ADVERTISEMENT football killing a gold goose

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I am a one hundred per cent supporter of the first amendment . Yes I believe people even have a right to burn the flag if they want to.
But the point many are missing is I have a right as well to not patronize or do business with anyone who disrespects the flag.
That us why when you are in someone else’s employment you do not have the right to exercise your first amendment rights if they don’t want you to do it on their time and payroll.
What if you had a problem with your phone service . You call att tech support . And the first thing out of the tech s mouth was either a pro choice or pro life pitch regarding abortion . You would demand that person be fired and rightly so for bringing their issue up on company time.

The No Fun League has every right in the world to insist any employee of a team playing in the league respect the flag . And they did so with the rules in force at the time. However they cowardly did not enforce their Own rules .

you want to exercise your first amendment right do on your own time and dime not your employers . That is the difference here.
Bingo. If I pulled this stunt on my company time, I would be unemployed right now. If they want to kneel on their own time off the clock, have at it. Otherwise, I don't want to turn on my tv to watch football and escape the "real world" only to see these overpaid punks disrespect our flag and country on their company's time. The NFL didn't want to enforce their rules for fear of being "insensitive." Insensitive to a bunch of barbarians. There's some irony for ya.
It drives me freaking crazy how some people twist the intentions of the kneeling statement. Look, the kneeling has nothing to do with wars, flags,, veterans, soldiers, or anything like that. The players kneeling are doing it over another issue. An issue that is important in the black community but means nothing to all of those flag waiving white folks who are so easily offended. How the hell does anyone start expressing outrage over a percieved intent or slight that doesn't even exist. The protest has nothing, nothing to do with you faux patriotism, war loving, soldier loving, tearshedding victims. Why is that not clear?
Why is it not clear to you that you do your protesting on your own time?? Not the company's time. I'm not paying to watch that garbage and many others aren't either. A lot of these players have enough money and name recognition to go into these poor inner city communities and make a real difference like donating money, spending time with so many of these kids that don't have a father and so on but instead all they do is sit during the Anthem on company time. That is what I have a problem with.
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I'm all for thinning the herd regarding the NFL fans.

If you're so turned off by African American people giving a non-violent protest that is specific to the relationship of police and their community, than switch to watching Nascar or Professional Lacrosse.

There's something unbelievably hypocritical about white fans watching a sport played by predominantly black players and demanding that they be indifferent to the feelings shared by the black community.

And if kneeling for the anthem (not flipping the middle finger) is enough to trigger you to quit watching an entire sport, you might be the snowflake.

Hell, I'd be for thinning the herd of UK basketball fans as well.
Bingo. If I pulled this stunt on my company time, I would be unemployed right now. If they want to kneel on their own time off the clock, have at it. Otherwise, I don't want to turn on my tv to watch football and escape the "real world" only to see these overpaid punks disrespect our flag and country on their company's time. The NFL didn't want to enforce their rules for fear of being "insensitive." Insensitive to a bunch of barbarians. There's some irony for ya.

Have they always been overpaid punks and barbarians or just since the kneeling began? If you've always felt this way, why would you waste your time? Do you view college football players as punks and barbarians as well? they are past, present, and future NFL players.
. A lot of these players have enough money and name recognition to go into these poor inner city communities and make a real difference like donating money, spending time with so many of these kids that don't have a father and so on but instead all they do is sit during the Anthem on company time. That is what I have a problem with

Do you really know what 1..just 1 NFL player does with his time and money in relation to his community or neighborhood?
the complete hypocrisy of pampered, millionaire athletes 'identifying' with people with whom they have absolutely nothing in common beside perhaps their skin color.
Respectfully, how can you read what you wrote and not feel completely stupid?
Because an NFL player a few months to maybe several years ago signed a contract that put some money in their pocket it didn't change the first 22 years of their life where they may have not had two nickels to rub together.
Money doesn't change who you are, it doesn't erase your past experiences, it only allows you to do and have more. It doesn't change what your lifetime family and friends experiences..and that's ignoring racial hatred that they may continue to experience.

