Yes. Unless there’s an alternate history of our country that only you are privy to.So the Christian God that you support? Only?
Yes. Unless there’s an alternate history of our country that only you are privy to.So the Christian God that you support? Only?
High school associations across the country are dealing with it. Female college athletes are speaking out about it. These are not hard to find out about.Tell me one other instance where a transgender sports issue happened. I've heard of one. Do you know of others? Other sports, high school? Give me links. I've not heard of them.
I don’t think anybody can find it , so it’s a moot point.Whoa…. Hey lady, keep that uterus in its holster. TIA.
What does that article have to do with "rights", except as maybe a plaintiff cause of action? The salient point was that some kid went nuts over this ludicrous procedure, which could happen anywhere. The civil liability, or lack thereof, is not really the issue.we are not talking about rights in England are we?
What you keep ignoring is that abortion was not a constitutionally protected right. It was made up by SCOTUS in Roe. Abortion is not mentioned in the constitution and the Roe deliberate error by an activist court has been corrected.I appreciate a fair response to the question. The morality of all of this is debatable in my view. People have different views of when life is actually created, and I respect everyone's views on that issue, even though I may disagree with some of them. The biggest problem with the debate about abortion is that there are three interests to protect: mom, dad and child. So, someone has to decide who's interest is most important and gets to decide what to do. I know there are people that think mom should decide, people that think dad should decide, and people that think since the kid can't decide its interest should prevail. All of those are reasonable positions, but unfortunately, they can't all prevail. Fair debate on the issue without name calling is appreciated.
Keep in mind though that yesterday's Supreme Court decision did not ban abortion, it just said it is no longer a constitutionally protected right. That was my original post about what I was concerned of is that the Court took away a right that it previously acknowledged. I don't mind someone disagreeing with whether it should be a right, but I get concerned when a political court in an extremely divided country starts taking away previously acknowledged rights. My concern is "what is next". And both sides should be concerned. Everyone looks at this as Rs v. Ds or conservatives v. liberals. It is not. We all have to live together in the same communities. We have to find common ground or we will collapse. Anyone that says "I am right, and if you don't get that then you are stupid" is destined to eventually fail, because the power in our country goes back and forth between parties.
This history of our country is that there is no God that outweighs any other God. I've learned what I need to about you. You will fight for the second amendment but ignore the others.Yes. Unless there’s an alternate history of our country that only you are privy to.
Then show me one. I've googled it and can't find any. Show me what you are talking about.High school associations across the country are dealing with it. Female college athletes are speaking out about it. These are not hard to find out about.
It was a constitutionally protected right once the Supreme Court said it was in Roe. The right to integrated schools was made up by the Supreme Court too. That is not mentioned in the constitution. The right to marry who you want, man or woman, was made up by the Court too. They can interpret the 14th amendment to tell us what we have rights to. Where in the constitution does it say we have the right to travel between the states? The court says we can. Do you disagree with that? Is that a "made up" right? I'm not ignoring anything.What you keep ignoring is that abortion was not a constitutionally protected right. It was made up by SCOTUS in Roe. Abortion is not mentioned in the constitution and the Roe deliberate error by an activist court has been corrected.
Even RBG admitted Roe was a wrong decision.
And those gun free libs would be mowed down by Americans like Rittenhouse 👍
Then show me one. I've googled it and can't find any. Show me what you are talking about.
The 10th amendment is pretty explicit in the right of states. Congress has never passed a bill legailizing nor an amendment to address abortion. Its not law; therefore, any interpretation can be challenged in the courts at anytime. Until congress can pass legislation making abortion legal then its always going to be up to the states. Activist judges created “abortion rights”. There is zero right enumerated in the constitution. Next summer it will be gay marriage on the chopping block. Send it all back to the states I say. The 10th amendment was the sole reason anti federalists would ratify the constitution. Without that amendment there is no USA. Anyone clamoring for a strong federal government at the expense of the republic imo is a fascist. the anti federalist have made it clear since the inception of this country that if this country is going to give overwhelming power to the federal level well the country will not exist.What you keep ignoring is that abortion was not a constitutionally protected right. It was made up by SCOTUS in Roe. Abortion is not mentioned in the constitution and the Roe deliberate error by an activist court has been corrected.
Even RBG admitted Roe was a wrong decision.
again, an article from England. But I'll accept it. So that is one. So in Connecticut, they let this happen. So there are 2 examples so far. Is it really worth the brain power to fight over two examples? BTW, I agree that if you have a penis, you should not be able to compete against people that have vaginas in sports. I just think it is not as big a deal as people are trying to make it for political reasons.![]()
Transgender runners finish one-two in Connecticut high school champs
Terry Miller, 17, finished first and Andraya Yearwood, 17, finished second in the 55-meter dash at the Connecticut open indoor track championships earlier this
You are absolutely full of shit, guy.
