How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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No it isn't.

This is what you people fail to grasp. Back then, legal immigration consisted of people of all classes and abilities, whearas today, illegal immigration is exclusively people with little or no skills.

Immigration of the former can easily be absorbed into society, the latter cannot without it being disruptive.

Then this is the logical error you people make. Since people in the past opposed immigration for racist reasons like hating Irish or Italians or whatever, you presume people today want to stop illegal immigration because they are racist, for the same tired rhetoric.

No, you just fail to grasp reality, as is always the case with you people. Our corrupt and incompetent politicians then take advantage of your ignorance since the "problem" of illegal immigration isn't a problem for some, but an opportunity. In all actuality, it's a serious problem for everyone.
So all of the boats of European immigrants were filled with nothing but highly skilled, ready to assimilate people? That is ridiculous to assert that. Many Italians spoke little to no English and huge numbers of Irish were unskilled farmers fleeing famine in Ireland.
Many of the original inhabitants of Georgia were placed there as part of a penal colony. African Americans were brought here thru no choice of their own with no language or labor skills.
We are all immigrants or descendents of immigrants. That is what makes us the great melting pot and the beacon of democracy for the world.
Democrats are anti-free-speech.
Not anti free speech....anti lies and anti democratic insurectionists.
Freedom of speech is not freedom to spread lies. There has to be some level of accountability for not being factual and lying to millions of Americans.
Run Herscel run.

I saw most of David Perdue's political ads, and he always came across as awkward when he tried to make a personal appeal. In one of his ads, he even said that he didn't want to run for Senate (the first time around), but felt that it was duty after being a successful executive who could help the country.

As a reasonable person who can see the big picture, I understood what he was saying. But to some other people, you could infer that he didn't want to be there, so why would you vote for him?

Perdue is also the one who recommend Kemp to Trump for endorsement. What does that say? IMO, Perdue should step away from running for anything and just be an asset on the fundraising side of things. Putting wealthy Republicans up for office in Georgia doesn't appear to be winning favors with the voters.

I have warmed up to Herschel for Governor. It would make a lot of sense given all the factors at play in the state.
So all of the boats of European immigrants were filled with nothing but highly skilled, ready to assimilate people? That is ridiculous to assert that. Many Italians spoke little to no English and huge numbers of Irish were unskilled farmers fleeing famine in Ireland.

Another thing you people to do, I don't know if it's intentionally obtuse or just a result of your ignorance and arrogance, is purposefully miss the point.

And in this case, create a dumb strawman.

More legal immigrant people were poor then because more people were poor. The average person then was much poorer than the average person now. The average illegal immigrant is of lower ability than the average legal immigrant.
It's way early. I think we need to see how the next two years ago before anointing D & N. Agree they're top picks today, but come 2023, better choices could have emerged. And they could go off the rails before then too. Was Trump anyone's top pick in 2013?
That is true. But the GOP isn't in desperate need of a shakeup like it was for practically 2 and a half decades. Republican voters were stuck choosing between RINOs and Bush/Romney Republicans. The party needed a major shot in the arm and that is exactly what Trump did.

I think what the GOP needs now, is to solidify the new blood of the party and push out the RINOs and Bush/Romney Republicans for good. So ya its still really early, but I dont think its too early to start making it known, these are our favorites at the moment, until something changes we will continue to push them as the face of the party.

Becaues the thing is, the left and MSM are already doing this for the right. That is why we keep seeing new poll after new poll on how Romney and Hailey are the favorites for 2024. I constantly see clips online from CNN, MSNBC, FOX and so on with roundtable discussions on how Trump really isnt that powerful in the party anymore.

For once, the right needs to be ahead of the MSM. Dont let them create the narrative then play defense. No as of right now, DeSantis and Noem are the faces of the party and Trump is fully behind them (what I think he should come out and say).
Re: Deplatforming/Free Speech ("News outlets")

I've said this before but will say it again:
Make labels mandatory on information being disseminated.

