How will they rule ??!

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Going against trump doesn’t = going against the constitution moron
It does when you do go against the constitution to bear false witness against a sitting president which is what they did for 4 years during and the year before when he was running. Your either ignorant to what happened or a corrupt piece of trash who agrees with lying to get what you want.

And liberals want kids wearing masks so they can sell them on the market easier.

Wayfair making a killing off of child trafficking this year. All of them are liberals plus a few Lincoln Project guys too
Plus they kill off babies in the womb without shame or conscience. But, you can be a child rapist, murderer, terrorist killer, or any other type of violent criminal and they will cry for your life trying to tell us how every life (except white people) is special and the death penalty is unjust.

Think about that folks. This how they are. They are God like in their sight and have the power to pick and chose who dies and who does not.
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Sometimes a post needs repeating for the "understanding the truth impaired".

Whenever the dishonest liberals tell you about the fake "insurrection". (No one arrested had a gun. Who insurrects without hard core weapons)


Names Of People Killed By Democrat "Peaceful Protester" Riots*

1.David Dorn

2.Barry Perkins III

3.David McAtee

4.Dorian Murrell

5.Italia Kelly

6.Marquis M. Tousant

7.Calvin L. Horton Jr

8.James Scurlock

9.Victor Cazares

10.Dave Patrick Underwood

11.Jorge Gomez

12.Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr.

13.Tyler Gerth, Press photographer murdered by BLM member Steven Lopez

14.Secoriea Turner

15.Summer Taylor

16.Robert Forbes

17.Jessica Doty Whitaker

18.Chris Beaty

19.Javar Harrell

20.Jose Gutierrez

21.John Tiggs

22.Marvin Francois

23.Antonio Mays Jr.

24.Garrett Foster

25.Anthony Huber - convicted felon

26.Joseph “Jojo” Rosenbaum - Convicted pedophile rapist

27.Not yet named: 29-year-old Chicago man was shot and killed in what was ruled a homicide and attributed to “outside agitators” during the riots, according to the Chicago Sun Times

28.Not yet named: Unidentified male in his 20s was shot and killed by the owner of a gun store in Philadelphia while trying to loot his store.

29.Not yet named: Philadelphia man tried to blow up an ATM to loot it and was killed, according to a CBS Philadelphia affiliate.

30.Not yet named: Detroit man was shot and killed during protests, and police are searching for a woman identified as a person of interest.

31.Aaron J. Danielson

32.Michael Reinoehl - killed Danielson, then shot and killed by US Marshalls

33.Lee Keltner, Denver, Colorado protester shot and killed by Matthew Dolloff - Antifa member w/ Antifa tattoo on right wrist

Police Officers Murdered By Black Lives Matter*

1.Lorne Ahrens

2.Michael Krol

3.Michael Smith

4.Patrick Zamarripa

5.Brent Thompson

6.Joseph Cameron Ponder of Kentucky State Police shot/killed by BLM supporter Thomas Johnson Shanks

7.Wenjian Liu of NYPD shot/killed by BLM supporter Ismaaiyl Brinsley

8.Rafael Ramos of NYPD shot/killed by BLM supporter Ismaaiyl Brinsley

9.Johnathan Shoop

Names of People Murdered By Antifa Prior to 2020*

1.Lois Oglesby, 27

2.Megan Betts, 22

3.Sayid Saleh, 38

4.Derrick Fudge, 57

5.Logan Turner, 30

6.Nicholas Cumer, 25

7.Thomas McNichols, 25

8.Beatrice Warren Curtis, 36

9.Monica Brickhouse, 39

People Murdered By Proud Boys: None

People Murdered By Q-Anon: None

People Murdered By MAGA Marchers: None

MAGA Marchers Murdered By DemoKKKrat Police:

1.Ashli Babbitt, 35, 14-year veteran, unarmed, shot in head murdered by Capitol Police, no charges

2.Benjamin Phillips, 50, stroke, possibly from police baton to temple

3.Kevin Greeson, 55 heart attack (from tear gas?)

4.Rosanne Boyland, 34, undisclosed medical emergency, some say stampeded?

Reactions:You, screwduke1, IdaCat and 13 others

And that liberal garbage Ayers actually bombed the Capitol. Obama started his presidency from Ayer's living room
CNN's Abby Phillips asked How does this in your view affect mom and pop businesses who are just struggling to keep their doors open, keep workers on payroll right now?

Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna answered "Well they shouldn't be doing it by paying low wages. We don't want low-wage businesses. I think most successful businesses can pay a fair wage."

