Hey man, nice 15000 NOB post.I am a self-admitted, Football-first U.K. fan. The first 8,000 KookyKats posts were tallied on the Lair. Kooky was a inside joke about making fun of Pookie.
I sat in section 114 in all the same misery as you since 1987.
October 13, 2007 is still the only sports moment which brought tears to my eyes. But this win against PSU is different. This game, historically means more because it caps a season-long accomplishment. 10 fuggin wins, with our schedule, is no joke. Basically, if we were in Pac10, ACC or Big12 we’d be in playoff.
Having a legit, total defense is such a foreign concept to me that I still expect to lose every game within one score... but oddly, that’s now our wheelhouse.
Still not sold on Terry.
Solid post, as always, Funky.
Doctor: Well, are those track marks on your arm, mash?
Mash (age 125): Um, yes. But it's from main lining Blue Bell.
No shit... Really?Big news. Poured some coffee in my blue bell. OUTSTANDING. I don't like cream or sugar in my coffee, but you turn that cream and sugar into vanilla Blue Bell and then put it in your coffee...
2019 off to a great start.
Yes, but did Mash at least get a claw tugger from the bot?False. No doctors in the future.
ROBOPHYSICIAN: Specimen 246018675309 {that’s Mash}, step forward.
Mash: Whas poppin, robot overlord?
R: Prepare for medi-scan.
M: Bet
R: specimen is 125 earth years old and 99% blue bell iced cream product.
M: you know how I do
R: Does not compute *roboarms flailing* error! Error! *explodes*
M: sweet. catch you all next year
Specimen 246018675309 escapes death squad yet again.
Poor little guy. Tricked into Cowboys fanhood by his father. He can’t help it.Rooting against the Cowboys. Always root against the Cowboys. Hope they never win another playoff game...ever.