How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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You're wrong again but then again what is new? Yes, I have been critical of things that Democrats have done and not done and have been so on this board but there is so much faux outrage already over those issues on this board most of the time it would be redundant to pile on. I prefer the role of adversary. It's much more fun.

On the point of being self-aware...what is actually very funny is the fact that you think what I post and don't post tells you anything about me. Of course you and others seem to think that I am like what...3-4 other people?
You think that Fuzz is some way out there liberal... who is to say that I don't have another identity on this board where I post all of my right-wing conservative rants? Huh???
To summarize, your sole purpose here, possibly under several handles, is to troll with contrived rants. Don't think that needed to be explained or clarified, we all know.
Agree that Trump is FAR from perfect but consider:

Repub turnout is skyrocketing. Look at Virginia (a potential swing state also); a 110% increase?

Many R's think it takes a moderate to win the general. Look at some of his "non-conservative" stances.

Trump has stated support for PP (other than abortion services, which he has stated he will de-fund).
He has stated he will NOT cut SS or Medicaid (thus not reducing big govt).

He has policies that drive R's nuts; IMHO making him the very definition of a moderate.

The pendulum is going to swing hard from one extreme to the other and he is going to clobber Hillary in the general.
Willy, what we have here is a failure to communicate.

Yes, people register to vote. In 30 states you have the option to register with a party, in 20 you do not. None of that has anything to do with how people actually vote or if they consider themselves independent.

Ok, let me rephrase this. haha Whether or not a state does not require party registration has NO bearing whether people actually do register with a party.

One can be registered to a party and identify as something else. The key emphasis on the term "identify" which is not the same as actually registering.

The state's law has no bearing on that.
Legal Hispanics voting... isn't that redundant since one must be a citizen, thus legal to actually vote?
Here's a clue for you... the illegal Hispanics aren't voting.

No but they birth hoardes of kids that are legal, who then grow up and vote Dem without fail.
Dude, there is not one damn topic he has a clear policy on. Even immigration where he took off is not exactly clear.
Doesnt matter; voters are clearly looking for a leader and are not concerned with specifics on policy.
You are obsessed with thinking people are obsessed with you. Perhaps you are just a shitty poster.
No. You're just obsessed. Just like you're obsessed with Fuzz and how you couldn't resist to jump on that comment haha it's pretty damn funny actually. It's also funny how you won't quote me anymore, but still respond to my comments with some snarky remark. Love you Q. Keep doing you.
Legal Hispanics voting... isn't that redundant since one must be a citizen, thus legal to actually vote?
Here's a clue for you... the illegal Hispanics aren't voting.
Jesus, you know exactly what I meant. Sorry, HISPANICS Voting for Trump...
The general will be unlike anything we've ever seen IMO. Bloody trench warfare. I fear Hillary will rally her base around fear/hatred of Trump, and conservatives will stay home.
No. You're just obsessed. Just like you're obsessed with Fuzz and how you couldn't resist to jump on that comment haha it's pretty damn funny actually. It's also funny how you won't quote me anymore, but still respond to my comments with some snarky remark. Love you Q. Keep doing you.
I won't quote you anymore? I just quoted the GD post above. I am just mesmerized that grown men like you and fuzz have takes as insane as you fave. He saved you the other day fyi with his inheritance tax take. You were getting roasted on your evil corporation rant.

Just stick to movies bub. And even if you don't do drugs you should tell people you do so they don't think you are just moron.
The general will be unlike anything we've ever seen IMO. Bloody trench warfare. I fear Hillary will rally her base around fear/hatred of Trump, and conservatives will stay home.
They are going to talk about David Duke/KKK all day long come the fall in an attempt to drive out the black vote to even higher rates than with Obama in '08 & '12
Well I went googling for an answer and like anything else, there are a gazillion rules to the shit. Never found the answer, but what I read led me to believe it probably is illegal to protest like that. Figured one of you politicos knows all the ins and outs.

I was at the Trump rally in Huntsville on Sunday and they announced it was a private event paid for by Mr. Trump and anyone disrupting the event would be escorted out. Part of the announcement was also to hold up your Trump sign and chant "Trump!" if someone began to protest. There was a "protest area" set up outside so I'm guessing they can't protest inside due to it being labeled a private event.

That said, there was no reason for those grown men to push a woman. Multiple protestors interrupted the event I attended and were appropriately escorted out. Many ways to deal with that situation and looks like many chose the absolute worst.
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I won't quote you anymore? I just quoted the GD post above. I am just mesmerized that grown men like you and fuzz have takes as insane as you fave. He saved you the other day fyi with his inheritance tax take. You were getting roasted on your evil corporation rant.

