How will they rule ??!

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The only good that may come out of a Trump Presidency is Hillary being indicted

That said, voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil (hyperbole or nah?).
This one one is very legit.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump
well Hillary is under FBI investigation and it has not harmed her vote totals
^^Trump rally girl is just as disgusting. She got exactly what she wanted when she decided to go to the rally. Disrespectful and disruptive, got a couple losers to react how she wanted them to.

"I caused a scene, but lets ride it out a little longer. I'll stop walking every 3 seconds to read my phone...maybe they'll have to carry my fat ass out of here."
People lie about being independent, moderate, centrists, hating both sides, etc all the time. If nothing else catpaw has taught us this.
No, you just have a hard time accepting the truth and try to draw conclusions from what someone might argue. People who are independent usually can see both sides of an issue and therefore can argue either side. The fact that this board is dominated by posters from one side means that those who are independent will take the devil's advocate position. We don't care for whom you think we vote...if you think we are pinko-commy liberals. Yeah, you think you know. Good for you. Not sure of the pleasure it brings you but so be it.
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^^Trump rally girl is just as disgusting. She got exactly what she wanted when she decided to go to the rally. Disrespectful and disruptive, got a couple losers to react how she wanted them to.

"I caused a scene, but lets ride it out a little longer. I'll stop walking every 3 seconds to read my phone...maybe they'll have to carry my fat ass out of here."
Yes people protesting bigots and racists is always equally disgusting.
Yes people protesting bigots and racists is always equally disgusting.

LOL - you can be a fool and have sympathy for her. I will not...and I will feel just fine about it.

Protest outside the building - look legit, look intelligent...planting yourself inside the rally and interrupting every few minutes is lame and discrediting to your cause.

But I am sure that is exactly what she was doing - all those racists and bigots!!!
Regardless of whether you think her protest was legit, why are you seemingly very OK with an adult man (who isn't hired as a security officer) putting his hands on a woman who isn't physical herself?

Would you be OK with a man pushing a woman this hard (who isn't being physical herself) in any other circumstance? If Michelle Malkin was protesting an Obama rally and a black guy was pushing her out of the building would you be cool with it?

I mean, I know what you will say, but I have an idea of what you would actually think
meanwhile mafia-esque fixing on the other side.

The Hill ‏@thehill 19m19 minutes ago
Former top DNC official: I was warned not to back Sanders over Clinton

Clinton has no limit to what she'll do to win. None.

^^Trump rally girl is just as disgusting. She got exactly what she wanted when she decided to go to the rally. Disrespectful and disruptive, got a couple losers to react how she wanted them to.

"I caused a scene, but lets ride it out a little longer. I'll stop walking every 3 seconds to read my phone...maybe they'll have to carry my fat ass out of here."

I dont agree with how she was treated. If they would have simply escorted her out, it wouldve been fine. But I also agree that the whole reason she, and the other protesters, were there was to stir up trouble; then catch only the retaliation on video.

If I went to a Hillary rally and did the same thing these people did; Id expect the same if not worse. Hell Hillary through out a young black lady earlier this week, who was actually making a valid point, and MSM didnt show a second of it.
Regardless of whether you think her protest was legit, why are you seemingly very OK with an adult man (who isn't hired as a security officer) putting his hands on a woman who isn't physical herself?

Would you be OK with a man pushing a woman this hard (who isn't being physical herself) in any other circumstance? If Michelle Malkin was protesting an Obama rally and a black guy was pushing her out of the building would you be cool with it?

I mean, I know what you will say, but I have an idea of what you would actually think

I am fine that the people shoving her were also exposed as worked up at a freakin political rally that they shove someone else? Crazy.

I feel sorry for not a single person involved. They are all losers in my book.
Clinton has no limit to what she'll do to win. None.

I dont agree with how she was treated. If they would have simply escorted her out, it wouldve been fine. But I also agree that the whole reason she, and the other protesters, were there was to stir up trouble; then catch only the retaliation on video.

If I went to a Hillary rally and did the same thing these people did; Id expect the same if not worse. Hell Hillary through out a young black lady earlier this week, who was actually making a valid point, and MSM didnt show a second of it.

People shoving were losers...none of them security, none acting reasonably...not sure a "simple escorting out" would have been accepted by the protester though. Hell, she continued to stand still multiple times reading her phone while maniacs were pushing her.

