How will they rule ??!

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What happens if no presidential candidate gets 270 Electoral votes?

If no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most Electoral votes. Each state delegation has one vote. The Senate would elect the Vice President from the 2 Vice Presidential candidates with the most Electoral votes. Each Senator would cast one vote for Vice President. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House.

Thanks Wkycat.

Warrior- hahaha def gotta be two women.
How did we get here? Repubs knew in 2012 that they would need to elect a new candidate. It appears that the DNC was grooming Obama back in 2004 during the Kerry run for 2008. Why did this not happen for the Repubs. Why put their money on two goose eggs like Rubio and Cruz. That's why everyone is pumping Trump.
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Every once in a while a politician does something to reveal that even in a sea of snakes, he stands out. Glad to see Christie getting this kind of blow-back. From the Washington Post:

Chris Christie is now ruined

Since New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has endorsed Donald Trump, he has been:

  • Humiliated by video showing Trump ordering him onto the plane and telling him to “go home.”
  • Condemned by his former finance co-chair Meg Whitman. (“The Governor is mistaken if he believes he can now count on my support, and I call on Christie’s donors and supporters to reject the Governor and Donald Trump outright. I believe they will. For some of us, principle and country still matter.”)
  • Excoriated for his disastrous TV interview on Sunday. Phrases like “train wreck,” “off the rails” and “disaster” were used to describe his appearance.
In other words, if it had not been obvious to him before this weekend, his political career is essentially over.

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Dems will fall in line and vote for whomever is the nominee. The fact they can overwhelmingly support Hillary, shows they have no independent thought process at all. Of all the candidates, she is the worst. Yet she'll likely be in the oval office.
Yeah I can see Bernie supporters moving to Hillary by greater percentages than Trump voters going for another nominee - especially if Republicans collude to keep the nomination from him.
And from the Wall Street Journal:

Percentage of Americans saying they have a "very negative" feeling about a candidate:

John McCain 2008 12%
Barack Obama 2008 15%
Mitt Romney 2012 19%
Hillary Clinton 2016 39%
Donald Trump 2016 49%

No. Way. Trump. Can. Win.
How did we get here? Repubs knew in 2012 that they would need to elect a new candidate. It appears that the DNC was grooming Obama back in 2004 during the Kerry run for 2008. Why did this not happen for the Repubs. Why put their money on two goose eggs like Rubio and Cruz. That's why everyone is pumping Trump.
The GOP has been out of touch for a while now.
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Every once in a while a politician does something to reveal that even in a sea of snakes, he stands out. Glad to see Christie getting this kind of blow-back. From the Washington Post:

Chris Christie is now ruined

Since New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has endorsed Donald Trump, he has been:

  • Humiliated by video showing Trump ordering him onto the plane and telling him to “go home.”
  • Condemned by his former finance co-chair Meg Whitman. (“The Governor is mistaken if he believes he can now count on my support, and I call on Christie’s donors and supporters to reject the Governor and Donald Trump outright. I believe they will. For some of us, principle and country still matter.”)
  • Excoriated for his disastrous TV interview on Sunday. Phrases like “train wreck,” “off the rails” and “disaster” were used to describe his appearance.
In other words, if it had not been obvious to him before this weekend, his political career is essentially over.


It's been over for a while to be honest with you. He has made several decisions over the last year to better position him for Iowa that were contrary to what people from New Jersey wanted. I think this all came to light with his decision not to outlaw gestation crates for pigs. I think 90% of New Jersey citizens wanted it banned from use in the state and he vetoed the bipartisan bill so he wouldn't have to deal with the bill while stumpping in Iowa.

Guy is dunzo...
Every once in a while a politician does something to reveal that even in a sea of snakes, he stands out. Glad to see Christie getting this kind of blow-back. From the Washington Post:

Chris Christie is now ruined

Since New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has endorsed Donald Trump, he has been:

  • Humiliated by video showing Trump ordering him onto the plane and telling him to “go home.”
  • Condemned by his former finance co-chair Meg Whitman. (“The Governor is mistaken if he believes he can now count on my support, and I call on Christie’s donors and supporters to reject the Governor and Donald Trump outright. I believe they will. For some of us, principle and country still matter.”)
  • Excoriated for his disastrous TV interview on Sunday. Phrases like “train wreck,” “off the rails” and “disaster” were used to describe his appearance.
In other words, if it had not been obvious to him before this weekend, his political career is essentially over.