He went on to say later, "I love small businesses...But I don't want small businesses that are underpaying employees."

And these buffoons keep getting elected to public office. unf’nbelieveable.
The Ted Cruz shit is so Ted Cruz. It's not like everyone didn't already know he's a booger eating phony POS. But now someone leaked the text messages from his wife as they planned the Cancun trip that show he completely made up everything he said at his press conference to apologize. Apparently even his own family hates him to stoop this low.

If they are given a green card and allowed to work legally....they will be paying taxes. Same ole tired anti immigrant fears and rhetoric that have been used against the Germans, Irish, Italians, etc. for as long as immigrants have been coming to America.

No it isn't.

This is what you people fail to grasp. Back then, legal immigration consisted of people of all classes and abilities, whearas today, illegal immigration is exclusively people with little or no skills.

Immigration of the former can easily be absorbed into society, the latter cannot without it being disruptive.

Then this is the logical error you people make. Since people in the past opposed immigration for racist reasons like hating Irish or Italians or whatever, you presume people today want to stop illegal immigration because they are racist, for the same tired rhetoric.

No, you just fail to grasp reality, as is always the case with you people. Our corrupt and incompetent politicians then take advantage of your ignorance since the "problem" of illegal immigration isn't a problem for some, but an opportunity. In all actuality, it's a serious problem for everyone.
Conservatives crack me up. Always paranoid and living in fear of everything and everyone in society except real life things like deadly viruses, gun violence and Presidents that refuse to abide by election results.
Dems aren't evil....they just refuse to join your far right ideology club.
That's our right as Americans. As it is yours to believe as you do.
The difference is that I don't see you as evil. You are probably a good guy. Just overly dramatic, fearful of change and easily fooled by con men like Trump.
Democrats are anti-free-speech.
If they are given a green card and allowed to work legally....they will be paying taxes. Same ole tired anti immigrant fears and rhetoric that have been used against the Germans, Irish, Italians, etc. for as long as immigrants have been coming to America.
It was wrong then and it's wrong now. The only way they don't pay into the system is if we don't allow them to by forcing them into the shadows.
The thing is....they don't have to climb over the wall to get a green suggesting this is their motive is ridiculous......
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Did you not witness the cancel culture surrounding the Dixie Chicks and Garth Brooks for their political views? It goes both ways.
Of course the social media accounts of those spreading lies and advocating violence are suspended. Those companies don't wanna be held liable for the the Capitol riot.
Freedom of speech is not freedom to lie and scream fire in a crowded theater.
Freedom to lie is the central platform of the Democrap Party.
I am not advocating for illegal entry. My initial post was related to caging the new immigrants who entered seeking asylum. It is not illegal to enter seeking asylum.
I actually think we should create a modern day Ellis Island in multiple places on the border. Allow those that wanna come in and work/pay taxes to enter w/ some restrictions....Deport those that don't wanna work or commit crimes. Make it easier to enter and work but harder to stay and suck off the government.
It is illegal if you don't do it at a Port of entry. If your trying to "seek asylum" by trying to scale the fence or cross the Rio Grande, then you're doing it Illegally.
Whenever the dishonest liberals tell you about the fake "insurrection". (No one arrested had a gun. Who insurrects without hard core weapons)


Names Of People Killed By Democrat "Peaceful Protester" Riots*

1.David Dorn

2.Barry Perkins III

3.David McAtee

4.Dorian Murrell

5.Italia Kelly

6.Marquis M. Tousant

7.Calvin L. Horton Jr

8.James Scurlock

9.Victor Cazares

10.Dave Patrick Underwood

11.Jorge Gomez

12.Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr.

13.Tyler Gerth, Press photographer murdered by BLM member Steven Lopez

14.Secoriea Turner

15.Summer Taylor

16.Robert Forbes

17.Jessica Doty Whitaker

18.Chris Beaty

19.Javar Harrell

20.Jose Gutierrez

21.John Tiggs

22.Marvin Francois

23.Antonio Mays Jr.

24.Garrett Foster

25.Anthony Huber - convicted felon

26.Joseph “Jojo” Rosenbaum - Convicted pedophile rapist

27.Not yet named: 29-year-old Chicago man was shot and killed in what was ruled a homicide and attributed to “outside agitators” during the riots, according to the Chicago Sun Times

28.Not yet named: Unidentified male in his 20s was shot and killed by the owner of a gun store in Philadelphia while trying to loot his store.

29.Not yet named: Philadelphia man tried to blow up an ATM to loot it and was killed, according to a CBS Philadelphia affiliate.