Kind of scary how stupid people are.
People shoving were losers...none of them security, none acting reasonably...not sure a "simple escorting out" would have been accepted by the protester though. Hell, she continued to stand still multiple times reading her phone while maniacs were pushing her.

Kind of scary how stupid people are.

No it wouldnt. She was there to make a scene and have it videoed. She got what she wanted. Thanks in part to the overzealous crowd.

Look it wasnt a pleasant scene. But I also find it hilarious the concerted attempt to make this look worse than it actually was.
No, you just have a hard time accepting the truth and try to draw conclusions from what someone might argue. People who are independent usually can see both sides of an issue and therefore can argue either side. The fact that this board is dominated by posters from one side means that those who are independent will take the devil's advocate position. We don't care for whom you think we vote...if you think we are pinko-commy liberals. Yeah, you think you know. Good for you. Not sure of the pleasure it brings you but so be it.

Common, but lazy dishonest spin. Those posters "from one side" on here have continually criticized their own party while a handful, like you, who claim to not be aligned have not found one issue to criticize Dems solely in 350 pages. You may be the least self-aware human since deeefense.
LOL - you can be a fool and have sympathy for her. I will not...and I will feel just fine about it.

Protest outside the building - look legit, look intelligent...planting yourself inside the rally and interrupting every few minutes is lame and discrediting to your cause.

But I am sure that is exactly what she was doing - all those racists and bigots!!!
Were you ok with the lady that protested Hillary? Or should she have stayed outside as well? I'm glad she protested Hillary. I'm glad she got in. It was effective and would have been even more effective had the media ran with it. It's not just about drawing attention to a cause. It's about holding leaders accountable for their words and actions. We the people should be in their face everyday.
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I heard a journalist say it was actually illegal to protest inside of a rally. Said you could outside, but not in the building, during the middle if a rally - makes common sense, imo. Doesn't excuse the shoving, though I think that has been blown way out of proportion by social media.....surprise! But, is that true? You can't protest inside the rally? Same journalist also said Trump is escorted by the secret service. That true?
Were you ok with the lady that protested Hillary? Or should she have stayed outside as well? I'm glad she protested Hillary. I'm glad she got in. It was effective and would have been even more effective had the media ran with it. It's not just about drawing attention to a cause. It's about holding leaders accountable for their words and actions. We the people should be in their face everyday.


We the people should not vote for these clowns. We the people are the reason out country is 100% fuct. Whatever happens here, it will be like throwing gas on a fire. Barry O did a number on race relations and dividing this country. What's about to happen next, assuming Trunp does win, is not gonna be fun, imo.
An organized event is different that a candidate out shaking hands. Stupid analogy. And btw I think Hillary's response to her was appropriate.
I heard a journalist say it was actually illegal to protest inside of a rally. Said you could outside, but not in the building, during the middle if a rally - makes common sense, imo. Doesn't excuse the shoving, though I think that has been blown way out of proportion by social media.....surprise! But, is that true? You can't protest inside the rally? Same journalist also said Trump is escorted by the secret service. That true?

Trump does have secret service protection. But I dont think its illegal to protest inside a rally. Would violate 1st amendment, and SCOTUS has repeatedly said political speech is given the highest protection of all.
can't imagine what you people would be saying if Rand Paul's boy from his election was there to handle that ole girl

the curb stomp he delivered to the skinny little feminazi who tried to attack Rand in 2010 was very impressive
Well I went googling for an answer and like anything else, there are a gazillion rules to the shit. Never found the answer, but what I read led me to believe it probably is illegal to protest like that. Figured one of you politicos knows all the ins and outs.
I feel sorry for Democrats.

On what planet would this lineup of candidates (consecutively) look attractive?

Al Gore
John Kerry
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton/Bernie Sanders

They need a deeper bench lol.
Explaining why Legal Hispanics are voting for Trump is easy. Think about the process those folks had to go through to become a citizen. Also, the financial cost of it. Then you see millions of others just walking over, taking your job, using your tax money for their free benefits, having kids in the US so they can anchor down. All of us get pissed when someone cuts in line or is in a traffic jam and some jackass flies down the side median to get ahead, etc. Some principal. This group of people are pissed off that they played by the rules and millions of others did not.
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I feel sorry for Democrats.

