How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Painful truths . . .

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Sponsored by SLANTED from Sharyl Attkisson, for Wednesday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 32% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 41% who Strongly Disapprove.
Honeymoon highs are gone & going. 👌
Matt Hancock has spoken folks.
And half of the country is treating it like a ufo hoax. believe me, i know many people who ignore even the smallest bit of positivity for donald trump (living with one of them). all that matters to them is orange man is gone. they’ll choose to believe anything anti-trump.
It’s truly amazing. I understand not caring for someone or even loathing how they are, but when video evidence exists and someone presents it only to be given bans and warnings for it and you nod your head in agreement because orange man bad? Insanity.
Your comparison is ridiculous and shows the weakness of the point you’re trying to make.
There has been thousands of witness come forward, signed affidavits, and hours of testimony as well as evidence presented in each battleground state showing fraud. Nevermind the statistical impossibilities that occurred.

The Govt is treating 2020 election fraud like it’s 1947 Roswell. Only the entire country saw it.
Pretty sure nobody here has cheered the way the Trump legal team handled it all. Maybe we had some hopes in the immediate days after, but ultimately most of us realized Trumps legal team choices handled it all poorly. There was fraud, and in my OPINION, enough to overturn the election. but none of the Courts wanted anything to do with it and would not hear any of the cases on merit. The media was complicit as well and now we see any dissent or questioning is literally damn near illegal. Which is COMPLETELY UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Our Constitution allows for dissent and Opposing OPINIONS. The Dems want to wipe their asses with our Constitution.
Anyone ever see the movie “Unlocked”?

CIA plots with Russian sources to get a virus to release in America in order to impose lockdowns and get control of the populace.
Certainly a way in the future companies might function without employees....but a place like this would be absolutely be destroyed and ransacked in Detroit or Chicago, so definitely not coming to an inner city near you.

1. Please cite all the state and Supreme Court cases that the Guilliani/Trump traveling Covid Clown Show has won regarding election fraud.....
2. Please cite all the video evidence of UFOs the U.S. Navy has released.....
Guaranteed you will be able to produce more evidence of #2 than #1.
Let that sink in for a minute.
(0) Why would Grassy compile a list for you? That's a lot of work.
(1) Are you familiar with the difference setween dismissing a case procedurally and hearing the merits of the case? For example. the SCt just dismissed the PA case on procedural gounds; it did not take the case on its merits. Thus, no one can argue that the PA case stands for the proposition that there was no fraud in PA.
(2) Now that you know the difference between procedural dismissals and decisions on the merits, here is one list for you. Please let us know if there are any factual inaccuracies in the article.

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