30.Not yet named: Detroit man was shot and killed during protests, and police are searching for a woman identified as a person of interest.

31.Aaron J. Danielson

32.Michael Reinoehl - killed Danielson, then shot and killed by US Marshalls

33.Lee Keltner, Denver, Colorado protester shot and killed by Matthew Dolloff - Antifa member w/ Antifa tattoo on right wrist

Police Officers Murdered By Black Lives Matter*

1.Lorne Ahrens

2.Michael Krol

3.Michael Smith

4.Patrick Zamarripa

5.Brent Thompson

6.Joseph Cameron Ponder of Kentucky State Police shot/killed by BLM supporter Thomas Johnson Shanks

7.Wenjian Liu of NYPD shot/killed by BLM supporter Ismaaiyl Brinsley

8.Rafael Ramos of NYPD shot/killed by BLM supporter Ismaaiyl Brinsley

9.Johnathan Shoop

Names of People Murdered By Antifa Prior to 2020*

1.Lois Oglesby, 27

2.Megan Betts, 22

3.Sayid Saleh, 38

4.Derrick Fudge, 57

5.Logan Turner, 30

6.Nicholas Cumer, 25

7.Thomas McNichols, 25

8.Beatrice Warren Curtis, 36

9.Monica Brickhouse, 39

People Murdered By Proud Boys: None

People Murdered By Q-Anon: None

People Murdered By MAGA Marchers: None

MAGA Marchers Murdered By DemoKKKrat Police:

1.Ashli Babbitt, 35, 14-year veteran, unarmed, shot in head murdered by Capitol Police, no charges

2.Benjamin Phillips, 50, stroke, possibly from police baton to temple

3.Kevin Greeson, 55 heart attack (from tear gas?)

4.Rosanne Boyland, 34, undisclosed medical emergency, some say stampeded?
can I copy/paste this.......
This is who Joe Biden should be waking up to every morning
CNN's Abby Phillips asked How does this in your view affect mom and pop businesses who are just struggling to keep their doors open, keep workers on payroll right now?

Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna answered "Well they shouldn't be doing it by paying low wages. We don't want low-wage businesses. I think most successful businesses can pay a fair wage."

He went on to say later, "I love small businesses...But I don't want small businesses that are underpaying employees."

Common sense 101:

It isn’t underpaying if both parties agree to it.
Isolation? We are free to go where we want to. I played more golf this year than I ever have, shopped at will, and hung out with friends. If a kid kills him or her self, he or she had problems, period.

Lots of dumb things are said in this thread, but this one might be early front runner for dumbest post of 2021.

KIDS are not adults. They do not have the experience or maturity to handle this. Most KIDS do not have the ability to just jump in the car and go to the mall, or to the golf course, or to their buddies house. This is UNPRECEDENTED for them. No other KIDS in the history of this country have had to go through what they are going through. Jam them in front of a computer for 5-6 hours a day and it might actually be a type of torture.

I would not wish this pandemic life on any KID. To say a suicide is caused because they had problems is a very weak and pathetic comment. If it has happened to adults, imagine the confusion and depression happening in kids. In my opinion, this pandemic and lockdown is going to cause a lot more deaths and adverse conditions than the virus will. For years to come.

Good Lord what a dumbass comment.
Run Herscel run.


Glad he got out.

he may run for governor

In addition to cleaning up election laws, they need to shuffle the candidate deck carefully in Georgia

Vernon Jones, IMO, may have the best shot at defeating Warnock in 2 years.

Herschel seems like a governor, not a senator.
It is illegal if you don't do it at a Port of entry. If your trying to "seek asylum" by trying to scale the fence or cross the Rio Grande, then you're doing it Illegally.
It is illegal only on Fox or Newsmax....not in a true court of law.
Any border entry works when claiming asylum. You must be able to prove your case before a judge though.

Glad he got out.

he may run for governor

In addition to cleaning up election laws, they need to shuffle the candidate deck carefully in Georgia

Vernon Jones, IMO, may have the best shot at defeating Warnock in 2 years.

Herschel seems like a governor, not a senator.

Barnes & Baris have been saying that they have a candidate who will easily take Kemp out. I assume it's Walker.
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Reactions: screwduke1
Freedom to lie is the central platform of the Democrap Party.
Hilarious coming from the "Big Election Lie", Capitol riot, Jewish Space lasers, PizzaGate, Covid-B-Gone soon, QANONSENSE, Windmills caused electric grid collapse party.
The Republican party of Trump didn't even try to present a platform at last year's convention.
Whatever King Covid says that day is the platform right? Republicans are a joke of a national party now.