How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Willy, you're way off on this one. To start with, 20 states don't ask you to register with a party. They are open states that whenever there is a primary you go vote and you tell them which ballot you want.

If you are gay, you are gay...doesn't matter if you entered into a heterosexual marriage or not. There is nothing subjective about it.

Actually, I'm not Fuzz. Just because those 20 states don't "ask" you to register with a party doesn't mean they aren't registered to "a party". That is irrelevant. Can't believe you'd bring that point up.

As for the gay thing. Before the SCOTUS overturned DOMA. You could not marry gay. You could marry man and woman, but you could not marry gay. Now, you could identify as gay, but you can't marry as gay. That wasn't my point. I'm not arguing the Science of it. Jesus Christ.
To further that point, you have obtained so many voting blocks on nothing but entitlements, brainwashing and division.

Seriously, what other party could manage to get Muslims and LGBT on the same team? Unbelievable. You have actually convinced feminist and the LGBT to go along with importing a culture of people that come from countries where they stone these people to death and have a legitimate rape culture.

That's impressive.

Let's examine the 18-25 crowd. They come from an education system of non stop indoctrination where only liberal voices are heard and allowed. Elitist white Libs tell them they're victims and then they run out to vote Democrat and this is without knowing a damn thing about politics, the real world, economics or responsibility.

So yeah you can imagine it's pretty difficult to overcome a stacked deck. I also enjoy that libs tell Republicans to cross over and not go further right, all while you never budge on crossing the aisle and go further left.
^ LOL.

Meanwhile Dems

- Import votes by bringing in government dependent people (Mexicans and Muslims)
- Demonize Republicans for wanting to protect their borders
- Creates social division and hostility toward anyone who isnt a cheerleader for LGBT
- Demonizes people for not wanting to give their country up like many places in Europe have done
- Promises the world to the lazy and demonizes success
- Indoctrinates naive and impressionable young people who haven't experienced the real world yet and parrots what your professors brainwashed them to say and think
- Silence anyone who tries to share a different point of view and then calls the differing opinion "hate speech."

What you guys have is the best PR firms imaginable...the media and academia.
So the libs and the gays are responsible for creating division and hostility? You do realize people have been and continue to be murdered and beaten for simply being either gay or trans, right? That there are countries where being gay is punishable by death? Have you ever taken the time to research how many people have been murdered in the U.S for being gay? Suicides statistics for homosexuals and transgendered? The Matthew Shepard act didn't even pass until 2009 to include crimes motivated by a victim's actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
No offense, hard to be too sympathetic for the gays man. I'm not saying the should have to live in secrecy but I really don't give two $h*+$ either way TBH.

I don't go around picking on gays, nor do I defend them. I pretty much avoid them if possible and when they are with friends of mine or in the work place I am respectful of the situation.

That's it, that's all they get from me.
Rubio has done basically nothing to capitalize on Jeb! dropping out. He might win fewer states tonight than Kasich will.
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^ LOL.

Meanwhile Dems

- Import votes by bringing in government dependent people (Mexicans and Muslims)
- Demonize Republicans for wanting to protect their borders
- Creates social division and hostility toward anyone who isnt a cheerleader for LGBT
- Demonizes people for not wanting to give their country up like many places in Europe have done
- Promises the world to the lazy and demonizes success
- Indoctrinates naive and impressionable young people who haven't experienced the real world yet and parrots what your professors brainwashed them to say and think
- Silence anyone who tries to share a different point of view and then calls the differing opinion "hate speech."

What you guys have is the best PR firms imaginable...the media and academia.
You're a trip Heisman.
Last time I checked you had to be a US citizen to vote, a process that take a minimum of 5 yrs...and requires that you be here legally to start the process.
It takes two to divide. Sorry you are so intent in wanting to hold on to your hate of those who God made different that you.
Hate speech is hate speech. If your basis is non-acceptance of other cultures, other orientations, people that hold different ideas then it is what it is.
Your other responses are so ridiculous that they don't merit a response.
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Ha ha ha @ "Jeb!"

That does bring comic relief to the realization we're getting a shiity leader.
As Erma Bombeck may or may not have said. "If it's good enough to laugh at in 20 years, it's good enough to laugh now".

Learned that bit from a hospice lady that told to a crowd of old people about dying and grudges.
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Donald Trump is waxing poetic about Planned Parenthood.

On live national television.
Nice article, but the author fails to recognize this is the Obama cartel we are talking about. There is no act of wiping his ass with the Constitution that has proven painful for the man or his contemptible band. the DOJ has *ALREADY* declined to prosecute Hillary's daughterlike adviser Huma Abdeline, who had slam-dunk unquestioned embezzlement of government funds case presented by the FBI.

so Obama's going to sit back and let the DOJ indict Hillary, and watch the GOP (whoever it might be) take the White House and erase all his flimsy unconstitutional 'accomplishments' away with a pen & a phone? Lynch is going to throw away her chance of remaining AG in a Hillary Administration? Anyone who really thinks either party will act against their best interest are fools.
I mean seriously, read this post. It's the most dramatic thing I have ever read. You forgot to add Obama will be killing your children, Hillary is the great Satan, etc.

It's not liberals, or Muslims, or gays killing America, it's this dumbassery that this moment in time is the worst ever. Like Heisman, it's like reading posts a 16 year old high school girl would make.

Wiping his ass with Constitution? Good lord woman, settle down. It will be ok.
So for 27-28 years people consistently lie in random/anonymous polling?

The question asked was "In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an independent?"

I dont know any other way to explain the polling as compared to the election results. The polls wrong, or the responders are lying. Nothing else makes sense.

