NCAA asking for congressional assistance...

Don’t know who is telling the truth in this situation but the NCAA rules for football naturally led to this. I will say that I am skeptical that the kid transferred based solely on a verbal promise but maybe. Regardless if they couldn’t see this coming with the redshirt rules unique to football, well that’s on them.

Hey NCAA—how about the changing the idiotic redshirt rule for football instead of begging Congress to do your job? So the QB has played 3 games and is getting a non medical redshirt. Make an appearance in a game in baseball or basketball and you are only eligible for a med red. NCAA and football coaches are reaping what they sowed with the ridiculous nature of non med red rules for football. Giving football players an ability to showcase themselves for several games in an attempt to maximize their NIL was a natural outcome.
1. I thought direct pay for play deals with universities was against NCAA rules... so there's that. Maybe I'm wrong... seems to be the norm these days.

2. Setting that aside, if players are indeed going to engage in such deals with universities, or whomever for that matter, they damn well better get a legally enforceable, signed contract. Demand a contract for such offers, and this business of not being paid what you were promised will stop. Frankly, a lot of this is on the players if they just accept someone's promise to pay them. You want to be a professional athlete, well, then start handling your business like a professional athlete.
The NCAA needs to either do their job or disband. Calling on Congress to act is utter failure and proof they are completely useless. They had the chance to set NIL rules, but weren't smart enough to separate pay for play from NIL. They should've banned schools acting as agents and put the burden on players to make money from their image and likeness, not from sports.
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Gobermet aweful, says man on way to cash social security check. Goberment awful says man on way to get new teeth with Medicaid payment. Goberment aweful says everybody in Florida, GA, NC and TN sitting on their rooftop waiting for the FEMA man.
Gobermet aweful, says man on way to cash social security check. Goberment awful says man on way to get new teeth with Medicaid payment. Goberment aweful says everybody in Florida, GA, NC and TN sitting on their rooftop waiting for the FEMA man.

Social Security and Dental Medicaid Benefits are two amazing examples of great things from the government 😂. Good grief.
Gobermet aweful, says man on way to cash social security check. Goberment awful says man on way to get new teeth with Medicaid payment. Goberment aweful says everybody in Florida, GA, NC and TN sitting on their rooftop waiting for the FEMA man.
I am sure you won't be hearing much if any anti-socialism rhetoric from that region of the country for a very long time.
Social Security and Dental Medicaid Benefits are two amazing examples of great things from the government 😂. Good grief.
If you are receiving government aid, it is great and very much deserved. When someone else receives it, it is socialism and an undeserving handout to lazy people. It is all a matter of perspective. Lol.

Just so you know, I am in favor of our citizens receiving the help that they need. If you have never been in a position of need, keep living and your time will likely come. If you receive help you don't need, karma can be hell.
I am sure you won't be hearing much if any anti-socialism rhetoric from that region of the country for a very long time.

If you are receiving it, it is great and very much deserved. When someone else receives it, it is socialism and an undeserving handout to lazy people. It is all a matter of perspective. Lol. Just so you know, I am in favor of our citizens receiving the help that they need. If you have never been in a position of need, keep living and your time will likely come.

I’m not at all into politics and have no real interest in this topic. You do you, but as someone that is way more familiar with those programs then I’d like to be they are horribly set up and extremely inefficient and are actually horrible “pro-government” examples. That was the funny part to me. Out of all the positives of a government he could name he came up with those two examples 😂. Was just funny. Again - have fun with politics talk just not my thing GBB!
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Gobermet aweful, says man on way to cash social security check. Goberment awful says man on way to get new teeth with Medicaid payment. Goberment aweful says everybody in Florida, GA, NC and TN sitting on their rooftop waiting for the FEMA man.
We have become a nation of slackers
I’m not at all into politics and have no real interest in this topic. You do you, but as someone that is way more familiar with those programs then I’d like to be they are horribly set up and extremely inefficient and are actually horrible “pro-government” examples. That was the funny part to me. Out of all the positives of a government he could name he came up with those two examples 😂. Was just funny. Again - have fun with politics talk just not my thing GBB!
Of course you are apolitical. Someone obviously forced you to comment on a post that you have no interest in. It happens all the time. Lol
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Of course you are apolitical. Someone obviously forced you to comment on a post that you have no interest in. It happens all the time. Lol

You’re obviously agitated about something all good. The part about the NCAA being involved is what I found interesting - not democrat vs Republican vs libertarian vs whatever. Enjoy being one of those people that “follows politics” that seems to constantly be in a bad mood and argumentative and judgmental though.
You’re obviously agitated about something all good. The part about the NCAA being involved is what I found interesting - not democrat vs Republican vs libertarian vs whatever. Enjoy being one of those people that “follows politics” that seems to constantly be in a bad mood and argumentative and judgmental though.
You are the only one mentioning political parties and trying to argue. You seem to have issues that have caused a considerable amount confusion for you. There is probably a pill you can take for it. Lol
You are the only one mentioning political parties and trying to argue. You seem to have issues that have caused a considerable amount confusion for you. There is probably a pill you can take for it. Lol

lol ok thanks, I’ll keep that in mind, have a nice day!
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What exactly do they want Congress to do. That seems unclear to me. As for WHY they want help,seems obvious to me. It will help them avoid millions in litigation fees and if something else goes wrong they have someone else to blame