How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Welp, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala just sent a letter to Joe Biden to give up control to the nuclear codes. Uh-oh.....

Willy you ever get tired of proving how moronic the left posters on this board are. Its almost pathetic how programmed and blind they are. There has to come a point sometime where you say **** it and just let them drift out to sea.
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Good job Texas!

But a new report says consumers in the state have been overpaying for power since 2004, when Texas began deregulating its industries and shifted away from full-service regulated utilities for the vast majority of residents.
Instead, many opted to pay spot prices for electricity rather than the traditional fixed rates — causing some bills to surge as demand increased during the unprecedented weather emergency last week.
After Texas moved away from a regulated energy market, the Wall Street Journal reported consumers paid $28 billion more for power than they would have under traditional rates. What’s more, experts now say that rollback of regulations led to the failures in the state’s majority-independent power system seen during the weather crisis, which included rolling blackouts for millions of residents.

If there is more demand than production capable, you’ll have either a grid collapse or have to apply blackouts. That’s the two options.
They didn’t have the power to meet demand. It’s that simple, the rest is noise to protect political and financial interests.
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I want to know why close to 100k voted just for Biden in Georgia but didn't vote for any of the Senate or down ballot races. Only a few hundred or so did that for Trump.

I guess it's just because Joe is so loved and has such a cult following. Explains exactly why his car rallies resembled a McDonald's drive thru at 2 pm.
Jo Jorgenson(L) got 53k fewer votes than Shane Hazel(L). And Perdue(R) got 1k more votes than Trump. And 45k fewer people voted in that down-ballot race.
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We have exceptions for murder.

We let it slide for self defense.

Your argument would be all murders should be legal if killing for self defense is ok.
My argument is that it is unrealistic to outlaw ALL abortion as some on the far right continue trying to do. There will always be specific reasons to keep it legal. The only question is what exceptions to abortion should be allowed. Outlawing it carte blanche will never happen.

Your stance that Roe v Wade should be overturned and abortion criminalized, is taking the position that all self defense cases that result in death are murder and illegal.
Are you also opposed to all stand your ground laws as well? Should those who commit a murder in self defense be considered criminals? According to your stance, that seems to be the case.
My argument is that it is unrealistic to outlaw ALL abortion as some on the far right continue trying to do. There will always be specific reasons to keep it legal. The only question is what exceptions to abortion should be allowed. Outlawing it carte blanche will never happen.

Your stance that Roe v Wade should be overturned and abortion criminalized, is taking the position that all self defense cases that result in death are murder and illegal.
Are you also opposed to all stand your ground laws as well? Should those who commit a murder in self defense be considered criminals? According to your stance, that seems to be the case.
From purely a utilitarian viewpoint, shouldn't all Looney Lefties be allowed to get abortions? It's just a kind of public service, getting rid of thier children before they can vote, like legal voter suppression.
Certainly a way in the future companies might function without employees....but a place like this would be absolutely be destroyed and ransacked in Detroit or Chicago, so definitely not coming to an inner city near you.

Hell......a portion of our society has been using the walk out method in our area for years...I stood in line behind an old lady in a wheel chair with two small children......she had her items in her lap..... when her turn came she told the cahier that she had forgot her wallet at home.......she then wheeled out with the two kids and her things she stole......the clashier just shook her head and rang up the item I had.......