My impressions- Father/Son Camp


Oct 19, 2018
Unbelievably gracious team that went out of their way to support camp this weekend. All dressed in UK gear and just a totally different vibe than past camps. Gone are the Panini card posters in JCC. It is clear this team has a mission. Pope spoke of that and minced no words. He spent roughly 5 minutes with my kid and I at picture time. Asking questions about my jersey I brought for him to sign (he said, what? way). He makes people feel like he's known them for 20 years.

Team can shoot. People are sleeping on Kerr. Guy is lights out. I watched him sync 12 straight from 3 and hadn't even been was part of that computer goal drill He is also hilarious. Sure to be a fan favorite. Best line...a kid asked him if he was better than Doncic....he said "no, Luka is incredible and it is impressive considering how put of shape he is."

New strength and conditioning coach said 3 highest verts were LaMont Butler, Ortega Oweh and Colin Chandler. Garrison has top of backboard but that is factoring wingspan and height, etc.

Butler will be the leader, 100%. He participated in a mock "down 10 in title game vs UConn for title" in locker room as HC. Pretty hilarious and clear the team is gelling quickly.

Couldn't say enough about the camp, by far the best time I've had in 5+ years. Can only judge on personalities mostly...a little bit on shooting I saw. No scrimmage, practice, etc.

Camp was incredible though...wiffle ball in JCC (I hit a HR off my kid...only dad in my group to do so...facts, and I let my kid, kid taped my ankle in a training class, vertical jump testing for kiddo, came home a tad sore from drills (great feeling), much more player interaction. Just an amazing time.

Sure I'm missing some stuff, happy to answer questions and if I saw something I will tell you. What I will say is this...if Mark Pope wins at a high level he will go down as the most beloved coach in UK MBB history. He is just incredible. Guy was out shaking hands and kissing babies before the thing even started. He will have this team fundamentally sound and ready to play. There will will no gimmees.
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Unbelievably gracious team that went out of their way to support camp this weekend. All dressed in UK gear and just a totally different vibe than past camps. Gone are the Panini card posters in JCC. It is clear this team has a mission. Pope spoke of that and minced no words. He spent roughly 5 minutes with my kid and I at picture time. Asking questions about my jersey I brought for him to sign. He makes people feel like he's know them for 20 years.

Team can shoot. People are sleeping on Kerr. Guy is lights out. I watched him sync 12 straight from 3 and hadn't even been was part of that computer goal drill He is also hilarious. Sure to be a fan favorite. Best line...a kid asked him if he was better than Doncic....he said "no, Lukas is incredible and it is impressive considering how put of shape he is."

New strength and conditioning coach said 3 highest verts were LaMont Butler, Ortega Oweh and Colin Chandler. Garrison has top of backboard but that is factoring wingspan and height, etc.

Butler will be the leader, 100%. He participated in a mock "down 10 in title game vs UConn for title" in locker room as HC. Pretty hilarious and clear the team is gelling quickly.

Couldn't say enough about the camp, by far the best time I've had in 5+ years. Can only judge on personalities mostly...a little bit on shooting I saw. No scrimmage, practice, etc.

Camp was incredible though...wiffle ball in JCC (I hit a HR off my kid...only dad in my group...facts, and I let my kid, kid taped my ankle in a training class, vertical jump testing for kiddo, came home a tad sore from drills (great feeling), much more player interaction. Just an amazing time.

Sure I'm missing some stuff, happy to answer questions and if I saw something I will tell you. What I will say is this...if Mark Pope wins at a high level he will go down as the most beloved coach in UK MBB history. He is just incredible. Guy was out shaking hands and kissing babies before the thing even started. He will have this team fundamentally sound and ready to play. There will will no gimmees.
I keep Saying this team and coach is different and he’s made it clear he accepts responsibility for getting to the goal. No one is gonna call for his head if he fails, but I’m all in on this is gonna be a historic run this year. Absolutely no one is thinking he would bring fear back to opponents like he has in year one. He has a great offensive scheme, players that fit his system, and a great
Coaching staff. He’s about to make some noise and you can feel it being around the system already.
I keep Saying this team and coach is different and he’s made it clear he accepts responsibility for getting to the goal. No one is gonna call for his head if he fails, but I’m all in on this is gonna be a historic run this year. Absolutely no one is thinking he would bring fear back to opponents like he has in year one. He has a great offensive scheme, players that fit his system, and a great
Coaching staff. He’s about to make some noise and you can feel it being around the system already.

One of more interesting things he spoke of...he harped on coaching term, BEEF...which most know but said his teams will not leave a spot they shoot from. They follow through and "own" the shot. They have to feel that pressure and you won't see a guy leaking from his shot ever.
How hard was it to get a spot for it? If it’s that good I may bring my little girl next year. She just had her first game of the year this last week. Has a nice shot.
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I can't make that big of a commitment. I've had to get this thing removed like six times already and I don't have that much fresh skin left.
Pro tip, just leave the dates blank until they actually win it. Just put the # sign there and 20. -20 and fill It in later. I’m sure if you stop by Cal’s house he will reimburse you. Just ring the doorbell and ask.
Unbelievably gracious team that went out of their way to support camp this weekend. All dressed in UK gear and just a totally different vibe than past camps. Gone are the Panini card posters in JCC. It is clear this team has a mission. Pope spoke of that and minced no words. He spent roughly 5 minutes with my kid and I at picture time. Asking questions about my jersey I brought for him to sign (he said, what? way). He makes people feel like he's know them for 20 years.

