OMG Dion. If you consider that "informative", then no wonder you are so f***ing gullible and stupid. 7 thoughts.
First, PBS? Really, PBS?!?! Always follow the money. Second, the comments are turned off. That could mean a lot of things, but typically that means the "creator" couldn't take the heat they were getting in or from the comments. Hmm. We'll never know and I wonder why.... Third, that dude is just as smug, unfunny, condescending, false know-it-all, obnoxious prick as you are. Fourth, closely related, he has an attitude that makes normal people want to punch his snot locker through the back of his cranium. Fifth, he made about 47 assertions as fact and never backed ANY of them up with data or even logic. Just made tropes and claims, that all mirrored liberal talking points. Even the liberal "putdowns" were thrown in, like "climate deniers". (That is particularly fing childish. No one denies we have a climate.) Sixth, he made about 10 complete and absolute appeals to authority. His final "payoff" was nothing but an appeal to authority "climate scientists who discovered ...". Some of the worst appeals were "science people have been looking at the sun" and "scientists know stuff". Which all have a direct implication that everyone else is a rube if you do not follow the appeal to authority. (Sounds JUST like the jab. Name one longitudinal, meaning 10-yr study showing the efficacy of those fing injections. ONE.) Seventh, the rest was an appeal to hysteria. Rubes like you bought it.
This was a video made likely with elementary or middle school students in mind because they are minds of mush and likely already agree with the hysteria and easily fall for the appeal to authority. If you want to make a real video, make it as an earnest attempt to reach out to the other side. (My side does that ALL the time.)
If that is your data source, then you lost this debate too. I'm done with you, you are not worth any more of my time.