Now all he has to do is switch parties and he will be set for a run in 2020.
Well, any citation of national polls is pretty misleading. Swing state specific polls only. Someone (Jamo?) correctly pointed out the most obvious answer....electoral map only, please.

Nothing else matters.
In terms of winning a primary - yes. National polls largely are irrelevant. But those polls absolutely are useful in getting an idea of electability.

Heard George Stephanopolous say this weekend that for over a year the Democrat Party had accepted as an "article of faith" that Marco Rubio would be the toughest opponent in a general election. There are obvious reasons for them to assume that's true.
And from the Wall Street Journal:

Percentage of Americans saying they have a "very negative" feeling about a candidate:

John McCain 2008 12%
Barack Obama 2008 15%
Mitt Romney 2012 19%
Hillary Clinton 2016 39%
Donald Trump 2016 49%

No. Way. Trump. Can. Win.

I am not for Trump in any way, shape or form but how in the crap is he winning the GOP race by such a large margin if that many hates him?
More from the department of Obama wins with the death of Scalia....
This is from NYSRPA - New York State Rifle and Pistol Association

Ten or so days ago, all those who cherish the freedoms guaranteed by the Second Amendment suffered a tremendous loss with the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia. Justice Scalia was the author of the Heller decision and was a staunch defender of the right to keep and bear arms. Unfortunately, with his passing, it is likely that there are, at most, only four justices committed to a proper understanding of the Second Amendment. Given what we know or believe about the current makeup of the Supreme Court, the best case scenario would be a 4-4 decision, which would result in the Second Circuit’s decision being affirmed. Accordingly, at present, there is no chance of reversing the Second Circuit’s decision upholding New York’s gun ban on safety enhancing features and life-saving standard capacity magazines. There is, however, a very great risk that, in the absence of Justice Scalia’s influence, a majority could in fact vote to affirm the Second Circuit case, which would result in binding Supreme Court precedent and create a potentially insurmountable obstacle to the practice and enjoyment of those rights elucidated in the Heller decision.

In light of this stark reality, after reaching and prolonged consultation with trusted legal counsel, we have made the difficult, but necessary, decision not to seek Supreme Court review of the Second Circuit’s decision.
How did we get here? Repubs knew in 2012 that they would need to elect a new candidate. It appears that the DNC was grooming Obama back in 2004 during the Kerry run for 2008. Why did this not happen for the Repubs. Why put their money on two goose eggs like Rubio and Cruz. That's why everyone is pumping Trump.

At this point Willie, I'm pulling for an 1860 style election for 2016. 4 candidates, and somebody wins with less than 50% and the House decides this. Maybe that gives us somebody other than Trump or Hillary.
I am not for Trump in any way, shape or form but how in the crap is he winning the GOP race by such a large margin if that many hates him?
Because his 'large margins' are him getting 35-40% of the vote. the other 60-65% are frustratingly split between 4 other guys.
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I am not for Trump in any way, shape or form but how in the crap is he winning the GOP race by such a large margin if that many hates him?
because that is a poll of all americans, not just republican primary voters. even in just the republican primary, if there were only 2 choices, that kind of across the board dislike would come into play and likely spell the end of Trump. But you started with 17 candidates, and even now there are still 5 left. in that kind of situation, someone can win with 33% of the vote, or whatever. So they get their 33, and there's another huge group shaking their heads saying, "no way I vote for that guy." Equals ceiling.
How did we get here? Repubs knew in 2012 that they would need to elect a new candidate. It appears that the DNC was grooming Obama back in 2004 during the Kerry run for 2008. Why did this not happen for the Repubs. Why put their money on two goose eggs like Rubio and Cruz. That's why everyone is pumping Trump.

Because the democrats coached a know nothing smooth talking idiot so the Repubs thought what will work for us? A smooth talking young Latino idiot like Rubio or Cruz and then if a Bush runs we should be covered.

No one truly expected Obama to polarize a nation to the point a jackass like Trump could ever do what he has done. Hell in convinced he never expected this either!
I would not count Trump out in NY. He knows how New Yorkers think and I can see him finding a way to bring many over to his side. That said, will be tough to do. Too many liberals in NYC.

Do not think I have ever seen the media and political class go to the lengths they are right now to try and stop Trump. It really is unbelievable. He is either that dangerous or they all are scared to death he is going to change business as usual in Washington. Funny, because the Clinton's are the pure definition of doing whatever is necessary to win and keep power and they are almost untouchable in the MSM eyes.
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The Bernie fans are becoming insufferable. Say what you want about Trump, at least his supporters keep quiet (except for that one uncle we all have). Bernie fans, just like Obama fans, can't stop from bringing him up every 10 minutes. How he's going to change the world and give us free stuff. How if you don't vote for him, you're just an ignorant hillbilly. The irony of the way young liberals attack any idea that isn't their own.