Team can shoot. People are sleeping on Kerr. Guy is lights out. I watched him sync 12 straight from 3 and hadn't even been was part of that computer goal drill He is also hilarious. Sure to be a fan favorite. Best line...a kid asked him if he was better than Doncic....he said "no, Luka is incredible and it is impressive considering how put of shape he is."

New strength and conditioning coach said 3 highest verts were LaMont Butler, Ortega Oweh and Colin Chandler. Garrison has top of backboard but that is factoring wingspan and height, etc.

Butler will be the leader, 100%. He participated in a mock "down 10 in title game vs UConn for title" in locker room as HC. Pretty hilarious and clear the team is gelling quickly.

Couldn't say enough about the camp, by far the best time I've had in 5+ years. Can only judge on personalities mostly...a little bit on shooting I saw. No scrimmage, practice, etc.

Camp was incredible though...wiffle ball in JCC (I hit a HR off my kid...only dad in my group to do so...facts, and I let my kid, kid taped my ankle in a training class, vertical jump testing for kiddo, came home a tad sore from drills (great feeling), much more player interaction. Just an amazing time.

Sure I'm missing some stuff, happy to answer questions and if I saw something I will tell you. What I will say is this...if Mark Pope wins at a high level he will go down as the most beloved coach in UK MBB history. He is just incredible. Guy was out shaking hands and kissing babies before the thing even started. He will have this team fundamentally sound and ready to play. There will will no gimmees.
Sounds like a great experience and something your kid will remember forever. I would have killed to have that with my dad as a kid. Luka is out of shape lol. Think how scary he would be if he ever got in amazing shape.
How hard was it to get a spot for it? If it’s that good I may bring my little girl next year. She just had her first game of the year this last week. Has a nice shot.

You just have to kind of know when they are opening it up. I don't think there is limit or if there is I haven't heard of what that might be. Camp for Father/Son will run about $500. I think the Father/Daughter is day only so will run a little less. You should 100% do it. My daughter is 2 and I'll for sure be there with her in 5 years....

This one was a little random with hardly no warning and only one session. Usually 3-4 sessions in June for boys at least.
You just have to kind of know when they are opening it up. I don't think there is limit or if there is I haven't heard of what that might be. Camp for Father/Son will run about $500. I think the Father/Daughter is day only so will run a little less. You should 100% do it. My daughter is 2 and I'll for sure be there with her in 5 years....

This one was a little random with hardly no warning and only one session. Usually 3-4 sessions in June for boys at least.
That’s actually cheaper than I thought it would be, not too bad for an opportunity like that.
Me and my son were at the TV every game this year, he was born a couple hours before Cal's death blow against Oakland, and we would speak to him in the womb about watching his "cousin" (we are KY Sheppard men). I absolutely cannot wait to take him to experience this, with a coach who understands what it means to all of us. Though we don't live in KY anymore, I want him to have that tradition of never missing a game and loving UK basketball the way I have my entire life. Being a new father, this post made me so happy. I can't wait to see my brethren soon (not soon enough) at these camps. It will be part of our travel plans each year.
Me and my son were at the TV every game this year, he was born a couple hours before Cal's death blow against Oakland, and we would speak to him in the womb about watching his "cousin" (we are KY Sheppard men). I absolutely cannot wait to take him to experience this, with a coach who understands what it means to all of us. Though we don't live in KY anymore, I want him to have that tradition of never missing a game and loving UK basketball the way I have my entire life. Being a new father, this post made me so happy. I can't wait to see my brethren soon (not soon enough) at these camps. It will be part of our travel plans each year.
That’s awesome, I love hearing about the next generation of wildcat fanatics. BBN
Unbelievably gracious team that went out of their way to support camp this weekend. All dressed in UK gear and just a totally different vibe than past camps. Gone are the Panini card posters in JCC. It is clear this team has a mission. Pope spoke of that and minced no words. He spent roughly 5 minutes with my kid and I at picture time. Asking questions about my jersey I brought for him to sign (he said, what? way). He makes people feel like he's known them for 20 years.

Team can shoot. People are sleeping on Kerr. Guy is lights out. I watched him sync 12 straight from 3 and hadn't even been was part of that computer goal drill He is also hilarious. Sure to be a fan favorite. Best line...a kid asked him if he was better than Doncic....he said "no, Luka is incredible and it is impressive considering how put of shape he is."

New strength and conditioning coach said 3 highest verts were LaMont Butler, Ortega Oweh and Colin Chandler. Garrison has top of backboard but that is factoring wingspan and height, etc.

