How will they rule ??!

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Isolation? We are free to go where we want to. I played more golf this year than I ever have, shopped at will, and hung out with friends. If a kid kills him or her self, he or she had problems, period.
Well you are and I am and most sensible people are free to do MOST things, but child activities have been severely restricted. Little league sports, camps, amusement parks, pools, etc. all shut down for most of 2020. Add that to the fact most kids live with hyper liberal helicopter moms who are ate up with mad virus fear and lock their precious kids away.
You really can't be this f-cking stupid...'I played more golf...I hung out with friends...'

You are adult John...well actually you don't act like an adult, just a bi-polar alcoholic...

You see dumbass, a child doesn't have the freedom you have to go about as they please. For kids with a terrible home life for example, school can serve as a desperately needed escape. So some areas where the school lockdowns have been most severe, can be devastating for kids in a abusive home etc. I would give more examples but trying to get you to think logically is pointless.

Also, ending your point by actually typing out the word 'period' makes you look like f-cking putz.

You also literally wrote you 'shopped at will'....jesus

You really can't be this f-cking stupid...'I played more golf...I hung out with friends...'

You are adult John...well actually you don't act like an adult, just a bi-polar alcoholic...

You see dumbass, a child doesn't have the freedom you have to go about as they please. For kids with a terrible home life for example, school can serve as a desperately needed escape. So some areas where the school lockdowns have been most severe, can be devastating for kids in a abusive home etc. I would give more examples but trying to get you to think logically is pointless.

Also, ending your point by actually typing out the word 'period' makes you look like f-cking putz.

You also literally wrote you 'shopped at will'....jesus

He left out how much money he made.
Vast majority of pediatricians say the schools should be open and lockdowns are terrible for the well-being of children...but don't worry about the kids guys cause the canuck has been able the last year to 'shop at will' all those kids should be just fine.
Vast majority of pediatricians say the schools should be open and lockdowns are terrible for the well-being of children...but don't worry about the kids guys cause the canuck has been able the last year to 'shop at will' all those kids should be just fine.

Yeah, pretty sad to see kids wearing masks. Especially when they aren't the ones dying. Treating kids like they are 90 yr olds with diabetes, COPD, heart disease, cancer, chronic bronchitis with oxygen tubes needed to survive.

This whole thing is a hoax. And the cry baby teachers. Boo hoo. Eff those weak ass nose pierced, blue haired BLM supporting fascists
Yeah, pretty sad to see kids wearing masks. Especially when they aren't the ones dying. Treating kids like they are 90 yr olds with diabetes, COPD, heart disease, cancer, chronic bronchitis with oxygen tubes needed to survive.

This whole thing is a hoax. And the cry baby teachers. Boo hoo. Eff those weak ass nose pierced, blue haired BLM supporting fascists

How many of the 500k would have died anyway? 490k?
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Yeah, pretty sad to see kids wearing masks. Especially when they aren't the ones dying. Treating kids like they are 90 yr olds with diabetes, COPD, heart disease, cancer, chronic bronchitis with oxygen tubes needed to survive.

This whole thing is a hoax. And the cry baby teachers. Boo hoo. Eff those weak ass nose pierced, blue haired BLM supporting fascists

I coach a 6th grade girls basketball team.
At one point, the league said that the kids would have to wear masks while playing.

Naturally, I complained.

Before the first game, they told us it was only required on the bench.

When I told the team that I had complained about the masks, they cheered.

I’m staggered by how many kids I see hanging around outside before/after games, wearing masks.
I coach a 6th grade girls basketball team.
At one point, the league said that the kids would have to wear masks while playing.

Naturally, I complained.

Before the first game, they told us it was only required on the bench.

When I told the team that I had complained about the masks, they cheered.

I’m staggered by how many kids I see hanging around outside before/after games, wearing masks.

Kids are basically not susceptible to this. They should be wide open in school and at sporting events.
I coach a 6th grade girls basketball team.
At one point, the league said that the kids would have to wear masks while playing.

Naturally, I complained.

Before the first game, they told us it was only required on the bench.

When I told the team that I had complained about the masks, they cheered.

I’m staggered by how many kids I see hanging around outside before/after games, wearing masks.
It’s all a show. Can practice all week scrimmaging maskless but have to sit distanced on the bench with masks. No jump ball. Coin toss instead to prevent contact. First play, everyone crashes the boards. We’re living in the movie Idiocracy.
Pack the Court!