Honestly, if you won the lottery tomorrow would it completely change you? Would you no longer identify with your friends that you've spent a lifetime identifying with?
You realize that a large portion of the players in the NFL come from impoverished beginnings right? Why do you have a problem with people voicing their opinions? It doesn't matter if they are an actor, professional athlete, plumber, or teacher. Every citizen in this country has a right to voice their opinion about the state of this country. What you think about it doesn't mean a damn thing. And why are they woefully ignorant? You think only dumb people play football? You think athletes are inherently ignorant? Or do you think black people are ignorant? I'm gonna go with the latter. Peace.

The amount of total BS in your post is astounding. I think the first sentence in my post was I am a huge supporter of the the First Amendment. I'm fully aware that many NFL players come from impoverished backgrounds. That doesn't change the fact that they are all making huge amounts of money and have been coddled through at least high school only because they are gifted athletically.

As to the 'woefully ignorant' comment. I'm basing that on the fact that the vast majority of Americans are woefully ignorant of most political issues, parroting whichever news service they listen to (if any) or their peer group. I used to love Jay Leno's bit where he'd walk along the street and ask pedestrians about news of the day and about 5% of them could answer any question.

And playing the race card is so very cliche. As usual, whenever someone encounters a differing opinion, the dissenter must be a racist, homophobe, ignorant, Religious Right, woman-hater, Muslim-hater, etc. Every once in a while, I wish someone would actually debate with facts and considered opinions instead of resorting to schoolyard name calling. Maybe they just don't have a legitimate argument.
It is not a "right" and the NFL most certainly does have a policy against the protests.

They are only required to be on the field for the anthem...what they do during the anthem is that player prorogative..they are not required to stand at in reality they are not violating NFL Bylaws....
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Have they always been overpaid punks and barbarians or just since the kneeling began? If you've always felt this way, why would you waste your time? Do you view college football players as punks and barbarians as well? they are past, present, and future NFL players.
Yes, they have always been overpaid and a great many of them would be in jail without football. And yes the majority of them are punks for the kneeling stunts they have pulled. Do it on your own time. They have enough money (being way overpaid) to buy commercial time if they want to get their message out. They can protest in front of NFL HQ's as long as it's on their own time. And I have never wasted much time on the NFL anyway as the college game has always been much better to me. I would only leave an NFL game on if I couldn't find anything else to watch. No, I don't consider the college players punks (unless they give us a reason to think so) because most don't have a career in the NFL anyway and they are playing the game because they either love the game or they are using their scholly to get an education. I can respect that way more than some guy making $5 million a year saying whoa is me (lying dickheads like Michael Bennett come to mind).
Do you really know what 1..just 1 NFL player does with his time and money in relation to his community or neighborhood?
Could you? Google is your friend so that is a dumb question. I'm sure there are some that do and kudos to them. But that doesn't change my opinion that any protesting needs to be done on your own time. You are not going to white guilt me into thinking otherwise.
Why is it not clear to you that you do your protesting on your own time?? Not the company's time. I'm not paying to watch that garbage and many others aren't either. A lot of these players have enough money and name recognition to go into these poor inner city communities and make a real difference like donating money, spending time with so many of these kids that don't have a father and so on but instead all they do is sit during the Anthem on company time. That is what I have a problem with.
If you ever lived in an NFL city you'd realize that the players DO go into the community and donate their money. Why don't you spend 30 seconds researching what Colin Kaepernick is doing with his money?

Hell, just research what former UK players are doing in their communities. And let's not pretend that sitting, kneeling or standing affects their job performance or what they can or cannot do in their communities.
Respectfully, how can you read what you wrote and not feel completely stupid?
Because an NFL player a few months to maybe several years ago signed a contract that put some money in their pocket it didn't change the first 22 years of their life where they may have not had two nickels to rub together.
Money doesn't change who you are, it doesn't erase your past experiences, it only allows you to do and have more. It doesn't change what your lifetime family and friends experiences..and that's ignoring racial hatred that they may continue to experience.

Honestly, if you won the lottery tomorrow would it completely change you? Would you no longer identify with your friends that you've spent a lifetime identifying with?

