Actually there's a huge difference....Cubans don't want free stuff. Saying at the southern border: no deportation and free healthcare, then in Florida: Rejected and you must be resettled is laughably bad. He even went as far as to say if you claim asylum for fear of persecution we will resettle you. Not to mention:
Remember when cuddling up to dictators was bad.
But we still need to know why they are leaving, with all that free stuff. Their regime isn't different than the one bernie applauded. They got free education man! Nothing from bernie, no aoc on a beach in Florida crying. I thought they weren't hypocrites. I guess more unchecked lying about voter laws and adding multiple trillions on top of rapid inflation is where its at right now.
My favorite, which is typical of the lefts playbook in their thirst for statism and more control how they continue to throw COVID as an excuse on everything. Although Cubans are chanting "freedom" and "liberty" this claim that it's actually because of covid and medicine shortages. did socialized medicine fail? Same regime it's always been...