Just stick to movies bub. And even if you don't do drugs you should tell people you do so they don't think you are just moron.
100% of Obama supporters thought he would literally turn back the rising tides

I was speaking more about the general hero worship of each candidate
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This one one is very legit.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump

Yeah, it was pretty stupid and he says many stupid things.

Maybe, but does that make it wrong?

I'm not against a Trump, but Christ let's not pretend the guy is honest!

Let's just say he has never filed bankruptcy, and that he really would build a wall, and that he could kill every Muslim, and China will bow in his presence.........does anyone believe for a second he wouldn't say whatever he thought it took to get elected just like the rest of them?

I mean TV with him and Hiliary will be worth it no matter what, but I'd prefer that was a side show while a real election took place!

He's not some moral character. He's not even close to an ideal candidate but it's the reality of the situation now. I'm just pointing out a popular meme is fake. Also we've went all in on this guy now unfortunately and again, we are faced with the lesser of two evils.

No matter what shit the Republicans put out, the consequences are less severe than Hillary. If we don't want Trump representing us than your other option is Cruz because Rubio is done. Cruz is probably the smartest but tons of people dislike that guy as well.
DaBoss that is the video that made people lose their damn minds on Facebook. I mean I stood up, and I never post on Facebook, and said it was wrong and hopefully the men in the video are charged with assault but they won't be. And that was taken as me saying i was for the treatment.

It was seriously wild. I don't see why people go after these reactions then point the see told you he was racist finger.

My other point was, how does this make trump a racist? I'm still not sold that he is but I guess he could be.

Those dudes in that video are lame and not worth the time it takes to go at them.
100% of Obama supporters thought he would literally turn back the rising tides

I was speaking more about the general hero worship of each candidate

I got the privilege of educating a 22-year-old Hillary supporter yesterday. He then says "I never knew that. Really makes you appreciate how great Obama was."
I mean what are you basing the idea that Trump would be better than Hillary on? They would be awful in different ways.

I despise Hillary as she represents the worst of the power-hungry, do anything to win, put yourself above the Constitution politicians. But Trump has many of those same qualities .

Her politics are not particularly left wing, as they are more do whatever gets her elected and gives more power to the federal government. This is essentially what the Republicans have offered as well. Replace Obamacare with Cruz's ridiculous military spending idea and we're basically in the same place.

Hillary is one of the worst candidates in memory. She just so happens to be running against someone in that same neighborhood. Voting for either is inexcusable
Just seeing how this whole primary has played out so far it is absolutely no wonder nobody of real substance wants to run anymore. Its amazing someone like Ben Carson wanted any part of this. I commend him for doing it. If I was in a position and resume to run, there is no way I would put myself or my family through this mess.
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They are going to talk about David Duke/KKK all day long come the fall in an attempt to drive out the black vote to even higher rates than with Obama in '08 & '12

Well, there is that and then this...

Trump has threatened to deport 11 million immigrants living in the country illegally, when he is elected president. If Mitt Romney's comment that immigrants should "self-deport" mobilized a record 11.2 million Hispanic voters in 2012 and left him with an abysmal 27 percent share of the Latino vote, promises of a "beautiful" border wall and mass deportation could lead to a spike in Latino voter turnout that reflects as much a movement against Trump as one for Clinton.

While a record number of Latino voters came out to the polls in 2012, there were still 12 million more eligible Hispanic voters that chose not to come out and cast ballots that year.

Only 48 percent of eligible Latino voters came out to vote in 2012. And, the number of eligible Latino voters between 2012 and 2016 is estimated to have grown by about 4 million people. That is all to say there is a huge potential for Clinton to maximize Latino voter turnout in November.

And that does not even begin to account for Clinton's advantage with eligible black voters who have grown by 6 percent since 2012, according to an analysis by Pew. Black voters show up at the polls at much higher rates than Latino voters and have shown they are enthusiastic about supporting Clinton.

The share of the minority vote is expected to be the largest in history, Pew predicts – a numbers advantage for Democrats regardless of if Trump was the nominee– but Trump's bombastic message and crude delivery could also motivate minority voters to come out in even bigger numbers against him.

Which makes your support for Trump, the biggest attention craver in the race, somewhat paradoxical.

And what was Carson's resume? Being a really good doctor?
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Repub turnout is skyrocketing. Look at Virginia (a potential swing state also); a 110% increase?