Very well stated...
I'll try to encapsulate the pertinent aspects of the issue:
  • The players absolutely have the right to voice their opinions on political and social matters, however unpopular those opinions may be. The right to free speech is designed to give legal shelter the political speech of the minority (that is the quantitative minority, not necessarily racial/ethnic minority) . The protection of minority rights like free speech is what separates our republic from the mob rule that is social democracy.
  • However, your right to free speech does not mean that others have the obligation to provide you a platform for said speech. If the NFL wanted to cut the TV feed from players' protests or make a rule banning the practice, it is their right to do so as a private entity. Whether or not they should do so is a complicated issue. Ultimately, their goal is to make money. I imagine they'll tolerate the quasi-protests of players as long as it doesn't hurt their bottom line too much. At some point, though, their principles will change at breakneck speed.
  • The counterbalance to the right to free speech is the right to free association. As a free citizen of this country, you have the right to say what you want, but I also have the right to reject any and every aspect of your speech. If I find your speech especially offensive, I can cut off all associations with you. This delicate balance between free speech and free association is one of the binding aspects of the republic; it keeps us from devolving into a fascist hellscape where people are either forcibly silenced and/or forced to adhere to principles they don't agree with. So, by all means, if you are offended by the Anthem Protests, stop watching, but please don't demand that the state step in and cut off their speech for your sake.
  • As for the protests themselves, that's more complicated. I have mixed feelings about how policing is done in our country today. On one hand, police officers have one of the toughest, most dangerous jobs in America. On the other hand, police thuggery and corruption are real problems in American law enforcement. One one hand, the idea that the police shoot and kill a disproportionate number of blacks is the stuff of pure myth. On the other hand, blacks usually get longer prison sentences for the same crimes that whites get shorter sentences. So there is room for honest debate about policing in America. However, a bunch of millionaires engaging in attention-seeking behavior is just the kind of hollow, low-risk action that I would expect from a pampered celebrity, which is what most pro-athletes are. You want change? Drop the Messiah Pose, roll up your sleeves, and tackle the problem like a man, not like a Kardashian.
  • To me, this seems to be a case of the free market self-correcting a long-standing imbalance. For two decades, the cultural gulf between the NFL and vast swaths of those watching the NFL has been growing at a staggering pace. Those that own NFL teams, play for NFL teams, and the media that covers the NFL are predominately urban, socially progressive, and incredibly wealthy. Meanwhile, large chunks of their viewing audience are rural, socially conservative, and middle to lower class. The symbiotic relationship between a factory worker in rural Missouri and an effete gaggle of millionaires in New York was bound to dissolve at some point, and for many that point was the National Anthem. To me, this dissolution can't come soon enough. For decades, the NFL has been one of the most corrupting influences in American culture. They openly lobby Washington to carve out special rules for themselves, engage in the kind of crony capitalism that would make Enron blush, endanger their players by hiding medical data on concussions, and fleece taxpayers by extorting huge stadium deals out of them. If this is the beginning of the end of the NFL, good. It's been a long time coming.
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Yes, they have always been overpaid and a great many of them would be in jail without football. And yes the majority of them are punks for the kneeling stunts they have pulled. Do it on your own time. They have enough money (being way overpaid) to buy commercial time if they want to get their message out. They can protest in front of NFL HQ's as long as it's on their own time. And I have never wasted much time on the NFL anyway as the college game has always been much better to me. I would only leave an NFL game on if I couldn't find anything else to watch. No, I don't consider the college players punks (unless they give us a reason to think so) because most don't have a career in the NFL anyway and they are playing the game because they either love the game or they are using their scholly to get an education. I can respect that way more than some guy making $5 million a year saying whoa is me (lying dickheads like Michael Bennett come to mind).