I'll say this, while Bernie seems like a good dude, I will NEVER vote for a candidate who my fellow millennials are pumping. I don't know which candidate is right for the job.. but I'm convinced that demographic has it wrong.
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For the record ukalumni00, and I think you know this, I don't consider myself part of the GOP political class. I am not your average, run of the mill republican. I'm a working class person who happens to be mostly conservative in my views.

I'm just looking at what I perceive Trump to be in terms of character, judgement, and temperament, and I don't like what I see.

If I was going to vote for an outsider (and I still may), it would be Carson. Perhaps G. Johnson.
I'm just looking at what I perceive Trump to be in terms of character, judgement, and temperament, and I don't like what I see.

That's my issue with him. Just seems like an ass. Very accusatory and on the attack. Very childish at times. Who cares what people say about you, you don't have to turn it into a "who can get the better dig in" pissing match.. Have a bit more decorum, you're a billionaire, you're white, you may become president.. what's there to be angry about?
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At this point Willie, I'm pulling for an 1860 style election for 2016. 4 candidates, and somebody wins with less than 50% and the House decides this. Maybe that gives us somebody other than Trump or Hillary.

I like the way you're thinking my man
Anyone voting today and if so does your State have voter ID? Voted this morning and had to show picture ID which I have had to do every year since I first started voting.
For the record ukalumni00, and I think you know this, I don't consider myself part of the GOP political class. I am not your average, run of the mill republican. I'm a working class person who happens to be mostly conservative in my views.

I'm just looking at what I perceive Trump to be in terms of character, judgement, and temperament, and I don't like what I see.

If I was going to vote for an outsider (and I still may), it would be Carson. Perhaps G. Johnson.
Understand. I like Carson as well, but I do not think he is tough enough to take on the massive problems we have right now. Washington would walk all over him. Very intelligent and honest man. I hope he has a spot on someone's cabinet if a Rep wins.

I have always been more Independent, but the Dems have gone bat shi! crazy with this PC and Progressive crap. Not a big social issue person. More fiscally conservative than anything else. Also been someone who has always said what I think. Main reasons why I am attracted Trump. I know half what he says is pure BS and a lot of his statements are for show, but I think when the rubber meets the road he is a hard worker and has the toughness it is going to take to handle Washington right now. More importantly, he is self funding and does not need anybody's money. May end up a total disaster but he will not be any worse than Obama has. He needs it bring on a strong VP choice which I think he will. Would be pleased with Kasich as his choice. Most experienced on the stage with experience in the private sector and will seal up OH for the Republicans.
I would not count Trump out in NY. He knows how New Yorkers think and I can see him finding a way to bring many over to his side. That said, will be tough to do. Too many liberals in NYC.

Based on what? NY is a corrupt political machine. It is run by the Dems and Hillary will win NY state without a single visit from Hillary, even if Trump is the RNC nominee.

You can pray and wish all you want, but it ain't happening.
Yeah I can see Bernie supporters moving to Hillary by greater percentages than Trump voters going for another nominee - especially if Republicans collude to keep the nomination from him.

Theres no doubt about this.

I am not for Trump in any way, shape or form but how in the crap is he winning the GOP race by such a large margin if that many hates him?

I truly think he has a lot of closet supporters. The only other explanation would be the polls are all off; and I don't think that's likely.

Do not think I have ever seen the media and political class go to the lengths they are right now to try and stop Trump. It really is unbelievable. He is either that dangerous or they all are scared to death he is going to change business as usual in Washington

Definitely not. Its bizarre to see one candidate having to take on all sides. Im not sure what to make of it yet. I definitely think theyre terrified he'll change business as usual. I just don't know if that fear is from concern for the country, or concern for themselves. Im guessing the latter.

Carson could very well be Trumps running mate.

