More proof we are going to be ok without Cal

In your opinion, who are the guys that wouldn’t be there without him.
Every single year at the end of the season this board is filled with threads complaining about kids going to the league who have no business doing so. Every year you can pick one or two kids who either shouldn’t be drafted (Orton, Dakari Johnson) or get drafted way way higher than they should (SGA, Herro). There are many examples of each. There are also plenty who would make it to the league without Cal. Most in fact. The question is how many would be prepared like he does so and how many would go on to sign huge or max contracts. That’s the crazy thing to me. There are so many.

It isn’t just Cal’s coaching or preparation, it is his connections. Somehow he gets clubs to buy into drafting these kids on nothing but potential sometimes.
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Exactly, every one of those guys would be in the NBA with or without him. He lives off of others talents and success… Fleas, ticks and tapeworms do the same thing. Just saying.
That's a bit unfair in my opinion. People forget that Cal took UMass (freaking UMass) to a FF and gave us a run for our money. The man used to be a damn good ball coach. But as we've all said, dude got stubborn and the rest is history.

It’s stuff like this that gives me a bit of peace that he’s down in Fayetteville.

NBA NBA NBA NBA NBA that’s all he talks about good lord

Exactly. Of course it matters for long term nba potential but we're trying to win games at uk.

That said, jones is just parroting analytics talk despite not understanding anything about jow numbers actually work. I covered that before on here. Doesn't mean they should be ignored but they arent the holy grail either.
The reason he had SO many players with max NBA contracts is because he had by far the greatest recruiting run in CBB history. Those guys were already destined for massive NBA wealth regardless of what college coach they chose. The explanation is all about recruiting, it has nothing to do with how Cal coached during their brief one season pit stop here.

Cal is deluded if he truly believes otherwise.
Yep. KAT is one of the best players on the planet today and when he was here we didnt know he had any outside or midrange game or could put the ball no the floor. And until very late in the year we werent sure he could post up and score either until finally started taking over himself in the tournaments. I remember saying damn why didnt we use this guy more?
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Yep. KAT is one of the best players on the planet today and when he was here we didnt know he had any outside or midrange game or could put the ball no the floor. And until very late in the year we werent sure he could post up and score either until finally started taking over himself in the tournaments. I remember saying damn why didnt we use this guy more?
yet UK still had a coach that did not DEMAND that he touch the ball every trip down the floor in the Wi game. They would have had to let him score or foul him & he was hitting free throws all night.
This entire "Cal got these guys paid" debate sounds eerily like the Hoosiers' "Bobby Knight made good young men". These are both strawman arguments. Propping up coaches who weren't fulfilling their primary job as coach. Sure, those secondary things are fantastic, IF they are prioritized correctly and the winning is happening. But what many fail to realize is that Cal prioritized the NBA part because it was the easiest part of the job. He was taking credit for getting NBA talent paid. That's way easier than roster management, film study, winning big games, answering tough questions and cutting down nets. So, he distracted us with the easier thing to stroke his ego. Convincing many of us that it's a main part of the job that he's excelling at, and tried to make himself the saint with the "ending generational poverty" spin. Cal prioritized the easiest thing to make himself look good. He was too scared to really tackle the hard stuff.
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That's a bit unfair in my opinion. People forget that Cal took UMass (freaking UMass) to a FF and gave us a run for our money. The man used to be a damn good ball coach. But as we've all said, dude got stubborn and the rest is history.
Exactly. Every coach gets a 'book' on him after he succeeds. Coach K took the best of Cal's successful techniques and used them for his own advantage after 2012. But Cal never adapted after the 'book' came out, and he declined as a result.