so, these players are ok by you until they start getting paid? you respect a guy playing college football to get an education. Yet, if he graduates and is lucky enough to get a job in the NFL and use his education and his new platform to enlighten others he is a bad guy? if a "great many" would be in jail without football, why be so concerned with what a person like that would say or do?
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I used to love Jay Leno's bit where he'd walk along the street and ask pedestrians about news of the day and about 5% of them could answer any question.
While I will be the first to admit that many people are ignorant of the news of the day, Jay Leno's bit and the others like his are edited to achieve the desired results... laughing at ignorant people. In fact if most people didn't have some grasp or understanding of the questions being asked the joke would go over their head.
I am sure others feel the same, but this BS with the instant replay is killing college and pro sports. Have the refs make the call and live with it. Then Diggs makes the catch of his life, jumps on the bench and stands there with his arms folded, looking like he was some sort of gangster or street thug and then when Chris Meyers interviews him, he wants to give all the glory to God. You can't be all into your self and then praise a higher power. Give me a freakin' break Diggs..
Folding your arms makes you look like a thug? Come on. I feel like if that bothers you then you really need to lighten up. That isn't a big deal, or even remotely close to "thug" behavior at all.
They are only required to be on the field for the anthem...what they do during the anthem is that player prorogative..they are not required to stand at in reality they are not violating NFL Bylaws....
I thought I read the rule was they had to stand at attention with their helmet in their left hand and could not wear anything unapproved on their clothing like the emblem supporting the police after the police murders. Pretty sure I read that and the NFL just didn’t enforce their own regulation for some reason against the kneelers as they did against those who supported the police.

Maybe they were afraid the players would walk, maybe they would be called racist , maybe sued , maybe their liberal friends would not speak to them again . Whatever .
The amount of total BS in your post is astounding. I think the first sentence in my post was I am a huge supporter of the the First Amendment. I'm fully aware that many NFL players come from impoverished backgrounds. That doesn't change the fact that they are all making huge amounts of money and have been coddled through at least high school only because they are gifted athletically.

As to the 'woefully ignorant' comment. I'm basing that on the fact that the vast majority of Americans are woefully ignorant of most political issues, parroting whichever news service they listen to (if any) or their peer group. I used to love Jay Leno's bit where he'd walk along the street and ask pedestrians about news of the day and about 5% of them could answer any question.

And playing the race card is so very cliche. As usual, whenever someone encounters a differing opinion, the dissenter must be a racist, homophobe, ignorant, Religious Right, woman-hater, Muslim-hater, etc. Every once in a while, I wish someone would actually debate with facts and considered opinions instead of resorting to schoolyard name calling. Maybe they just don't have a legitimate argument.
Your last paragraph is pretty hypocritical given the stereotypical argument about NFL players that you've tried to make. You're asking someone to debate the facts yet you have yet to provide any. I will gladly accept your challenge to debate based upon facts but that will require that you provide facts to back any of your claims.

Do you accept that challenge?
I thought I read the rule was they had to stand at attention with their helmet in their left hand and could not wear anything unapproved on their clothing like the emblem supporting the police after the police murders. Pretty sure I read that and the NFL just didn’t enforce their own regulation for some reason against the kneelers as they did against those who supported the police.

Maybe they were afraid the players would walk, maybe they would be called racist , maybe sued , maybe their liberal friends would not speak to them again . Whatever .

Nope...the rule is they should not that they had to do more of a request not a requirement....and to me this would have to be in the CBA...and the punishment if I read it correctly deals with teams not players.
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So we are to be disgusted with those that are disgusted with the kneelers and stopped watching the NFL? Do I follow that correctly?
No you are not. We are to be disgusted at those attacking said players for exercising their right to free speech. If you choose to not watch the NFL that has no effect on me or really anyone.
People sure are whiny about a sport and people they don’t care about. If you don’t care then shut up and quit whining. What I really sense in most of your posts is “The nerve of those ni**ers not standing for my anthem”. Just admit you like college football because “the help” isn’t paid and they are forced by the white administrators to do what you want them to do. Your only problem with college football is their access to the free education that comes with it. The barbarians time would be better spent practicing football all day every day.
It's not a First Amendment matter. It's a Black Lives Matter issue. It's a anti-law enforcement matter. It's a political matter being forcing upon paying customers who want nothing more than to root for their favorite team, but instead are met with an insult. It's an insult to every veteran and every patriotic American. It's an insult started by a player who wore socks portraying police as pigs. It's an insult hurled by millionaires at the average working person.
I have no problem with individuals expressing their First Amendment rights - none at all. What I have a problem with is a) turning a sporting event into a political statement and b) the complete hypocrisy of pampered, millionaire athletes 'identifying' with people with whom they have absolutely nothing in common beside perhaps their skin color. If an NFL player wants to make a political statement, then, by all means, give a speech, buy some TV time and have a debate. But, I watch sports to watch sports not to hear some lunkhead who has less than a solid HS education use his forum to preach his brand of politics. I would say that the vast majority of NFL players are woefully ignorant of even the most basic issues facing our country. For that matter, I don't appreciate actors, musicians, etc. who do the same thing. I'm not paying my money or spending my time watching the NFL to hear what some DE from Jacksonville thinks about the state of the world. He's absolutely got the right to have and express an opinion but pick an appropriate time.

