do you change your behavior or just keep doing the same way?
There is a strong consensus in the medical and scientific communities to mask up. There will always be a few kooks go the other way.
Tell me the last time you saw or heard any first responder, especially any medical personnel not masking?
If they said one thing in March, learned they were wrong in March and changed their should continue to follow the old guidelines? How dumb can you be?

Again, consensus isn’t science. Studies show they don’t work. I don’t give a shot if a bunch of talking heads have agreed to toe a different line that is unsupported by scientific research.

That’s the problem with lefties. You guys only care what the scientists say, not what the actual science says. Guess which one of those is easily influenced by money and politics.
Does anyone watch the Circus on Showtime?

I feel like it used to be an interesting show that gave a look at what happened in the presidential campaigns in the previous week. Now it’s just another weekly dose of anti-Trump propaganda. They don’t even acknowledge Biden is in the race most of the time.

Like most things, it is a good concept, and was actually well executed initially, then it took an even harder left turn and is completely worthless (like most lefties).
The FBI sent 15 agents for a fake noose in failed car racers garage.

3 hard drives of treason and crime, FBI dragging ass
This is what burns me up. I have zero confidence in the FBI. It one of the most corrupt departments in our government and it is time to clean house.

We hear over and over that it is only the leadership of the FBI that is corrupt. I don't know and I can't say but what is at the top trickles down and I wouldn't trust the field agents of the FBI anymore. They remain silent as their leadership covers up.

The entire corrupt organization has a long way to go to regain trust. I doubt I live long enough to see it.
This is what burns me up. I have zero confidence in the FBI. It one of the most corrupt departments in our government and it is time to clean house.

We hear over and over that it is only the leadership of the FBI that is corrupt. I don't know and I can't say but what is at the top trickles down and I wouldn't trust the field agents of the FBI anymore. They remain silent as their leadership covers up.

The entire corrupt organization has a long way to go to regain trust. I doubt I live long enough to see it.

The hardest part is even if you’re one of the good guys, what do you do? In years past you would have leaked information to a journalist. Unfortunately the journalism industry died with the internet and all we have left are media companies. As we’re seeing right now, even if an FBI agent would have leaked something to try and spur action at the top, the media would have went after that agent, not the corrupt actors.
As has been pointed out many times the early calls for no masks were because there was a shortage for first responders. Regardless, if you do something one way and learn a better way, do you change your behavior or just keep doing the same way?
There is a strong consensus in the medical and scientific communities to mask up. There will always be a few kooks go the other way.
Tell me the last time you saw or heard any first responder, especially any medical personnel not masking?
If they said one thing in March, learned they were wrong in March and changed their should continue to follow the old guidelines? How dumb can you be?
There was a strong consensus among early scientist that the world was flat, there was a strong consensus among experts in the 70's that we would run out of gas in the next few years (raising prices), there was a strong consensus among scientist (bought scientist) every ten years for the last 60 years or so that in ten years major catastrophic world ending events would take place.

Good luck chicken little.
The hardest part is even if you’re one of the good guys, what do you do? In years past you would have leaked information to a journalist. Unfortunately the journalism industry died with the internet and all we have left are media companies. As we’re seeing right now, even if an FBI agent would have leaked something to try and spur action at the top, the media would have went after that agent, not the corrupt actors.
And this is how nations are destroyed. If you have a corrupt press, which America has, truth is stomped in the ground. Add that to a corrupt FBI and CIA and left wing politicians and you have a repeat of the fall of the Roman Empire.

Our only hope is to re-elect Trump and let him clean house. The FBI and CIA leaders have to go and both should be investigated for criminal activity. I know Gina Haspel is a big UK fan and a woman but she too is a never Trumper who agrees with the Obama foreign relations philosophy. She testified before congress that Iran was not trying to build nuclear weapons. Really? Send her back to Kentucky President Trump.
Again, consensus isn’t science. Studies show they don’t work. I don’t give a shot if a bunch of talking heads have agreed to toe a different line that is unsupported by scientific research.

That’s the problem with lefties. You guys only care what the scientists say, not what the actual science says. Guess which one of those is easily influenced by money and politics.
If it's science they agree with, then any opponents are science deniers. If it's science they don't agree with, well those scientists are just kooks. I love how that works.