The further right the GOP goes just solidifies the Democrats in the White House for longer and longer. The fact that HRC could and probably will win the election should tell you that as there aren't many worse candidates that the Democrats could put forth.
People hate lying and corruption but they hate lying and corruption with the self-proclaimed blessings of God even more.

Except that Hillary gets even more media protection than the average Dem. Thats the only difference, otherwise I agree with you.

hat there are countries where being gay is punishable by death? Have you ever taken the time to research how many people have been murdered in the U.S for being gay? Suicides statistics for homosexuals and transgendered?

How does this have anything to do with gays being murdered in the US??

Rubio has done basically nothing to capitalize on Jeb! dropping out. He might win fewer states tonight than Kasich will.

Trump drug him down into the muck, and whipped him. No reason why Rubio shouldnt have picked up all of Bush's supporters; what few there were.
At work so not looking at the television but what are you watching?

Also Rubio should be done at this point, right?

Dude, I'm actually considering it. Trump talks about all the problems of the U.S and how he will fix it. I dunno. Dude talks a good game.

Said he was a common sense conservative.
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Looking like it's going to be Trump vs Clinton. Which means this will be like a year UK gets beat in the second round, and there are 2 teams playing for the title that I don't care about and have no rooting interest. Meh. Or maybe better yet it will be like if it's Indiana and Louisville are in the title game and all I can do is hope the building collapses.....
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Cruz makes me physically ill. Can't describe it. Perhaps "swarmy"? Barf.

Probably because he'd be the most stereotypical casting of a smarmy villain or a salesman that is about to rob you.

It made me laugh thinking about it

Is it wrong that I'd love for some politicians to function like this? Like some Saudi Kings come here and Trump just gives him the bird and tells him to shove their oil up their goat loving asses.

Essentially it's Cam Brady from The Campaign movie on steroids and I dig it.
highlights of the Graham rant:

(1) "He's a demagogue who's convinced millions of Republicans that he never invited the Clintons to his wedding, that he never donated money to Chuck Schumer, that he never donated money to Harry Reid."
(2) "We got crushed in 2012 because of 'self-deportation', and now we've doubled-down by proposing 'forced deportation'."
(3) "You know the term 'too big to fail'? Well, we've become the party of 'too stubborn to win'."
(4) "You cannot alienate the fastest-growing demographic in the country and expect to win an election. Trump has an 80% disapproval rating among registered Hispanic voters and that's not the ceiling."
(5) "I didn't seem to say that Hillary will beat Donald Trump. I am saying it. She'll beat him like a drum and then I'll be back on your show in November telling all of these morons 'I told you so!'."
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I dont know any other way to explain the polling as compared to the election results. The polls wrong, or the responders are lying. Nothing else makes sense.
Or, you just have a hard time accepting the truth.

Election results are centered around 2 sides. Independents have to choose one or the other. In the past 8 elections there have been 4 GOP winners, 4 Democratic winners. The margins have varied from 18% to an election where the guy who lost the popular vote, won the election. Not sure what results you think would validate your position.
Just got done watching Cruz dig his own grave. His "I will not compromise on..." is exactly what people are sick of. It may play well to the base but it won't play well to the independents. You can't win without appealing to independent voters.
One of my friends was born here but his parents migrated from Mexico and did it the legal way. They're blue collar through and through. Anyways, my buddy has worked for UPS for decades, a Catholic and loves Mexico but he's voting for Trump and his family is as well. You never hear these side though because of how the media portrays what was said.

To touch on Graham's post about not wanting to alienate the fastest-growing group, what are we supposed to do? Just wave the white flag and not protect our borders and just let Mexico and Mexicans do whatever the eff they want to ...come here and expect us to prop them up and their anchor babies?

No way.
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So a female was forcefully removed today in Louisvile and has unsighted a race war on my Facebook. [sick]

The only thing your voting for in trump is his business history. That's it, if you know his politics please share!
Or, you just have a hard time accepting the truth.

Election results are centered around 2 sides. Independents have to choose one or the other. In the past 8 elections there have been 4 GOP winners, 4 Democratic winners. The margins have varied from 18% to an election where the guy who lost the popular vote, won the election. Not sure what results you think would validate your position.

a condition that is not required does not result in losing, nor winning for that matter. The condition required was to obtain a minimum amount of electoral college representation. He did that. He won. Al Gore probably ate more muffins than George Bush that day. But, identically, George Bush was not required to eat more muffins than Al Gore so he did not "lose" a muffin eating contest as part of the election process. Eat that.
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One of my friends was born here but his parents migrated from Mexico and did it the legal way. They're blue collar through and through. Anyways, my buddy has worked for UPS for decades, a Catholic and loves Mexico but he's voting for Trump and his family is as well. You never hear these side though because of how the media portrays what was said.

To touch on Graham's post about not wanting to alienate the fastest-growing group, what are we supposed to do? Just wave the white flag and not protect our borders and just let Mexico and Mexicans do whatever the eff they want to ...come here and expect us to prop them up and their anchor babies?

No way.
Honestly, and like you, I live and work with many Hispanics, I see a 40/60 - 30/70 split for Trump. Texas is usually a bit different, largely because of the large Catholic-Hispanic base here. Heck, who knows? My former supervisor is pro-Trump, and she was born in Mexico. Go figure.
a condition that is not required does not result in losing, nor winning for that matter. The condition required was to obtain a minimum amount of electoral college representation. He did that. He won. Al Gore probably ate more muffins than George Bush that day. But, identically, George Bush was not required to eat more muffins than Al Gore so he did not "lose" a muffin eating contest as part of the election process. Eat that.
When people (and I mean you Kopi) jump into a conversation between two people and make a remark that is completely irrelevant to the look pretty stupid.
Nobody was talking about how the electoral college worked out in a particular election. The discussion was about how independent voters ultimately come down on one side or the other.