Butler will be the leader, 100%. He participated in a mock "down 10 in title game vs UConn for title" in locker room as HC. Pretty hilarious and clear the team is gelling quickly.

Couldn't say enough about the camp, by far the best time I've had in 5+ years. Can only judge on personalities mostly...a little bit on shooting I saw. No scrimmage, practice, etc.

Camp was incredible though...wiffle ball in JCC (I hit a HR off my kid...only dad in my group to do so...facts, and I let my kid, kid taped my ankle in a training class, vertical jump testing for kiddo, came home a tad sore from drills (great feeling), much more player interaction. Just an amazing time.

Sure I'm missing some stuff, happy to answer questions and if I saw something I will tell you. What I will say is this...if Mark Pope wins at a high level he will go down as the most beloved coach in UK MBB history. He is just incredible. Guy was out shaking hands and kissing babies before the thing even started. He will have this team fundamentally sound and ready to play. There will will no gimmees.
Great report.
I appreciate the information.
Can’t wait for the season to begin.
Ignore this and anyone with 3 posts. Agenda driven for sure.
I never understood the need to create a new username to troll the board. He is someone I called out before I’m sure. I guess they are scared deep inside to be a man. Oh well. I overreacted when Pope was hired but then I owned it. Been here 20 years did it once, WGAF.
Right, except for your fellow raftard Morgousky-Gromcat-whatever names were after that- and Killswitch. You support that because you’re a complete fraud. Y’all are always so fake about everything.
Unbelievably gracious team that went out of their way to support camp this weekend. All dressed in UK gear and just a totally different vibe than past camps. Gone are the Panini card posters in JCC. It is clear this team has a mission. Pope spoke of that and minced no words. He spent roughly 5 minutes with my kid and I at picture time. Asking questions about my jersey I brought for him to sign (he said, what? way). He makes people feel like he's known them for 20 years.

Team can shoot. People are sleeping on Kerr. Guy is lights out. I watched him sync 12 straight from 3 and hadn't even been was part of that computer goal drill He is also hilarious. Sure to be a fan favorite. Best line...a kid asked him if he was better than Doncic....he said "no, Luka is incredible and it is impressive considering how put of shape he is."

New strength and conditioning coach said 3 highest verts were LaMont Butler, Ortega Oweh and Colin Chandler. Garrison has top of backboard but that is factoring wingspan and height, etc.

Butler will be the leader, 100%. He participated in a mock "down 10 in title game vs UConn for title" in locker room as HC. Pretty hilarious and clear the team is gelling quickly.

Couldn't say enough about the camp, by far the best time I've had in 5+ years. Can only judge on personalities mostly...a little bit on shooting I saw. No scrimmage, practice, etc.

Camp was incredible though...wiffle ball in JCC (I hit a HR off my kid...only dad in my group to do so...facts, and I let my kid, kid taped my ankle in a training class, vertical jump testing for kiddo, came home a tad sore from drills (great feeling), much more player interaction. Just an amazing time.

Sure I'm missing some stuff, happy to answer questions and if I saw something I will tell you. What I will say is this...if Mark Pope wins at a high level he will go down as the most beloved coach in UK MBB history. He is just incredible. Guy was out shaking hands and kissing babies before the thing even started. He will have this team fundamentally sound and ready to play. There will will no gimmees.
That’s so awesome especially with a coach like Pope I wish my kids were still young but they’re all grown up. I wish they had a grandparent / kid camp. I’d love to take my grandkids to that in a few years.
That’s so awesome especially with a coach like Pope I wish my kids were still young but they’re all grown up. I wish they had a grandparent / kid camp. I’d love to take my grandkids to that in a few years.

You could take your grandkids. Have seen plenty of grandpas over the yrs.

Heck I'll be 44 tomorrow and by the time my daughter is graduating high school I'll be 60. I very well may be a grandpa and would 100% still go to the father-daughter camp. Our oldest is 10 years older than our youngest.
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As Pope has said from day 1 he the staff and players all know the assignment. I just feel like the experience this team has is gonna go a long way from a chemistry, gelling and learning the new system standpoint. I know they never played together as a team yet or in this system but man we got 6 5th year seniors, normal senior, junior and soph. I'm sure they already seen or done about everything any coach could throw at them defensively and offensively. Plus they aren't shy about talking about what we all want a title.
I didn't do the Father/Son camp but had done another camp when I was in 7th grade.

I recall absolutely loving the experience if you have the means to send your kid to this camp do it. They will remember it forever.

I have a plaque from winning the free throw competition when Tubby Smith was there. There you go Rupp Rafters you know your boy DraftCat can hit some Free-throws so don't be crapping on me if I'm complaining next season LOL.
You could take your grandkids. Have seen plenty of grandpas over the yrs.

Heck I'll be 44 tomorrow and by the time my daughter is graduating high school I'll be 60. I very well may be a grandpa and would 100% still go to the father-daughter camp. Our oldest is 10 years older than our youngest.
No age limit, take your sons !
I’ll definitely have to do both of these thanks guys!
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