Id be shocked. I just don't see it happening.
Was talking with someone I work with yesterday - liberal, politics nerd. For once we agreed: it matters very much how Bernie bows out of this race, because if Bernie is conciliatory towards Hillary, his followers will listen to him, and she'll benefit from that by getting a lot of his votes. on the other hand, if for some reason Trump doesn't get the nomination, it really doesn't matter what he says in the end, whether he goes out in a blaze of glory or rather is friendly toward the nominee - it doesn't matter, because his followers aren't going to vote for whomever gets it between Rubio and Cruz. They'll stay home, vote for the Libertarian, whatever....
Trump will tell his followers to vote for Hillary. It's what he was supposed to do in the first place....and the Clintons will funnel more money to his businesses than he could ever plunder.
Dems will fall in line and vote for whomever is the nominee. The fact they can overwhelmingly support Hillary, shows they have no independent thought process at all. Of all the candidates, she is the worst. Yet she'll likely be in the oval office.
As I keep pointing out...there aren't enough "Dems" to elect anyone...nor are there enough "Repubs". 40+% of the electorate is independent and they control the election. If you are trying to say that Democrats will go vote and Republicans will stay home if it isn't "their guy" get what you deserve. Don't know anyone who would pick this slate of candidates if they had their choice. It's kind of like what Chris Rock said about hosting the Oscars when he was being asked to boycott...they're not going to cancel the election because we have a bad group from which to choose. In the end you have to pick from the menu given. If you don't vote then you've got no right to bitch...not that it has ever stopped anyone from doing so.

All that is only the independent voters in a few swing states that really matter. If you don't live in FL, VA, OH or CO...your vote probably doesn't matter.
How did we get here? Repubs knew in 2012 that they would need to elect a new candidate. It appears that the DNC was grooming Obama back in 2004 during the Kerry run for 2008. Why did this not happen for the Repubs. Why put their money on two goose eggs like Rubio and Cruz. That's why everyone is pumping Trump.
Willy, I think we got here because being prez is a no-win job. You've got to be 3/4th nuts to run and subject yourself and your family to the abuse. You are held responsible for many, many things about which you have very little if any control. The simple fact that you would run for the office should probably be enough to disqualify you.
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It is hilarious watching these news folks scratch their heads trying to figure out why, when Trump says/does something stupid, his poll numbers go up.

News flash to media: when Trump gets criticized by the very people we dont trust (Paul Ryan, Hillary, Obama, etc) then you have your reason. Its not rocket science.

Eff the "Establishment".

Kasich might be the best candidate but I hope Trump blows the whole thing up.
Willy, I think we got here because being prez is a no-win job. You've got to be 3/4th nuts to run and subject yourself and your family to the abuse. You are held responsible for many, many things about which you have very little if any control. The simple fact that you would run for the office should probably be enough to disqualify you.

Fair enough Fuzz.
Anyone voting today and if so does your State have voter ID? Voted this morning and had to show picture ID which I have had to do every year since I first started voting.
Have to do it every time I've gone to the booth here in Kentucky since turning 18 21 years ago. And it has never felt as though my rights were being infringed when asked to do so, actually makes me feel better about my vote that such common sense reasonable precautions are being asked of those who chose our office holders.
The simple fact that you would run for the office should probably be enough to disqualify you.

I got bored and unlocked Fuzz's replies (albeit for a laugh) and came upon this.

"The simple fact that you would run for the office should probably be enough to disqualify you."

I can now say that I agreed with Fuzz at least once.
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I need to first state that I know nothing about Trump's clubs, but I found his quote, when addressing his ambivalence to endorsements from the KKK and other white supremacist groups, beyond hilarious:

"There's nobody that's done so much for equality as I have. You take a look at Palm Beach Florida, I built the Mar a Lago club, totally open to everybody."

He's the modern day MLK. Do his other clubs have a different policy? It has to be frightening to most on the right that this may be your nominee. I truly can't fault the GOP for a brokered convention.
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As I keep pointing out...there aren't enough "Dems" to elect anyone...nor are there enough "Repubs". 40+% of the electorate is independent and they control the election. If you are trying to say that Democrats will go vote and Republicans will stay home if it isn't "their guy" get what you deserve. Don't know anyone who would pick this slate of candidates if they had their choice. It's kind of like what Chris Rock said about hosting the Oscars when he was being asked to boycott...they're not going to cancel the election because we have a bad group from which to choose. In the end you have to pick from the menu given. If you don't vote then you've got no right to bitch...not that it has ever stopped anyone from doing so.

All that is only the independent voters in a few swing states that really matter. If you don't live in FL, VA, OH or CO...your vote probably doesn't matter.

Im gonna have to see some data before I believe 40% of the registered voters are independent.

And no, it doesn't mean you have to go vote for your nominee. It means you should vote, not necessarily by party line. The GOP proved that when there were enough votes cast for Perot to allow Bill to win his first term.