And the very notion that NFL athletes have been discriminated and put down by the Man/System is beyond ridiculous. They've pretty much all had the world given to them since they were in high school. Not that they don't work hard and put their bodies at risk but, c'mon, they haven't been harmed one iota by the System. Not one iota.
If you believe in the 1st Amendment, as you say you do, then why do you even care what any of the players do to express an opinion before the game even begins? I can see your point if they were stopping the game action to do this because you paid to see the game played or tuned in your tv to watch the game. Why do you care what occurs outside of the actual game so long as they are not impeding the game action itself? I could see your point if they were laying down in the middle of the field or kneeling during live game action. It is your right to abstain from the NFL completely if you don't agree with how they are expressing themselves but it is still their right to do it prior to the start of live game action. They are being paid to play football, not stand for the national anthem.
Sounds to me like you are a big fan of the 1st Amendment only as long as they agree with you. Restricting freedom of speech and demanding allegiance to a flag is more in line with communism or fascism. Hitler demanded an allegiance to the Nazi flag as well. I prefer democracy myself.
Replay is my only gripe with pro football. The anthem debacle is such a polarizing subject but if you believe in the 1st amendment as strongly as I do you should be disgusted by how many have reacted. The right to sit/kneel during the anthem is the same as the right to stand. If you believe otherwise you are wrong. I will note that I disagree with the kneeling, I just recognize every person has a right to free speech and protest. Now the fact that these guys are paid employees is a different subject. Pro football is king in my book.
I believe in the first amendment but that doesn't insulate from being an idiot. If you do stupid things you will get slammed for it. I've seen several people try to hide behind the first amendment on this issue and it's clear they have no comprehension of what the first amendment actually is. The first amendment protections you from prosecution or government action against free speech. None of the critics of these protests are even remotely violating the first amendment. This isn't a first amendment issue at all except how hypocritical it is for these players to slam this country and use terms like enslavement while at the same time hiding behind the freedoms they claim to not have.

Also keep in my your critics have the right to free speech as well. You not only have the right to protest this country but those of us that are disgusted with your protests have the right to speak out as well.
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You realize that a large portion of the players in the NFL come from impoverished beginnings right? Why do you have a problem with people voicing their opinions? It doesn't matter if they are an actor, professional athlete, plumber, or teacher. Every citizen in this country has a right to voice their opinion about the state of this country. What you think about it doesn't mean a damn thing. And why are they woefully ignorant? You think only dumb people play football? You think athletes are inherently ignorant? Or do you think black people are ignorant? I'm gonna go with the latter. Peace.
Again this is incorrect. Let's use your analogy of a regular person. Let's say you go to McDonalds to order a Big Mac and the kid behind the counter proceeds to lecture you about abortion for 30 minutes instead of taking your order. How often would you return to that McDonalds? I bet you would walk out right then and there and never return. Would that mean that you are not protecting that kid's free speech rights? Of course not.

The first amendment protects you from going to jail for speaking out. It does not entitle you to an audience that has no right to leave or stop listening. It also doesn't mean the people you are preaching to can't respond.

Bottom line is whether you look at it like this or not the NFL is a business and we are their customers. If you are going throw your politics in my face then I'm going to stop watching. I do not watch sporting events for your preachings.
I am a one hundred per cent supporter of the first amendment . Yes I believe people even have a right to burn the flag if they want to.
But the point many are missing is I have a right as well to not patronize or do business with anyone who disrespects the flag.
That us why when you are in someone else’s employment you do not have the right to exercise your first amendment rights if they don’t want you to do it on their time and payroll.
What if you had a problem with your phone service . You call att tech support . And the first thing out of the tech s mouth was either a pro choice or pro life pitch regarding abortion . You would demand that person be fired and rightly so for bringing their issue up on company time.