On what planet would this lineup of candidates (consecutively) look attractive?

Al Gore
John Kerry
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton/Bernie Sanders

They need a deeper bench lol.
I don't think Reps can make fun of Dems for blind support, shitty candidates, or "winning is everything" anymore after this cycle.
That's true. I was thinking about that last night.

The notion that illegal immigration is legal is one of the oddest things I've seen. I don't know how or when it happened, really.
Listening to Rubio and Cruz last night, don't remember hearing one word about defeating Clinton only Trump.

We the people should not vote for these clowns. We the people are the reason out country is 100% fuct. Whatever happens here, it will be like throwing gas on a fire. Barry O did a number on race relations and dividing this country. What's about to happen next, assuming Trunp does win, is not gonna be fun, imo.
This country has been divided for a long long time. And yes we shouldn't vote for these clowns. And yes we are to blame. Which is why it is up to us and only us to make a change. It doesn't come by going to a booth every four years, choosing between two options, and calling it democracy. It comes on the ground, between election cycles, fighting every day for real influence.
I don't think Reps can make fun of Dems for blind support, shitty candidates, or "winning is everything" anymore after this cycle.
1. A fraud and complete charlatan
2. A disaster of a SoS and a traitor to boot
3. Worst POTUS in history?
4. Liar, thief, complicit in murder, or a socialist

Repubs might not be perfectly happy but the Dems have quite a lineup there.
1. A fraud and complete charlatan
2. A disaster of a SoS and a traitor to boot
3. Worst POTUS in history?
4. Liar, thief, complicit in murder, or a socialist

Repubs might not be perfectly happy but the Dems have quite a lineup there.

Well, that sure doesn't make me sleep better at night.
Common, but lazy dishonest spin. Those posters "from one side" on here have continually criticized their own party while a handful, like you, who claim to not be aligned have not found one issue to criticize Dems solely in 350 pages. You may be the least self-aware human since deeefense.
You're wrong again but then again what is new? Yes, I have been critical of things that Democrats have done and not done and have been so on this board but there is so much faux outrage already over those issues on this board most of the time it would be redundant to pile on. I prefer the role of adversary. It's much more fun.

On the point of being self-aware...what is actually very funny is the fact that you think what I post and don't post tells you anything about me. Of course you and others seem to think that I am like what...3-4 other people?
You think that Fuzz is some way out there liberal... who is to say that I don't have another identity on this board where I post all of my right-wing conservative rants? Huh???
1. A fraud and complete charlatan
2. A disaster of a SoS and a traitor to boot
3. Worst POTUS in history?
4. Liar, thief, complicit in murder, or a socialist

Repubs might not be perfectly happy but the Dems have quite a lineup there.
Agree with that list but their answer is the most hated guy in Congress and a character you couldn't make up.
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As I suspected and posted earlier, looks like the girl at the Trump ralley was a BLM plant. That, or in record amount of time Shaun King tracked her down and wrote a takedown story about Trump and his security. Im going with her being a plant, as I posted earlier.

That's true. I was thinking about that last night.

The notion that illegal immigration is legal is one of the oddest things I've seen. I don't know how or when it happened, really.

Its a helluva thing. Now suddenly people cry "ITS AMERICA!! WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS" and the masses cheer. Idiocracy happened, but at warp speed.
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Were you ok with the lady that protested Hillary? Or should she have stayed outside as well? I'm glad she protested Hillary. I'm glad she got in. It was effective and would have been even more effective had the media ran with it. It's not just about drawing attention to a cause. It's about holding leaders accountable for their words and actions. We the people should be in their face everyday.

Not sure I saw that one - unless its the one posted here.
Explaining why Legal Hispanics are voting for Trump is easy. Think about the process those folks had to go through to become a citizen. Also, the financial cost of it. Then you see millions of others just walking over, taking your job, using your tax money for their free benefits, having kids in the US so they can anchor down. All of us get pissed when someone cuts in line or is in a traffic jam and some jackass flies down the side median to get ahead, etc. Some principal. This group of people are pissed off that they played by the rules and millions of others did not.
Legal Hispanics voting... isn't that redundant since one must be a citizen, thus legal to actually vote?
Here's a clue for you... the illegal Hispanics aren't voting.