Straight news: Just the facts. Who, what, where, when

Analysis: How the news may affect the populace, environment, etc.

Opinion: Self-explanatory

If you cross over these lines, especially into the news category, you will be held accountable.
This is how I felt when Trump was President.

This is how I feel now that Joe Biden is our fake President.

You are in the minority of Americans. Most feel like we are finally cancer free and feel great watching serious adults running our country again now that the Space Laser party has been vanquished from running anything in the Executive or Legislative branch of government. Republicans control nothing now and the Supreme Court wants nothing to do with any of the election lies.
Trump has taken you guys from control of all branches of government to none.
He's driven the Republican party completely into the ditch and most of his cult are too far up his rear end to even notice the difference between his A hole and a night time drive past the landfill.
So all of the boats of European immigrants were filled with nothing but highly skilled, ready to assimilate people? That is ridiculous to assert that. Many Italians spoke little to no English and huge numbers of Irish were unskilled farmers fleeing famine in Ireland.
Many of the original inhabitants of Georgia were placed there as part of a penal colony. African Americans were brought here thru no choice of their own with no language or labor skills.
We are all immigrants or descendents of immigrants. That is what makes us the great melting pot and the beacon of democracy for the world.

You left out a crucial detail...they were overwhelmingly legal. They couldn’t walk here and that meant there were ports of entry, ship manifests, records, and ultimately lawful immigration.
You are in the minority of Americans. Most feel like we are finally cancer free and feel great watching serious adults running our country again now that the Space Laser party has been vanquished from running anything in the Executive or Legislative branch of government. Republicans control nothing now and the Supreme Court wants nothing to do with any of the election lies.
Trump has taken you guys from control of all branches of government to none.
He's driven the Republican party completely into the ditch and most of his cult are too far up his rear end to even notice the difference between his A hole and a night time drive past the landfill.

Midterms are coming, champ.
You are in the minority of Americans. Most feel like we are finally cancer free and feel great watching serious adults running our country again now that the Space Laser party has been vanquished from running anything in the Executive or Legislative branch of government. Republicans control nothing now and the Supreme Court wants nothing to do with any of the election lies.
Trump has taken you guys from control of all branches of government to none.
He's driven the Republican party completely into the ditch and most of his cult are too far up his rear end to even notice the difference between his A hole and a night time drive past the landfill.

Fake votes aren't real voters. Your ideology is the real cancer.
Are you able to furnish an actual video of that statement? Because that was simply a rumor coming from a meeting, pushed by a liar Democrat.
Just another example of the lying media I suppose. Poor Trump, everything bad he said, he didn't say really. Bonespurs was always the victim. Weird that the White House never denied those comments...
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The world would be far better off if this guy was never allowed to speak on COVID again. He is as power hungry as anyone around and would gladly keep the entire world locked in their house u til death if it kept him relevant.

F*cking despicable.
Educated idiot!
Fake votes aren't real voters. Your ideology is the real cancer.
The U.S. Supreme Court, state courts, judges, the electoral college, state election officials, electors and anybody with any real credentials says the votes are real and legitimate.
Take a good look at the clowns who are saying otherwise.....Trump with his legal defense fund (aka Go Fund Me For Life Suckers) Rudy G., My Pillow Guy, QANON, Sean Hannity and the Proud Boyz.
That is not a group I wanna hitch my "Wagon of Truth" behind.
The U.S. Supreme Court, state courts, judges, the electoral college, state election officials, electors and anybody with any real credentials says the votes are real and legitimate.
Take a good look at the clowns who are saying otherwise.....Trump with his legal defense fund (aka Go Fund Me For Life Suckers) Rudy G., My Pillow Guy, QANON, Sean Hannity and the Proud Boyz.
That is not a group I wanna hitch my "Wagon of Truth" behind.

The clowns are you. You've politicized the branches of government to a point where there is no true democracy in this Republic. Your party is a banana republic. A shadow government. You're the enemy and everyone knows it