It’s really as simple as this.
Which group is exposed to all views and which group does everything to silence hearing any opposing view?
Conservatives hear the left’s crazy shit in every aspect of life. There’s no escape from it- academia, corporate media, tech, sports, Hollywood, etc- pushes leftist BS 24/7. We are fully aware of their stance on everything.
The left? Shuts down speakers on college campuses, gets people banned on social media, will not cover the truth because it kills their narrative, cherry pick their coverage.
These people have the audacity to call someone else brainwashed? Their media tells them to jump and they ask how high? Whatever issue is in the news for that 24 hours is “the biggest and most important thing ever” until it’s suddenly not when it’s not politically convenient (think kids in cages). They will harass and riot as soon as they’re given the talking point to have. “Now make sure to tune into this 24-hour news cycle here at CNN where we have an expert to tell you what to think which coincidentally is always the left’s talking point.”