Look at you pansy conservatives. Y'all losers on here every day talking about how you going to step up against the tyrannical government with all you big boy guns. And it's the liberals out there in MN showing you how it's done. Of course it's just turned into a looting shit show now that the cops can't handle it anymore. Maybe this will finally get the police forces to get their heads out of each other's asses and clean shit up. They need to massively ramp down the militarization and look at the wackos they are recruiting and poorly training.
I thought we were defunding the police in MN, weird they reversed course and had to go on a hiring spree bc of all the peaceful protests. Did they hire social workers?
What science is it that says bringing in illegal aliens and releasing them into the general population without Covid testing is safe?
I would think that anyone who understands the science would see that this is, at a minimum, negligent homicide on the part of the Biden Admin. Science says Covid is transmissible, the illegal aliens will transmit it, and people will get sick and some will die. Do you no science?
Who is going to pay for medical costs associated with the sick illegal aliens and the US citizens who get Covid from them?
They should be given a Covid test before any ability to enter the U.S. Easy fix.
That said, they could contract it from a U.S. citizen their first day at work.
CNN's Abby Phillips asked How does this in your view affect mom and pop businesses who are just struggling to keep their doors open, keep workers on payroll right now?

Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna answered "Well they shouldn't be doing it by paying low wages. We don't want low-wage businesses. I think most successful businesses can pay a fair wage."

He went on to say later, "I love small businesses...But I don't want small businesses that are underpaying employees."

False, if? People crossing the border illegally are not getting green cards. There are millions here illegally. That makes them illegal aliens not immigrants. Your false green card excuse is the same one you guys have been using for years because most of them are in the shadows and so are criminal elements among them and terrorist but you guys know they will homestead somewhere and vote liberal.

Like I said, you're not good at this.
I am not advocating for illegal entry. My initial post was related to caging the new immigrants who entered seeking asylum. It is not illegal to enter seeking asylum.
I actually think we should create a modern day Ellis Island in multiple places on the border. Allow those that wanna come in and work/pay taxes to enter w/ some restrictions....Deport those that don't wanna work or commit crimes. Make it easier to enter and work but harder to stay and suck off the government.
Sometimes a post needs repeating for the "understanding the truth impaired".

Whenever the dishonest liberals tell you about the fake "insurrection". (No one arrested had a gun. Who insurrects without hard core weapons)


Names Of People Killed By Democrat "Peaceful Protester" Riots*

1.David Dorn

2.Barry Perkins III

3.David McAtee

4.Dorian Murrell

5.Italia Kelly

6.Marquis M. Tousant

7.Calvin L. Horton Jr

8.James Scurlock

9.Victor Cazares

10.Dave Patrick Underwood

11.Jorge Gomez

12.Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr.

13.Tyler Gerth, Press photographer murdered by BLM member Steven Lopez

14.Secoriea Turner

15.Summer Taylor

16.Robert Forbes

17.Jessica Doty Whitaker

18.Chris Beaty

19.Javar Harrell

20.Jose Gutierrez

21.John Tiggs

22.Marvin Francois

23.Antonio Mays Jr.

24.Garrett Foster

25.Anthony Huber - convicted felon

26.Joseph “Jojo” Rosenbaum - Convicted pedophile rapist

27.Not yet named: 29-year-old Chicago man was shot and killed in what was ruled a homicide and attributed to “outside agitators” during the riots, according to the Chicago Sun Times

28.Not yet named: Unidentified male in his 20s was shot and killed by the owner of a gun store in Philadelphia while trying to loot his store.

29.Not yet named: Philadelphia man tried to blow up an ATM to loot it and was killed, according to a CBS Philadelphia affiliate.

30.Not yet named: Detroit man was shot and killed during protests, and police are searching for a woman identified as a person of interest.

31.Aaron J. Danielson

32.Michael Reinoehl - killed Danielson, then shot and killed by US Marshalls

33.Lee Keltner, Denver, Colorado protester shot and killed by Matthew Dolloff - Antifa member w/ Antifa tattoo on right wrist

Police Officers Murdered By Black Lives Matter*

1.Lorne Ahrens

2.Michael Krol

3.Michael Smith

4.Patrick Zamarripa

5.Brent Thompson

6.Joseph Cameron Ponder of Kentucky State Police shot/killed by BLM supporter Thomas Johnson Shanks

7.Wenjian Liu of NYPD shot/killed by BLM supporter Ismaaiyl Brinsley

8.Rafael Ramos of NYPD shot/killed by BLM supporter Ismaaiyl Brinsley

9.Johnathan Shoop

Names of People Murdered By Antifa Prior to 2020*

1.Lois Oglesby, 27

2.Megan Betts, 22

3.Sayid Saleh, 38

4.Derrick Fudge, 57

5.Logan Turner, 30

6.Nicholas Cumer, 25

7.Thomas McNichols, 25

8.Beatrice Warren Curtis, 36

9.Monica Brickhouse, 39

People Murdered By Proud Boys: None

People Murdered By Q-Anon: None

People Murdered By MAGA Marchers: None

MAGA Marchers Murdered By DemoKKKrat Police:

1.Ashli Babbitt, 35, 14-year veteran, unarmed, shot in head murdered by Capitol Police, no charges

2.Benjamin Phillips, 50, stroke, possibly from police baton to temple

3.Kevin Greeson, 55 heart attack (from tear gas?)

4.Rosanne Boyland, 34, undisclosed medical emergency, some say stampeded?

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