How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Joe isn't putting the kids in cages. He's putting them in shipping containers. That pedophile SOB is shipping kids for human trafficking

Trump used Obama's "cages", and I didn't think them bad at all. They were more or less open corrals in larger rooms with easy supervision thru the see-thru fences. I'm only guessing, but it seems obvious that those shipping containers are not going to be as easily supervised. Perhaps they have security cams in each one...? I'm just saying they look dangerous for their occupants.
One has to assume that AOC and her cohorts have been silent (except for a couple of tweets) because they think the occupants of the shipping containers should have been aborted before, or during, birth. Just a guess.
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I did not see anything on this in January and did a google to see if the Harris China Joe admin was changing things. This headline fom Jan 27--
Biden administration to restore aid to Palestinians
Friggin idiots. They are certainly dismantling a foreign policy that was working. Now the PLO and Iran will be exporting terrorism full time again. It was so nice to have 3 relatively quiet years. The bright side is that Linda Sarsour will start getting her PLO checks again. All descendents of people displaced from Israel when it was created get checks, probably improperly, but, lifetime payments for all generations, including those Palestinian refugee descendants that were born in the US.

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How informed are Americans about race and policing? As you can see from this ill-informed that it is laughable:


I bet a survey of libs on the Paddock would be similar results. This is legit scary the more I think about it. They are so mentally ill that 50%+ that consider themselves very liberal believe between 1000 to 10000+ unarmed black men are killed yearly by police. I'd love to see a survey like this on college campuses.
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How informed are Americans about race and policing? As you can see from this ill-informed that it is laughable:


I bet a survey of libs on the Paddock would be similar results. This is legit scary the more I think about it. They are so mentally ill that 50%+ that consider themselves very liberal believe between 1000 to 10000+ unarmed black men are killed yearly by police. I'd love to see a survey like this on college campuses.
Haha 22% of "Very Liberal" thought around or more than 10k unarmed black men were killed by cops in 2019.

That is the power of narrative. If all you were to do all day is watch CNN/MSNBC or scroll through Twitter, I can see why some may think the number is so high. All of last year it was constant, "the police are hunting down innocent black people", you got super wealthy and super famous celebrities and athletes like LeBron James saying he is terrified of his son leaving his home because a cop may shoot him.

You listen to that all day long, ya I can see why you would think the number is that high.
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Is he under the delusion that normal people weren't hugging family members before that? I am not talking about Covicowards- I'm talking about normies.
This one had me laughing. Another attempt to get rid of family ties. The left continues to try and separate the normal family unit. You can't hug your family because of the virus. They have used this virus to try and control our lives and will for the foreseeable future. We know they are trying to kill the nuclear family and have for a while.

Another point to make is how the left has been complaining about population control here in the US and that for purposes of energy consumption and other resources that we need to cut down on our population. (see abortions and other controls) But, in the next breath and we have seen it on here as well, we need to take in as many illegals and people from other countries because we have wide open spaces and plenty of jobs and resources to do so. Which one is it libnuts? Could it be that the ones we are letting in vote dims?
Mitchs Phone number is 202-224-2541 . I'm going to call now .
Many years ago, I sent mitch a letter about what cheap chinese imports would do to the economy. I was specific about what it would do to an area of the economy in my area of the state. (I was correct btw as it turns out) He sent a form letter back thanking me for my interest and asking for a donation. That was before I knew he and his wife was making money off of shipping chinese goods.
Many years ago, I sent mitch a letter about what cheap chinese imports would do to the economy. I was specific about what it would do to an area of the economy in my area of the state. (I was correct btw as it turns out) He sent a form letter back thanking me for my interest and asking for a donation. That was before I knew he and his wife was making money off of shipping chinese goods.

Well. I mean, his wife is a direct agent of the CCP.
The SCt said the votes were genuine? I thought they decided not to hear the PA case. Do me a favor and let Thomas know that his dissent was unnecessary, would you?
1. Please cite all the state and Supreme Court cases that the Guilliani/Trump traveling Covid Clown Show has won regarding election fraud.....
2. Please cite all the video evidence of UFOs the U.S. Navy has released.....
Guaranteed you will be able to produce more evidence of #2 than #1.
Let that sink in for a minute.
How informed are Americans about race and policing? As you can see from this ill-informed that it is laughable:


I bet a survey of libs on the Paddock would be similar results. This is legit scary the more I think about it. They are so mentally ill that 50%+ that consider themselves very liberal believe between 1000 to 10000+ unarmed black men are killed yearly by police. I'd love to see a survey like this on college campuses.
27 is considerably more than I would have guessed (5-10). No idea how many were violent with police. What about women? How do those compare with other races?
This one had me laughing. Another attempt to get rid of family ties. The left continues to try and separate the normal family unit. You can't hug your family because of the virus. They have used this virus to try and control our lives and will for the foreseeable future. We know they are trying to kill the nuclear family and have for a while.

Another point to make is how the left has been complaining about population control here in the US and that for purposes of energy consumption and other resources that we need to cut down on our population. (see abortions and other controls) But, in the next breath and we have seen it on here as well, we need to take in as many illegals and people from other countries because we have wide open spaces and plenty of jobs and resources to do so. Which one is it libnuts? Could it be that the ones we are letting in vote dims?
Read BLM manifesto...
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1. Please cite all the state and Supreme Court cases that the Guilliani/Trump traveling Covid Clown Show has won regarding election fraud.....
2. Please cite all the video evidence of UFOs the U.S. Navy has released.....
Guaranteed you will be able to produce more evidence of #2 than #1.
Let that sink in for a minute.

And they say conservatives are the tin foil hat wearers
1. Please cite all the state and Supreme Court cases that the Guilliani/Trump traveling Covid Clown Show has won regarding election fraud.....
2. Please cite all the video evidence of UFOs the U.S. Navy has released.....
Guaranteed you will be able to produce more evidence of #2 than #1.
Let that sink in for a minute.

Your comparison is ridiculous and shows the weakness of the point you’re trying to make.
There has been thousands of witness come forward, signed affidavits, and hours of testimony as well as evidence presented in each battleground state showing fraud. Nevermind the statistical impossibilities that occurred.

The Govt is treating 2020 election fraud like it’s 1947 Roswell. Only the entire country saw it.
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Your comparison is ridiculous and shows the weakness of the point you’re trying to make.
There has been thousands of witness come forward, signed affidavits, and hours of testimony as well as evidence presented in each state showing fraud. Nevermind the statistical impossibilities that occurred.

The Govt is treating 2020 election fraud like it’s 1947 Roswell. Only the entire country saw it.
And half of the country is treating it like a ufo hoax. believe me, i know many people who ignore even the smallest bit of positivity for donald trump (living with one of them). all that matters to them is orange man is gone. they’ll choose to believe anything anti-trump. anything.
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Painful truths . . .

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Sponsored by SLANTED from Sharyl Attkisson, for Wednesday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 32% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 41% who Strongly Disapprove.
I thought I recall someone here stating Romney supports Biden's $1.9T waste. I'm no fan of his, but oday in WSJ he calls it a clunker. Will he vote for it????