This took me about 3 seconds.
No, I said that he suspiciously left that out of the cases he said should be overturned. Read it. He flat said that the rights to contraception and the rights to gay marriage should be overturned. I realize that his concurrence wasn't the majority opinion. But he absolutely advocates the elimination of those rights. But, I bet there are plenty of people out there, including Justice Thomas, that would love for a law or court decision to decide that they shouldn't be married to the person they're married to.@BBBLazing isn't this what you were claiming the opinion you read that Thomas will strike down his own marriage...lololololololol
Are you saying you would be fine with a state outlawing gay marriage?The 10th amendment is pretty explicit in the right of states. Congress has never passed a bill legailizing nor an amendment to address abortion. Its not law; therefore, any interpretation can be challenged in the courts at anytime. Until congress can pass legislation making abortion legal then its always going to be up to the states. Activist judges created “abortion rights”. There is zero right enumerated in the constitution. Next summer it will be gay marriage on the chopping block. Send it all back to the states I say. The 10th amendment was the sole reason anti federalists would ratify the constitution. Without that amendment there is no USA. Anyone clamoring for a strong federal government at the expense of the republic imo is a fascist. the anti federalist have made it clear since the inception of this country that if this country is going to give overwhelming power to the federal level well the country will not exist.
btw technology has enabled states to manage themselves without worry of violation of civil rights. There are these things called u hauls if you want to get gay married put you crap in it and move someplace friendly to your wishes. You want an abortion? We have these other things called airplanes if you want an abortion. You don’t need a passport and you can find the clinic online now.
It’s not like the poor could afford abortion before, only with federal funding which is a gross overstep of federal powers. So you can’t get an abortion bc you’re poor. At least there are nine months you won’t have to worry about getting pregnant and having more abortions. People have to be protected from themselves I mean 7-8 abortions and expect your going to give birth to a hairy 10 lbs tumor with teeth at some point. Talk about protecting the life of the mother. Abortion leads to negative health effects I know too many women who have had physical problems after abortion. You can’t legally slit your wrist so why would it be legal to beat up your uterus?
One other thing…the opinion polls. Of course! You have a court interpretation for 50 years well public opinion will be on level with it. Check back though in 5 years bc public opinion will sway back when the idiots realize the court didn’t ban abortion. Too many think roe v wade legalized abortion. It didnt. It was already legal and left up to the states. 300 million out of the 350 million in the USA are clueless you’ll see.
Wow you really nailed me there. Unless of course you add up the number of Christian churches that magically appeared across this continent from 1607 onward compared to the number of mosques and synagogues. There’s a reason this country’s culture doesn’t resemble Israel or Arabia, counsel. Unless you have other explanations.This history of our country is that there is no God that outweighs any other God.
only explanation is that you don't appreciate the fact that we have religious freedom here, and your God is not better than my God (I assume we are both Christians) or anyone else's God. Because there are less, doesn't mean they are wrong. The attitude that we are in the majority religiously, therefore we are right, is exactly why our forefathers left Europe and came here (and killed a million Indians).Wow you really nailed me there. Unless of course you add up the number of Christian churches that magically appeared across this continent from 1607 onward compared to the number of mosques and synagogues. There’s a reason this country’s culture doesn’t resemble Israel or Arabia, counsel. Unless you have other explanations.
These are not answers to my question. I’m just sticking with facts. A certain group of people founded the country. They had common religious belief systems. The later immigrants shared those general beliefs. As those beliefs have diminished, the country has grown morally weaker than maybe at any point. If any of this is incorrect, please explain how. And understand that my personal convictions are irrelevant. My contention is that we were founded by very moral people, yet immorality now seems to rule the day. Something changed, but as this exchange with you has illustrated, we can’t even name what has changed for fear of being labeled a bigot.only explanation is that you don't appreciate the fact that we have religious freedom here, and your God is not better than my God (I assume we are both Christians) or anyone else's God. Because there are less, doesn't mean they are wrong. The attitude that we are in the majority religiously, therefore we are right, is exactly why our forefathers left Europe and came here (and killed a million Indians).
There is no doubt I would. The only way to unify the country is to not shove values down the throat of states whose people don’t want those values. The federal government needs to back off. Gay marriage can easily been seen as infringing upon religious freedom. There are many interpretations that are being overlooked. If Mississippi doesn’t want to recognize people or the same sex being married they shouldn’t have to. The 10th amendment has been trampled on by inflated federal govt. that is why the USA is headed over a cliff. It’s too big of a country to succeed with a strong centralized govt. this is the problem in America today. 350 million people. 535 legislators, 1 president. 9 judges. That is a recipe for tyranny. States need to see an increase in power and today with the tech available many people move to places friendly to their ideals. That’s why there are few swing states. Give the states the power. Feds get out problem solved. You don’t like it pick up th uhaul and pack your things for a more friendly place. Take your money somewhere else. It’s better to fight over it? Cmon?Are you saying you would be fine with a state outlawing gay marriage?