The No Fun League has every right in the world to insist any employee of a team playing in the league respect the flag . And they did so with the rules in force at the time. However they cowardly did not enforce their Own rules .

you want to exercise your first amendment right do on your own time and dime not your employers . That is the difference here.
It amazes me the NFL will not let the players wear messages on the uniforms and require them to adhere to the leagues uniform policy yet they do not have a policy that says stand for Anthem or stay in locker room until Anthem is finished. That is why I no longer watch or support NFL.
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It drives me freaking crazy how some people twist the intentions of the kneeling statement. Look, the kneeling has nothing to do with wars, flags,, veterans, soldiers, or anything like that. The players kneeling are doing it over another issue. An issue that is important in the black community but means nothing to all of those flag waiving white folks who are so easily offended. How the hell does anyone start expressing outrage over a percieved intent or slight that doesn't even exist. The protest has nothing, nothing to do with you faux patriotism, war loving, soldier loving, tearshedding victims. Why is that not clear?

Also total nonsense. First of the now out of work QB that started this kneeling crap made it very clear why he was doing it. It had nothing to do with police or black issues it was in fact a slam directed at this country. This is a guy that goes to communist dictatorships and praises their government line Panama and Nicaragua. You want to look at the police records of those countries sometime?

And don't give me this crap about it being an important issue to black communities that our faux patriotism can comprehend. This nonsense is coming from the same civil rights movement that is trying to ban everything that has a confederate flag on it. You seem to have no problem with censorship when it's something that offends your sensibilities.
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Again this is incorrect. Let's use your analogy of a regular person. Let's say you go to McDonalds to order a Big Mac and the kid behind the counter proceeds to lecture you about abortion for 30 minutes instead of taking your order. How often would you return to that McDonalds? I bet you would walk out right then and there and never return. Would that mean that you are not protecting that kid's free speech rights? Of course not.

The first amendment protects you from going to jail for speaking out. It does not entitle you to an audience that has no right to leave or stop listening. It also doesn't mean the people you are preaching to can't respond.

Bottom line is whether you look at it like this or not the NFL is a business and we are their customers. If you are going throw your politics in my face then I'm going to stop watching. I do not watch sporting events for your preachings.
I agree with you on many of your points but this is different from your McD's analogy. This would be more akin to opening up the store, letting customers in, then asking all of the employees to stand behind the counter while the national anthem played before they could begin serving the customers. The customers came to McDs to get food...not watch the employees stand and be forced to face a flag before serving customers. What other private sector job requires pledging allegiance to the US flag before starting work each day???? So long as they are not doing it during live game action, why does it even matter?????
If you ever lived in an NFL city you'd realize that the players DO go into the community and donate their money. Why don't you spend 30 seconds researching what Colin Kaepernick is doing with his money?

Hell, just research what former UK players are doing in their communities. And let's not pretend that sitting, kneeling or standing affects their job performance or what they can or cannot do in their communities.
I never said it affected their job performance but I don't really care anymore because I'm not supporting them. And kudos to the players that do work in their communities. But the majority of regular, hard working white Americans are not going to support this matter seriously until they start also protesting gang violence and black on black crime which are much bigger issues facing the black community than some cops who have to make split second decisions in sometimes life or death situations. Sometimes they make the right decisions and sometimes they do not. Look at the job of an NFL QB. It's not a life or death situation most of the time but they also have to make split second decisions and sometimes they make the wrong decision. But they don't lose their life or go to prison for making a mistake. So until these "movements" and "social justice warriors" also own up to their own problems, count me uninterested in what they have to say.


And I don't care what this person has to say about anything because he contradicts himself. If he thinks Cuba is so great, go live there.
What’s the anthem debacle? The fact that they had to show every team during the anthem? Or the fact that 2nd amendment loving rednecks everywhere proclaimed their hatred for the first amendment?
So you calling people rednecks because a bunch of friggin spoiled idiots disrespect our country makes you a real pos!
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