Serious question. How much of this can be attributed to Trump? How much of it can attributed to GOP hunger to take back the WH, after 8 years of Obama? I'm sure it's a combination. Would turnout been high without Trump?

My guess is turnout would have been high on the GOP side no matter what, but Trump upped it some more, bringing out some new voters.
Ok, let me rephrase this. haha Whether or not a state does not require party registration has NO bearing whether people actually do register with a party.

One can be registered to a party and identify as something else. The key emphasis on the term "identify" which is not the same as actually registering.

The state's law has no bearing on that.

Willy, how does one go about registering for a party other than through the voter roles? I mean I know when I registered to vote in Kentucky that they allow you to register as a Repub, Dem or independent...but in Tennessee, Missouri, Alabama and Georgia...other states where I have lived, when you register to vote, they don't ask, there is no box to check. On primary day you go to the polling place and sign in...they ask you; In which primary do you want to vote?

I'm not sure what any of this has to do with the survey I posted that started this whole discussion???

My contention is, and the Gallup survey I posted supports the idea that more people consider...i.e. "identify" themselves independent rather than Republicans or Democrats. Nothing more, nothing less.

The question asked was; "When it comes to politics, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat, or an independent?"
40+% of people now say they are independent.
Not for empty-suited clowns like Rubio and Cruz.

I would have for Carson or Paul. Two of the more realistic candidates I've heard, but they lack the charisma to get attention in this digital world...where guys like Obama and Trump thrive. You don't have a shot if you can't capture the media.
Trump, Rubio or Cruz: which one come even come the closest to uniting the Republican Party?

I'm going to caucus Saturday in Ky, and vote Rubio. He has the best chance to unite the party, and I like the people who have endorsed him best. He had a pretty good group in South Carolina.
Serious question. How much of this can be attributed to Trump? How much of it can attributed to GOP hunger to take back the WH, after 8 years of Obama? I'm sure it's a combination. Would turnout been high without Trump?

My guess is turnout would have been high on the GOP side no matter what, but Trump upped it some more, bringing out some new voters.
I'm not sure the turnout is ALL pro-Trump, as he is a flawed candidate.

My guess is there is a significant anti-Obama/anti-Hillary element as well.

I mean, if you're not getting free stuff, how can you possibly be happy with the last 8 years?
Jesus, you know exactly what I meant. Sorry, HISPANICS Voting for Trump...
Sure thing. However I would like to point out that what has been made out by Trump about winning Hispanic votes like in Nevada is way over-stated. Only 14% of the total Hispanic vote, voted (or caucused) with the GOP. The other 86% caucused with the Democrats. So while Trump got like 40% of the GOP caucusing Hispanics, that was a small piece of that group's votes.

1 Donald Trump is an arrogant egomaniacal jerk. We have survived jerk presidents before. Bill Clinton was (and is) also an attention-craving jerk.
2 We have no idea what we will get if Trump becomes president. We know exactly what we'll get with Hillary - four to eight more years of Obama, maybe worse.
3 Trump is neither a closet liberal nor a real conservative. He seems (to me) to be a moderate walking a fine line among conservatives.
4 He is not religious in the least. But he is not anti-religion like the Democrats are in practice. I think he views Christian religion as harmless and irrelevant (but must be catered to in the primaries).

If Trump is nominated it will be the first real opportunity the voters have ever had to elect someone not foisted upon us by this country's elite - Democrat or Republican. Yes, we do get to vote in normal elections - but only for one of two selected for us, propped up by those with money and power. And we call this oligarchy democracy.

If he is elected he will have the opportunity to be a great president if he would work in the interest of the common citizen - working man. At this point he seems not to be beholden to the elite to pay them back for getting him elected. Of course there is no way of knowing he would actually try to do the things he says he will.

Considering the alternative I, as an Independent, plan to hold my nose and vote for him and see what happens. And, contrary to opinions of the talking heads, almost everyone in my circle of friends (mostly poors) say that they will as well.

Yeah, I said it.
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Sure thing. However I would like to point out that what has been made out by Trump about winning Hispanic votes like in Nevada is way over-stated. Only 14% of the total Hispanic vote, voted (or caucused) with the GOP. The other 86% caucused with the Democrats. So while Trump got like 40% of the GOP caucusing Hispanics, that was a small piece of that group's votes.

So Trump and the RNC are now getting less of the Hispanic vote than Romeny did in 2012. And the Hispanic vote has only become larger since 2012.

Angry white men are not going to win this election.