I ain't searching, are you?I don’t think anybody can find it , so it’s a moot point.
Would bet my left nut that the majority of these morons have zero clue that he is married to a white woman. Just listen to them anytime someone asks general/basic questions on the streets. They are not very bright to say it politely.@BBBLazing isn't this what you were claiming the opinion you read that Thomas will strike down his own marriage...lololololololol
Tell me how many links/instances in national stories it would take for you to change your opinion that it’s “not an issue?” I think we both know that if I put down 20-100 links it’s not going to change your opinion. After all, you claim to have found nothing on a search engine about any other instance except one so that doesn’t make me think this discussion is in good faith.Tell me one other instance where a transgender sports issue happened. I've heard of one. Do you know of others? Other sports, high school? Give me links. I've not heard of them.
I'm actually ok with abortion laws that make exceptions for rape, incest and the mother's health. Laws with no exceptions for rape are especially cruel IMO.Ok Sam, let’s say for argument sake that these less than 1% cases it’s ok to have an abortion.
You good with making the rest of them illegal then, right?
Of course not. The end goal for the left is exactly what people like Newsom, Hilary, and Obama support…Post Birth Abortions. You know it. We know it.
That's fine for adults....but not for a 12-14 year old child who has no car, no money and may or may not even understand pregnancy to begin with.Or like the person being forced to find work in a state that doesn’t have vax requirements, said rape victim can go to another state to have an abortion. I’m sure someone out there will be willing to assist her.
Killing a baby is bad. Raping a woman is bad. Forcing a woman to change the rest of her entire life against her will because of a rapist's decision is just cruel.I find it to be pretty sick to kill a baby for its fathers crime, but maybe that's just me.
I agree with everything you said.Here’s the good thing about this ruling Sam. If there are aspects of your states laws that don’t allow it, you can always go to another state to have the abortion. But more importantly. This puts this issue where it should be. It is much easier to get a law changed at the state level than the federal level. I don’t think victims of rape or incest should be forced to have the child either. I think the morning after pill is a very reasonable thing to have available. However, I also don’t think abortion should be a convenient form of birth control for irresponsible, callous people which is a large % of abortions. Thankfully if enough of us at the state level press for the changes we want we can get things done much easier now.
Maybe not exactly the same thing, but I know that a significant number of rural counties in eastern Oregon have talked about wanting to be part of Idaho for a few years now.Nevada Counties Joining Constitutional Group
Seems likely well see more examples of local/regional affiliations joining together for various purposes - first ive heard of this one
Anyone else hearing anything similar?
The only bullets that uterus would be shooting are 203mm howitzer rounds. Why is it that it is almost always Jaba the Huts sisters that come to the forefront of these demonstrations? Could it be because they have eaten the smaller ones enroute?Whoa…. Hey lady, keep that uterus in its holster. TIA.
Knew it was from England. Trans/mental illness is not just isolated here at home.this story is from England. Am I missing something?
False. Given your posting content in the past and now, you have proven to have learned nothing. If you had, you would not be a lib.This history of our country is that there is no God that outweighs any other God. I've learned what I need to about you. You will fight for the second amendment but ignore the others.
Lol The poster said "godless" Do you not understand what the word means? Perhaps you need to look it up in Black's Law Dictionary.which God? God, Yahwey or Allah?
False.It was a constitutionally protected right once the Supreme Court said it was in Roe. The right to integrated schools was made up by the Supreme Court too. That is not mentioned in the constitution. The right to marry who you want, man or woman, was made up by the Court too. They can interpret the 14th amendment to tell us what we have rights to. Where in the constitution does it say we have the right to travel between the states? The court says we can. Do you disagree with that? Is that a "made up" right? I'm not ignoring anything.
Apparently, they don't know anything about rural folks. In their liberal cities most seem to just hole up and hope the violence misses them. Bring 100 strong and start attacking rural areas an see how far they get. LOLThis seems kinda political - figured I'd leave it , come back later and see if ppl believe it represents an actual...strategy or worldview with anyone other than marxists with poor planning skills
Imgur Link - Call to Arms & Attack Rural People
The man/woman/ pronoun is clueless. But it is a proud member of the Kentucky Bar since 1962.False. Given your posting content in the past and now, you have proven to have learned nothing. If you had, you would not be a lib.